Batik Tulis classic with all technique handmade

Batik Tulis classic is Batik that has a classic design. The existence of Batik Tulis Classic is because these days Batik is developing, so the maker creates a modern design to make it balance. Besides it also aims to attract the teenagers in batik. But, those modern designs are identical to Batik Cap (stamp) and Printing.

The design of Batik Tulis is different to the modern pattern. It can be seen from the color and also the pattern. The classic pattern has their own absolute, and all of the makers of it has to obey those absolutes. Because it relates to the philosophy of Batik. This kind of rule will never find in modern Batik. Because the modern Batik is free in making the design or pattern. So, the maker can express their creativity.

Batik Classic can be found in every region. Solo, Yogyakarta, Pekalongan, Cirebon, Indramayu, and Rembang are the examples. Those cities also have their own Classic Batik. In Solo, you can find a classic pattern like Sidomukti, Truntum, Wahyu Tumurun, and more. In Yogyakarta, you can find Parang, Kawung, and Grompol. And in Pekalongan, you can meet the pattern of Jlamprang and Hokusai.

Batik Tulis classic at batikdlidir

Batik Dlidir that located in Solo is the right place to shop Batik. We provide many kinds of Batik, either Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), or Printing. Give us 50% as the down payment, and we will send your order on time and neatly.

Batik Tulis classic at batikdlidir

For the stamp technique, it still seems traditional and unique. Because in addition to using the wax, coloring can be more varied. The price fairly affordable to be made batik uniform.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.99 / yard.
2. Each meter of cotton primisima ourtagprice is US $ 2.50 / yard.

For color, cap technique has its own value. You will get a solid color. In addition, it can also make your own the color gradation (colour ways/design). Foreign people call it with tie dye smoke technique.

This is our contact person +6282265652222. Send us your order by texting, we’ll response it quickly.

Batik Tulis forsale of technical products canting

Batik Tulis forsale is Batik that made for sale. Because, there are some people that make Batik for their own collection or just for the sample. Now Batik is growing up. Although there are several techniques in making Batik modern, but it still has a fans.

Batik Tulis forsale of technical products canting

Batik Tulis usually bought by the middle upper class. It is because the price is quite expensive. Especially if it compares to Batik Cap (stamp) and also printing. The price of the cheapest one is around hundreds of thousands. And the most expensive is around tens of millions. The prices are depend on the pattern and the color. The more color, the higher prices of it. So does the pattern. The more complex of the pattern, the higher prices too.

Even so, the sales graphic of Batik Tulis is never decrease. The buyers of Batik Tulis is not only from Indonesia, but also from foreign.

It also happened in our store, Batik Dlidir. Our customers are so varied. They come from Solo but some of them come from foreign too.

We are one of several centers of Batik in Solo. We concern in making Batik Tulis, but we also serve other kinds of Batik, like Batik Cap (stamp) and Batik Printing. Those kinds of Batik usually use in making uniform. So, our customers of those Batik usually come from company employee or government.
While Batik Tulis usually ordered individually. But sometimes, there is someone that order in large amount. You will get many benefits if you shop in our store.

Batik fabric sale

Batik Tulis forsale at Batikdlidir

Batik Tulis forsale at Batikdlidir. Batikdlidir provides complete batik. Both manufacturing techniques and also cotton base material. So, you feel safe and comfortable in transacting with us.

On this occasion we sell ready stock of technical products canting. For the stamp technique you can see on the page cheap batik fabric. Ready stock is a product that is in our booth. You can buy even though only one piece.

we are ready to provide warranty for this authenticity. We can send you a video of the making process. This is to assure you if the batik we sell is original batik. If we proved that our batik is not original, we are ready to return your money 100 percent.

You can buy our batik by whatsapp me at +62 822 6565 2222.

This is the real batik, a long cultural achievement wong solo. Not just fabric, but a long history of high-level witnesses artwork that is recognized worldwide. If some countries have an amazing heritage, then solo (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property portrayed or expressed in a cloth.
Batik premium.

Indonesia batik tulis jakarta with all technique

Indonesia batik tulis jakarta with all technique. Batik Tulis Jakarta begins to develop. It is proven. Because Batik Jakarta already has some patterns. In fact, this metropolitan city has no the maker of Batik. As time goes by, the maker of Batik come to Jakarta and create Batik there. They come and stay at Betawi or Jakarta.

Indonesia batik tulis jakarta

For further, they spread the knowledge in making Batik. Then finally, slow but sure, Jakarta has its own Batik. That was the story of Batik Jakarta.

Indeed, the raising of Batik tulis in Jakarta does not similar to other regions like Solo, Pekalongan, Indramayu, Yogyakarta, or Cirebon. Where those regions already have Batik since a long time ago. But, the existing of Batik Tulis in Jakarta is good. Because it can complete the kinds of Batik patterns in Indonesia.

Now, Jakarta already has some peculiar Batik patterns. Those patterns are Loreng Ondel-ondel, Nusa Kelapa, Ciliwung, Rasamala, Salaka Nagara, and many more. It is similar to others. Batik Jakarta describes the living of the societies.

By the existing of those patterns, it keeps the cultural also at once. It is alike to Batik Tulis Ciliwung. Ciliwung is an iconic river in Jakarta.

Indonesia batik tulis jakarta by Batikdlidir

Indonesia batik tulis jakarta by Batikdlidir. There are 3 canting techniques that are so familiar in solo society.

1. Technique ukel.

Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed. This technique is also included to create gringsing patterns and such as mosquito repellent. For this technique enter the hardest category price range US $ 500.00 per pcs, size 240 cm x 105 cm .

2. Granite techniques.

Granit is the technique of night casting with the method of the dot outside the pattern If yg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience. For this technique the price range UD $ 300.00 until US $ 350.00 per pcs.

3. Buh Technique.
That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal.

This Batik is also available at Batik Dlidir storehouse. We are ready to serve you. You can custom your own pattern too.

A classic pattern like Batik Ukel is also ready here. It has high complexion in making process. It is because, while making this Batik, the maker has to be careful and detail. Because of its complexion, the price of this Batik is also expensive. It starts from 1,3M IDR (US $95.98) up to 3,5M IDR (US $258.42).

If you want to order Indonesia batik tulis jakarta, please contact us at this number +62 822 6565 2222.

Batik Fabric Jogja Online using canting technique

Batik Fabric Jogja Online using canting technique. Batik Fabric Jogja Online is Batik Tulis from Jogja that sale by online. Today, online transaction has become a trend. Almost all the sellers using this online system. It is not only easier, but it is also effective.

Batik Fabric Jogja Online using canting technique

Online transaction can be done by any social media. Such as facebook, instagram, or others online sites. The result is very delightful. This way makes the sellers more efficient, either the money or the place. The seller does not have to rent a place, so they can save their money itself.

There are many stuffs than can be sale by online. One of them is Jogja. Now, Jogja has become a modern place. So does the Batik. Lately, Batik is not only sale in the market, but it also in online system. The pattern of Batik Jogja that make it has many fans.

Batik Tulis Jogja has a big patterns while Batik Solo has a small patterns. Besides of pattern, another uniqueness of Batik Jogja is the color. Mostly, Batik Tulis Jogja has white as the foundation.
There are several popular patterns of Batik Jogja that are Ceplok and Grompol. This pattern of Batik consists of several shape of geometry. It can be formed like a rose, animal, and others. There is also the pattern of Kawung and Parang. The pattern of Parang is differentiated into several pattern such as Parang Barong, Parang Rusak, Parang Gedreh, and Parang Tuding.

Batik Fabric Jogja Online at Batikdlidir

Batik Fabric Jogja Online at Batikdlidir completely. In order to help you within complete your collection of Batik, Batik Dlidir was established as one of several centers of Batik Tulis in Solo. We have many collections of Batik in our storehouse. We also sale our product via online. You will get many benefits by shopping in our store. We give you the best quality.

If you want to order batik fabric, contact us at this number +6282265652222 by WhatsApp.

Indonesia batik tulis jambi with full color

Indonesia batik tulis jambi with full color. Batik Tulis of Jambi has its own peculiar. One of them is the color. They choose the bright color one, like red, green, yellow, and other bright colors. It aims to show the people how happy or how cheerful they are.

Indonesia batik tulis jambi

These colors were got from the natural colorant. The makers of Batik in Jambi are preferred to choose the natural colorant than synthetic. They use leaf, latex, and others. Some of the materials that often use to be colorant are the latex of Lambato, Bulian wood, Pandan, the wood of Tinggi, and the wood of Sepang. It usually met in Jambi.

But, some of the makers of Batik in Jambi also get the materials from other cities, like Nila leaf and the seed of Tinggi. Those two materials usually got from Yogyakarta. Those materials used to make the variant of colors. The more color, the more cheerful of Batik.

In Jambi, the developing of Batik fabric is very good. At least, there are 31 patterns of Batik in Jambi. The young people are aware to keep and take care of that Batik. Because they know that it is one of the several cultures that must be kept well. Some of the patterns are Candi Muara Jambi, Kaca pring, Puncung Rebung, Angso Duo Bersayap Mahkota, Bulan Sabit, Pauh (Mango), Antlas (plant), and Awan Berarak.

Besides of that, some other patterns are Kapal Sanggat, Batang Hari, Duren Pecah, Merak Ngeram, Tampok Manggis, and Tabor Titik. Those patterns are the specific pattern from Jambi.

Indonesia batik tulis jambi at Batikdlidir

But, if you are interested in those patterns, you can order that Batik in our storehouse, Batik Dlidir. We are located in Solo because we are one of the several centers of Batik Tulis in Solo.

We have many kinds of Batik Tulis. We also have classic and modern Batik. Besides, we provide many Batik that comes from several regions in Indonesia, like Yogyakarta, Pekalongan, Cirebon, Indramayu, and more.

So, what are you waiting for?!
The contact number of Batik Dlidir (+6282265652222).

Batik Tulis East Java with motif or pattern by order

Batik Tulis East Java with motif or pattern by order. Batik Tulis of East Java, now is more popular than before. It is proven by there are a lot of people that interested to this Batik that comes from East java. The developing of batik in East Java is slower than others. Even though, East Java also have several center of Batik. Some of the center of Batik in East Java are as follows.

Batik Tulis East Java

Batik Madura. This region has known with several natural potential from its region, like karapan sapi, and also known as salt producer. As the coastal area, Batik Madura is dominated by bright colors. The popular patterns from this town are pucuk tombak, belah ketupat, and rajut.

The second is Batik Pacitan. This Batik has a bit similarity to Batik Solo. Especially in creating the pattern. There are several pattern here like Sidomulyo, Sekarjagat, Semen Romo, and Kembang-kembang. Besides of Pacitan, Sidoarjo also has typical Batik. Even in Sidoarjo has a village of Batik. In this village there are a lot of Batik Tulis industries. The pattern is dominated by flora and fauna, and the color is bright, like red, yellow, green, and others.

Batik Tulis Tuban. It is the most famous and popular from east Java. It is because the entire of manufacturing process is done from cotton material. Batik Tuban has similarity to Batik Cirebon. Especially in coloring and dyeing process. Where both of them are dominated by using purple and blue.
And then Batik Banyuwangi. This region has so many patterns. But, only 21 that get Nationality recognition. Some of the patterns of Batik Banyuwangi are Gajah Oling, Kangkung Setingkes, Alas Kobong, Paras Gempal, and many more.

Batik Tulis East Java by Batikdlidir

Batik Tulis East Java by Batikdlidir. There are 3 canting techniques that are so familiar in solo society.

1. Technique ukel.

Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed. This technique is also included to create gringsing patterns and such as mosquito repellent. For this technique enter the hardest category price range US $ 500.00 per pcs, size 240 cm x 105 cm .

2. Granite techniques.

Granit is the technique of night casting with the method of the dot outside the pattern If yg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience. For this technique the price range UD $ 300.00 until US $ 350.00 per pcs.

3. Buh Technique.
That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal.

For information and ordering batik, You can whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.
Handmade batik fabric.

Indonesia batik tulis central java with traditional method

Indonesia batik tulis central java with traditional method. Batik Tulis that comes from Central Java has a unique variant. As we know that Central Java is known as a region of Batik identical. Although Batik referring to Indonesia, the popular region of Batik is Java. Especially Central Java, more specifically in Solo.

Indonesia batik tulis central java

Besides of Solo, there are other regions in Central Java that have Batik. It is similar to Solo, those regions also have Batik identical. Batik has become an identity of those regions. One of them is Semarang. The center of making Batik in Semarang is located in Bubakan village, District of Mijen.
One of the characteristics of Batik Semarang is the color. Mostly, the color of Batik tulis Semarang is orange. It is because Semarang has influenced by China and Europe culture. The pattern of it is usually flora and fauna pictorial. The typical pattern from this region is Jago (rooster), Kupu (butterfly), cendrawasih, Phoenix or hong.

Besides that, Batik Semarang also has many patterns that illustrate the icon of that city, like Tugu Muda, Lawang Sewu, Gereja Blenduk, Burung Kuntul, and also Wisma Perdamaian. Beside of Batik Semarang, Batik Pekalongan also involved within unite the variety of Batik Indonesia. Pekalongan has known as the city of Batik (Kota Batik). It is because there are a lot enough of the maker of Batik in Pekalongan.
There are several patterns from Pekalongan. One of the most popular patterns in Batik Hokokai and Jlamprang. Those two patterns have become the icon of Pekalongan. Batik Hokokai has already existed since Japan colonial. This Batik has a pattern that describes Japan a lot, like Sakura, Krisan (Chrysanthemum), and others.

There is also Batik Rembang that has known as Lasem. The pattern of Batik Lasem was influenced by China culture. It is because Rembang is located in the coastal area.

Indonesia batik tulis central java at Batikdlidir

Indonesia batik tulis central java at Batikdlidir. If you interest with Batik of Central Java, you can call us in Batik Dlidir. We are the center of Batik Tulis in Solo. We have so many kinds of Batik. You can choose which one do you like and make it yours. Besides of Batik Tulis, we are ready to serve the order of Batik Cap (stamp) and also Batik Printing.
For order and information batik fabric please call us at this number (+628226565222).

Batik fabric tulis with original handmade

Batik fabric tulis with original handmade. Batik Tulis or Written Batik is Batik which is made by using written or drawn technique. The process of making Batik way through several ways, they are creating motifs, creating Batik, coloring, stitching, and drying. Each process will take enough time. It can be more than three days. And for the entire process it can take times one or three months. It depends on the difficulty level of the motifs.

Batik fabric tulis

Batik Tulis is the oldest Batik in the history. Because it as the first Batik which appears in that era. The main material in making Batik Tulis or Written Batik is wax. It made from several materials, one of them is bee hive (sarang tawon).

Beside of wax, there are other materials such as Gondorukem, paraffin, Damar Mata Kucing, and more. Each material has its function so the result of the product is maximal. Batik Tulis or Written Batik was made manually. And every process usually is done by different people. It is because in every step needs different skills such as creating motifs, creating Batik, coloring, stitching and also drying.
Because the process of making Batik Tulis or Written Batik is so difficult that the cost is very expensive.

Batik fabric tulis at batikdlidir

Batik fabric tulis at batikdlidir. We are from batik Dlidir Solo wants to introduce our product to all people. Batik Dlidir is one of several Batik Tulis Centre in Solo. We provide you many kinds of motifs and types of Batik. Besides that, you can custom your own motifs here. We usually sell Batik Tulis which use Ukel technique.

Batik Dlidir will give you another benefit if you buy Batik fabric from there. The price is cheaper than other stores. We will give you the best quality of Batik and best guarantee too.

There are 3 canting techniques that are so familiar in solo society.

1. Technique ukel.

Namely canting semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed. This technique is also included to create gringsing patterns and such as mosquito repellent. For this technique enter the hardest category price range US $ 500.00 per pcs, size 240 cm x 105 cm .

2. Granite techniques.

Granit is the technique of night casting with the method of the dot outside the pattern If yg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience. For this technique the price range UD $ 300.00 until US $ 350.00 per pcs.

3. Buh Technique.
That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal.

For further information and order, please contact the number below.
The owner of Batik Dlidir
Mr. Mudzakir
(Available on WhatsApp)Thanks.

Indonesian Batik Tulis Asli Jogja with 100 % Cotton

Indonesian Batik Tulis Asli Jogja is the original Batik from Jogja. The uniqueness of this Batik is its pattern. The pattern of this Batik is big. Batik Jogja was strongly influenced by Yogyakarta Palace. Another uniqueness of this Batik is the color of the Batik. It usually uses white for the base and it produces bright color.

Indonesian Batik Tulis Asli Jogja

There are several popular patterns in Jogja, that are Ceplok and Grompol. This pattern consists of the blending of geometry. The same could be a rose, star, and others. Grompol means Berkumpul (gather). This pattern has a philosophy in order to invite all people to gather in goodness. For the example are richness, happiness, peacefulness and more.

Besides of Grompol, there is also the pattern of Kawung. This pattern consists of several ellipse which merge. Someone said that this pattern alike to a Palm tree and Sugar palm. This pattern usually has a white color, so many people assume that it was Kolang kaling pattern. This pattern is holy and pure. Other popular patterns from Jogja is Parang. There are several kinds of Parang, they are Parang Barong, Parang Rusak, Parang Gedreh, and Parang Tuding.

Traditional batik fabric.

Indonesian Batik Tulis Asli Jogja at Batikdlidir

Indonesian Batik Tulis Asli Jogja at Batikdlidir. Batik Dlidir also produce Batik from Jogja with many kinds of patterns. So if you want it, just come to Batik Dlidir. Our collections are complete. You can choose or order any patterns that you want.

Batik Dlidir will give you another benefit if you buy Batik from there. The price is cheaper than other stores. We will give you the best quality of Batik and best guarantee too.

There are 3 canting techniques that are so familiar in solo society.

1. Technique ukel.

Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed. This technique is also included to create gringsing patterns and such as mosquito repellent. For this technique enter the hardest category price range US $ 500.00 per pcs, size 240 cm x 105 cm .

2. Granite techniques.

Granit is the technique of night casting with the method of the dot outside the pattern If yg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience. For this technique the price range UD $ 300.00 until US $ 350.00 per pcs.

3. Buh Technique.
That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal.

For further information and order, please contact the number below.
The owner of Batik Dlidir
Mr. Mudzakir
(Available on WhatsApp)

Indonesia Batik Tulis Instagram for your fashion

Indonesia Batik Tulis Instagram is Batik Tulis that sell by using Instagram. Instagram is one of the social media to share photos and also videos. By using this application, the user can share their photo collections with their friends. That is the reason that makes the transactions by this application growing rapidly.

Indonesia Batik Tulis Instagram

It cannot be denied, Instagram becomes one of the popular social media. It is not only to socialize in cyberspace, but it also has other benefits. One of those is the transaction of Batik.
Lately, the transaction by using Instagram is very popular. There are many sellers who sell their product here. The more followers the more products that sold. Using Instagram in trading business gives many advantages to the sellers. One of those is the sellers can save their cost. The sellers do not need to rent a place.

The transaction process by using social media known as online system or shopping online. Now, almost all of the sellers use this system. As the effect from the developing of technology, the transaction cannot be denied anymore.

jual batik

Indonesia Batik Tulis Instagram at Batikdlidir

Indonesia Batik Tulis Instagram at Batikdlidir. Batik Dlidir also use this online system. It uses to develop our product and also follow the era. Although we have an online system, our customers also can order via offline or come to our store directly.

Our product has known abroad. Our customers are not only Indonesian, but we also have foreign customers, like United State, United Kingdom, Spain, China, Korea, Singapore, Canada, and more. You can also order the best quality of Batik in Batik Dlidir.

There are 3 canting techniques that are so familiar in solo society.

1. Technique ukel.

Namely canting semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed. This technique is also included to create gringsing patterns and such as mosquito repellent. For this technique enter the hardest category price range US $ 500.00 per pcs, size 240 cm x 105 cm .

2. Granite techniques.

Granit is the technique of night casting with the method of the dot outside the pattern If yg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience. For this technique the price range UD $ 300.00 until US $ 350.00 per pcs.

3. Buh Technique.
That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal.

For information and ordering batik fabric, You can whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.