Batik Fabric Jakarta Indonesia with special price

Batik Fabric Jakarta Indonesia with special price. Jabodetabek or Greater Jakarta is an official and administrative definition of the urban area or megacity surrounding the Indonesia capital city, Jakarta. The original term “Jabotabek” dated from the late 1970s and was revised to “Jabodetabek” in 1999 when “De” (for “Depok”) was inserted into the name following its formation. It finally included five municipalities and three regencies.

Batik Fabric Jakarta Indonesia

Batik fabric is a pictorial fabric that is specially made by writing or putting ‘ malam ‘ ( wax ) on the fabric. Batik Indonesia, as a whole of technology, related motive and cultural development. This is a craft that has high artistic value. Besides that has been a part of Javanese culture for a long time.

We name our certainly quality product or manufacture as Batikdlidir. What is Dlidir? In Javanese dlidlir means mengalir (flowing). Therefore, from that name, dlidir, we hope that our product will be salable like the flow of the water. This name is also our prayer. So, it is not only name, but it has strong character in further advance.

For us, batik does not just draw on fabric. Then put on “malam”, give motif, sell it or UNESCO recognition. But this is a comprehensive series of all thoughts, manpower and long history synergized in producing the best and original works to be enjoyed together. Good for the solo community in particular and also the people of the World in general.

Benefit of Batik Fabric Jakarta Indonesia at Batidlidir

The benefits you get from making batik cloth in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton cloth is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory.

2. Motives are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of batik fabric. For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.

Batik Fabric Jakarta Indonesia WITH ORIGINAL STAMP TECHNIQUE

For info or reservations can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik Fabric Jakarta Indonesia WITH HANDPRINT TECHNIQUE

Batik Fabric Jakarta Indonesia WITH HANDPRINT TECHNIQUE. This technique usually for uniform cloth (seragam batik). We use fabric from original cotton. In Indonesia, there are two famous cotton. Namely, prima cotton and primissima. Here’s a little science about this cotton.

The fabric construction is the part that composes or arranges the yarn. The construction is vertical and horizontal. For the usual primissima use 133 x 72 construction, while prima uses 90 x 70 construction in each fabric. You can choose according to taste and quality of usage.

We make a second offer of the fabric with two prices as well. In addition to the choice of fabric, batik motif you can choose. Here’s the price we offer.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.60 / yard.
2. Primissima batik fabrics and design patterns of your wishes. We charge US $ 1.90 / yard.

So the two batik fabric above, we send it to your locationin a state of fabric that already handprintedas ordered.

For reservations or information can text or whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We recommend using whatsapp to make it easier to communication forsending picture or video of motives batik or the processing the work of your order.

Batik Fabric Jakarta Indonesia WITH ORIGINAL STAMP TECHNIQUE

Fortunately in Indonesia, the use of stamp technique is widely used for export purposes ( International ). And when looking back on history, stamp batik has a neat history. History in the fight for its existence. For that we suggest and try to socialize stamp techniquelocaly while we try to get vast. We do with the hope that the citizens can enjoy. The traditional work that is sad to be left behind.

For the stamp technique, it still seems traditional and unique. Because in addition to using the wax, coloring can be more varied. The price fairly affordable to be made batik cloth.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.99 / yard.
2. Each meter of cotton primisima ourtagprice is US $ 2.50 / yard.

For color, cap technique has its own value. You will get a solid color. In addition, it can also make your own the color gradation (colour ways/design). Foreign people call it with tie dye smoke technique.
For details can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir. 24 hours nonstop serving order batik fabric. As our dedication in the field of batik.

Batik Fabric Tokyo Japan with 100% Cotton

Batik Fabric Tokyo Japan with 100% Cotton. Tokyo is often referred to as a city, but is officially known and governed as a “metropolitan prefecture”. Which differs from and combines elements of a city and a prefecture, a characteristic unique to Tokyo.

Batik Fabric Tokyo Japan

Batik fabric is a pictorial fabric that is specially made by writing or putting ‘ malam ‘ ( wax ) on the fabric. Batik Indonesia, as a whole of technology, related motive and cultural development. This is a craft that has high artistic value. Besides that has been a part of Javanese culture for a long time.

We name our certainly quality product or manufacture as Batikdlidir. What is Dlidir? In Javanese dlidlir means mengalir (flowing). Therefore, from that name, dlidir, we hope that our product will be salable like the flow of the water. This name is also our prayer. So, it is not only name, but it has strong character in further advance.

For us, batik does not just draw on fabric. Then put on “malam”, give motif, sell it or UNESCO recognition. But this is a comprehensive series of all thoughts, manpower and long history synergized in producing the best and original works to be enjoyed together. Good for the solo community in particular and also the people of the World in general.

Benefit of Batik Fabric Tokyo Japan at Batidlidir

The benefits you get from making batik cloth in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton cloth is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory.

2. Motives are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of batik fabric. For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.

Benefit of Batik Fabric Tokyo Japan at Batidlidir

For info or reservations can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.


Batik Fabric Tokyo Japan WITH HANDPRINT TECHNIQUE. This technique usually for uniform cloth (seragam batik). We use fabric from original cotton. In Indonesia, there are two famous cotton. Namely, prima cotton and primissima. Here’s a little science about this cotton.

The fabric construction is the part that composes or arranges the yarn. The construction is vertical and horizontal. For the usual primissima use 133 x 72 construction, while prima uses 90 x 70 construction in each fabric. You can choose according to taste and quality of usage.

We make a second offer of the fabric with two prices as well. In addition to the choice of fabric, batik motif you can choose. Here’s the price we offer.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.60 / yard.
2. Primissima batik fabrics and design patterns of your wishes. We charge US $ 1.90 / yard.

So the two batik fabric above, we send it to your locationin a state of fabric that already handprintedas ordered.

For reservations or information can text or whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We recommend using whatsapp to make it easier to communication forsending picture or video of motives batik or the processing the work of your order.

Batik fabric tokyo japan WITH ORIGINAL STAMP TECHNIQUE

Fortunately in Indonesia, the use of stamp technique is widely used for export purposes ( International ). And when looking back on history, stamp batik has a neat history. History in the fight for its existence. For that we suggest and try to socialize stamp techniquelocaly while we try to get vast. We do with the hope that the citizens can enjoy. The traditional work that is sad to be left behind.

For the stamp technique, it still seems traditional and unique. Because in addition to using the wax, coloring can be more varied. The price fairly affordable to be made batik cloth.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.99 / yard.
2. Each meter of cotton primisima ourtagprice is US $ 2.50 / yard.

For color, cap technique has its own value. You will get a solid color. In addition, it can also make your own the color gradation (colour ways/design). Foreign people call it with tie dye smoke technique.
For details can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir. 24 hours nonstop serving order batik fabric. As our dedication in the field of batik.

Traditional java batik tulis using wax tachnique

Traditional java batik tulis using wax tachnique. Batik Tulis Asli or the original of Batik Tulis is Batik Tulis which is made by using paraffin as the main material. This kind of Batik was made manually. There is no machine use in the making process. For the example, Batik Tulis didn’t combine with Batik Cap or Batik Printing. So, Batik Tulis Asli is truly Classic Batik Tulis both the patterns even the making process.

Traditional java batik tulis using wax tachnique

There are several steps in making process of Batik Tulis. The first step is creating the pattern. And then displace the pattern to the Mori. It is the fabric which usually usen in making process of Batik. After the pattern created, the next step is creating Batik by using paraffin. The use of paraffin is to keep the pattern from the process of coloring.

Canting is needed in making process of Batik. The function is to twig the paraffin to the mori while making Batik. Canting has two chimney to draw. Before it drew to the fabric, paraffn have to heat in ceartain temperature. From this process, the paraffin melt and it can use to draw on the mori.

After the first step in making process of Batik is done, the next step is coloring process. This is the first step of coloring. Almost all of the types of Batik Tulis have passed coloring process in several times. This process depends on the pattern. After finishing the coloring process, the next step is stitching. This process aimed to remove the lining of paraffin which left. This way is done by entering Batik to the heat water. After finishing that process, Batik is ready to dry in the sun.

Traditional java batik tulis at Batikdlidir

Traditional java batik tulis at batikdlidir with better serve. Batik Dlidir is the name of our store in Solo. Batik Dlidir is selling many kinds of Batik Tulis. But if you want other kinds of Batik, we also ready to prove it to you. We offer you video that contain of making process of Batik. It is for the guarantee, so you will trust our product fully.

We have many kinds of Batik, like Batik that using technique of Ukel. The price of this kind is expensive because the pattern is so complex. We price it around 1,3M IDR ($95.98351) until 3.5M IDR ($258.4250). We also have Batik Granit. This Batik will light up when exposed by the light. The price starts form 900K IDR ($66.4668) untl 3M IDR ($221.5827). The last is Batik Buh. This Batik is cheaper than others. The price is around 600 – 700K IDR ($44.3036- $ 51.6875).

For further information and order, please contact the number below.
The owner of Batik Dlidir
Mr. Mudzakir
(Available on WhatsApp).

Traditional Batik Tulis Solo with Sogan Domination

Traditional Batik Tulis Solo with Sogan Domination. The original Batik Tulis of Solo has its own characteristic. Those characteristics make this Batik different from the other. It notices the pattern. The pattern of Batik Tulis Solo is different, its shape is geometry, but smaller than others.

Traditional Batik Tulis Solo with Sogan Domination

For the examples are Sidoasih, Sidomukti, and Sidoluhur. The term of Batik fabric with the small pattern called Truntum. There is someone who told the story about Batik Tulis Asli Solo. He told that the creator of the small pattern on Batik is a princess. And from that day, the king always look carefully at her.

The shape is not only geometry, but the character of Batik Asli Solo also can be seen from other patterns, like the pattern of Parang Kusumo. In the past, this pattern only used by the King. This pattern has diagonal shape and it makes from the top to the down. It has a philosophy that the one who wears this pattern is in the same line with the King.

And then, there is another pattern, that is the pattern of Sekar Jagad. This pattern has been iconic. Sekar means Bunga or flower and Jagad means Dunia or the world. So this pattern means the description of the beauty of the flower in the world.

Traditional Batik Tulis Solo at Batikdlidir

The popular color for Batik Asli Solo is Sogan brown. It gets from the natural colorant.
If you want to get the best quality of Batik Asli Solo, come to our outlet, Batik Dlidir. We have so many patterns and we also serve the requesting of the pattern.

Wax Batik fabric using canting techniques ( Tulis ) according to your order. The Wax has characteristics like candles. Could be so because “Malam” is a type of wax that is more specific. The specificity is commonly used by the people of Java to make batik.

In addition to wax ( Malam ), the main media of batik is canting. It’s been everyday wong jawa from the past until now with canting. Canting is made of copper with a small hole for ‘malam’ out.
For further information and order, please contact the number below.
The owner of Batik Dlidir.
Mr. Mudzakir (082265652222)
(Available on WhatsApp).

Traditional Batik Art with a simple pattern

Traditional Batik Art with a simple pattern. The modest Batik Tulis is Batik Tulis which has a simple pattern. As we know that in making Batik there are two patterns, that are the complex pattern and also the simple one. The complex pattern of Batik usually has its own absolute. Because the making process based on that absolute, so while made it has to obey the rule.

Traditional Batik Art

While the modest Batik is simpler than the others. Some of the crafters or makers choose to create the simple one. It is not only easier but also give a simple impression but it looks stylish. So that, this pattern also gives the impression of elegant and charming.

This simple pattern usually taught to the beginner who wants to learn in making Batik. It also taught in several schools. It started by making the simple pattern first and then when they are able to make it, they will teach to make the complex one. For the example is Kawung pattern, then making Batik with the pattern of geometry and more. This simple pattern has become the basics of learning the complex pattern.

Buy batik fabric

Traditional Batik Art at Batikdlidir

Traditional Batik Art at Batikdlidir. That is technique wax spread evenly all over the fabric. Includes in the main pattern as well as in the tumpal. For this technique the price range of US $ 50.00 / pcs. Our manufacturing process displays to you in the form of videos and pictures.

The pattern has been the main factors to determine the price of Batik. The simple pattern is cheaper than the complex one. Because the complexity of pattern was related to coloring process.

Batik Dlidir is ready to provide you many kinds of Batik, including Batik Tulis with the simple pattern. We will give you the best quality at affordable price. So what are you waiting for? Order now!
For further information and order, please contact the number below.
The owner of Batik Dlidir.
Mr. Mudzakir
(+62 822 6565 2222)
(Available on WhatsApp).

History Batik Tulis is not 100% from Java

History Batik Tulis is not 100% from Java. According to the expert of Archeologist from Dutch that is J. L.A. Brandes and also the Indonesian Historian, F. A. Sutjipto states that they believe if Batik tradition comes from other regions, that are Toraja, Flores, Halmahera, and Papua. This opinion is equipped with the reasons. That two figures know that the regions have Batik ancient traditions. And that region is not influenced by Hinduism.

History Batik Tulis

There is no certain history yet which recorded where did Batik Tulis come? Although the word of Batik came from Java, according to G.P. Rouffaer, the technique of Batik has been introduced in Srilanka and India around 6th and 7th century. And for the technique of coloring by using paraffin also has been known since 4th BM.

It is not only in Egypt but also in several countries in the world has a thing which similar to Batik. China, India, Japan, Afrika, and other countries also have it. Even though Batik was found in several countries, but the most famous of Batik was from Indonesia, especially from Java. And it was more admitted when UNESCO declare that Batik s being one of the cultural heritage of Indonesia.

History Batik Tulis Indonesia

In spite of to promote Batik of Indonesia, that confession pushes the industries of Batik in Indonesia. It also increases the spirit of Batik competitor to produce many more Batik.

We proudly introduce to you all about our product of Batik. Batik Dlidir is one of several Batik Tulis center in Solo. We also provide you other types of Batik, that are Batik Cap or Batik Printing. The customers also can pre-order if they want another pattern of Batik, or perhaps if you want to design your own pattern, we are ready to make it.

Traditional batik fabric

History Batik Tulis Indonesia with canting technique

Here are the steps and levels of price:

1. UKEL Technique.
Scrapping the wax outline shaped semicircle. Can also be said like a half-circular worm. For the base color, give an outline from the motif. The craftsman repeatedly. So that the color above the fabric clearly and spread evenly.

History Batik Tulis Indonesia with canting technique

This technique is also included to create patterns of gringsing and swirly pattern. For this technique is in the hardest category range. We giving thetagprice of US $ 100.00 to US $ 250.00 / pcs. This range depends on the fabric type, coloring and the level of smoothness in the batik (maximum workmanship of 3 months).

2. GRANIT technique.

That is the technique of dangling the night with the method of dots outside the pattern. While in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting.

The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience. And also take a long time.
For this technique the price range US $ 100.00 / pcs. This range depends on subtlety. In addition, also the fabric used. Work on the granite technique took 2 weeks.

3. BUH Technique.
That is technique wax spread evenly all over the fabric. Includes in the main pattern as well as in the tumpal. For this technique the price range of US $ 50.00 / pcs. Our manufacturing process displays to you in the form of videos and pictures.

To buy ready stock and order batik tulis whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Traditional Batik Tulis Cirebon with all technique

Traditional Batik Tulis Cirebon with all technique. The most popular pattern from Batik Tulis Cirebon is Mega Mendung pattern. This pattern has become an icon of Cirebon. Untill this day, there is not another pattern yet which is able to compare with this pattern. Mega Mendung has philosopy of richness. It can be seen from the pattern of sky that means rain and give a life. The shade of the color makes this pattern is so unique.

Traditional Batik Tulis Cirebon with all technique

In spite of Mega Mendung, actually, Cirebon has other patterns, like Pasi Naga Liman, Patran Keris, Singa Payung, Singa Barong, and also Pecutan. Pecutan pattern is still less famous than Mega Mendung. Whereas, this pattern was already exist since hundred years ago.

The most fascinating from this pattern is the materials. This Batik was made from tree, it means that the basic material of this Batik is tree, and it is not using wax or paraffin. It usually utilize the laf or the bark of rambutan and mahoni tree.

Traditional Batik Tulis Cirebon with all technique at Batikdlidir

The loveliness and the uniqueness of Batik Cirebon now available in Solo. Batik Dlidir provides many kind of Batik Tulis Cirebon. We always have ready stock but for our maximal service, we allow the customers to pre- order.

We give you the best guarantee for every Batik. It is not only the quality, we also offer you the cheapest price ever.

For further information and order, please contact the number below.
The owner of Batik Dlidir.
Mr. Mudzakir
(+62 822 6565 2222)
(Available on WhatsApp).

Batik fabric wholesale.

Traditional Batik Tulis Cirebon with handprint at Batikdlidir

This technique usually for batik sarong wholesale. We use fabric from original cotton. In Indonesia, there are two famous cotton. Namely, prima cotton and primissima. Here’s a little science about this cotton.

The fabric construction is the part that composes or arranges the yarn. The construction is vertical and horizontal. For the usual primissima use 133 x 72 construction, while prima uses 90 x 70 construction in each fabric. You can choose according to taste and quality of usage.

We make a second offer of the fabric with two prices as well. In addition to the choice of fabric, batik motif you can choose. Here’s the price we offer.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.60 / yard.
2. Primissima batik fabrics and design patterns of your wishes. We charge US $ 1.90 / yard.

So the two batik fabric above, we send it to your locationin a state of fabric that already handprintedas ordered.

For reservations or information can text or whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

We recommend using whatsapp to make it easier to communication forsending picture or video of motives batik or the processing the work of your order.

Traditional Batik Tulis Cirebon with stamp at Batikdlidir

Fortunately, the use of stamp technique is widely used for export purposes. And when looking back on history, stamp batik has a neat history. History in the fight for its existence. For that we suggest and try to socialize stamp techniquelocaly while we try to get vast. We do with the hope that the citizens can enjoy. The traditional work that is sad to be left behind.

For the stamp technique, it still seems traditional and unique. Because in addition to using the wax, coloring can be more varied. The price fairly affordable to be made batik uniform.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.99 / yard.
2. Each meter of cotton primisima ourtagprice is US $ 2.50 / yard.

For color, cap technique has its own value. You will get a solid color. In addition, it can also make your own the color gradation (colour ways/design). Foreign people call it with tie dye smoke technique.

For details can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir. 24 hours nonstop serving order batik uniform. As our dedication in the field of batik.

Traditional Batik Tulis Cirebon with canting at Batikdlidir

Traditional Batik Tulis Cirebon with canting at Batikdlidir. In addition to wax ( Malam ), the main media of batik is canting. It’s been everyday wong jawa from the past until now with canting. Canting is made of copper with a small hole for ‘malam’ out.

There are 3 canting techniques that are so familiar in solo society.

1. Technique ukel.

Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed. This technique is also included to create gringsing patterns and such as mosquito repellent. For this technique enter the hardest category price range US $ 500.00 per pcs, size 240 cm x 105 cm .

2. Granite techniques.

Granit is the technique of night casting with the method of the dot outside the pattern If yg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience. For this technique the price range UD $ 300.00 until US $ 350.00 per pcs.

3. Buh Technique.
That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal.

For information and ordering batik, You can whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.
The best Handmade batik.Thanks.

Traditional Batik Tulis Danar Hadi the best quality

Traditional Batik Tulis Danar Hadi the best quality. Batik Tulis Danar Hadi becomes one of several the most hunted Batiks. The best quality of Batik and exclusive patterns become several charms of its Batik. So, it’s not surprising if there are many people who admire Batik from Danar Hadi. Batik Danar Hadi is located in the middle top. It means that, if we observe from the price, this kind of Batik is only intended for the upper middle class.

The state officials are so admired the beauty of Batik Tulis Danar Hadi. Some of them who visited Solo often took a time to seek the variant of Batik in Danar Hadi. Danar Hadi is located in Jl. Slamet Riyadi.

The name of Danar Hadi is very popular for Batik lover and Batik collector. Danar Hadi also establishes their store in several big cities in Indonesia. It aimed to ease the customers when they want to add their Batik collection. The customers are very wide. They come from local citizens until the foreign.
Danar Hadi is not only selling Batik, but it also has Batik museum. This is the one and only Batik museum in Solo. Museum of Batik Danar Hadi showed several Batik patterns. In spite of it, they also showed their collection of Batik tools.

Traditional Batik Tulis Danar Hadi And Batikdlidir

Traditional Batik Tulis Danar Hadi And Batikdlidir. Beside of Danar Hadi, there is one more Batik Tulis center in Solo, that is Batik Dlidir. We also produce many kinds of Batik Tulis. We give you the best guarantee for every Batik. It is not only the quality, we also offer you the cheapest price ever.

Traditional Batik Tulis Danar Hadi And Batikdlidir

Here are the steps and levels of price:

1. UKEL Technique.
Scrapping the wax outline shaped semicircle. Can also be said like a half-circular worm. For the base color, give an outline from the motif. The craftsman repeatedly. So that the color above the fabric clearly and spread evenly.

This technique is also included to create patterns of gringsing and swirly pattern. For this technique is in the hardest category range. We giving thetagprice of US $ 100 to US $ 300 one pieces. This range depends on the fabric type, coloring and the level of smoothness in the batik (maximum workmanship of 3 months).

2. GRANIT technique.

That is the technique of dangling the night with the method of dots outside the pattern. While in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting.

The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience. And also take a long time.
For this technique the price range US $ 70 to US $ 300.00 / pcs . This range depends on subtlety. In addition, also the fabric used. Work on the granite technique took 2 weeks.

3. BUH Technique.

That is technique wax spread evenly all over the fabric. Includes in the main pattern as well as in the tumpal. For this technique the price range of US $ 50.50 / pcs. Our manufacturing process displays to you in the form of videos and pictures.

For further information and order, please contact the number below.
The owner of Batik Dlidir
Mr. Mudzakir
(+62 822 6565 2222)
(Available on WhatsApp)

Batik wholesale with 100 % cotton fabric

Batik wholesale with 100 % cotton fabric. Batik retailer is being the right place if you want to buy Batik in large amount. It usually cheaper than other shopping center. The difference of this price caused by the retailer collect their Batik from the distributor directly. So, the seller can suppress the price. By buying Batik from retailer, the customer will get a lot of benefits of it.

Batik wholesale with 100 % cotton fabric

The thrive of Batik makes the arising of Batik retailer increase. Previously, the retailers only sell the common fashion, but after the thriving of Batik, the seller swerve into Batik seller. It is because the kind of Batik has differences with others. Batik already got the fans, although it has been existed long long time ago.

We are one of well-known retailers in Solo. Our brand named Batik Dlidir. We offer you low-price and we will give you the best Batik quality. Our customer is not only from Solo, but also come from foreign. In addition to the price, our service and our Batik quality are satisfied our customers.

Therefore, we also invite you to buy Batik in our store. We serve you Batik for individual necessary and in large amount. We also provide you batik for making other accessories, such as blangkon, shawl, sarong, and more. The cost is start from 25k/ meters for printing batik (Batik cetak), 28k/ meters for stamp batik (batik cap), and for written batik (batik tulis) starts from 600k/ meters.

We offer you a good chance. I am sure you will interested with our brand.
For further information, please contact our owner Mr. Mudzakir.
+62 822 6565 2222 (Available on WhatsApp).

Batik wholesale the best quality

Batik wholesale the best quality at batikdlidlir. We use fabric from original cotton. In Indonesia, there are two famous cotton. Namely, prima cotton and primissima. Here’s a little science about this cotton.

The fabric construction is the part that composes or arranges the yarn. The construction is vertical and horizontal. For the usual primissima use 133 x 72 construction, while prima uses 90 x 70 construction in each fabric. You can choose according to taste and quality of usage.

We make a second offer of the fabric with two prices as well. In addition to the choice of fabric, batik motif you can choose. Here’s the price we offer.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.60 / yard.
2. Primissima batik fabrics and design patterns of your wishes. We charge US $ 1.90 / yard.

So the two batik fabric above, we send it to your locationin a state of fabric that already handprintedas ordered.

For reservations or information can text or whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

We recommend using whatsapp. This way to make it easier to communication. Easy forsending picture or video of motives batik or the processing the work of your order.

Batik sarong Brussels with cotton fabric

Batik sarong Brussels with cotton fabric starting price US $ 1.99 / yard. Brussels is the capital of Belgium. It is also the capital of the European Union. Brusel has a population of 142,853 inhabitants (2005).

Batikdlidir’s sells the original handmade batik sarong. We are offering an attractive offer of US $ 1.90 / yard. Then, complete with the various traditional batik patterns. For you, the sarong wholesaler grab the special price in our company immediately. We will give our best services and the reasonable price.

The following are the samples of our products:

Batik sarong Brussels

Batik sarong is commonly used to pray for Indonesian people. It wears to cover the bottom of the body. However, in this era the function is more multi-function. It can be used to make the fashion mode perfectly.

Batik sarong Brussels with low price

Batik sarong Brussels special price for you. Batikdlidir’s Wholesale is located in the center of Solo City, Jl. Kolonel sugiyono number 67. It is near the Adi Sumarmo airport. It is just 10 minutes from Airport.

Our company or shop is very popular with the high quality product and the cheap price. We produce our batik sarong in our own production house. Batikdlidir will give the special price for you. If you are buying at least 500 pack. We will count US $ 4.50/pack (105 cm x 250 cm). For the next order, we will cut the price out of your expectation.

The following are the features of our products:

1. You will get the cheap price. And also, the best quality batik fabric.
2. You can order the patterns of batik sarong according to your request.
3. 100% original cotton cloth. Batikdlidir guarantee the authenticity of every product.

Get the original handmade Batik sarong wholesale in our company!.

This is the real batik, a long cultural achievement wong solo and Jogja. Not just fabric, but a long history of high-level witnesses artwork that is recognized worldwide. If some countries have an amazing heritage. Then, solo and jogja (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property portrayed or expressed in a cloth.

For reservations or information can sms or whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

Then, We give our best service and we build the win-win cooperation.

Just as a reminder, that the quality of batik price of our company. So, with a hardwork provide the best for you. Because we believe, a good cooperation established with the ‘seriousness’.

In Bahasa : kain batik.


Batik uniforms in the form of cloth. We use fabric from original cotton. In Indonesia, there are two famous cotton. Namely, prima cotton and primissima. Here’s a little science about this cotton.

The fabric construction is the part that composes or arranges the yarn. The construction is vertical and horizontal. For the usual primissima use 133 x 72 construction, while prima uses 90 x 70 construction in each fabric. You can choose according to taste and quality of usage.

We make a second offer of the fabric with two prices as well. In addition to the choice of fabric, batik motif you can choose. Here’s the price we offer.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.60 / yard.
2. Primissima batik fabrics and design patterns of your wishes. We charge US $ 1.90 / yard.

So the two batik fabric above, we send it to your locationin a state of fabric that already handprintedas ordered.

For reservations or information can text or whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

We recommend using whatsapp. This way to make it easier to communication. Easy forsending picture or video of motives batik or the processing the work of your order.


Batik sarong Brussels WITH ORIGINAL STAMPED TECHNIQUE and handmade. Fortunately, the use of stamp technique is widely used for export purposes. And when looking back on history, stamp batik has a neat history. History in the fight for its existence. For that we suggest and try to socialize stamp techniquelocaly while we try to get vast. We do with the hope that the citizens can enjoy. The traditional work that is sad to be left behind.

For the stamp technique, it still seems traditional and unique. Because in addition to using the wax, coloring can be more varied. The price fairly affordable to be made batik uniform.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.99 / yard.
2. Each meter of cotton primisima ourtagprice is US $ 2.30 / yard.

For color, cap technique has its own value. You will get a solid color. In addition, it can also make your own the color gradation (colour ways/design). Foreign people call it with tie dye smoke technique.

For details can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir. 24 hours nonstop serving order batik handmade. As our dedication in the field of batik.
