Batik fabric African in Switzerland for The Best Quality

Batik fabric African in Switzerland actually from Ghanaand The Gambia. Switzerland, officially the Swiss Confederation, is a country situated in the confluence of Western, Central, and Southern Europe. It is a federal republic composed of 26 cantons, with federal authorities based in Bern. Switzerland is a landlocked country bordered by Italy to the south, France to the west, Germany to the north, and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east.

Over the years we have developed wonderful friendships with many talented local dyers and batik artists. We try to identify each fabric with the maker’s name and many of our customers come back looking for fabrics by specific dyers.

All fabrics are 100% cotton. Batik fabric African in Switzerland All fabrics are dressmaking / craft weight. Fabric measurement we ussualy for quilting 2.5 inch by 45 inch. But, our client always want by bulk or pillow for width 45 inch (114 cm). And also, length 394 inch (10 meter) price staring from 2.2USD per yard. This is for woodline, tiedye, and smoke design (no motive in it).

Batik fabric African in Switzerland for The Best Quality

Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 50 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.
Batik fabric for quilting

100% cotton batik fabric the best quality

We use 100 cotton batik fabric quality choice. Maybe you ask, what is the real cotton ?. Before entering the problem of cotton, it would be better to know about cotton base material ie cotton.

Cotton is a fine fiber that envelops the seeds of several species of Gossypium (commonly called “trees” or cotton plants), ‘bush’ plants originating from the tropics and subtropics. Cotton fiber becomes an important material in the textile industry. The fiber can be spun into yarn and woven into cloth. Textile products of cotton fibers commonly referred to as cotton (yarn or cloth).

Why do we count on 100% cotton ?. In accordance with our experience, in addition to absorbing sweat is also not hot. So when you wear it so comfortably.

There are many types of 100 percent cotton in Indonesia. Construction of the yarn that distinguishes between types of one another. In addition, there is also seen from the thickness of the threads of cotton fabric.

For stamp technique, we use the construction of yarn 133 x 72, thickness 40 s. This type of cotton has a quality in the middle – middle. It has been export standard and proven to date.

Batik fabric African in Switzerland for The Best Quality

As for canting or ‘tulis’ techniques we rely on cotton primissima gamelan construction 114 x 96, thickness 50 s. Cotton premium grade produced from our Country, Indonesia.

The choice of cotton This is just a habit of us, you can order the fabric as you wish. Batikdlidir serve quickly and appropriately for all your batik fabric business.

For info or order 100 cotton batik fabric can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Benefits of making Batik fabric African in Switzerland at Batikdlidir.

The benefits you get from making batik cloth in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton cloth is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory.

2. Motives are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of batik fabric. For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.

Benefits of making Batik fabric wholesale at Batikdlidir

For info or reservations can whatsapp to 0822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.
Indonesian Batik Fabric

Konveksi Masker Kain Hijab Harga Grosir

Konveksi masker kain hijau harga grosir. Dengan harga mulai Rp 1.800,- per pcs. Kami merupakan Produsen masker kain yang siap membantu Anda dalam pengadaan sesuai pesanan. Selain harga grosir, kami mengguanakan bahan 100% katun dan kualitas jahitan juga nyaman saat dipakai.

Situasi saat ini  yang membuat masyarakat mencari berbagai cara demi menjaga kebersihan dan kesehatan. Salah satunya dengan menggunakan masker kain untuk mengurangi risiko penularan virus corona.

Konveksi Masker Kain Hijab Harga Grosir

Pemerintah telah menginstruksikan penggunaan masker kepada warganya saat berada di luar rumah, sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan penularan virus corona. Bahkan masker non-medis, seperti masker kain sangat disarankan untuk digunakan. Sementara penggunaan masker medis, ditegaskan hanya untuk para tenaga medis yang berhadapan langsung dengan penanganan wabah Covid-19 ini.

Sekarang ini masker sudah banyak sekali jenisnya, salah satunya adalah masker kain hijab. Ada dasarnya, masker kain hijab memang memiliki tingkat sensitivitas yang hampir sama dengan jenis masker non hijab. Namun, masker hijab terasa lebih nyaman karena tidak disangkutkan di telinga.
Masker hijab menggunakan tali yang bisa diikat di belakang kepala. Hal ini membuat telinga pengguna tidak terasa sakit meski memakai masker dalam waktu yang cukup lama.
Selain nyaman, masker kain hijab biasanya dipilih karena harganya yang cukup terjangkau dan efisien. Bisa digunakan untuk beberapa kali dengan syarat harus dicuci terlebih dahulu tanpa mengurangi kualitasnya.

Berikut proses produksi konveksi masker kain kami :

Batik fabric for quilting

Harga masker kain mulai Rp 1.800,- per pcs

Harga masker kain mulai Rp 1.800,- per pcs dengan jahitan yang berkualitas. Memakai masker menjadi salah satu usaha untuk mencegah terinfeksi virus Corona atau Covid-19. Di tengah meningkatnya pasien virus Corona, mendadak masker menjadi barang langka dan kalaupun ada harganya selangit.

Harga masker kain mulai Rp 2.500,- per pcs dengan jahitan yang berkualitas. 123

Tak heran jika hal itu membuat orang-orang mulai berkreasi dan mencari alternatif sendiri untuk membuat masker dari kain katun. Penggunaan masker bedah sebaiknya dipakai oleh tenaga kesehatan yang menghadapi Corona di garda terdepan.

Kami membantu Anda untuk mendapatkan masker kain dengan harga manusiawi. Masker kain yang kami produksi mempunya 2 grade, yang pertama masker kain dengan 2 layer dan ada juga dengan 3 layer. Bisa disisipi tisue biasa maupun tisue basah.

Kami memproduksi masker kain yang diberi nama masker non-medis tersebut dalam rangka membantu pemerintah mengurangi dampak wabah virus Corona.

Kami membuat penawaran harga masker kain non medis Pre Order kepada Anda sebagai berikut :

Harga masker kain di atas merupakan masker pre order, dengan minimal order 2000 pcs. Kapasitas produksi masker non medis di pabrik kami mencapai 5000 pcs per hari.

Untuk sekedar informasi atau pemesanan konveksi masker kain, Anda bisa whatsapp kami di:

0822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir

Layanan grosir masker kain 24 jam.

Keuntungan Memesan di tempat kami Produsen Makser kain berkualitas

Keuntungan Memesan di tempat kami Konveksi Makser kain yang berkualitas. Keunggulan dan keuntungan yang Anda dapatkan dari pemesanan Pre Order masker Non Medis bahan katun di tempat kami, antara lain :

1. Harga masker kain lebih murah mulai Rp 1.800,- per pcs dengan kualitas terbaik. Karena kami berada di lokasi pusatnya konveksi kain.

2. Sudah teruji Jahitannya yang nyaman dengan pemakaian bertahun – tahun dari pelanggan kami.

3. Mudah dalam pembayaran masker kain non medis. Untuk pemesanan kami mengenakan DP ( Uang muka ) 50% dari total pembiayaan produksi. Sehingga tercipta hubungan saling percaya antara kedua belah fihak.

4. Pelayanan cepat respon dan 24 jam non stop. Kami berdedikasi sebagai produsen masker kain melayani dengan sepenuh hati.

5. Bisa memesan masker kain sesuai keinginan Anda. Baik dari segi bahan, maupun desain maskernya

Hal yang perlu diingat adalah, penutup wajah apa pun akan lebih baik daripada wajah tidak ditutup sama sekali. Terlebih jika Anda sebetulnya sudah terinfeksi virus, namun tidak mengetahuinya.

Masker kain dapat membantu mencegah paparan virus corona dengan tiga syarat, yakni :
1. Makser digunakan saat harus keluar rumah
2. Tetap wajib menjaga jarak minimal 1 meter
3. Sering mencuci tangan dengan sabun dan air yang mengalir

Tidak hanya itu, masker juga harus dicuci setiap hari untuk membersihkan partiekl virus yang menempel di sana. Cara mencuci sama dengan baju, yakni menggunakan air dan sabun. Jadi, tidak perlu menggunakan cairan desinfektan.

Bayangkan betapa repotnya jika anda membuat masker, membeli kain dan menjahitnya sendiri. Tidak hanya banyak uang yang anda keluarkan, tapi juga tenaga dan pikiran. Oleh karena itu, langkah yang bijak ialah Anda memesan masker di konveksi milik kami.

Untuk sekedar informasi maupun pemesanan masker kain bisa whatsapp ke :

0822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

Produsen masker kain 24 jam nonstop.

Batik fabric African in Singapore for The Best Quality

Batik fabric African in Singapore actually from Ghanaand The Gambia. Singapore is an anomaly, and they’re quite proud of it. The country is currently the only city-island-nation in the world. Although Hong Kong is also considered a city-island, it is still considered a Special Administrative Region that is part of China. Over the years we have developed wonderful friendships with many talented local dyers and batik artists. We try to identify each fabric with the maker’s name and many of our customers come back looking for fabrics by specific dyers.

All fabrics are 100% cotton. Batik fabric African in Singapore All fabrics are dressmaking / craft weight. Fabric measurement we ussualy for quilting 2.5 inch by 45 inch. But, our client always want by bulk or pillow for width 45 inch (114 cm). And also, length 394 inch (10 meter) price staring from 2.2USD per yard. This is for woodline, tiedye, and smoke design (no motive in it).

Batik fabric African in Singapore for The Best Quality

Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 50 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.
Batik fabric for quilting

100% cotton batik fabric the best quality

We use 100 cotton batik fabric quality choice. Maybe you ask, what is the real cotton ?. Before entering the problem of cotton, it would be better to know about cotton base material ie cotton.

Cotton is a fine fiber that envelops the seeds of several species of Gossypium (commonly called “trees” or cotton plants), ‘bush’ plants originating from the tropics and subtropics. Cotton fiber becomes an important material in the textile industry. The fiber can be spun into yarn and woven into cloth. Textile products of cotton fibers commonly referred to as cotton (yarn or cloth).

Why do we count on 100% cotton ?. In accordance with our experience, in addition to absorbing sweat is also not hot. So when you wear it so comfortably.

There are many types of 100 percent cotton in Indonesia. Construction of the yarn that distinguishes between types of one another. In addition, there is also seen from the thickness of the threads of cotton fabric.

For stamp technique, we use the construction of yarn 133 x 72, thickness 40 s. This type of cotton has a quality in the middle – middle. It has been export standard and proven to date.

Batik fabric African in Singapore for The Best Quality

As for canting or ‘tulis’ techniques we rely on cotton primissima gamelan construction 114 x 96, thickness 50 s. Cotton premium grade produced from our Country, Indonesia.

The choice of cotton This is just a habit of us, you can order the fabric as you wish. Batikdlidir serve quickly and appropriately for all your batik fabric business.

For info or order 100 cotton batik fabric can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Benefits of making Batik fabric African in Singapore at Batikdlidir.

The benefits you get from making batik cloth in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton cloth is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory.

2. Motives are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of batik fabric. For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.

Benefits of making Batik fabric wholesale at Batikdlidir

For info or reservations can whatsapp to 0822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.
Indonesian Batik Fabric

Masker kain harga grosir di Jakarta dengan 2 ply

Masker kain harga grosir di Jakarta. Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta (DKI Jakarta) adalah ibu kota negara dan kota terbesar di Indonesia. Jakarta merupakan satu-satunya kota di Indonesia yang memiliki status setingkat provinsi. Jakarta terletak di pesisir bagian barat laut Pulau.

Coronovirus-19 menyebar luas dengan cepat melalui droplet/ percikan. Peneliti dari Institut Teknologi Massachusetts Amerika Serikat (AS) Lydia Bourouiba menyatakan pernafasan dapat menghasilkan droplet (percikan cairan tubuh) yang dapat ‘melayang’ hingga jarak 27 kaki dan salah satu untuk terkena dari droplet adalah menggunakan masker bedah/medis.

Tapi sayangnya kini masker medis, sudah sangat langka. Akibat penimbunan dan kalau adapun harganya kenaikan harga yang melonjak tinggi. Sehingga masker medis hanya diperuntukan untuk tenaga medis ataupun orang yang brkontak langsung dengan pasien. Lalu bisa kah kita menggunakan jenis masker yang lain yang tentunya memiliki harga kebih murah sehinga bisa dijangkau atau dipakai oleh setiap kalangan.

Tentu saja! Jawabannya dengan menggunakan Masker kain. Melansir Science Alert, Senin (27/4/2020), para peneliti dari Argonne National Laboratory dan University of Chicago di Amerika Serikat telah mengambil beberapa sampel bahan umum dan mengujinya. Para peneliti ini menguji bahan atau kain di laboratorium untuk menyelidiki sifat filtrasi mekanis dan elektrostatiknya. Banyak lapisan dan campuran kain yang bekerja dengan baik dalam menyaring partikel, tetapi masker dengan bahan yang tidak tepat dapat merusak semuanya.

“Kami telah melakukan penelitian untuk beberapa kain umum, termasuk dari kapas/katun, sutra, sifon, kain flanel, berbagai sintetis dan kombinasinya,” kata peneliti.

Dengan itu kami membantu anda untuk menyediakan Masker kain harga grosir di Jakarta termurah guna memperlambat perluasan penyebaran covid-19.

Konveksi Masker kain harga grosir di Jakarta

Harga masker kain mulai Rp 2.500,- per pcs

Masker kain harga grosir di Jakarta kain mulai Rp 2.500,- per pcs dengan jahitan yang berkualitas. Memakai masker menjadi salah satu usaha untuk mencegah terinfeksi virus Corona atau Covid-19. Di tengah meningkatnya pasien virus Corona, mendadak masker menjadi barang langka dan kalaupun ada harganya selangit.

Tak heran jika hal itu membuat orang-orang mulai berkreasi dan mencari alternatif sendiri untuk membuat masker dari kain katun. Penggunaan masker bedah sebaiknya dipakai oleh tenaga kesehatan yang menghadapi Corona di garda terdepan.

Kami membantu Anda untuk mendapatkan masker kain dengan harga manusiawi. Masker kain yang kami produksi mempunya 2 grade, yang pertama masker kain dengan 1 layer dan ada juga dengan 2 laper. Bisa disisipi tisue biasa maupun tisue basah.

Kami memproduksi masker kain yang diberi nama masker non-medis tersebut dalam rangka membantu pemerintah mengurangi dampak wabah virus Corona.

Kami membuat penawaran harga masker kain non medis Pre Order kepada Anda sebagai berikut :
1. Masker kain non medis 1 ply, bahan katun dengan harga @Rp 2.500,-
2. Masker kain non medis 2 ply, bahan katun dengan harga @Rp 3.500,-

Masker kain harga grosir di Jakarta di atas merupakan masker pre order, dengan minimal order 2000 pcs. Kapasitas produksi masker non medis di pabrik kami mencapai 5000 pcs per hari.

Untuk sekedar informasi atau pemesanan konveksi masker kain, Anda bisa whatsapp kami di:

0822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir

Layanan grosir masker kain 24 jam.

Grosir Masker kain hijab ready stok harga Rp 3.500,- per pcs

Masker kain harga grosir di Jakarta untuk hijab ready stok harga Rp 3.500,- per pcs dengan minimum pembelian 500 pcs. Masker kain hijab memiliki perbedaan dengan masker biasa. Perbedaan tersebut terletak pada tali atau karetnya. Biasanya, masker kain yang hanya sampai daun telinga kami membuatnya sesuai orderan. Jadi, Keseluruhan ready stock yang ada ditempat kami berupa masker kain hijab.

Grosir Masker kain hijab ready stok harga Rp 3.500,- per pcs

Bahan baku masker yang digunakan terbuat dari bahan kain yang dilapisi 2 lapisan anti microbal dan anti air . Walaupun demikian masker tetap aman untuk digunakan. salah satu kelebihan dari produk masker tersebut yaitu dapat dipakai ulang sepanjang dicuci dengan benar dengan suhu maksimal 40 derajat celcius tanpa menggunakan pemutih. Selanjutnya masker tersebut disetrika dengan suhu panas yang medium.

Grosir Masker kain hijab ready stok harga Rp 3.500,- per pcs menggunakan 2 ply. Dua ply merupakan dua lapisan kain yang nyaman. Jahitannya pun juga rapi dan presisi. Sehingga kenyamanan bisa Anda dapatkan saat mengenakannya.

Informasi dan pembelian masker kain hijab ready stok, Anda bisa whatsapp kami :

+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

Cara menggunakan masker kain yang efektif

Walau disebut kurang efektif dibandingkan jenis masker lain, bukan berarti masker kain tidak layak digunakan sama sekali. Karena keterbatasan jumlah masker yang ideal untuk mencegah virus Corona, masker kain pun bisa dijadikan pilihan terakhir untuk melindungi Anda dari paparan virus Corona.

Hal ini dianggap lebih baik daripada tidak mengenakan masker sama sekali ketika Anda batuk dan bersin atau ketika Anda berdekatan dengan orang lain yang mungkin sudah terinfeksi virus Corona.

Agar masker kain tetap aman dan efektif digunakan, coba ikuti beberapa tips berikut ini:

      • Pilih masker yang sesuai dengan ukuran wajah dan dapat menutup mulut, hidung, dan dagu Anda.
      • Cuci tangan sebelum mengenakan masker, lalu kenakan masker pada wajah dan selipkan talinya di belakang telinga atau ikat tali masker di belakang kepala dengan erat agar masker tidak longgar.
      • Saat masker kain digunakan, hindari menyentuh masker. Jika ingin memperbaiki posisi masker yang berubah atau longgar, cuci tangan terlebih dahulu sebelum menyentuh masker kain yang sedang digunakan.
      • Setelah selesai digunakan, lepaskan masker dengan cara membuka tali pengikat masker di belakang kepala lalu cuci masker kain dengan air panas dan detergen.
      • Segera ganti masker kain apabila sudah robek atau rusak.

    About Us Dlidir

Batik fabric African in Japan for The Best Quality

Batik fabric African in Japan actually from Ghana and The Gambia. Japan, one of the world’s most literate and technically advanced nations. While most of Japan is covered by mountains and heavily wooded areas, the country’s people lead a distinctly urban lifestyle. Long culturally influenced by its neighbors, today the country blends its ancient traditions with aspects of Western life.

Over the years we have developed wonderful friendships with many talented local dyers and batik artists. We try to identify each fabric with the maker’s name and many of our customers come back looking for fabrics by specific dyers.

All fabrics are 100% cotton. Batik fabric African in Japan All fabrics are dressmaking / craft weight. Fabric measurement we ussualy for quilting 2.5 inch by 45 inch. But, our client always want by bulk or pillow for width 45 inch (114 cm). And also, length 394 inch (10 meter) price staring from 2.2USD per yard. This is for woodline, tiedye, and smoke design (no motive in it).

Batik fabric African in Japan for The Best Quality

Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 50 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.
Batik fabric for quilting

100% cotton batik fabric the best quality

We use 100 cotton batik fabric quality choice. Maybe you ask, what is the real cotton ?. Before entering the problem of cotton, it would be better to know about cotton base material ie cotton.

Cotton is a fine fiber that envelops the seeds of several species of Gossypium (commonly called “trees” or cotton plants), ‘bush’ plants originating from the tropics and subtropics. Cotton fiber becomes an important material in the textile industry. The fiber can be spun into yarn and woven into cloth. Textile products of cotton fibers commonly referred to as cotton (yarn or cloth).

Why do we count on 100% cotton ?. In accordance with our experience, in addition to absorbing sweat is also not hot. So when you wear it so comfortably.

There are many types of 100 percent cotton in Indonesia. Construction of the yarn that distinguishes between types of one another. In addition, there is also seen from the thickness of the threads of cotton fabric.

For stamp technique, we use the construction of yarn 133 x 72, thickness 40 s. This type of cotton has a quality in the middle – middle. It has been export standard and proven to date.

Batik fabric African in Japan for The Best Quality

As for canting or ‘tulis’ techniques we rely on cotton primissima gamelan construction 114 x 96, thickness 50 s. Cotton premium grade produced from our Country, Indonesia.

The choice of cotton This is just a habit of us, you can order the fabric as you wish. Batikdlidir serve quickly and appropriately for all your batik fabric business.

For info or order 100 cotton batik fabric can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Benefits of making Batik fabric African in Japan at Batikdlidir.

The benefits you get from making batik cloth in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton cloth is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory.

2. Motives are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of batik fabric. For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.

Benefits of making Batik fabric wholesale at Batikdlidir

For info or reservations can whatsapp to 0822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.
Indonesian Batik Fabric

Batik fabric African in Australia for The Best Quality

Batik fabric African in Australia actually from Ghana and The Gambia. Australia is the only country in the world that covers an entire continent. It is one of the largest countries on Earth. Over the years we have developed wonderful friendships with many talented local dyers and batik artists. We try to identify each fabric with the maker’s name and many of our customers come back looking for fabrics by specific dyers.

All fabrics are 100% cotton. Batik fabric African in Australia All fabrics are dressmaking / craft weight. Fabric measurement we ussualy for quilting 2.5 inch by 45 inch. But, our client always want by bulk or pillow for width 45 inch (114 cm). And also, length 394 inch (10 meter) price staring from 2.2USD per yard. This is for woodline, tiedye, and smoke design (no motive in it).

Batik fabric African in Australia for The Best Quality

Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 50 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.
Batik fabric for quilting

100% cotton batik fabric the best quality

We use 100 cotton batik fabric quality choice. Maybe you ask, what is the real cotton ?. Before entering the problem of cotton, it would be better to know about cotton base material ie cotton.

Cotton is a fine fiber that envelops the seeds of several species of Gossypium (commonly called “trees” or cotton plants), ‘bush’ plants originating from the tropics and subtropics. Cotton fiber becomes an important material in the textile industry. The fiber can be spun into yarn and woven into cloth. Textile products of cotton fibers commonly referred to as cotton (yarn or cloth).

Why do we count on 100% cotton ?. In accordance with our experience, in addition to absorbing sweat is also not hot. So when you wear it so comfortably.

There are many types of 100 percent cotton in Indonesia. Construction of the yarn that distinguishes between types of one another. In addition, there is also seen from the thickness of the threads of cotton fabric.

For stamp technique, we use the construction of yarn 133 x 72, thickness 40 s. This type of cotton has a quality in the middle – middle. It has been export standard and proven to date.

Batik fabric African in Australia for The Best Quality

As for canting or ‘tulis’ techniques we rely on cotton primissima gamelan construction 114 x 96, thickness 50 s. Cotton premium grade produced from our Country, Indonesia.

The choice of cotton This is just a habit of us, you can order the fabric as you wish. Batikdlidir serve quickly and appropriately for all your batik fabric business.

For info or order 100 cotton batik fabric can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Benefits of making Batik fabric African in Australia at Batikdlidir.

The benefits you get from making batik cloth in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton cloth is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory.

2. Motives are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of batik fabric. For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.

Benefits of making Batik fabric wholesale at Batikdlidir

For info or reservations can whatsapp to 0822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir

Purple Batik Fabric for Wholesale in Monaco

Buy products related to Purple Batik Fabric for Wholesale in Monaco, Monaco is the second-smallest independent state in the world. It is a playground for tourists and a haven for the wealthy, the former drawn by its climate and the beauty of its setting.

products and see what customers say about purple batik fabric products. Purple combines the calm stability of blue and the fierce energy of red. The color purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition. Purple also represents meanings of wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence, and magic.

Purple Batik Fabric for Wholesale in Monaco

Purple Batik Fabric for Wholesale in Monaco. The word batik is thought to be derived from the word ‘ambatik’ which translated means ‘a cloth with little dots’. The suffix ‘tik’ means little dot, drop, point or to make dots. Batik may also originate from the Javanese word ‘tritik’ which describes a resist process for dying where the patterns are reserved on the textiles by tying and sewing areas prior to dying, similar to tie dye techniques. Another Javanese phase for the mystical experience of making batik is “mbatik” which means “drawing a batik design on the heart”.

Batik fabric wholesale US $ 2.50 per yard

You can get a batik fabric cap price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 50 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.

Technical stamp has a design of cheap batik fabric. Why is that ?, this is due to the discovery of solo citizens. Bridging between the length of the canting technique and the speed of the print technique.

This is the real batik, a long cultural achievement WongSolo. Not just fabric, but a long history of high-level witnesses artwork that is recognized worldwide. If some countries have an amazing heritage, then solo (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property portrayed or expressed in a fabric.

For reservations or information, You can whatsapp to:

+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

As a reminder only, that the quality of fabric is the price of our company. So with all the power batik dlidir provide the best for you. Because we believe, good cooperation is established with ‘sincerity’ between both parties.

Benefits of making Batik fabric wholesale at Batikdlidir.

The benefits you get from making batik cloth in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton cloth is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory.

2. Motives are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of batik fabric. For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.

For info or reservations can whatsapp to 0822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Batik sarong wholesale special according your order

Batik sarong wholesale special according your order WITH HANDPRINT TECHNIQUE. This technique usually for batik sarong wholesale. We use fabric from original cotton. In Indonesia, there are two famous cotton. Namely, prima cotton and primissima. Here’s a little science about this cotton.

Batik fabric for quilting Bangkok

The fabric construction is the part that composes or arranges the yarn. The construction is vertical and horizontal. For the usual primissima use 133 x 72 construction, while prima uses 90 x 70 construction in each fabric. You can choose according to taste and quality of usage.

We make a second offer of the fabric with two prices as well. In addition to the choice of fabric, batik motif you can choose. Here’s the price we offer.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.60 / yard.
2. Primissima batik fabrics and design patterns of your wishes. We charge US $ 2.40 / yard.

So the two batik fabric above. We send it to your location in a state of fabric that already handprinted as ordered.

For reservations or information can text or whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We recommend using whatsapp. This is make it easier to communication. Either, forsending picture or video of motives batik. Besides, the processing the work of your order.

Asian Batik fabric in Jordan

Asian Batik fabric in Jordan. The culture of Asia encompasses the collective and diverse customs and traditions of art, architecture, music, literature, lifestyle, philosophy, politics and religion that have been practiced and maintained by the numerous ethnic groups of the continent of Asia since prehistory. Identification of a specific culture of Asia or universal elements among the colossal diversity that has emanated from multiple cultural spheres and three of the four ancient River valley civilizations is complicated. One of Asian culture is batik. Asian Batik fabric in Jordan is originated from Indonesia and has been recognized by UNESCO.

Batik is one of the most highly developed art forms of Indonesia’s rich cultural heritage. In 2009, UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) recommended Indonesian batik as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Since then, the country celebrates the National Batik Day (also known as National Batik Day) annually on October 2. On this day, Indonesians would wear batik in the honor of this ancient tradition.

Asian Batik fabric in Jordan from Indonesia

Batik from the Javanese language “ambhatik” which consists of the word amba which means width, area, cloth and the word bhatik which means point or automatic. so that it develops into batik which means connecting the dots into certain images on a wide or wide fabric.
For info or reservations can whatsapp to +62822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric for quilting

How to Make Batik Fabric

Batik fabric is a pictorial fabric that is specially made by writing or putting ‘ malam ‘ ( wax ) on the fabric. Batik Indonesia, as a whole of technology, related motive and cultural development. This is a craft that has high artistic value. Besides that has been a part of Javanese culture for a long time.

Asian Batik fabric in Jordan from Indonesia

We sell Batik in three categories. This category based on Batik techniques making. Here the explanation:
1. Written Batik (batik tulis). It made by using canting or written (tulis) technique. It usually use for special affair.
2. Copper plate stamp Batik (batik cap). It made by using copper stamp (cap). This technique has solid color, or it is well-known as tie dye technique.
3. Handprint Batik. This is a technique that use screen media to make pattern in the fabric. The examples of this technique is in making clothing and sarong (sarung).

Benefit Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir

The benefits you get from making batik fabric for quilting in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton fabric is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory.

2. Motives or pattern are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of batik fabric. You can get free of our sample pattern or colour ways. After For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.

For info or reservations can whatsapp to +62822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Seragam Batik Kantor

Purple Batik Fabric for Wholesale in Germany

Buy products related to Purple Batik Fabric for Wholesale in Germany, products and see what customers say about purple batik fabric products. Purple combines the calm stability of blue and the fierce energy of red. The color purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition. Purple also represents meanings of wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence, and magic.

Purple Batik Fabric for Wholesale in Germany

Purple Batik Fabric for Wholesale in Germany. The word batik is thought to be derived from the word ‘ambatik’ which translated means ‘a cloth with little dots’. The suffix ‘tik’ means little dot, drop, point or to make dots. Batik may also originate from the Javanese word ‘tritik’ which describes a resist process for dying where the patterns are reserved on the textiles by tying and sewing areas prior to dying, similar to tie dye techniques. Another Javanese phase for the mystical experience of making batik is “mbatik” which means “drawing a batik design on the heart”.

Batik fabric wholesale US $ 2.50 per yard

You can get a batik fabric cap price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 50 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin.

Purple Batik Fabric for Wholesale in Germany

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.

Technical stamp has a design of cheap batik fabric. Why is that ?, this is due to the discovery of solo citizens. Bridging between the length of the canting technique and the speed of the print technique.

This is the real batik, a long cultural achievement WongSolo. Not just fabric, but a long history of high-level witnesses artwork that is recognized worldwide. If some countries have an amazing heritage, then solo (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property portrayed or expressed in a fabric.

For reservations or information, You can whatsapp to:

+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

As a reminder only, that the quality of fabric is the price of our company. So with all the power batik dlidir provide the best for you. Because we believe, good cooperation is established with ‘sincerity’ between both parties.

Benefits of making Batik fabric wholesale at Batikdlidir.

The benefits you get from making batik cloth in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton cloth is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory.

2. Motives are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of batik fabric. For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.

For info or reservations can whatsapp to 0822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Batik sarong wholesale special according your order

Batik sarong wholesale special according your order WITH HANDPRINT TECHNIQUE. This technique usually for batik sarong wholesale. We use fabric from original cotton. In Indonesia, there are two famous cotton. Namely, prima cotton and primissima. Here’s a little science about this cotton.

Batik fabric for quilting Bangkok

The fabric construction is the part that composes or arranges the yarn. The construction is vertical and horizontal. For the usual primissima use 133 x 72 construction, while prima uses 90 x 70 construction in each fabric. You can choose according to taste and quality of usage.

We make a second offer of the fabric with two prices as well. In addition to the choice of fabric, batik motif you can choose. Here’s the price we offer.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.60 / yard.
2. Primissima batik fabrics and design patterns of your wishes. We charge US $ 2.40 / yard.

So the two batik fabric above. We send it to your location in a state of fabric that already handprinted as ordered.

For reservations or information can text or whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We recommend using whatsapp. This is make it easier to communication. Either, forsending picture or video of motives batik. Besides, the processing the work of your order.

Purple Batik Fabric for Wholesale in Poland

Buy products related to Purple Batik Fabric for Wholesale in Poland, Polandcountry of central Europe. Poland is located at a geographic crossroads that links the forested lands of northwestern Europe to the sea lanes of the Atlantic Ocean and the fertile plains of the Eurasian frontier.

Purple Batik Fabric for Wholesale in Poland. Products and see what customers say about purple batik fabric products. Purple combines the calm stability of blue and the fierce energy of red. The color purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition. Purple also represents meanings of wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence, and magic.

Purple Batik Fabric for Wholesale in Poland

Purple Batik Fabric for Wholesale in Poland. The word batik is thought to be derived from the word ‘ambatik’ which translated means ‘a cloth with little dots’. The suffix ‘tik’ means little dot, drop, point or to make dots. Batik may also originate from the Javanese word ‘tritik’ which describes a resist process for dying where the patterns are reserved on the textiles by tying and sewing areas prior to dying, similar to tie dye techniques. Another Javanese phase for the mystical experience of making batik is “mbatik” which means “drawing a batik design on the heart”.

Batik fabric wholesale US $ 2.50 per yard

You can get a batik fabric cap price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 50 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.

Technical stamp has a design of cheap batik fabric. Why is that ?, this is due to the discovery of solo citizens. Bridging between the length of the canting technique and the speed of the print technique.

This is the real batik, a long cultural achievement WongSolo. Not just fabric, but a long history of high-level witnesses artwork that is recognized worldwide. If some countries have an amazing heritage, then solo (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property portrayed or expressed in a fabric.

For reservations or information, You can whatsapp to:

+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

As a reminder only, that the quality of fabric is the price of our company. So with all the power batik dlidir provide the best for you. Because we believe, good cooperation is established with ‘sincerity’ between both parties.

Benefits of making Batik fabric wholesale at Batikdlidir.

The benefits you get from making batik cloth in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton cloth is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory.

2. Motives are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of batik fabric. For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.

For info or reservations can whatsapp to 0822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Batik sarong wholesale special according your order

Batik sarong wholesale special according your order WITH HANDPRINT TECHNIQUE. This technique usually for batik sarong wholesale. We use fabric from original cotton. In Indonesia, there are two famous cotton. Namely, prima cotton and primissima. Here’s a little science about this cotton.

Batik fabric for quilting Bangkok

The fabric construction is the part that composes or arranges the yarn. The construction is vertical and horizontal. For the usual primissima use 133 x 72 construction, while prima uses 90 x 70 construction in each fabric. You can choose according to taste and quality of usage.

We make a second offer of the fabric with two prices as well. In addition to the choice of fabric, batik motif you can choose. Here’s the price we offer.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.60 / yard.
2. Primissima batik fabrics and design patterns of your wishes. We charge US $ 2.40 / yard.

So the two batik fabric above. We send it to your location in a state of fabric that already handprinted as ordered.

For reservations or information can text or whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We recommend using whatsapp. This is make it easier to communication. Either, forsending picture or video of motives batik. Besides, the processing the work of your order.