Shirt Batik Tulis 100 % using cotton fabric

Shirt Batik Tulis (long sleeve) or usually called shirt. While short sleeve called t- shirt.
The difference between a long sleeve and short sleeve is in the size. It also can be seen from the impression. Long sleeve is more formal than the short one. That is why the officials, young executive, and the President prefer to wear long sleeve than the short sleeve. But all of that depends on the occasion.

Shirt Batik Tulis 100 % using cotton fabric

Whether long or short sleeve is similar. It depends on the people, the occasion, and the work. This kind of Batik Tulis patterns usually has no absolute size and models.

In making Batik Tulis, the maker does not make for certain kind of clothes. Each pattern designed for all clothes model. Thus, if you want to make clothes by yourself, you just need to find the proper pattern, and afterward, you can design your own clothes.

This kind of Batik can be found in BatikDlidir, Solo. It is one of several centers of Batik Tulis in Solo. We have many kinds of Batik Tulis. You will get several benefits if you shop in our store, such as the cheapest price and you will get the best quality of Batik Tulis. The down payment is only 50% of the total price.

The contact number of Batik Dlidir is at +628226565222. It is available in WhatsApp and phone. You can call this number for order, but WhatsApp is better.

Shirt Batik Tulis at Batikdlidir

Shirt Batik Tulis at Batikdlidir with cotton fabric. A bit of explanation about the technique above:
1. Buh IDR. 285.000,- per pc.

Buh design is the design which is on the surrounding fabric. It is usually used as subordinate fabric. Buh technique has the level of simple difficulty and for applying the wax only a half or a third from the wide of fabric per pc. In this category involves Jengki design, etc.

2. Big design IDR. 375.000 per pc.
Minimum order is 10 pieces. The combination between Buh and Big design involves this category. This technique has interesting color superiority. This design involves some, such as Parang Besar, Sidomukti Besar and Galar Besar (besar = big).

3. Bledak and a half of Granite 580.000/pc.
Bledak technique is breaking the wax which is on fabric. With this technique, we hope that it can give the impression of obscure colour.

4. Full Granite IDR. 650.000,- per pc.
Is the technique of applying the wax with dropping method outside of pattern while inside of it named Pasiran (sandy). This technique can be categorized as difficult one when the basic distinguishing is from the size (big/small) of bamboo water scoop (Canting).

5. Ukel and Pakem IDR. 900.000
Is the technique of applying the wax with the form of half circle. This technique gets included too for making Gringsing and Obat Nyamuk (insect repellent) pattern. For this technique involves the most turning category.

Batik fabric Tulis Keris it symbolizes a philosophy

Batik fabric Tulis Keris is Batik that has Keris pattern. In Indonesia, especially in Java, it symbolizes a philosophy. Keris is a weapon to protect yourself. Besides, it also symbolizes a power in controlling the household.

Batik fabric Tulis Keris

Keris is a peculiar weapon from Indonesia. It has existed since Majapahit era. The shape is curvy that it is called Luk. Each of it has the different number of Luk, and each of it has the different meaning. This weapon is really sacred.

So it does to Batik Tulis Keris. In several regions in Indonesia, the creation of Batik Tulis pattern is very varied. There are small patterns and also the big one. These varieties are being the identity of those regions. Although it looks simple, Batik Keris pattern is very popular. Even the deceased of Tien Soeharto also has a favorite pattern that is Curigo kesit.

The shape of Curigo Kesit pattern looks like the small aligning of Keris. It has a deep philosophy, especially for the women. It symbolizes the ability of the women in managing or controlling their self, their family and their household.

Batik fabric Tulis Keris at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric Tulis Keris at Batikdlidir. One of several Batik Tulis centers in Solo is Batik Dlidir. Our storehouse is located in Solo. We concern in making handmade Batik that are Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp) and Batik Printing. In another word, we are ready to provide you many kinds of Batik.

If you want to have that Batik fabric, you can order in Batik Tulis. Batikdlidir will make it for you. We have many experienced – makers, so you don’t have to worry about anything. Batikdlidir will give you the best quality and the cheapest price.

We also give you the warranty of the authenticity. Batikdlidir have the making process video for every Batik that we made. So, we are ready to send it to you for our dedication and warranty.

Please call this number +628226565222 for order requirement. By phone or WhatsApp. That number is available in both of them. But we prefer WhatsApp texting than a phone.

Indonesia Batik Tulis Lampung with dark color

Indonesia Batik Tulis Lampung with dark color. Batik Tulis Lampung comes from Lampung. It produced by Siger Rumah Batik that is located in Lampung. Siger Rumah Batik produces many kinds of Batik Lampung. It is including the fabric, pattern, color, and etc. The most popular patterns of Batik Lampung are Siger, Gajah (elephant), and Sulur-suluran. Those are very popular because of those patterns full of culture and tradition from Lampung. Those patterns also became an icon of Lampung.

Indonesia Batik Tulis Lampung with dark color

Besides of those patterns, the pattern of Pohon Ayat, Sembagi, and Lampung are also elegant. Batik Lampung usually applies the dark color such as brown and black. These are an absolute color from the forefathers. But now, the maker creates a new innovation in coloring. The bright colors are chosen. It enhances the kinds of Batik Lampung, so it can be worn by anyone.

There are no differences in making the process of Batik Lampung. It is similar to Batik Solo, Yogyakarta, Pekalongan, and others. The process begins by creating the pattern, pencantingan, coloring, washing, and drying.

Indonesia Batik Tulis Lampung at Batikdlidir

Indonesia Batik Tulis Lampung at Batikdlidir. Batik Tulis Lampung is now available in our store, Batik Dlidir. Batik Dlidir is one of several centers of Batik Tulis that is located in Solo. We have more than 1000 kind patterns of Batik Tulis. You can choose which one do you like. Besides that, you also can design your own pattern and we will make it for you.

We have a lot of experienced – maker here, so you don’t have to worry about our Batik fabric. They have worked in Batik since tens year ago. So we will give you the best quality of Batik ever.

The price of Batik Tulis in our store starts from US $44.30 /meters. For Batik Cap (stamp) is US $1.84 and the price for Batik Printing is US $2.06.

So if you are interested, you can order in Batik Dlidir. Contact us at +6282265652222. Phone and WhatsApp are available. You will directly connect to the owner, Mr. Mudzakir.

Batik fabric Tulis Lasem has its own uniqueness

Batik fabric Tulis Lasem has its own uniqueness. The uniqueness makes it different. The uniqueness of Batik Lasem Rembang is the color. It usually has the red color. As we know that Lasem is located in the coastal area. There are many traders who come there to trade. China is one of them. That is why Batik Lasem is red. It was influenced by China.

Batik fabric Tulis Lasem has its own uniqueness

They are not only trade, but some of them are staying. Because of that, there are several Chinese people who marry native people. Why was Batik Lasem pattern alike to China? Because of the acculturation or the combination of both culture. The popular pattern of Batik Lasem is Hong or known as Phoenix.

Lasem is colorant powder that usually use to create red color in Batik. It usually combines with colorant powder from Germany or Europe. Afterward, it becomes the mainstay color of Batik Lasem.
Then, the phenomenal Batik from Rembang is Batik Tiga Negeri. It is because the coloring process was conducted in three different cities. The red color is done in Lasem, the brown (Sogan) is done in Solo, and the blue one is done in Pekalongan.

Indonesian Batik Fabric.

Batik fabric Tulis Lasem at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric Tulis Lasem at Batikdlidir. We helps you to find many kinds of Batik. You do not need to go far in order to complete your Batik collection.

Come to Batik Dlidir store so you can choose your Batik. We have ready stock of Batik but we also take pre-orders. Thus, you can design your own Batik and we will make it for you.

We serve the purchasing in a large amount and individual also. We have Batik Cap (stamp) and Batik Printing for you Batik lovers.

If you want to order, please call us at +6282265652222. You will directly connect to the owner of Batik Dlidir, Mr. Mudzakir. You can make a call or short text, but we would rather use WhatsApp than make a call.

Traditional Batik tulis keraton the best quality

Traditional Batik Tulis Keraton is Batik Tulis that has a peculiar pattern of Keraton (Palace). It made by the Royal family. Each pattern made for them. So, this pattern is very special and holy. Because none can wear it unless the Royal family.

Traditional Batik tulis keraton

This pattern often found in Yogyakarta. In the past, this town has many kinds of Keraton pattern. But, by the advancing of the era, this pattern has spread out to other regions of Batik, like Solo and Pekalongan. By that time, Keraton pattern is socialized and allow to wear by anyone.

The total number of Keraton pattern is much enough. There are several patterns that still mesmerizes though it is very old. That are grompol pattern, kawung, ceplok, parang, and many more. Each of it has its own philosophy. For the example is grompol pattern. This pattern has a philosophy to gather. To gather the happiness, fortunes, and goodness.

And then the pattern of Kawung. The shape of it is oval. Several people said that it looks like kolang-kaling fruit. This pattern describes that the King is the middlemost of reign and surrounded by his people. It means that those people must obey the King, and the King must protect those people.

Traditional Batik Fabric.

Traditional Batik tulis keraton at Batikdlidir

If you want to get that pattern, you can order in our storehouse, Batik Dlidir. Batik Dlidir is several centers of Batik Tulis that located in Solo. You can get many kinds of Batik Tulis. We also provide you Batik Cap (stamp) and Batik Printing.

You don’t have to worry about the quality. We have the best maker of Batik, so we will give you the best quality of Batik.

By shopping in our store, you will get many benefits. The first is you will get the best quality. The second is the cheapest price of Batik. And the third is the down payment is only 50% of the total price.

For order requirement, you can call Mr. Mudzakir, as the owner of BatikDlidir at +6282265652222. It is available by phone or WhatsApp, but we prefer WhatsApp than a phone.

Contemporary Batik Tulis also known Modern pattern

Contemporary Batik Tulis also known as Batik Tulis modern. This kind of Batik has several differences to Batik Tulis Classic or Traditional. Especially in the pattern and the color. Batik Tulis has a limit color but Batik Contemporary is more varied. The maker combines many colors in every Batik.

Contemporary Batik Tulis

The colors that have been chosen is bright, like red, blue, yellow, and many more. It is because the people in these days are more interest to the something that attractive. So, it is one of the reasons why contemporary Batik has more than one color.

Besides of color, Batik Contemporary is freer than Batik Classic. Batik Classic has its own absolute in making the pattern. The examples of Batik Classic are Kawung, Parang, Truntum, Jlamprang, Hokoai, Wahyu Tumurun, Sidomukti, and Sidoasih.

This absolute has been existing since a long time ago. Absolute is related to the philosophy of Batik pattern. So, if there is someone who breaks them, the philosophy will go down. But, in Contemporary or Modern, the pattern is free. There is no rule or absolute. So, the maker can make it by their imagination. Batik modern is more prioritize the beauty, not the philosophy.

Batik Dlidir provides Batik Contemporary also. So, if you want to have it, please come to Batik Dlidir. Batik Dlidir is one of several centers of Batik Tulis that located in Solo, Central Java. You can get many benefits here, such as the cheapest price, custom design of pattern, and more. How can we order? Please text us only at +6282265652222.

Contemporary Batik Tulis at Batikdlidir

Contemporary Batik Tulis at Batikdlidir. In addition to wax ( Malam ), the main media of batik is canting. It’s been everyday wong jawa from the past until now with canting. Canting is made of copper with a small hole for ‘malam’ out.

There are 3 canting techniques that are so familiar in solo society.

1. Technique ukel.

Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed. This technique is also included to create gringsing patterns and such as mosquito repellent. For this technique enter the hardest category price range US $ 500.00 per pcs, size 240 cm x 105 cm .

2. Granite techniques.

Granit is the technique of night casting with the method of the dot outside the pattern If yg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience. For this technique the price range UD $ 300.00 until US $ 350.00 per pcs.

3. Buh Technique.
That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal.

For information and ordering batik tulis, You can whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Indonesia Batik Tulis Kebumen is unique

Indonesia Batik Tulis Kebumen is unique. It is different to others. It has unique color and pattern. The color is dark, like black, blue, brown sogan, and more. Besides Batik Tulis Kebumen has a superior pattern. One of the popular patterns is Gringsing.

Indonesia Batik Tulis Kebumen

Kebumen also has other patterns like Kawung Jenggot, Srikit, Jagatan Kebumen or well-known as Sekar jagad. There are also Beras Utah, Ukel, Lamaran, Kopi Pecah, and Kepundungan. From those patterns, Kawung Jenggot belongs in a rare pattern.

Besides, Batik with Ukel pattern is also rare. It is because Ukel belongs in a complex pattern. Not all of the maker can make it. The shape is small and detail. The maker needs high concentration in making this pattern. The price is around 3M IDR (US $210.00).

That uniqueness makes Batik Tulis Kebumen popular. It is not only from local people, but they come from foreign too.

You can buy Batik Kebumen in our store, Batik Dlidir. It is located in Solo, Central Java. Batikdlidir provide many kinds of Batik, classic and modern too. We also have Batik Cap (stamp) and Batik Printing. We give you the cheapest one.

Kain Batik.

Indonesia Batik Tulis Kebumen at Batikdlidir

Indonesia Batik Tulis Kebumen at Batikdlidir with pattern order. There are 3 canting techniques that are so familiar in solo society.

1. Technique ukel.

Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed. This technique is also included to create gringsing patterns and such as mosquito repellent. For this technique enter the hardest category price range US $ 500.00 per pcs, size 240 cm x 105 cm .

2. Granite techniques.

Granit is the technique of night casting with the method of the dot outside the pattern If yg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience. For this technique the price range UD $ 300.00 until US $ 350.00 per pcs.

3. Buh Technique.
That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal.
For information and ordering batik, You can whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.
Handmade batik fabric.

Batik Tulis classic with all technique handmade

Batik Tulis classic is Batik that has a classic design. The existence of Batik Tulis Classic is because these days Batik is developing, so the maker creates a modern design to make it balance. Besides it also aims to attract the teenagers in batik. But, those modern designs are identical to Batik Cap (stamp) and Printing.

The design of Batik Tulis is different to the modern pattern. It can be seen from the color and also the pattern. The classic pattern has their own absolute, and all of the makers of it has to obey those absolutes. Because it relates to the philosophy of Batik. This kind of rule will never find in modern Batik. Because the modern Batik is free in making the design or pattern. So, the maker can express their creativity.

Batik Classic can be found in every region. Solo, Yogyakarta, Pekalongan, Cirebon, Indramayu, and Rembang are the examples. Those cities also have their own Classic Batik. In Solo, you can find a classic pattern like Sidomukti, Truntum, Wahyu Tumurun, and more. In Yogyakarta, you can find Parang, Kawung, and Grompol. And in Pekalongan, you can meet the pattern of Jlamprang and Hokusai.

Batik Tulis classic at batikdlidir

Batik Dlidir that located in Solo is the right place to shop Batik. We provide many kinds of Batik, either Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), or Printing. Give us 50% as the down payment, and we will send your order on time and neatly.

Batik Tulis classic at batikdlidir

For the stamp technique, it still seems traditional and unique. Because in addition to using the wax, coloring can be more varied. The price fairly affordable to be made batik uniform.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.99 / yard.
2. Each meter of cotton primisima ourtagprice is US $ 2.50 / yard.

For color, cap technique has its own value. You will get a solid color. In addition, it can also make your own the color gradation (colour ways/design). Foreign people call it with tie dye smoke technique.

This is our contact person +6282265652222. Send us your order by texting, we’ll response it quickly.

Batik Tulis forsale of technical products canting

Batik Tulis forsale is Batik that made for sale. Because, there are some people that make Batik for their own collection or just for the sample. Now Batik is growing up. Although there are several techniques in making Batik modern, but it still has a fans.

Batik Tulis forsale of technical products canting

Batik Tulis usually bought by the middle upper class. It is because the price is quite expensive. Especially if it compares to Batik Cap (stamp) and also printing. The price of the cheapest one is around hundreds of thousands. And the most expensive is around tens of millions. The prices are depend on the pattern and the color. The more color, the higher prices of it. So does the pattern. The more complex of the pattern, the higher prices too.

Even so, the sales graphic of Batik Tulis is never decrease. The buyers of Batik Tulis is not only from Indonesia, but also from foreign.

It also happened in our store, Batik Dlidir. Our customers are so varied. They come from Solo but some of them come from foreign too.

We are one of several centers of Batik in Solo. We concern in making Batik Tulis, but we also serve other kinds of Batik, like Batik Cap (stamp) and Batik Printing. Those kinds of Batik usually use in making uniform. So, our customers of those Batik usually come from company employee or government.
While Batik Tulis usually ordered individually. But sometimes, there is someone that order in large amount. You will get many benefits if you shop in our store.

Batik fabric sale

Batik Tulis forsale at Batikdlidir

Batik Tulis forsale at Batikdlidir. Batikdlidir provides complete batik. Both manufacturing techniques and also cotton base material. So, you feel safe and comfortable in transacting with us.

On this occasion we sell ready stock of technical products canting. For the stamp technique you can see on the page cheap batik fabric. Ready stock is a product that is in our booth. You can buy even though only one piece.

we are ready to provide warranty for this authenticity. We can send you a video of the making process. This is to assure you if the batik we sell is original batik. If we proved that our batik is not original, we are ready to return your money 100 percent.

You can buy our batik by whatsapp me at +62 822 6565 2222.

This is the real batik, a long cultural achievement wong solo. Not just fabric, but a long history of high-level witnesses artwork that is recognized worldwide. If some countries have an amazing heritage, then solo (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property portrayed or expressed in a cloth.
Batik premium.

Indonesia batik tulis jakarta with all technique

Indonesia batik tulis jakarta with all technique. Batik Tulis Jakarta begins to develop. It is proven. Because Batik Jakarta already has some patterns. In fact, this metropolitan city has no the maker of Batik. As time goes by, the maker of Batik come to Jakarta and create Batik there. They come and stay at Betawi or Jakarta.

Indonesia batik tulis jakarta

For further, they spread the knowledge in making Batik. Then finally, slow but sure, Jakarta has its own Batik. That was the story of Batik Jakarta.

Indeed, the raising of Batik tulis in Jakarta does not similar to other regions like Solo, Pekalongan, Indramayu, Yogyakarta, or Cirebon. Where those regions already have Batik since a long time ago. But, the existing of Batik Tulis in Jakarta is good. Because it can complete the kinds of Batik patterns in Indonesia.

Now, Jakarta already has some peculiar Batik patterns. Those patterns are Loreng Ondel-ondel, Nusa Kelapa, Ciliwung, Rasamala, Salaka Nagara, and many more. It is similar to others. Batik Jakarta describes the living of the societies.

By the existing of those patterns, it keeps the cultural also at once. It is alike to Batik Tulis Ciliwung. Ciliwung is an iconic river in Jakarta.

Indonesia batik tulis jakarta by Batikdlidir

Indonesia batik tulis jakarta by Batikdlidir. There are 3 canting techniques that are so familiar in solo society.

1. Technique ukel.

Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed. This technique is also included to create gringsing patterns and such as mosquito repellent. For this technique enter the hardest category price range US $ 500.00 per pcs, size 240 cm x 105 cm .

2. Granite techniques.

Granit is the technique of night casting with the method of the dot outside the pattern If yg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience. For this technique the price range UD $ 300.00 until US $ 350.00 per pcs.

3. Buh Technique.
That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal.

This Batik is also available at Batik Dlidir storehouse. We are ready to serve you. You can custom your own pattern too.

A classic pattern like Batik Ukel is also ready here. It has high complexion in making process. It is because, while making this Batik, the maker has to be careful and detail. Because of its complexion, the price of this Batik is also expensive. It starts from 1,3M IDR (US $95.98) up to 3,5M IDR (US $258.42).

If you want to order Indonesia batik tulis jakarta, please contact us at this number +62 822 6565 2222.