Traditional Batik Tulis Jawa special for your ceremony. Batik Tulis of Javanese is divided into three major areas. That is West Java, Central Java, and East Java. From these three areas, Central Java is the most popular. Even Batik of Indonesia is identical to Central Java, specifically in Solo. In fact, Central Java also has several industries of Batik, like Pekalongan, Rembang or Lasem, Semarang, and many more.
Each region has its own peculiar. Either from the pattern or the color. For the example is Batik Solo. Batik Solo has a popular pattern like Sidomukti, Wahyu Tumurun, Truntum, and more. Besides, Batik Solo also knew by the color that is Soga (brown), and it so does to Batik Pekalongan. Batik Pekalongan was known for those patterns that are Hokokai and Jlamprang.
Batik that comes from Rembang known by the combination of Tionghoa culture and the native culture. From those combinations, it creates peculiar patterns of Rembang.
In West Java, the most popular Batik is Batik from Cirebon or known as Batik Cirebon. The pattern of this Batik named Mega Mendung. There is also Batik from Indramayu or well – known as Dermayon.
While Batik Madura is popular as Batik from East Java. The color is vivid, like red, yellow, green, and others.
Traditional Batik Tulis Jawa at Batikdlidir
If you are fascinated with those kinds of Batik, Batik Dlidir is ready to serve you. We have many kinds of pattern. We concern in making Batik Tulis but we also ready to provide Batik Cap (stamp) and Batik Printing.
Grab yours at Batik Dlidir!.
There are 3 canting techniques that are so familiar in solo society.
1. Traditional Batik Tulis Jawa with Technique ukel.
Namely canting malam semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed. This technique is also included to create gringsing patterns and such as mosquito repellent. For this technique enter the hardest category price range US $ 500.00 per pcs, size 240 cm x 105 cm .
2. Granite techniques.
Granit is the technique of night casting with the method of the dot outside the pattern If yg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience. For this technique the price range UD $ 300.00 until US $ 350.00 per pcs.
3. Buh Technique.
That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal.
For information and ordering batik, You can whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.
The best Handmade batik fabric.