Batik fabric for dressmaking with stamp technique original from Solo, Indonesia. In fact, the pattern made from wax applying with copper stamp. So many various pattern that we made, floral pattern, dots, abstract, etc. Furthermore the batik fabrics suitable for making any kind of clothes for man and woman made from 100% cotton.
Batik Fabric Stamp Smoke
Batik fabric stamp smoke is one of technique from many techniques. We also called it batik bali. Batik Bali manufactured by talented artisan of Batikdlidir. Our location in the center of Solo City, Jl. Kolonel sugiyono number 67. It is near by Adi Sumarmo airport around 10 minutes from Airport.
If you’re buying at least 500 pack of batik stamp smoke. We will count US $ 4.50/pack (105 cm x 250 cm). For the next order, we will give special discount or bonuses. You will get many advantages if buying our product. First, you can get cheap price for the best quality product. Second, you can order the patterns of batik sarong according to your request. Then our fabric is 100% original cotton cloth we guarantee the authenticity of every product.
How to Order Our Batik Fabric
How to order our batik fabric? Please reach us by whatsapp number +62 822 6565 2222 (Mr. Mudzakir). We have exported our product to many region on Asia, Europe, and also USA. Of course we keep our product in good quality.
Batik Sarong price is so various. Many things become determiner of price for a batik
sarong. It starts from the material, making technique, and its motif too.
During this time the craftsmen make available for batik material. It starts from
shroud, cotton until silk. Every this material of course have different price.
And the most expensive is the silk. The price for a silk batik sarong can reach
millions until billions.
And for making technique, there are three techniques. Among them, batik
manual or tulis, cap (stamp) and printing too. It is same with the material,
this technique determines too batik sarong price. Batik sarong printing is the cheapest
price. Its price starts from thousands and more. But for batik tulis sarong
price, its price can achieve thousands until millions rupiah.
In addition to, the motif from every batik influence its price too. This thing because there are some motifs which are rare. Of course that motif is so rare to be found. If there are the collectors that have it. So, batik sarong price with rare motif is so exclusive. Its price can reach millions.
Of course, for the collectors, the price does not become the problem.
But, for people who just want to have batik, the price becomes itself
determination. In our place (Batikdlidir) make available for batik with the
cheapest price and the best quality. You can compare it with other place. With
the same quality, the price in our place of course is cheaper.
Batik Sarong price at Batikdlidir with low price
Batik Sarong price at Batikdlidir with low price. Starting price US $ 1.50 per yard, You can get the best quality sarong. Batikdlidir’s Wholesale sells the original handmade batik sarong with the various traditional batik patterns. During this time, we give service the order for some areas. It is good from inside or abroad.
You can order batik in our place. You can contact me (Mr. Mudzakir) on number +628226565222. We are ready to give service for 24 hours.
So, anytime you need batik, you can contact me. In addition to make available for batik ready to wear, we accept the order of batik motif. Such as your design motif itself or rare motif which are rare to be met nowadays.
sarong images are batik motif which exists on a sarong. This motif is various
enough. There are millions batik motif. This motif is different from every
place. It includes in Indonesia itself having many batik motifs. To remember,
Indonesia is known as Batik country. The difference of this batik motif becomes
special characteristics.
this special characteristic becomes icon from that place. And batik lovers have
been able to know the origin of batik from its motif. And now, Batik has been
developing continuously. It is not only in Indonesia. But also, almost in the
entire world. In all countries have batik. Though, batik which is existed is
not original from that country.
it comes from other country. This thing is done because batik lovers are so
much. So many countries that cause batik for fulfilling people want later. Motif
existed on batik sarong is divided too to become some kinds. There are
traditional motif, flora motif, fauna and geometry motif too.
traditional motif is just such line or symbol. Even so, this traditional motif
exactly is liked so much. This thing because traditional motif contains high
philosophy. Especially traditional batik motif from Indonesia. This is why,
until now, many collectors still hunt it.
Then, for this animal or fauna motif adjusts its region. This motif usually is the image from environment surrounding. Such as dragon motif, butterfly motif, fish motif or sea animal and other animal motif. There is leaves or trees motif too.
Batik sarong images at Batikdlidir
Batik sarong images at Batikdlidir. Sarong wholesale with original handmade and traditional. Starting price US $ 1.50 per yard, You can get the best quality sarong.
Batikdlidir’s Wholesale sells the original handmade batik sarong wholesale with the various traditional batik patterns. You can be easy to get those motifs in our place (Batikdlidir). As the one of batik center in Solo city, we make available for thousands motifs.
It starts from traditional until modern motif. You can choose motif like what you want. Or you can order motif suitable with your wants. We are ready to give it service. By having professional craftsmen, we are always ready for giving the best.
For order, just contact me on number +6282265652222. Dedication, We are ready for 24 hours.
batik sarong is batik center that makes available for various types of Batik.
Etsy makes available for various types of Batik needs. Started from fabric,
fashion, although the accessories. Actually, Etsy does not only supply some batik.
Moreover, Etsy makes available various needs. But, the needs with fabric
material. Such as; there is a doll from the fabric, household equipment, or
antique products.
is the one of online market. You can get your various needs in this place. Of
course, you do not need to be busy for coming to that factory. This is being so
easy for you to hunt things that you want. Many batik types existed in this
place. Not only batik sarong, you can get various other batik.
In Etsy makes available for much batik. Batik price which is offered is so various. Started from the cheapest until the most expensive. You can buy appropriate with the budget that you have. Not only that, in Etsy you can choose the motif that you want. There is traditional until modern motif.
Etsy batik sarong at Batikdlidir. Starting price US $ 1.50 per yard, You can get the best quality sarong. Batikdlidir’s Wholesale sells the original handmade batik sarong with the various traditional batik patterns.
Not only that, in Etsy Batik is also available in various kinds. Started from traditional batik until with Batik. So whatever your needs of Batik, it is not wrong for hunting in Etsy. But, not only Etsy, but also other batik center is Batikdlidir. It is same with Etsy, Batikdlidir makes available to various Batik. It is just; Batikdlidir is more focus on the batik only.
Like batik fabric, batik fashion, accessories, sarong and product which is related with Batik. You can get Batik in Batikdlidir. Because, in Batikdlidir is not only existed Batik Tulis. But, it is more complete. On that place, there is Batik Cap or Stamp too. And there is Batik printing or silk screening. From various kinds of that Batik, the price is different too.
For the most expensive of course is Batik Tulis. This is because, Batik Tulis is made manually. Although, the price of Batik at Batikdlidir is the cheapest. You can prove it by yourself. If you want order Etsy batik sarong , just contact this number +6282265652222. You can be connected directly with Mr. Mudzakir. He is the owner of Batikdlidir.
Antique batik sarong is batik sarong with batik motif which has been scarce. Usually, this batik motif is made many years ago. And now, its batik motif has been so rare to be met. If it still exists, it is just some collectors.
The existence of this antique batik has its uniqueness. No wonder is many collectors always hunt the existence of this antique batik sarong. They even do not care the price given for every piece of that antique batik fabric.
most important thing is that batik has been so rare and existed. This antique
batik sarong is not usually worn for daily activities. But it is intended as
the collection only. It is about the price is usually offered for every this
rare batik product is various indeed. It starts from tens millions until
hundred millions. Even the is antique or rare batik with the price can reach
more than hundred millions.
Although, for price collector, that price is not the prime problem. The most important thing, they can get what they look for. And of course the collectors have understood well, which one of antique batik and which one of usual batik. This price given is influenced by that batik maker.
If that Batik is made by famous batik maestro, so the price can be higher. But, nowadays for hunting the existence of this antique batik is not really easy. This thing because many collectors from abroad that participate too to hunt the existence of that antique batik.
Antique batik sarong at Batikdlidir
But, for you that want to collect batik with rare motif, you can order it in our place (Batikdlidir). Antique batik sarong at Batikdlidir. We are Batik center in Solo, Indonesia.
Batikdlidir make available for various needs of batik. It includes if you want batik motif which is so rare to be met nowadays. We have experienced batik craftsmen.
With the skill of making batik, we can give service for your order to make rare batik motif. For order, you can contact me on number +6282265652222. We are always ready to give service for your order 24 hours.
sarong history has been long time. According to existed history, it is from
Yaman. In Indonesia itself, Sarong has been known since 14th century. Sarong is
a piece of fabric which is united for both ends until it creates like pipe. The
way of wearing sarong is paired on stomachache or waist. Sarong is usually for
covering subordinate part. It starts from waist until the ankle.
its development, sarong made from various material kinds. It starts from
cotton, polyester, until silk. Some that material kinds adjust with the need.
Sarong is identical with across line and geometry. But, many motifs which is
applied for sarong slowly.
example; batik motif. From the beginning, batik motif becomes unusual thing
indeed. For remember, during this time sarong is so identical with line motif.
But, slowly batik motif dominates more and more exactly. Many batik motifs
which is presented for sarong. There are traditional motif, flora motif, and
fauna motif too.
For traditional motif, it can be parang, sekar jagat, and other iconic motif too. But, for animal motif or fauna, it can be butterfly, bird and others. And plant motif, it can be flower, trees and other. The choice of this motif, it is usually adjusted too with the want of the wearers.
Batik sarong history at Batikdlidirtik. Starting price US $ 1.50 per yard, You can get the best quality sarong. Batikdlidir’s Wholesale sells the original handmade batik sarong with the various traditional batik patterns.
Batik sarong does not only develop in Indonesia only. Nowadays, this batik sarong has cleared away to some countries. Almost in every country in the world has had batik sarong. And of course, that batik sarong has exclusive motifs. You can have batik sarong too with the best quality.
The way of it is, you just order in our place (Batikdlidir). We have batik sarong with various motifs. It is not only that, but also we make available to various kinds of batik sarong. It starts from batik sarong tulis, batik sarong cap (stamp),and batik sarong printing too.
These kinds of course have different price. But, you do not need to be afraid, because in our place, we give the cheapest price.
For the order, you just call me on +6282265652222 (Mr. Mudzakir). And we are always ready giving service for you 24 hours.
Batik sarong Indonesia with low price. Indonesia has been identical with work art indeed. This batik diversity is not only on cloth or women fashion only. But it develops too on other type. For example on type of sarong. In some thins, batik sarong has a number of difference with other type. For example from fabric which is used. For type of sarong it uses cotton fabric or cotton 100 percent. Whereas other type can use different fabric.
addition, for the process of making batik sarong is done too manually or
handmade. But, sometimes there are some creations which are done by batik
craftsmen. This thing is done for producing more creative style. Such as with
combining print cabut warna (pull out
of the color printed). Then, there is combining print cabut tolet (pull out of tolet printed), batik tulis
combination with printing and various other creative styles.
In Indonesia itself, many batik craftsmen that make available for type of batik sarong. For its motif, it can be adjusted with the wish of ordering or even with the creation which is available. This is because, for its motif there usually is no difference between batik fabrics with batik sarong. But, if the order wants different motif style, so the craftsmen will make it available too.
Batik sarong Indonesia with low price at Batikdlidir
Batik sarong Indonesia with low price at Batikdlidir. Starting price US $ 1.50 per yard, You can get the best quality sarong. Batikdlidir’s Wholesale sells the original handmade batik sarong with the various traditional batik patterns. For you, the sarong wholesaler grab the special price in our shop/company immediately. We will give our best services and the reasonable price.
It is same that we (Batikdlidir) do in giving service to customer. We make various choices available. The one of them in order to the customer can be free in choosing type of motif wanted. This is because, in Indonesia itself is existed many motifs. So, the order can choose motif wanted. Or if it is not, the order can propose motif created by them. And we are always ready in giving service for every order.
We are the one batik fabric center existed in Solo city. During this time we do not only give service the order in domestic. But also, many our customers from abroad. The beauty and the characteristic of batik Indonesia make foreigner so much like it. It is same with other type of batik; batik sarong is interested too by foreigner.
The order of this batik sarong Indonesia can be done by contacting me +6282265652222.
Batik and Sarong are different two things before. Sarong includes usual fashion type is used to subordinate. Whereas Batik is motif type or usual design is made above the fabric. During this time, sarong has line motifs.
But, with the existence of mode development, in the end there are many designers that combine batik with sarong. And the result is great. Many people are interested with this combination. So, batik sarong becomes developing more rapidly.
development of sarong and this Batik does not only happen in Indonesia. Much
society in some countries which are actually interested with this batik sarong.
If during this time, Batik is identical with fashion type for higher only. Such
as; clothes, western – style shirt and other types. But, with the existence of
combination between sarongs with Batik, so it increases fashion model diversity
which exists nowadays.
existence of this batik sarong is as if a batik jarik. But, wearing sarong seems easier and simple is compared with
wearing jarik. Because, this sarong
can be worn by a person without the existence of help from other people. But,
while wearing jarik, many of them
need the help from other people.
It is same with jarik, this batik sarong is combined with fashion type or other subordinate. Started from clothes or western – style shirt as well as with other subordinate fashion type. Especially, if the combination between sarong with this subordinate has color and design or same motif.
Batik and Sarong at Batikdlidir. Dlidir sarong wholesale with original handmade and traditional. Starting price US $ 1.50 per yard, You can get the best quality sarong. Batikdlidir’s Wholesale sells the original handmade batik sarong with the various traditional batik patterns. For you, the sarong wholesaler grab the special price in our shop/company immediately.
This thing more shows the accord which support the appearance that wears it. If you want to get this batik sarong, you do not need to be busy hunting to some boutiques or fashion shops. You just contact me on +6282265652222 (Mr. Mudzakir).
I am the owner of Batikdlidir. It is as Batik center in Solo, Indonesia. We make available for various batik types. It starts from fabric, sarong, western – style shirt, accessories, batik quilt or other batik types. We make available for various fashion needs with batik material. With the experience for many years, we are brave to give quality guarantee for every batik that you buy.
Batik sarong online is
Batik sarong, it is marketed by online. Following the development of technology
nowadays, the selling is much done more by this online system. Some traders
choose using online system with various considerations. The one of them is
because the minimum cost paid. Beside of that, with using online system, the
target of selling is wider. This is not only in domestic but also all the worlds.
And this Batik sarong
becomes the one of products which is interested too. Not only in Indonesia, but
also the foreigners are interested so much too for having this Batik sarong.
With the existence of this online selling system, so, people around the world
can have exclusive sarong from various country. We don’t have to visit that country.
This becomes the one of the parts which is loved by Batik lovers. It is because, they don’t need to pay additional cost just for collecting Batik sarong. Batikdlidir are as Batik center, we offer this Batik sarong. And we use online selling system too. So, if you are batik lover and want to order kind of Batik sarong, we are always ready to make it available for you.
Not only that, for buying in our place, you just say the address and we will send it to your location by shipping service. We have many Batik collections that you can choose. Started from traditional Batik until modern Batik motif.
Batik sarong online wholesale at Batikdlidir
Batik sarong online wholesale at Batikdlidir, solo, Indonesia. Sarong wholesale with original handmade and traditional. Starting price US $ 1.50 per yard, You can get the best quality sarong.
Dlidir’s Wholesale sells the original handmade batik sarong with the various traditional batik patterns. For you, the sarong wholesaler grab the special price in our shop/company immediately. We will give our best services and the reasonable price.
The following are the features of our products: 1. You will get the cheap price for the best quality product. 2. You can order the patterns of batik sarong according to your request. 3. 100% original cotton cloth. Batikdlidir guarantee the authenticity of every product.
Get the original handmade batik sarong in our company!.
This is the real batik, a long cultural achievement wong solo and Jogja. Not just fabric, but a long history of high-level witnesses artwork that is recognized worldwide. If some countries have an amazing heritage. Then, solo and jogja (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property portrayed or expressed in a cloth.
Batik sarong for sale is batik sarong produced to be marketed. Batik sarong becomes the one of batik product which is much interested. So no wonder if the marketing is not only done in domestic. For example in Indonesia, the trader usually sells it to some countries. Now selling batik product to various countries is not difficult. It is help with the existence of technology development.
the trader can sell it by online. By selling batik online, so the marketing can
be wider. The guarantee will be opened wider. This thing because people who see
the product is not only in domestic. So, people who are existed in other
country can see it. Even the product of batik sarong can be seen by them with
different continent.
that way, the potential for selling batik sarong is bigger. To remember, during
this time batik lover is not only in domestic. But also many people from other
country like that batik. Batik sarong included too. Many people that like batik
sarong, pushing the existence of improving the production. Now, many batik
factories that improve a number of its production.
is because high request of batik sarong. This is because as the impact of world
mode trend. Now, batik sarong is not only for a subordinate fashion. But, batik
sarong can adapt the need. For other words, batik sarong can be used for
subordinate. This is based on the designer which places it.
Batik sarong for sale at Batikdlidir
get batik sarong, you can buy it in our place (Batikdlidir). We are batik
center in Solo city, Indonesia. We make available for various needs of Batik in
our place. Started from batik tulis, batik cap (stamp), until printing. You can
order all batik needs in our place. Even, you can order batik motif appropriate
with what you want. We have professional batik craftsmen. They have had the
experiences for some years.
With that experience. Of course batik product which is produced very qualified. Along this time we do not only supply batik needs in domestic. But, we have much cooperation with batik lover in some countries.
You can order by contacting me +6282265652222 (Mr. Mudzakir).
Batik sarong for sale using handprint starting price US $ 1.50 per yard. You can get the best quality sarong. Batikdlidir’s Wholesale sells the original handmade batik sarong with the various traditional batik patterns. For you, the sarong wholesaler grab the special price in our shop/company immediately. We will give our best services and the reasonable price.
Batik motif is included too which is on Indonesian Batik Sarong. To get Batik Sarong Indonesia, you can order it in our place in our place (Batikdlidir). We make available for various kinds of Batik. It is not only that, we make available Batik too with various types of material. It starts with cotton until silk. All of them are available in our place. So, if you want to order batik, just order in our place.
For order, you can contact me +6282265652222 (Mr. Mudzakir). We are ready to give service for you and fulfill the need of your batik.
Batik sarong for sale using stamp technique
Batik sarong for sale using stamp technique. You can get a batik fabric cap price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:
1. You order at least 500 yards. You order at least 1000 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 1000 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.
2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin.
Copper Batik Solo
This is the real batik, a long cultural achievement Wong Solo, Indonesia. Not just fabric, but a long history of high-level witnesses artwork that is recognized worldwide. If some countries have an amazing heritage, then solo (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property portrayed or expressed in a fabric.
For reservations or information Batik sarong for sale , You can whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.
As a reminder only, that the quality of fabric is the price of our company. So with all the power batik dlidir provide the best for you. Because we believe, good cooperation is established with ‘sincerity’ between both parties.