Batik Tulis classic is Batik that has a classic design. The existence of Batik Tulis Classic is because these days Batik is developing, so the maker creates a modern design to make it balance. Besides it also aims to attract the teenagers in batik. But, those modern designs are identical to Batik Cap (stamp) and Printing.
The design of Batik Tulis is different to the modern pattern. It can be seen from the color and also the pattern. The classic pattern has their own absolute, and all of the makers of it has to obey those absolutes. Because it relates to the philosophy of Batik. This kind of rule will never find in modern Batik. Because the modern Batik is free in making the design or pattern. So, the maker can express their creativity.
Batik Classic can be found in every region. Solo, Yogyakarta, Pekalongan, Cirebon, Indramayu, and Rembang are the examples. Those cities also have their own Classic Batik. In Solo, you can find a classic pattern like Sidomukti, Truntum, Wahyu Tumurun, and more. In Yogyakarta, you can find Parang, Kawung, and Grompol. And in Pekalongan, you can meet the pattern of Jlamprang and Hokusai.
Batik Tulis classic at batikdlidir
Batik Dlidir that located in Solo is the right place to shop Batik. We provide many kinds of Batik, either Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), or Printing. Give us 50% as the down payment, and we will send your order on time and neatly.
For the stamp technique, it still seems traditional and unique. Because in addition to using the wax, coloring can be more varied. The price fairly affordable to be made batik uniform.
1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.99 / yard.
2. Each meter of cotton primisima ourtagprice is US $ 2.50 / yard.
For color, cap technique has its own value. You will get a solid color. In addition, it can also make your own the color gradation (colour ways/design). Foreign people call it with tie dye smoke technique.
This is our contact person +6282265652222. Send us your order by texting, we’ll response it quickly.