Batik leaf fabric with two technique handmade

Batik leaf fabric is the most made of Batik. There are many creations of Batik leaf. It makes in small, medium, and big pattern. Each size gives its own beauty to the Batik. Besides, the size difference decides the detail level of each pattern.

There are a lot of leaves that chosen like taro, bamboo, teak, Waru, and more. In making the pattern, the craftsmen inserted the philosophy for its pattern. It made by the craftsmen. So they have to think carefully before they make it on the fabric.

The beauty of Batik leaf usually combined with natural colors. Such as green, yellow, blue, and many more. The choice of color is important because it becomes the determinant if Batik will be good or not.

If you are Batik lovers, you can get the best Batik at our store, Batik Dlidir. We are one of the centers Batik Tulis in Solo. We offer any needed of Batiks such as batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and Batik Printing. You can order other patterns like the pattern that has an absolute.

But if you want to design your own pattern, you can make it also. Just send your design to us and we will make it for you. We have many professional craftsmen. They well-experienced in Batik for many years.

For more information and order kain batik contact +6282265652222. WhatsApp preferably.

Batik leaf fabric with tie dye

Batik leaf fabric with tie dye. Technique of making batik fabric uses Tie Dye stamp in Batik Dlidir. Stamp technique is giving Malam on GARAN then is stamped on the fabric. Malam or the wax has function to cover and limit when the process of Tie Dye is working. So, the fabric can emerge and can be gradation. Its price can be said still cheap by the society. This technique still includes in handmade and Gradation.

Batik leaf fabric with tie dye

For Tie Dye stamp technique, is still impressed traditionally and uniquely. Because not only using malam, its coloring can be more various. Its price can be said as cheap price for making batik quilting.

1. Prima batik fabric per meter with the motif ordered 1.8 USD.
2. Every meter uses Primissima cotton we give the price 2.2 USD.

For the color, stamp technique has value itself. You can get solid color. The other, it can make gradation color. International people call it as tie dye technique.

For the detail, you can Whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir. 24 hours service nonstop for ordering batik tie dye. As our dedication in Batik.

This technique, there are two prices namely order or less minimum order and ready stock. We give the price 2.9 USD/meter for ready stock. But for the motif as you want is 2.2 USD/meter.

Batik leaf fabric for sarong

Batik leaf fabric for sarong wholesale at Batikdlidir. The technique of making batik fabric using “PlangkanCabutWarna”. The way of making uses screen or the color maker (cabut). Cabut Warna uses synthetic color maker. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely synthetic and natural. Because using synthetic, so its making is relatively fast. There are many synthetic color which are available namely: indigosol, remasol and naptol.

Batik leaf fabric for sarong

General motif on this technique is motif Pakem. Motif Pakem is dominated by the color of Sogan and Black. There are many motif Pakem in Middle Java area, especially in Solo and Jogja. This motif usually used in custom event such marriage.

The superiority of this way is two same sides. So, the color which adheres on the fabric is stronger. Not only superior on color, but also the price is cheap enough. And the time of making is fast relatively.

There are two prices in this method PlangkanCabut. For ready stock, we give the price 7.2 USD/ piece (L x W = 240 cm x 150cm ). But for the motif as your order 5.8 USD/piece (size L x W= 240 cm x 115 cm). or in meter can be 2.5 USD/meter.
It is so simple for buying ready stock or order Batik leaf fabric. You can Whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

Batik fabric New Zealand presents many colors

Batik fabric New Zealand presents many colors. Generally, the colors which were chosen by the craftsmen is the stunning color. Such as red, yellow, green, blue, and others. this is like to another country, Batik New Zealand has its uniqueness for the color.

It makes the look of Batik more varied. The combination of many colors makes it like a rainbow. It used for the basic color in making Batik. The pattern of it is also varied.

The most made pattern is flora like leaf, branch, and also the flower. But, sometimes the craftsmen made geometry pattern. Now, Batik New Zealand has already available in many markets. Online sales make them easy to find in many places.

Batik New Zealand often made as the souvenir. Not only the tourists, there are many Batik collectors who visit and hunt for this Batik. But, before you go to New Zealand, you can visit us at Batik Dlidir.

Because we also provide many kinds of Batik. We are one of the batik centers in Solo. We have many products with high quality. Our product is also cheap, but we have the best quality of each product.

For information and order contact +6282265652222. We are ready to serve the order in 24 hours.

Jual kain batik.

Batik fabric New Zealand with sarong motif

Batik fabric New Zealand with sarong motif at batikdlidir. The technique of making batik fabric using “PlangkanCabutWarna”. The way of making uses screen or the color maker (cabut). Cabut Warna uses synthetic color maker. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely synthetic and natural. Because using synthetic, so its making is relatively fast. There are many synthetic color which are available namely: indigosol, remasol and naptol.

Batik fabric New Zealand with sarong motif

Cotton fabric which is used usually is Prima cotton 100%. For the better material such as Barkolin is very seldom. This is because for making the color clear and two surface sides are same (Tembus=emerged).

The superiority of this way is two same sides. So, the color which adheres on the fabric is stronger. Not only superior on color, but also the price is cheap enough. And the time of making is fast relatively.

There are two prices in this method PlangkanCabut. For ready stock, we give the price 7.2 USD/ piece (L x W = 240 cm x 150cm ). But for the motif as your order 5.8 USD/piece (size L x W= 240 cm x 115 cm). or in meter can be 2.5 USD/meter.

Batik fabric New Zealand with cap technique

Batik fabric New Zealand with cap technique. Technique of making batik fabric uses Tie Dye stamp in Batik Dlidir. Stamp technique is giving Malamon GARAN then is stamped on the fabric. Malam or the wax has function to cover and limit when the process of Tie Dye is working. So, the fabric can emerge and can be gradation. Its price can be said still cheap by the society. This technique still includes in handmade and Gradation.

Batik fabric New Zealand with cap technique

For the price can be said as cheap price if it is compared with Tulis technique. Tie Dye stamp technique is for the most export needs. The combination of gradation with modern color is very wanted by American and European people. Although there is small scale of Indonesian people which wears this Tie Dye stamp. Whereas, the producer of this original technique is archipelago people.

For Tie Dye stamp technique, is still impressed traditionally and uniquely. Because not only using malam, its coloring can be more various. Its price can be said as cheap price for making batik quilting.

1. Prima batik fabric per meter with the motif ordered 1.8 USD.
2. Every meter uses Primissima cotton we give the price 2.2 USD.

For the color, stamp technique has value itself. You can get solid color. The other, it can make gradation color. International people call it as tie dye technique.

For the detail, you can Whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir. 24 hours service nonstop for ordering batik tie dye. As our dedication in Batik.


Batik fabric Zimbabwe using the best 100 % cotton

Batik fabric Zimbabwe can be the alternative for the Batik lovers in adding their collection. Zimbabwe is one of the countries located in Southern Africa. Even though this country has the economic downturn, but their art is still developed. One of them is Batik fabric. It is same to other countries, it has its own Batik character.

Batik fabric Zimbabwe

Batik in Zimbabwe is a description of its tradition and culture. There are many patterns which present in its Batik. Such as animals, humans, plants, and also geometry. This Batik also has its own character and it can’t be found in ant other Batiks.

In addition to the pattern, the color is also attractive. It is dominated by the stunning color like red, orange, green, blue, and others. These colors have already the identity of it. Through this typical, the people will know it easily.

For you who attracts to Batik Zimbabwe, you can order at our store (Batik Dlidir). We are one of Batik centers in Solo. We provide your need of Batik, included of Batik Zimbabwe. In addition, to provide ready-made Batik, we also have Batik fabric. thus, for anyone who wants a unique batik, trust your order to us!.

Seragam batik murah.

Batik fabric Zimbabwe at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric Zimbabwe at Batikdlidir. Batikdlidir serves complete one. Complete means various batik motif suitable with the order or ready stock. For the order, you can make it as you want, like the motif and its size.

If it is classified into its technique of making, there are three ways. For the first with Tulis (drawn) technique. This technique still uses Canting and Malam as the main media.

For the second by the way of stamping (Cap). Cap(stamp) is usually made from the copper which is made suitable with the pattern or the motif wanted. The next is giving Malam on that stamp (Cap) which is poured on the cotton fabric.

For the third by handprint technique namely making screen. Then, giving the color suitable with wanted. All ways have the benefit itself.

We make the bargain of two fabrics with two prices too. Not only can choose the fabric, but also the motif of Batik. Here the following price we offer:

1. Prima batik fabric per meter with the motif suitable with the order 2,0 USD.
2. Primissima batik fabric and the design pattern as you want. We give the price 2,7 USD per meter.

So both Batik above we send it to your location in the condition of the fabric which has be drawn motif batik. For the order or information Batik fabric Zimbabwe, you can text or Whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.
Service ac solo.

Batik fabric to buy with ready stock Batikdlidir

Batik fabric to buy is Batik that made for sale. Sale in a large amount. Since up to now, the craftsmen made it to the limit. Even they only serve a special pattern. So, Batik looks more special or exclusive than others.

Batik fabric to buy

Generally, Batik which is ordered by one or two people is only for collection. Because there are many customers or Batik collector which save many unique Batik. Even some patterns belong to the uncommon category. It is rarely found in the market. That is why it has an expensive price.

A piece of unique Batik fabric priced up to hundreds of millions. Although the price is quite high, they still choose to add their collection. That is the habit of the collector. They will look for that everywhere. But, it is different with Batik fabric to buy. It made in a large amount and its purposes to sell. It occurred to Batik Cap (stamp) and Batik Printing not Batik Tulis. It usually made not as much as the others.

In our store, you will get all of the kinds of Batik in a low price. Because our store is located in Solo. Solo is the Batik making center, so we get the material easily and also cheap.

Although it is cheap, we still keep our product quality. We made it very carefully in order to make it perfect. We have many professional workers in making Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and also Batik Printing. We will not disappoint you but vice versa. We will give our best service to all our customers.

Our contact number +6282265652222. Please use WhatsApp to make the transaction easier.

Pabrik Batik seragam.

Batik fabric to buy using all technique handmade

Batik fabric to buy using all technique handmade by batikdlidir. Maybe you ask, What is a handmade batik fabric ?. Handmade Batik is a batik made by human hands by passing through both time and energy process. For us, handmade is divided into 2 namely cap technique and tulis technique. However, for the solo society in particular consider handmade only refers to the technique canting (‘tulis’).

Batik fabric to buy using all technique handmade

We produce original handmade products. When making it with canting, Batikdlidir always say “tulis”. Similarly, with the stamp, We will say the stamp ( cap ) technique. This is very important, because appreciating the process is the main goal for us.

For continental america, europe and australian used batik cap. This corresponds to the color of the skin that likes the color gradation, modern and colorful. You can order to us according to your desired motif. Here are the details:

1. Batik cap, tie dye, or smoke: US $ 2.5 / yard.
2. Minimum order 1000 yard.
3. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn.
Where to buy batik fabric?, you can contact us via whatsapp +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Art of drawing Batik identical with Indonesia culture


Batik fabric Yardage by Batikdlidir, Indonesian

Batik fabric Yardage by Batikdlidir. The using of yard is popular in some country, such as United State of America, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, etc. Different in Indonesia, it usually uses meters not yard. One yard is about 0,91444 meters, around 3 feet or 36 inches.

Batik fabric Yardage by Batikdlidir, Indonesian

Every country has their own way in measuring something. So, in case of trading, people must adapt to the country they live. Because different measuring makes different understanding. This case not only happens in Batik but also the other fabric.

We (Batikdlidir) provide lot varieties of Batik. And we usually accept ordering Batik from many countries, such as Spain, America, England, South of Korea, etc.

We also adapt to the standard measuring use in these countries. They will be confuse if we use standard measuring as same as in Indonesia. Actually in Indonesia, we use meters or centimeters.

Besides yard, in trading, fabric also uses a roll to measure. And there is some standard measuring use in the other countries. We are ready to fit with standard measuring use in certain country. Because we are not only focus in one country but also lot of countries. So, if you want to order our Batik, please tell me the size you want. It is yard, roll, centimeters or meters.

We are always ready to give you best service. You could order in our shop to get the quality Batik. We serve quality Batik with affordable price. For reservation, you could call me (Mudzakir) by 081226652222.

Batik fabric Yardage using tie dye technique

Batik fabric Yardage using tie dye technique. You can get a batik cap price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 1000 yards. You order at least 1000 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 1000 yards you are entitled to have 20 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.

Batik fabric Yardage using tie dye technique

Technical stamp has a design of cheap batik fabric. Why is that ?, this is due to the discovery of solo citizens. Bridging between the length of the canting technique and the speed of the print technique.

This is the real batik, a long cultural achievement WongSolo. Not just fabric, but a long history of high-level witnesses artwork that is recognized worldwide. If some countries have an amazing heritage, then solo (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property portrayed or expressed in a fabric.

For reservations or information, You can whatsapp to:

+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

Batik fabric Yardage for sarong

Batik fabric Yardage for sarong by Batikdlidir. Our company or shop is very popular with the high quality product and the cheap price. We produce our batik sarong in our own production house. Batikdlidir will give the special price for you. If you are buying at least 500 pack. We will count US $ 4.50/pack (105 cm x 250 cm). For the next order, we will cut the price out of your expectation.

The following are the features of our products:
1. You will get the cheap price for the best quality product.
2. You can order the patterns of batik sarong according to your request.
3. 100% original cotton cloth. Batikdlidir guarantee the authenticity of every product.

Get the original handmade batik sarong in our company!.

Batik fabric Yardage for sarong

This is the real batik, a long cultural achievement wong solo and Jogja. Not just fabric, but a long history of high-level witnesses artwork that is recognized worldwide. If some countries have an amazing heritage. Then, solo and jogja (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property portrayed or expressed in a cloth.

For reservations or information indonesian batik fabric can sms or whatsapp to:

+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

Then, We give our best service and we build the win-win cooperation.

Technique of making Batik fabric Yardage using Tie Dye stamp


Technique of making Batik fabric Yardage using Tie Dye stamp in Batik Dlidir. Stamp technique is giving Malamon GARAN then is stamped on the fabric. Malam or the wax has function to cover and limit when the process of Tie Dye is working. So, the fabric can emerge and can be gradation. Its price can be said still cheap by the society. This technique still includes in handmade and Gradation.

For the price can be said as cheap price if it is compared with Tulis technique. Tie Dye stamp technique is for the most export needs. The combination of gradation with modern color is very wanted by American and European people. Although there is small scale of Indonesian people which wears this Tie Dye stamp. Whereas, the producer of this original technique is archipelago people.

For Tie Dye stamp technique, is still impressed traditionally and uniquely. Because not only using malam, its coloring can be more various. Its price can be said as cheap price for making batik quilting.

1. Prima batik fabric per meter with the motif ordered 1.8 USD.
2. Every meter uses Primissima cotton we give the price 2.2 USD.

For the color, stamp technique has value itself. You can get solid color. The other, it can make gradation color. International people call it as tie dye technique.

For the detail, you can Whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir. 24 hours service nonstop for ordering batik tie dye. As our dedication in Batik.

This technique, there are two prices namely order or less minimum order and ready stock. We give the price 2.9 USD/meter for ready stock. But for the motif as you want is 2.2 USD/meter.

Batik Bali Wholesale with original handmade

Batik fabric white is dominated by white color

Batik fabric white is a kind of Batik fabric which is dominated by white color. Whether it is in the pattern even the basic color. White fabric is quite different to others. White coloring on the fabric is more difficult than others. Because the craftsmen have to understand the coloring dose. If it’s not, white color on the pattern will not be perfect.

Batik fabric white

Every kind of Batik fabric color has a different character. But it makes the art special. It also proves that batik is not always relied on the pattern, but it also the basic color. White looks elegant and calm. So, it can be an alternative for you all who do not like the dark colors.

Now, there are many people who want to collect it, and you can order and buy it at Batik Dlidir. Here, you can choose your favorite Batik. As one of Batik center in Solo, we have to give the best service to the customers.

We usually sell Batik Tulis, Batik Cap, and also Batik Printing. You can choose one of them. The pattern, color, and material also numerous. You don’t have to worry about the price because we will give you the cheapest price of Batik.

In addition to that, you can make your own design. You just give us the sample then our craftsmen will make it for you.

If you are interested, you can contact +6282265652222. WhatsApp preferably.

Batik fabric white for canting handmade

Batik fabric white for canting handmade. This product became one of the cultural heritage of Indonesia. Batik is very synonymous with Java Island. Although almost in every region in Indonesia there is batik. And every batik has its own trademark.

Batik fabric white for canting handmade

One of the city famous for its batik is Solo. Batik is also the identity of the Solo city. Here there is a very famous batik industrial center. Namely Kampung Laweyan and Kampung Batik Kauman. This motif has its own characteristics namely sogan ( brown color ). Some of his flagship motifs such as Sidomukti, Parang Kusumo and Sekar Jagad.

The motifs on traditional batik are closely related to culture. Solo is famous as the City of Culture. Where the people are famous for its simplicity. Other than that also gentleness and friendliness. This is why traditional batik is highly admired. Not only among local domestic only, but also abroad.

Speaking of traditional batik can not be removed from batik. This type of batik is the most popular. There are several things that differentiate batik with others. Like the existence of canting. This tool is used to write the wax to fabric. Then the wax, This is the material to protect the motif from the coloring process.

You can get traditional batik fabric in our place (Batik Dlidir). To order is very easy. You do not need to come to our place. Rather simply contact us at +62 822 6565 2222. And we will serve you gladly. Includes ready to be consulted about batik motif.


Batik fabric Wytheville VA is a region in Virginia

Batik fabric Wytheville VA is a region in Virginia, United State. In this place, there is a popular Batik store. It named Sew What Fabrics & Batiks Etc. It offers many kinds of Batik like Batik quilts, Batik Printing, Batik Panels, Batik Precuts, and others.

Batik fabric Wytheville VA

It becomes the most visited store. Especially the Batik lovers. It is because you can find any kinds of Batik here. You can choose your favorite Batik here. There are a lot of visitors who visit this store. It is very satisfying because some of them usually will come back in other days.

It is already has a sale-certificate. All of Batik here is a choice. It does not only provide Batik material, but it also served an order for fashion need. Thus, if you visit this store, you can choose the material and ask them to make it into the cloth at once.

In Solo, there is a store that similar to Sew What Fabrics & Batik etc. It named Batik Dlidir. It is located in Solo, Central Java. It is the center of Batik here. So if you need anything of Batik, you can order here.

In our store, you do not only get high quality of Batik, but you will also get the cheapest price for it. Because we are located in the textile city, so we can get the material easier and cheaper.

If you order here, you only need to pay 50% in the first. The left can be paid after the order done.
You can contact +6282265652222 if you want to order. Make sure your WhatsApp is active in order to easier the communication.

Batik fabric Wytheville VA offer from us

Batik fabric Wytheville VA offer from us. Batik fabric from indonesian culture to worldwide. With prices starting at US $ 1.40 per yard, you can get original Handmade. We (Batik Dlidir) is a batik company located in solo city, indonesia. A city closely associated with culture. The city that witnessed the birth of a tradition that until now still sustainable, Batik.

Batik fabric Wytheville VA offer from us

Batik fabric is a pictorial fabric that is specially made by writing or putting ‘ malam ‘ ( wax ) on the fabric. Batik Indonesia, as a whole of technology, related motive and cultural development. This is a craft that has high artistic value. Besides that has been a part of Javanese culture for a long time.

Tentang situs kami lainnya bisa lihat di Aqiqah, dan jual batik.

Batik Fabric Washing Instruction for handmade

Batik Fabric Washing Instruction for handmade. The procedures to wash Batik fabric is different. Especially for Batik Tulis. There are many things that should be noticed. Or it said that Batik needs special treatment. It aimed to keep it well. So, while washing it has to be done manually. As we know, Batik made traditionally, wherein each pattern made with no machine.

Batik Fabric Washing Instruction for handmade

It is included the material that used. That is why it needs special treatment. Besides that, if Batik washed by using the machine it will easily break. Then, in washing this fabric, it is better not to use the detergent. Because detergent is sweltering. It is not good for Batik. As the replacement, you can buy special detergent for Batik. One of them is Lerak. It is now available in Batik store.

After it washed, then it will be dried. But don’t dry it in the sun directly. Because it will make the color faded.

If you want to have Batik with a good quality, you can order at our store (Batik Dlidir). We are one of Batik center in Solo. We provide many kinds of Batik such as Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and also Batik printing. Batikdlidir always ready to give our best service to the customers.

For information and order contact +6282265652222. WhatsApp preferably.

Tentang usaha kami lainnya bisa lihat di Traditional batik fabric
, dan jual batik.

Batik Fabric Washing Instruction product from us

Batik Fabric Washing Instruction product from Batikdlidir.

Batik Fabric Washing Instruction product from Batikdlidir

for more information or order, you can whatsapp to:

+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

The service and information 24 hours nonstop. This we do as our dedication in this job.

Over time, Batik has a very broad meaning. Today batik in everyday life is a work of art that manifests culture. Not stop there, but also can give benefits to the general public ( the meaning of “dlidir” ). Batik can be interpreted high-level art of a solo civilization and its surroundings.

For us, batik does not just draw on fabric. Then put on “malam”, give motif, sell it or UNESCO recognition. But this is a comprehensive series of all thoughts, manpower and long history synergized in producing the best and original works to be enjoyed together. Good for the solo community in particular and also the people of the World in general.

Batik fabric wall hanging which made for walls decoration

Batik fabric wall hanging is Batik which made for walls decoration. So far, Batik well-known in clothing. But, by the developing of Batik, it can be used for any purposes. One of them is walls decoration.

Batik fabric wall hanging

Batik that used for walls decoration has a different function with others. The differences are seen from the pattern. In addition to that, the kind of material is also different. For the pattern, Batik wall hanging has a clear picture of human, animal, and etc. Those patterns use to give the different situation in every room.

In another hand, it said if Batik wall hanging has the same function with the painting. It is because, from those found many similarities. The one that made it different is the media. If the painting used paper or canvas but it used a fabric.

Even though Batik Indonesia has developed, Batik wall hanging still exists in many boutiques. One of them is in our store (Batik Dlidir). We provide Batik for clothing and also for other purposes. You can decide your own pattern even you can design it by yourself. We have many craftsmen who already well-experienced to make your order. We have served many customers in the world. So, our market is not only in Indonesia but also in overseas.

If you interested in the offering contact +6282265652222. Please use Whatsapp to get a fast response from us.

Tentang situs kami lainnya bisa lihat di layanan aqiqah solo, aqiqah jogja, aqiqah semarang, perlengkapan haji dan batik seragam.

Batik fabric wall hanging with 100 % cotton

Batik fabric wall hanging with 100 % cotton. We give you a price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Besides, the convenience and security of transacting become our priority. Hope can be established business relationships that benefit both sides.

You can get a batik cap price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 1000 yards. You order at least 1000 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 1000 yards you are entitled to have 20 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.

Technical stamp has a design of cheap batik fabric. Why is that ?, this is due to the discovery of solo citizens. Bridging between the length of the canting technique and the speed of the print technique.

For reservations or information Batik fabric wall hanging, You can whatsapp to:

+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

As a reminder only, that the quality of fabric is the price of our company. So with all the power batik dlidir provide the best for you. Because we believe, good cooperation is established with ‘sincerity’ between both parties.

Batik fabric video is related to the making process

Batik fabric video is video recorded which is related to the making process of Batik. Technique development makes all the ways easier. There are a lot of videos that contain the making process of Batik. Afterward, they uploaded it to the internet, YouTube especially.

Batik fabric video is related to the making process

The making process video of Batik is useful. Anyone who wants to learn can watch it and make it in self-taught. The videos are divided into many categories because the kinds of Batik are numerous. Such as the making process video of Batik Cap (stamp) and also Batik Printing. But if you learn it by self, you have to prepare the materials also. The several Batik needs certain treatment and ways. Such as Batik Tulis. It needs many materials like lilin (Malam) Batik, the colorant, and more.
In addition to that, the making process of Batik usually given to the customers. It aimed to make them believe.
This way often used by Batik Dlidir to the customers. As the trader of Batik Tulis, we wanted our customers to trust us. Because we made it my self and it is totally fine. We have a principal that they have a right to see the making process video. So, don’t worry about our Batik quality, because we will give the making process video for you.

For order contact +6282265652222. WhatsApp preferably.

Tentang situs kami lainnya bisa lihat di layanan aqiqah solo, aqiqah jogja, aqiqah semarang, perlengkapan haji dan seragam batik.

Batik fabric video at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric video at Batikdlidir. Handmade batik fabric on video, canting technique ( Tulis ). Original batik fabric solo and surrounding area. We call the surrounding because there is interference from the area around the solo to the city of jogja. For example sragen, klaten, sukoharjo, wonogiri and imogiri. The region produces quality batik tulis.

This is the real batik, a long achievement of wong solo culture. Not just a cloth, but a long history of witnesses of high-level artwork recognized by the world. If some countries have a stunning relic, then solo (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property depicted in a cloth.

Duration of manufacture takes 1 week to 2 months. Techniques influence the process. The simpler the faster. Vice versa. Batik has become so daily for solo and jogja citizens. Sometimes there are as additional livelihoods.

Original batik has a deep meaning. Dedication affects the process. Maybe you see the meaning of the word dedication from a different angle. For us, Dedication is a sacrifice of energy. In addition to energy, thought and time at stake. To gain a work and success.

A business that has a noble purpose. Yes, noble because in addition to maintaining the culture of the nation. And also dedicated to the audience around, not personal.

Original has a meaning, each piece is done with a originil handmade. Good coloring, granite, canting, motif until nglorotnya ( finishing ). So one piece with another piece must be different, although similar.