Category Archives: Batik Dlidir

Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia

Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia culture to worldwide. With prices starting at US $ 1.80 per yard, you can get original Handmade. We ( Batik Dlidir ) is a batik company located in solo city, indonesia. A city closely associated with culture. The city that witnessed the birth of a tradition that until now still sustainable, Batik.

Batik fabric is a pictorial fabric that is specially made by writing or putting ‘ malam ‘ ( wax ) on the fabric. Batik Indonesia, as a whole of technology, related motive and cultural development. This is a craft that has high artistic value. Besides that has been a part of Javanese culture for a long time.

Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia culture to worldwide tie dye
Batik cap ( stamp ) And Tie dye,

We provide original Batik fabric for all people of the world with the best quality. Complete, either with ” tulis ” ( Drawing ) technique or using ” cap ” ( Stamp ). In addition, the price is also affordable because we are Batik fabric manufacturers .

Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia culture to worldwide
Batik Tulis ( Drawing with canting )

for more information or order, you can whatsapp to:

+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

The service and information 24 hours nonstop. This we do as our dedication in this job.

Over time, kain batik has a very broad meaning. Today batik in everyday life is a work of art that manifests culture. Not stop there, but also can give benefits to the general public ( the meaning of “dlidir” ). Batik can be interpreted high-level art of a solo civilization and its surroundings.

For us, batik does not just draw on fabric. Then put on “malam”, give motif, sell it or UNESCO recognition. But this is a comprehensive series of all thoughts, manpower and long history synergized in producing the best and original works to be enjoyed together. Good for the solo community in particular and also the people of the World in general.

Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia at Batikdlidir

We name our certainly quality product as Batikdlidir. What is Dlidir? In Javanese dlidlir means mengalir (flowing). Therefore, from that name, dlidir, we hope that our product will be salable like the flow of the water. This name is also our prayer. So, it is not only name, but it has strong character in further advance.

Batik fabric at Batikdlidir sale

As time goes by, Batik has generous meaning for us. Nowadays batik in daily is an art which manifests culture. Batik also give a value to public (read: dlidir). Batik means the high-level of art in Solo and round.

Processing batik is not only draw in the fabric, but it also a comprehensive sequences. The sequences of mind, energy, and a long story. All of the synergized process while making an artistic work. So, all of the people enjoy it.

We sell Batik in three categories. This category based on Batik techniques making. Here the explanation:
1. Written Batik (batik tulis). It made by using canting or written (tulis) technique. It usually use for special affair.
2. Copper plate stamp Batik (batik cap). It made by using copper stamp (cap). This technique has solid color, or it is well-known as tie dye technique.
3. Handprint Batik. This is a technique that use screen media to make pattern in the fabric. The examples of this technique is in making clothing and sarong (sarung).

For further information and order. :
Mr Mudzakir.
+62 822 6565 2222
(Available on WhatsApp).

Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia for quilting at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method. You can get a Batik fabric price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin or barcolin. This materials is cotton 100 percent.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.
Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method

Batik fabric quilts for jelly rolls

By the existing of these boutiques, so it will easier Batik lovers while hunting Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia quilt. Surely it has many choices. As we know that it has more colors and patterns. Of course, the product is better. That is what the artisan expected. Producing beautiful Batik art. Because later, it is not only used for fashion needs but also to make accessories.

Processing making Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia at batik dlidir

Generally, it also uses for house internal decoration. Such as tablecloth decoration, living room, bedroom, the lounge, family room, and others. The manual way usually applied while creating a quilt Batik fabric. This is the best way to make a decoration. It also makes the price of this art higher.

We provide many types of Batik quilt. For each pack will have many kinds interesting patterns. A piece of Batik quilt can be recycled into an attractive art. Up to now, we often send Batik quilt to many countries in the world. One of them is the United Kingdom. In addition to Batik quilt, you can also order another Batik fabric.

You can get a Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia quilts price of US $ 2.50 per yard at Batikdlidir.

You can get a Batik fabric quilts price of US $ 2.50 per yard at Batikdlidir.

You can contact us via whatsapp for ordering : +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric sale with low price

Batik fabric sale with low price and original handmade. BatikDlidir selling batik from solo city to all over the world. It is easy for us to make low prices, because it is located in batik producers.

Batik fabric sale with low price Batikdlidir 1

The first, Cap technique ( Stamp ) with the original handmade from Indonesian. With a starting price of US $ 2.50 / yard, you can get quality and handmade Batik fabric. Indonesian Batik fabric at a cheap price with quality ” wong solo “. Solo batik history can not be separated from the influence of the palace. Cap technique covers tie dye, smoke or color gradation.

Batik fabric sale with low price canting tulis 1

Next technique ” canting ” ( Draw, art or tulis ). This is the real batik, a long achievement of wong solo culture. Not just cloth, but a long history of witnesses of world-renowned artwork. If some countries have a stunning relic, then the solo city (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property depicted or expressed in a cloth. We sell it with prices ranging from US $ 200 per piece to US $ 300 per piece. Or you can order it with your favorite patterns.

The process of making time and difficulty determine the price of a Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia. Here’s the price list.

1. Ukel technique, we sell it between US $ 100 per piece until US $ 300 per piece.
2. Granit technique, US $ 80 per piece – US $ 150 per piece.
3. Buh technique, US $ 60 per piece – US $ 80 per piece.

You can contact us via whatsapp for ordering : +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

100 cotton Batik fabric the best quality

We use 100 cotton Batik fabric quality choice. Maybe you ask, what is the real cotton ?. Before entering the problem of cotton, it would be better to know about cotton base material ie cotton.

Cotton is a fine fiber that envelops the seeds of several species of Gossypium (commonly called “trees” or cotton plants), ‘bush’ plants originating from the tropics and subtropics. Cotton fiber becomes an important material in the textile industry. The fiber can be spun into yarn and woven into cloth. Textile products of cotton fibers commonly referred to as cotton (yarn or cloth).

Why do we count on 100 percent cotton ?. In accordance with our experience, in addition to absorbing sweat is also not hot. So when you wear it so comfortably.

There are many types of 100 percent cotton in Indonesia. Construction of the yarn that distinguishes between types of one another. In addition, there is also seen from the thickness of the threads of cotton fabric.

For stamp technique, we use the construction of yarn 133 x 72, thickness 40 s. This type of cotton has a quality in the middle – middle. It has been export standard and proven to date.

100 cotton Batik fabric the best quality tie dye 1

As for canting or ‘tulis’ techniques we rely on cotton primissima gamelan construction 114 x 96, thickness 50 s. Cotton premium grade produced from our Country, Indonesia.

The choice of cotton This is just a habit of us, you can order the fabric as you wish. Batikdlidir serve quickly and appropriately for all your Batik fabric business.

For info or order 100 cotton Batik fabric can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric manufacturers from solo, Indonesia

Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia manufacturers from Indonesia for All around the world. Batikdlidir is a manufacturer of complete batik cloth start, stamp until handprint. We produce it all with human hands ( Handmade ), not machines. What distinguishes between stamp or tulis with handprint is the formation of patterns and the use of the malam. As for the same work that is using human power.

Batik fabric manufacturers from solo, Indonesia

The benefits you get from making Batik fabric in our place, among others:

1. The price of cotton fabric is cheaper with the best quality, because we are in the center location of cotton factory. So the price of batik cloth produced is also cheap ( low price ).

2. Motives are more maintained quality, It has been tested with the use of many years of our customers. In addition, you can choose the motif according to your taste.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo society and jogja have become daily struggling in the field of ‘Batik’.

4. Easy on payment. For reservations we charge Down payment 50% of total production financing. So as to create a relationship of trust between the two sides.

5. Many choices of batik pattern that we provide with the video, if you do not determine their own motives. There are two types of motifs and colors we provide. So you can specify your own directions that you want to order.

For info or reservations, You can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Batik sarong wholesale.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir

Maybe you ask, What is a handmade Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia ?. Handmade Batik is a batik made by human hands by passing through both time and energy process. For us, handmade is divided into 2 namely cap technique and tulis technique. However, for the solo society in particular consider handmade only refers to the technique canting (‘tulis’).

We produce original handmade products. When making it with canting, Batikdlidir always say “tulis”. Similarly, with the stamp, We will say the stamp ( cap ) technique. This is very important, because appreciating the process is the main goal for us.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir 22 smoke

For continental america, europe and australian used batik cap. This corresponds to the color of the skin that likes the color gradation, modern and colorful. You can order to us according to your desired motif. Here are the details:

1. Batik cap stamp, tie dye, or smoke: US $ 2.50 / yard.
2. Minimum order 500 yard.
3. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn.

Where to buy batik?, you can contact us via whatsapp +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir with tulis canting

As for our batik tulis take a price US$ 60 per piece to US$ 300 per piece. By using cotton rags. Duration of work 1 week to 2 months depending on the level of complexity. Every stage of the making process we overview for you.

Batik tulis is a traditional product from us, the people of Indonesia. Products formed by long process. Cultural results created from the Java community to be enjoyed by the entire world community.

Traditional Batik fabric the best quality

Traditional Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia is synonymous with ‘pakem’ writing technique. For traditional events such as weddings, ordinary people of Java use batik motif ‘pakem’. There are many motifs ‘grip’ ( Pakem ) that remain sustainable until the time of this writing is made. Here are just a few of the many traditional batik fabrics:

1. Sidomukti, used bride. Sido means continuous and mukti means to live well.

Traditional Batik fabric the best quality truntum

2. Truntum, guide. The meaning of parents led the bride into new life. Usually in the form of sarimbit or paired between both parents.

3. Satria Manah, worn by the groom’s guardian when wandering. With hope hopefully the man’s proposal can be received well by the woman. An intelligent meaning that became a habit of wong solo.

4. Cement Rante, used brides guardian when receiving applications.

5. Ceplok Kasatriyan, used as a cloth for ceremonial bridal ceremony. The wearer to look dashing and has a knight nature.

6. Grompol ornament, worn at a wedding ceremony. Grompol means gathering or united. The expectation of the gathering of all things as good as living in harmony.

7. Semen Gendong is worn by the bride and groom after the wedding ceremony in the hope that she can hold baby soon.

You can order to us various motifs above. Good with the easiest making techniques, to the most difficult. Similarly, the fabric, you can choose as needed.

To order whatsapp at +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Wax Batik fabric using canting technique

Wax Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia using canting techniques ( Tulis ) according to your order. The Wax has characteristics like candles. Could be so because “Malam” is a type of wax that is more specific. The specificity is commonly used by the people of Java to make batik.

Wax Batik fabric using canting technique at Batikdlidir indonesia

In addition to wax ( Malam ), the main media of batik is canting. It’s been everyday wong jawa from the past until now with canting. Canting is made of copper with a small hole for ‘malam’ out.

There are 3 canting techniques that are so familiar in solo society.

1. Technique ukel.

Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed. This technique is also included to create gringsing patterns and such as mosquito repellent. For this technique enter the hardest category price range US $ 200 per pcs, size 240 cm x 105 cm .

2. Granite techniques.

Granit is the technique of night casting with the method of the dot outside the pattern If yg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience. For this technique the price range US $ 100 per pcs.

3. Buh Technique.
That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal.

For information and ordering batik, You can whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.
The best Handmade batik.

BENEFITS OF MAKING Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia IN BATIKDLIDIR.

The benefits you get from making batik cloth in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton cloth is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory.

2. Motives are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of Batik fabric. For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.


For info or reservations can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric from indonesia with handprint technique for sarong

Batik fabricS WITH HANDPRINT TECHNIQUE. This technique usually for batik sarong wholesale. We use fabric from original cotton. In Indonesia, there are two famous cotton. Namely, prima cotton and primissima. Here’s a little science about this cotton.


The fabric construction is the part that composes or arranges the yarn. The construction is vertical and horizontal. For the usual primissima use 133 x 72 construction, while prima uses 90 x 70 construction in each fabric. You can choose according to taste and quality of usage.

We make a second offer of the fabric with two prices as well. In addition to the choice of fabric, batik motif you can choose. Here’s the price we offer.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.60 / yard.
2. Primisima Batik fabrics and design patterns of your wishes. We charge US $ 1.90 / yard.

So the two Batik fabric above, we send it to your locationin a state of fabric that already handprintedas ordered.

For reservations or information can text or whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We recommend using whatsapp to make it easier to communication forsending picture or video of motives batik or the processing the work of your order.

Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia with original stamp ( copper )

Batik fabric wholesale in shape are still fabric with traditional stamp technique. This technique also for batik bali.


Fortunately, the use of stamp technique is widely used for export purposes. And when looking back on history, stamp batik has a neat history. History in the fight for its existence. For that we suggest and try to socialize stamp techniquelocaly while we try to get vast. We do with the hope that the citizens can enjoy. The traditional work that is sad to be left behind.

For the stamp technique, it still seems traditional and unique. Because in addition to using the wax, coloring can be more varied. The price fairly affordable to be made batik cloth.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.99 / yard.
2. Each meter of cotton primisima ourtagprice is US $ 2.50 / yard.

For color, cap technique has its own value. You will get a solid color. In addition, it can also make your own the color gradation (colour ways/design). Foreign people call it with tie dye smoke technique.

For details can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir. 24 hours nonstop serving order batik uniform. As our dedication in the field of batik.

The technique in making Batik fabric by using Canting or Tulis

The technique of Canting is a masterpiece of Batik fabric. An art, tradition, and technique that must be kept. This technique already existed in Indonesia, especially in Solo, Pekalongan, and Jogja. The making process of Batik Tulis is different. It made by using canting to draw the pattern. The tools that used while making Batik are canting, malam (wax), fabric and malam (wax) heater (small stove).

The technique in making Batik fabric by using Canting or Tulis at Batikdlidir

It usually presented to the director of the company and the upper class. It is because the price is expensive. Why could it be? The making process of it takes time around 2 weeks until 2 months. On that time, the maker only can produce one piece of Batik Tulis. That is the reason why it is very expensive.
Those are the steps and the range of the price:.

1. Ukel.

That is the technique of drawing semicircle on the fabric. This technique also used to make gringsing and obatnyamuk pattern. This is the complex one.

2. Granit.

It is a technique by drawing dots outside of the pattern. While within the pattern named pasiran. This technique is also difficult because the different base is from the canting.

The smaller canting, it will need the higher tidiness and patient. The price depends on the fabric and the detail. It takes time 2 weeks.

3. Buh.

This is a technique by drawing Batik fully or equally. It includes on the inside also the tumpal. We showed you the process by the video and picture.

4. Galar.

5. Genes.

For further information and order, please contact the number below!.
The owner of Batik Dlidir.
Mr. Mudzakir

The developing of Batik fabric

The fabric of Batik is identified as Nusantara’s (Indonesia) fabric. Nowadays, those fabrics are developed into the modern industry. The effect of this choice is Batik must be up to date. The developing of Batik year by year finally will show their life in fashion industries.

The developing of Batik fabric owner Batikdlidir

The first appearance of Batik shaded by the symbols of Palace. In that day, Batik only wears by the people among the Palace. But as the time went by, Batik becomes a selling product widely. Now, Batik has been grown up. It wears in daily too. The appearance of apparels with Batik pattern has risen. The sellers of Batik are also increased.

In its advance, the effort to make Nusantara’s fabric to complete the present necessary takes various form. It is not only how to enrich the ornament or replace the cotton with silk, but also the condition of the fabric, especially when those fabrics made into the fashion. There are other considerations in order to keep the quality of the fabric.

Batik has become the new fashion in the society. Even so, Batik is not only a fashion, it can be used as other ornaments, like a pillow case, curtain, and bed cover. This is a good beginning to keep the culture of Batik. It begins with loving, having (andarbeni), and keeping.

The technique of Batik fabric in Solo

The meaning of making the process of Batik is the processes of creating Batik that begins from the preparation until it is done. It is included in the preparation of mori fabric until it is ready to draw. The steps are nggirah/ ngetel (washing), nganji (starch), and ngemplong(ironing).

The technique of Batik fabric in Solo at Batikdlidir

While the process of making Batik include the reality of creating Batik. It begins by sticking the lilin (paraffin) to create the pattern, the coloring process (celup (dye), colet, lukis (painting), and printing). The last step is removing the remaining wax from the fabric (SewanSoesanto, 1974).

To create the pattern of Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia, it can be done by using canting to draw. Another pattern that using copper stamp called Batik Cap (stamp). And the last is Batik Printing. It is done by making the pattern on the printing machine.

Batik fabric is the fabric that has Batik pattern by attaching the lilin (paraffin). While the fabric that has Batik pattern is the fabric which patterned with Batik. But, it usually made by using textile printing machine.

In general, technology in making Batik exist in Indonesia. In Solo, the principal of making Batik based on “Resist Dyes Technique” (Teknik celup rintang), where the process begins by simple looping – dyeing, then it colored by using zatperintang (block substance). For the first time buburketan (glutinous rice) use as zatperintang (block substance), then the people found malam (wax) and use until now.

The pattern of Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia

The pattern of Batik is the structure of the arrangement which creates Batik in a whole surface of the fabric. Batik pattern contains two parts that are the ornaments of Batik pattern and isenof Batik pattern. The ornaments of Batik pattern arranged by the main ornament and filler ornament.

The pattern of Batik fabric nyanting pola at Batikdlidir

While, isen of Batik pattern are dots, lines, and the combination of both. Its function is to fill the ornaments from the pattern or the filler between those ornaments. There are many kinds of isen pattern and it still growing up, like cecek, cecekpitu, sisikmelik, ceceksawut, ceceksawudaun, sisikgringsing, galaran, rambutan, sirapan, cacahgori, and others.

Classification of Batik pattern fabric

There are two groups of Batik pattern fabric. That is Geometry and nongeometry. Geometry pattern is Batik pattern which the ornaments are the arrangement of geometry. The character is those patterns are easy to cut into a piece. It usually called “report”. It usually uses to make Batik Solo, especially Batik cap (stamp).

Classification of Batik pattern fabric

The nongeometry pattern is the patterns that do not have geometry form. It is included in these patterns: semen, buketan, terangbulan. Non geometry patterns arranged by plants ornaments, besides it also arrange from meru, Hayat tree, candi (temple), binatang (animal), burung (bird), garuda (eagle), and naga (eagle). It usually applies to making Batik Tulis Solo.

For information, you can whatsapp +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Batik fabric online at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric online is Batik that sells online. Now, there are a lot of traders who promote their product online like Facebook, Instagram, or another online store. By online system, the marketing of Batik fabric is wider. Previously, it just conducted in certain place or location. But, after using the online system, the sales reached the overseas.

Batik fabric online at Batikdlidir

The sellers want to get these advantages. Besides, the online shop is quite cheap. Because it doesn’t need to spend more fund to rent a place. However, it just needs an internet and an online shop account to promote the product. The traders only send the picture included the price tag on that.

In addition, to give the advantage to the seller, the online shop is profitable for the buyer. Because they do not need to come to the store. The buyer can make a transaction anywhere and the ordered will send to the house.

Batik becomes one of the products that sell online. The development of Batik is rapid. It drives the seller to sell their product online. One of the online stores that sell Batik is Batik Dlidir. We are one of Batik Tulis centers in Solo. Batikdlidir offer all of the types of Batik like Batik for fashion and Batik for accessories. We sell Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and Batik Printing ( Sarong ).

For ordered contact +6282265652222. We prefer to WhatsApp than a phone call.

Batik fabric gradient, tie dye or smoke technique

Batik fabric gradient looks from the choice of the color. It usually has more than one color. But the colors that presented are similar. Color is being the characteristic of this Batik. Moreover, if it is combined with an awesome pattern. It clearly gives an amazing look.

Batik fabric gradient, tie dye or smoke technique

The pattern that usually presented on this Batik is butterfly, fish, plant, flower, leaf, branch, and others. This Batik is more emphasizes on the color and the pattern, not the philosophy. It is different to traditional Batik. Because the beauty of the colors and the patterns are able to attract every single eye. This is the attractiveness of Batik gradient.

If you want to have it, you can buy at Batik Dlidir. We have many collections of Batik. If you want to see our collections, you can come to our office or at our website.

We have the cheapest price of Batik ever yet the quality of our Batik is the best. You will get many advantages if you shop at our store like the cheapest price, the best quality of Batik, a good packaging, no delay order, and the down payment is flexible.

Batik fabric extra wide at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric Extra Wide Sometimes is wanted goods by the batik lovers. The common batik has a length around 115 cm to 150 cm. But, on some occasion, some people ordered extra wide batik. Even, some of them need 300 cm.

Batik fabric extra wide at Batikdlidir

Actually, extra wide batik is needed to design extra size wardrobe. The big person needs this batik. According to this reason, some seller provided the extra wide batik. We (Batik dlidir) also provide it. We are one of the batik centers in Solo. Dlidir’s provide many kinds of batik, not only the motifs but also the size.

We have a standard size and extra size. We have all you need. You can just choose what you need here. Batikdlidir have provided all size according to the customers’ want. The lengthiest batik we have is around 10.000 meter. We could still give the extra wide batik although it didn’t have many variations.

Besides providing the extra wide batik. Batikdlidir have also many kinds of batik. Such as written batik, stamp batik, and printing batik. These batik are very cheap, you could purchase in our gallery. The cotton are not only cheap but also have good quality. You could compare with the others to find the good one.

Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia origin special to you

Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia origin at Batikdlidir. The source of Batik is uncertain. It is included in the first country that creates the pattern of Batik. But Batik is very identic to Indonesia. Moreover, after UNESCO declared that Batik is the heritage of Indonesia. In Indonesia, Batik is a fabric that has a picture or pattern. Batik already exist and being Indonesian culture since a long time ago. Some people said it already existed since the 17th century or formerly.

Batik fabric origin special to you
Motif parang

In the past, the existence of Batik in Indonesia is only a few. But, as the development of Batik, it spreads to several areas in Indonesia. Each region has its own name and character for their Batik. The deployment of Batik has reached to the overseas.

For the first time, the art of Batik is only done by the Java women. They make Batik as their daily livelihood. The skill of making Batik then become a tradition. Because it is only dropped by the family to the grandchild. From that appeared the character from pembatik family.

Now, we are pursuing this historical art. We are one of several centers of Batik handmade in Solo. We accepted an order from many countries in the world. The price of our Batik is very friendly. It is the cheapest price of Batik ever. We have Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and Batik Printing. So if you need Batik, you can buy at our store.

For more information and order contact +62 822 6565 2222.

Technique of making Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

Batikdlidir serves complete one. Complete means various batik motif suitable with the order or ready stock. For the order, you can make it as you want, like the motif and its size.

Technique of making Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

If it is classified into its technique of making, there are three ways. For the first with Tulis (drawn) technique. This technique still uses Canting and Malam as the main media.

For the second by the way of stamping. Stamp is usually made from the copper which is made suitable with the pattern or the motif wanted. The next is giving Malamon that stamp which is poured on the cotton fabric. A combination using stamp and tulis techniques produces the beauty of batik art.

For the third by handprint technique namely making screen. Then, giving the color suitable with wanted. All ways have the benefit itself.

1.0 Technique of making Batik fabric using screen or Handprint.

This making still includes into category handmade. The technique of Handprint uses screen for its motif. But its coloring is not emerged, only one side of fabric. For the price can be said as cheap, because it is for making easy only. It is usually used for the needs of school, office and company uniform.

Batik fabric using screen at Batikdlidir Tulis

For the material, we use special cotton. We use original cotton 100%. In Indonesia, there are two famous cottons. Namely, Prima and Primissima cotton. Here little knowledge about both of them.

Fabric construction is the part which arranges or yarn arrangement. Its contruction, there are vertical and horizontal. For Primissima usually uses construction 133 x 72, but Prima uses construction 90 x 70 for every fabric. You can choose suitable with the taste and the quality of wearing.

We make the bargain of two fabrics with two prices too. Not only can choose the fabric, but also the motif of Batik. Here the following price we offer:
1. Prima Batik fabric per meter with the motif suitable with the order US$ 1.50 per metre.
2. Primissima Batik fabric and the design pattern as you want. We give the price US$ 1.90 per metre. So both Batik above we send it to your location in the condition of the fabric which has be drawn motif batik. For the order or information can text or Whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We suggest using Whatsapp to make easy in coordination. Not only the picture of motif batik but also the sending/shipping to your location.

1.1 Technique of making Batik fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Warna”.

The technique of making Batik fabric using “PlangkanCabutWarna”. The way of making uses screen or the color maker (cabut). Cabut Warna uses synthetic color maker. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely synthetic and natural. Because using synthetic, so its making is relatively fast. There are many synthetic color which are available namely: indigosol, remasol and naptol.

Technique of making Batik fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Warna”

Cotton fabric which is used usually is Prima cotton 100%. For the better material such as Barkolin is very seldom. This is because for making the color clear and two surface sides are same (Tembus=emerged).

General motif on this technique is motif Pakem. Motif Pakem is dominated by the color of Sogan and Black. There are many motif Pakem in Middle Java area, especially in Solo and Jogja. This motif usually used in custom event such marriage.

The superiority of this way is two same sides. So, the color which adheres on the fabric is stronger. Not only superior on color, but also the price is cheap enough. And the time of making is fast relatively. For the price, we give the price tag the same as the handprint technique.

It is so simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Cabut. You can Whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

1.2 Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis”.

Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis” in Batikdlidir. The way of making uses screen, Malam, and Canting Tulis. This technique is the masterpiece of Solonese about tradition. Unite between economic and cultural value. The most of society is difficult to unite them.

Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis”

Tulis Kombinasi uses synthetic color. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely synthetic and natural. Because using synthetic, so it is fast relatively producing a Batik fabric product.

For the material, it is usually wears soft Prima cotton. In Solonese market is well – known as Prima Lampion. You can order the material such as Barkolin or Gamelan. Ready stock in our place mostly is soft Prima.

Because using Malam(the wax) on its process of making, fabric material is felt softer. Fabric construction which is touched / is not touched by Malam, it is sodifferent. Handling or handfeel takes sides on the fabric which is touched by Malam. The best invention from ancestor which is forgotten by us sometime.

We give the price US$ 17 / piece with size 240 cm x 115 cm.

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

1.3 The technique of making Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia uses Tulis Kombinasi.

The technique of making Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia uses Tulis Kombinasi at Batikdlidir. The way of making uses screen, malam, and canting tulis. This technique uses masterpiece of Solonese about tradition. Unite between economic value and culture. The most of society is difficult to unite them.

The technique of making Batik fabric uses Tulis Kombinasi

Tulis Kombinasi uses synthetic color. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely: synthetic and natura. Because of using synthetic, so it is relatively fast in producing a Batik fabric product.

For the material, it usually uses soft prima cotton. In solonese market, it is well known as Prima Lampion. You can order too the fabric such as barkolin or gamelan. Ready stock in our place is mostly soft prima.

Because using wax on its process of making, fabric material is felt softer. Fabric construction which is touched / is not touched by wax, it is so different. Handling or handfeel takes sides on the fabric which is touched by Malam. The best invention from ancestor which is forgotten by us sometime.

This method is stamp combination, screen, tolet and Tulis Canting. For the wax is same too, joining hot and cold wax. So all Batik handmade exists in this technique completely.

There are two prices in technique of this KombinasiTulis. We give the price US$ 18 / piece for ready stock. But for the motif as you order US$ 14,50 / piece (size L x W = 240 cm x 115 cm).

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

1.4 The technique of making fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Tolet”.

The technique of making Batik fabric “plangkan cabut tolet” in Batikdlidir. The process of its production uses plangkan(screen), cabut warna and tolet. This technique is the one of discovery of local batik craftman.

making fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Tolet” at Batikdlidir Indonesia

The result from this method is mostly Sogan color which is combined with light color. In Solo and Jogja market, the trader calls it Batik Wonogiren. For the color itself consistsof two same sides.

For the material, it is usually using soft prima cotton. Soft Prima consists of 100% original cotton. You can order the material not only Prima but also Primis. As the information only, ready stock in our place is mostly soft Prima.

There are two prices in technique of this CabutTolet. We give the price 2.50/meter for ready stock material. But for the motif as you want is US$ 1,80 per metre.

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

2.0 Technique of making Batik fabric using Cap or Stamp


Cap technique is giving Malam on GARAN then is stamped on the fabric. So, the fabric can emerge and can be gradation. Its price can be said still cheap by the society. This technique still includes in handmade and traditional.

Technique of making Batik fabric using Cap or Stamp pelangi

Unfortunately, the use of Cap technique is much be used for the needs of export. Whereas, if we see the history, Batik Cap (stamp) has good value of history. The history in struggling its existence. For that, we suggest and make effort to socialize cap technique. We do with the hope, it can be enjoyed by the society. Traditional art which is unfortunately to be left.

For the color, stamp technique has value itself. You can get solid color. The other, it can make gradation color. International people call it as tie dye technique.

3.0 The technique of making Batik fabric using Canting or Tulis


Canting technique is the masterpiece from Batik. An art, tradition and technique which must be preserved. This technique has rooted strongly in Indonesia, especially Solo city, Pekalongan, and Jogja. Batik Tulis is its making is special for drawing the wax on fabric. The tools which is used namely Canting, Malam (the wax), fabric and Malam heater (small stove).

The technique of making Batik fabric using Canting or Tulis traditional

It is usually for the direction of company or upper class community. This is not without the reason, because the price is expensive relatively. Why it can be expensive? The process of making needs two weeks until two months. That time produces only one piece of Batik Tulis. That’s what make it expensive.

Here the following steps and its price level:
1. Ukel technique. Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed.

2. Granite techniques. Granit is the technique of giving malam(the wax) with the method of the dot outside the pattern Ifyg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience.

3. Buh Technique. That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal. The process of its making we show to you in the form of video and picture.

2.1 Technique of making Batik fabric using Tie Dye stamp


Technique of making Batik fabric uses Tie Dye stamp in Batik Dlidir. Stamp technique is giving Malamon GARAN then is stamped on the fabric. Malam or the wax has function to cover and limit when the process of Tie Dye is working. So, the fabric can emerge and can be gradation. Its price can be said still cheap by the society. This technique still includes in handmade and Gradation.

making Batik fabric using Tie Dye stamp at Batikdlidir

For the price can be said as cheap price if it is compared with Tulis technique. Tie Dye stamp technique is for the most export needs. The combination of gradation with modern color is very wanted by American and European people. Although there is small scale of Indonesian people which wears this Tie Dye stamp. Whereas, the producer of this original technique is archipelago people.

For Tie Dye stamp technique, is still impressed traditionally and uniquely. Because not only using malam, its coloring can be more various. Its price can be said as cheap price for making batik quilting.

1. Prima Batik fabric per meter with the motif ordered US $ 1.80 per yard.
2. Every meter uses Primissima cotton we give the price US $ 2.50 per yard.

For the color, stamp technique has value itself. You can get solid color. The other, it can make gradation color. International people call it as tie dye technique.

For the detail, you can Whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir. 24 hours service nonstop for ordering batik tie dye. As our dedication in Batik.

We give the price US $ 2.90 per yard for ready stock. But for the motif as you want is US $ 2.20 per yard.

2.3 Technique of making Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia using stamp double

Technique of making Batik fabric Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Indonesia using stamp double ( Cuwiri ) At Batikdlidir. The cuwiri batik cloth in Batikdlidir is made using the stamp. Cuwiri batik is a batik motif that uses natural soga dyeing. Usually this batik is used for semekan and kemben.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double

The making of cuwiri motifs uses two stam that are paired ( stamped ). Stamp or garan cap is 2 copper which usually measures 20 cm x 20 cm, with the function of filling each other. Usually the Javanese call it the terms plus and minus.

Once upon a time, the coloring that filled this motif was identical to the color of natural soga. With increasing years, innovation continues to be developed by craftsmen. So that the sogan color is still maintained, combined with modern colors.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir

In batikdlidir using remasol synthetic coloring. While the basic color technique is identical to smoke or gradation. The following picture:

The cotton material used is premium quality primis. Primis fabric construction is generally 133 x 72 with a thickness of 50 s yarn. So as to produce special batik products. Plus laying the wax, making translucent colors or two sides of the same fabric. As a result the handling or hand feel is smooth and impressed when you see it.

Cuwiri is identical to the sogan color line, both dark brown and young. The color in the motif consists of 5 different colors. And this is most of what we meet, with the Soga line as its true identity.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir sogan

You can get cuwiri batik at a price of US$ 4.50 per meter. With minimum order is 10 pieces. Each piece has a size of 2 meters.

More details or just information about, whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir. Thank you.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir sogan ungu

Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia

Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia culture to worldwide. With prices starting at US $ 1.80 per yard, you can get original Handmade. We ( Batik Dlidir ) is a batik company located in solo city, indonesia. A city closely associated with culture. The city that witnessed the birth of a tradition that until now still sustainable, Batik.

Batik fabric is a pictorial fabric that is specially made by writing or putting ‘ malam ‘ ( wax ) on the fabric. Batik Indonesia, as a whole of technology, related motive and cultural development. This is a craft that has high artistic value. Besides that has been a part of Javanese culture for a long time.

Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia culture to worldwide tie dye
Batik cap ( stamp ) And Tie dye,

We provide original Batik fabric for all people of the world with the best quality. Complete, either with ” tulis ” ( Drawing ) technique or using ” cap ” ( Stamp ). In addition, the price is also affordable because we are Batik fabric manufacturers .

Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia culture to worldwide
Batik Tulis ( Drawing with canting )

for more information or order, you can whatsapp to:

+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

The service and information 24 hours nonstop. This we do as our dedication in this job.

Over time, kain batik has a very broad meaning. Today batik in everyday life is a work of art that manifests culture. Not stop there, but also can give benefits to the general public ( the meaning of “dlidir” ). Batik can be interpreted high-level art of a solo civilization and its surroundings.

For us, batik does not just draw on fabric. Then put on “malam”, give motif, sell it or UNESCO recognition. But this is a comprehensive series of all thoughts, manpower and long history synergized in producing the best and original works to be enjoyed together. Good for the solo community in particular and also the people of the World in general.

Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia at Batikdlidir

We name our certainly quality product as Batikdlidir. What is Dlidir? In Javanese dlidlir means mengalir (flowing). Therefore, from that name, dlidir, we hope that our product will be salable like the flow of the water. This name is also our prayer. So, it is not only name, but it has strong character in further advance.

Batik fabric at Batikdlidir sale

As time goes by, Batik has generous meaning for us. Nowadays batik in daily is an art which manifests culture. Batik also give a value to public (read: dlidir). Batik means the high-level of art in Solo and round.

Processing batik is not only draw in the fabric, but it also a comprehensive sequences. The sequences of mind, energy, and a long story. All of the synergized process while making an artistic work. So, all of the people enjoy it.

We sell Batik in three categories. This category based on Batik techniques making. Here the explanation:
1. Written Batik (batik tulis). It made by using canting or written (tulis) technique. It usually use for special affair.
2. Copper plate stamp Batik (batik cap). It made by using copper stamp (cap). This technique has solid color, or it is well-known as tie dye technique.
3. Handprint Batik. This is a technique that use screen media to make pattern in the fabric. The examples of this technique is in making clothing and sarong (sarung).

For further information and order. :
Mr Mudzakir.
+62 822 6565 2222
(Available on WhatsApp).

Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia for quilting at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method. You can get a Batik fabric price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin or barcolin. This materials is cotton 100 percent.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.
Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method

Batik fabric quilts for jelly rolls

By the existing of these boutiques, so it will easier Batik lovers while hunting Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia quilt. Surely it has many choices. As we know that it has more colors and patterns. Of course, the product is better. That is what the artisan expected. Producing beautiful Batik art. Because later, it is not only used for fashion needs but also to make accessories.

Processing making Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia at batik dlidir

Generally, it also uses for house internal decoration. Such as tablecloth decoration, living room, bedroom, the lounge, family room, and others. The manual way usually applied while creating a quilt Batik fabric. This is the best way to make a decoration. It also makes the price of this art higher.

We provide many types of Batik quilt. For each pack will have many kinds interesting patterns. A piece of Batik quilt can be recycled into an attractive art. Up to now, we often send Batik quilt to many countries in the world. One of them is the United Kingdom. In addition to Batik quilt, you can also order another Batik fabric.

You can get a Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia quilts price of US $ 2.50 per yard at Batikdlidir.

You can get a Batik fabric quilts price of US $ 2.50 per yard at Batikdlidir.

You can contact us via whatsapp for ordering : +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric sale with low price

Batik fabric sale with low price and original handmade. BatikDlidir selling batik from solo city to all over the world. It is easy for us to make low prices, because it is located in batik producers.

Batik fabric sale with low price Batikdlidir 1

The first, Cap technique ( Stamp ) with the original handmade from Indonesian. With a starting price of US $ 2.50 / yard, you can get quality and handmade Batik fabric. Indonesian Batik fabric at a cheap price with quality ” wong solo “. Solo batik history can not be separated from the influence of the palace. Cap technique covers tie dye, smoke or color gradation.

Batik fabric sale with low price canting tulis 1

Next technique ” canting ” ( Draw, art or tulis ). This is the real batik, a long achievement of wong solo culture. Not just cloth, but a long history of witnesses of world-renowned artwork. If some countries have a stunning relic, then the solo city (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property depicted or expressed in a cloth. We sell it with prices ranging from US $ 200 per piece to US $ 300 per piece. Or you can order it with your favorite patterns.

The process of making time and difficulty determine the price of a Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia. Here’s the price list.

1. Ukel technique, we sell it between US $ 100 per piece until US $ 300 per piece.
2. Granit technique, US $ 80 per piece – US $ 150 per piece.
3. Buh technique, US $ 60 per piece – US $ 80 per piece.

You can contact us via whatsapp for ordering : +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

100 cotton Batik fabric the best quality

We use 100 cotton Batik fabric quality choice. Maybe you ask, what is the real cotton ?. Before entering the problem of cotton, it would be better to know about cotton base material ie cotton.

Cotton is a fine fiber that envelops the seeds of several species of Gossypium (commonly called “trees” or cotton plants), ‘bush’ plants originating from the tropics and subtropics. Cotton fiber becomes an important material in the textile industry. The fiber can be spun into yarn and woven into cloth. Textile products of cotton fibers commonly referred to as cotton (yarn or cloth).

Why do we count on 100 percent cotton ?. In accordance with our experience, in addition to absorbing sweat is also not hot. So when you wear it so comfortably.

There are many types of 100 percent cotton in Indonesia. Construction of the yarn that distinguishes between types of one another. In addition, there is also seen from the thickness of the threads of cotton fabric.

For stamp technique, we use the construction of yarn 133 x 72, thickness 40 s. This type of cotton has a quality in the middle – middle. It has been export standard and proven to date.

100 cotton Batik fabric the best quality tie dye 1

As for canting or ‘tulis’ techniques we rely on cotton primissima gamelan construction 114 x 96, thickness 50 s. Cotton premium grade produced from our Country, Indonesia.

The choice of cotton This is just a habit of us, you can order the fabric as you wish. Batikdlidir serve quickly and appropriately for all your Batik fabric business.

For info or order 100 cotton Batik fabric can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric manufacturers from solo, Indonesia

Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia manufacturers from Indonesia for All around the world. Batikdlidir is a manufacturer of complete batik cloth start, stamp until handprint. We produce it all with human hands ( Handmade ), not machines. What distinguishes between stamp or tulis with handprint is the formation of patterns and the use of the malam. As for the same work that is using human power.

Batik fabric manufacturers from solo, Indonesia

The benefits you get from making Batik fabric in our place, among others:

1. The price of cotton fabric is cheaper with the best quality, because we are in the center location of cotton factory. So the price of batik cloth produced is also cheap ( low price ).

2. Motives are more maintained quality, It has been tested with the use of many years of our customers. In addition, you can choose the motif according to your taste.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo society and jogja have become daily struggling in the field of ‘Batik’.

4. Easy on payment. For reservations we charge Down payment 50% of total production financing. So as to create a relationship of trust between the two sides.

5. Many choices of batik pattern that we provide with the video, if you do not determine their own motives. There are two types of motifs and colors we provide. So you can specify your own directions that you want to order.

For info or reservations, You can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Batik sarong wholesale.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir

Maybe you ask, What is a handmade Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia ?. Handmade Batik is a batik made by human hands by passing through both time and energy process. For us, handmade is divided into 2 namely cap technique and tulis technique. However, for the solo society in particular consider handmade only refers to the technique canting (‘tulis’).

We produce original handmade products. When making it with canting, Batikdlidir always say “tulis”. Similarly, with the stamp, We will say the stamp ( cap ) technique. This is very important, because appreciating the process is the main goal for us.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir 22 smoke

For continental america, europe and australian used batik cap. This corresponds to the color of the skin that likes the color gradation, modern and colorful. You can order to us according to your desired motif. Here are the details:

1. Batik cap stamp, tie dye, or smoke: US $ 2.50 / yard.
2. Minimum order 500 yard.
3. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn.

Where to buy batik?, you can contact us via whatsapp +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir with tulis canting

As for our batik tulis take a price US$ 60 per piece to US$ 300 per piece. By using cotton rags. Duration of work 1 week to 2 months depending on the level of complexity. Every stage of the making process we overview for you.

Batik tulis is a traditional product from us, the people of Indonesia. Products formed by long process. Cultural results created from the Java community to be enjoyed by the entire world community.

Traditional Batik fabric the best quality

Traditional Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia is synonymous with ‘pakem’ writing technique. For traditional events such as weddings, ordinary people of Java use batik motif ‘pakem’. There are many motifs ‘grip’ ( Pakem ) that remain sustainable until the time of this writing is made. Here are just a few of the many traditional batik fabrics:

1. Sidomukti, used bride. Sido means continuous and mukti means to live well.

Traditional Batik fabric the best quality truntum

2. Truntum, guide. The meaning of parents led the bride into new life. Usually in the form of sarimbit or paired between both parents.

3. Satria Manah, worn by the groom’s guardian when wandering. With hope hopefully the man’s proposal can be received well by the woman. An intelligent meaning that became a habit of wong solo.

4. Cement Rante, used brides guardian when receiving applications.

5. Ceplok Kasatriyan, used as a cloth for ceremonial bridal ceremony. The wearer to look dashing and has a knight nature.

6. Grompol ornament, worn at a wedding ceremony. Grompol means gathering or united. The expectation of the gathering of all things as good as living in harmony.

7. Semen Gendong is worn by the bride and groom after the wedding ceremony in the hope that she can hold baby soon.

You can order to us various motifs above. Good with the easiest making techniques, to the most difficult. Similarly, the fabric, you can choose as needed.

To order whatsapp at +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Wax Batik fabric using canting technique

Wax Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia using canting techniques ( Tulis ) according to your order. The Wax has characteristics like candles. Could be so because “Malam” is a type of wax that is more specific. The specificity is commonly used by the people of Java to make batik.

Wax Batik fabric using canting technique at Batikdlidir indonesia

In addition to wax ( Malam ), the main media of batik is canting. It’s been everyday wong jawa from the past until now with canting. Canting is made of copper with a small hole for ‘malam’ out.

There are 3 canting techniques that are so familiar in solo society.

1. Technique ukel.

Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed. This technique is also included to create gringsing patterns and such as mosquito repellent. For this technique enter the hardest category price range US $ 200 per pcs, size 240 cm x 105 cm .

2. Granite techniques.

Granit is the technique of night casting with the method of the dot outside the pattern If yg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience. For this technique the price range US $ 100 per pcs.

3. Buh Technique.
That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal.

For information and ordering batik, You can whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.
The best Handmade batik.


The benefits you get from making batik cloth in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton cloth is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory.

2. Motives are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of Batik fabric. For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.


For info or reservations can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric from indonesia with handprint technique for sarong

Batik fabricS WITH HANDPRINT TECHNIQUE. This technique usually for batik sarong wholesale. We use fabric from original cotton. In Indonesia, there are two famous cotton. Namely, prima cotton and primissima. Here’s a little science about this cotton.


The fabric construction is the part that composes or arranges the yarn. The construction is vertical and horizontal. For the usual primissima use 133 x 72 construction, while prima uses 90 x 70 construction in each fabric. You can choose according to taste and quality of usage.

We make a second offer of the fabric with two prices as well. In addition to the choice of fabric, batik motif you can choose. Here’s the price we offer.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.60 / yard.
2. Primisima Batik fabrics and design patterns of your wishes. We charge US $ 1.90 / yard.

So the two Batik fabric above, we send it to your locationin a state of fabric that already handprintedas ordered.

For reservations or information can text or whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We recommend using whatsapp to make it easier to communication forsending picture or video of motives batik or the processing the work of your order.

Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia with original stamp ( copper )

Batik fabric wholesale in shape are still fabric with traditional stamp technique. This technique also for batik bali.


Fortunately, the use of stamp technique is widely used for export purposes. And when looking back on history, stamp batik has a neat history. History in the fight for its existence. For that we suggest and try to socialize stamp techniquelocaly while we try to get vast. We do with the hope that the citizens can enjoy. The traditional work that is sad to be left behind.

For the stamp technique, it still seems traditional and unique. Because in addition to using the wax, coloring can be more varied. The price fairly affordable to be made batik cloth.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.99 / yard.
2. Each meter of cotton primisima ourtagprice is US $ 2.50 / yard.

For color, cap technique has its own value. You will get a solid color. In addition, it can also make your own the color gradation (colour ways/design). Foreign people call it with tie dye smoke technique.

For details can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir. 24 hours nonstop serving order batik uniform. As our dedication in the field of batik.

The technique in making Batik fabric by using Canting or Tulis

The technique of Canting is a masterpiece of Batik fabric. An art, tradition, and technique that must be kept. This technique already existed in Indonesia, especially in Solo, Pekalongan, and Jogja. The making process of Batik Tulis is different. It made by using canting to draw the pattern. The tools that used while making Batik are canting, malam (wax), fabric and malam (wax) heater (small stove).

The technique in making Batik fabric by using Canting or Tulis at Batikdlidir

It usually presented to the director of the company and the upper class. It is because the price is expensive. Why could it be? The making process of it takes time around 2 weeks until 2 months. On that time, the maker only can produce one piece of Batik Tulis. That is the reason why it is very expensive.
Those are the steps and the range of the price:.

1. Ukel.

That is the technique of drawing semicircle on the fabric. This technique also used to make gringsing and obatnyamuk pattern. This is the complex one.

2. Granit.

It is a technique by drawing dots outside of the pattern. While within the pattern named pasiran. This technique is also difficult because the different base is from the canting.

The smaller canting, it will need the higher tidiness and patient. The price depends on the fabric and the detail. It takes time 2 weeks.

3. Buh.

This is a technique by drawing Batik fully or equally. It includes on the inside also the tumpal. We showed you the process by the video and picture.

4. Galar.

5. Genes.

For further information and order, please contact the number below!.
The owner of Batik Dlidir.
Mr. Mudzakir

The developing of Batik fabric

The fabric of Batik is identified as Nusantara’s (Indonesia) fabric. Nowadays, those fabrics are developed into the modern industry. The effect of this choice is Batik must be up to date. The developing of Batik year by year finally will show their life in fashion industries.

The developing of Batik fabric owner Batikdlidir

The first appearance of Batik shaded by the symbols of Palace. In that day, Batik only wears by the people among the Palace. But as the time went by, Batik becomes a selling product widely. Now, Batik has been grown up. It wears in daily too. The appearance of apparels with Batik pattern has risen. The sellers of Batik are also increased.

In its advance, the effort to make Nusantara’s fabric to complete the present necessary takes various form. It is not only how to enrich the ornament or replace the cotton with silk, but also the condition of the fabric, especially when those fabrics made into the fashion. There are other considerations in order to keep the quality of the fabric.

Batik has become the new fashion in the society. Even so, Batik is not only a fashion, it can be used as other ornaments, like a pillow case, curtain, and bed cover. This is a good beginning to keep the culture of Batik. It begins with loving, having (andarbeni), and keeping.

The technique of Batik fabric in Solo

The meaning of making the process of Batik is the processes of creating Batik that begins from the preparation until it is done. It is included in the preparation of mori fabric until it is ready to draw. The steps are nggirah/ ngetel (washing), nganji (starch), and ngemplong(ironing).

The technique of Batik fabric in Solo at Batikdlidir

While the process of making Batik include the reality of creating Batik. It begins by sticking the lilin (paraffin) to create the pattern, the coloring process (celup (dye), colet, lukis (painting), and printing). The last step is removing the remaining wax from the fabric (SewanSoesanto, 1974).

To create the pattern of Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia, it can be done by using canting to draw. Another pattern that using copper stamp called Batik Cap (stamp). And the last is Batik Printing. It is done by making the pattern on the printing machine.

Batik fabric is the fabric that has Batik pattern by attaching the lilin (paraffin). While the fabric that has Batik pattern is the fabric which patterned with Batik. But, it usually made by using textile printing machine.

In general, technology in making Batik exist in Indonesia. In Solo, the principal of making Batik based on “Resist Dyes Technique” (Teknik celup rintang), where the process begins by simple looping – dyeing, then it colored by using zatperintang (block substance). For the first time buburketan (glutinous rice) use as zatperintang (block substance), then the people found malam (wax) and use until now.

The pattern of Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia

The pattern of Batik is the structure of the arrangement which creates Batik in a whole surface of the fabric. Batik pattern contains two parts that are the ornaments of Batik pattern and isenof Batik pattern. The ornaments of Batik pattern arranged by the main ornament and filler ornament.

The pattern of Batik fabric nyanting pola at Batikdlidir

While, isen of Batik pattern are dots, lines, and the combination of both. Its function is to fill the ornaments from the pattern or the filler between those ornaments. There are many kinds of isen pattern and it still growing up, like cecek, cecekpitu, sisikmelik, ceceksawut, ceceksawudaun, sisikgringsing, galaran, rambutan, sirapan, cacahgori, and others.

Classification of Batik pattern fabric

There are two groups of Batik pattern fabric. That is Geometry and nongeometry. Geometry pattern is Batik pattern which the ornaments are the arrangement of geometry. The character is those patterns are easy to cut into a piece. It usually called “report”. It usually uses to make Batik Solo, especially Batik cap (stamp).

Classification of Batik pattern fabric

The nongeometry pattern is the patterns that do not have geometry form. It is included in these patterns: semen, buketan, terangbulan. Non geometry patterns arranged by plants ornaments, besides it also arrange from meru, Hayat tree, candi (temple), binatang (animal), burung (bird), garuda (eagle), and naga (eagle). It usually applies to making Batik Tulis Solo.

For information, you can whatsapp +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Batik fabric online at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric online is Batik that sells online. Now, there are a lot of traders who promote their product online like Facebook, Instagram, or another online store. By online system, the marketing of Batik fabric is wider. Previously, it just conducted in certain place or location. But, after using the online system, the sales reached the overseas.

Batik fabric online at Batikdlidir

The sellers want to get these advantages. Besides, the online shop is quite cheap. Because it doesn’t need to spend more fund to rent a place. However, it just needs an internet and an online shop account to promote the product. The traders only send the picture included the price tag on that.

In addition, to give the advantage to the seller, the online shop is profitable for the buyer. Because they do not need to come to the store. The buyer can make a transaction anywhere and the ordered will send to the house.

Batik becomes one of the products that sell online. The development of Batik is rapid. It drives the seller to sell their product online. One of the online stores that sell Batik is Batik Dlidir. We are one of Batik Tulis centers in Solo. Batikdlidir offer all of the types of Batik like Batik for fashion and Batik for accessories. We sell Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and Batik Printing ( Sarong ).

For ordered contact +6282265652222. We prefer to WhatsApp than a phone call.

Batik fabric gradient, tie dye or smoke technique

Batik fabric gradient looks from the choice of the color. It usually has more than one color. But the colors that presented are similar. Color is being the characteristic of this Batik. Moreover, if it is combined with an awesome pattern. It clearly gives an amazing look.

Batik fabric gradient, tie dye or smoke technique

The pattern that usually presented on this Batik is butterfly, fish, plant, flower, leaf, branch, and others. This Batik is more emphasizes on the color and the pattern, not the philosophy. It is different to traditional Batik. Because the beauty of the colors and the patterns are able to attract every single eye. This is the attractiveness of Batik gradient.

If you want to have it, you can buy at Batik Dlidir. We have many collections of Batik. If you want to see our collections, you can come to our office or at our website.

We have the cheapest price of Batik ever yet the quality of our Batik is the best. You will get many advantages if you shop at our store like the cheapest price, the best quality of Batik, a good packaging, no delay order, and the down payment is flexible.

Batik fabric extra wide at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric Extra Wide Sometimes is wanted goods by the batik lovers. The common batik has a length around 115 cm to 150 cm. But, on some occasion, some people ordered extra wide batik. Even, some of them need 300 cm.

Batik fabric extra wide at Batikdlidir

Actually, extra wide batik is needed to design extra size wardrobe. The big person needs this batik. According to this reason, some seller provided the extra wide batik. We (Batik dlidir) also provide it. We are one of the batik centers in Solo. Dlidir’s provide many kinds of batik, not only the motifs but also the size.

We have a standard size and extra size. We have all you need. You can just choose what you need here. Batikdlidir have provided all size according to the customers’ want. The lengthiest batik we have is around 10.000 meter. We could still give the extra wide batik although it didn’t have many variations.

Besides providing the extra wide batik. Batikdlidir have also many kinds of batik. Such as written batik, stamp batik, and printing batik. These batik are very cheap, you could purchase in our gallery. The cotton are not only cheap but also have good quality. You could compare with the others to find the good one.

Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia origin special to you

Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia origin at Batikdlidir. The source of Batik is uncertain. It is included in the first country that creates the pattern of Batik. But Batik is very identic to Indonesia. Moreover, after UNESCO declared that Batik is the heritage of Indonesia. In Indonesia, Batik is a fabric that has a picture or pattern. Batik already exist and being Indonesian culture since a long time ago. Some people said it already existed since the 17th century or formerly.

Batik fabric origin special to you
Motif parang

In the past, the existence of Batik in Indonesia is only a few. But, as the development of Batik, it spreads to several areas in Indonesia. Each region has its own name and character for their Batik. The deployment of Batik has reached to the overseas.

For the first time, the art of Batik is only done by the Java women. They make Batik as their daily livelihood. The skill of making Batik then become a tradition. Because it is only dropped by the family to the grandchild. From that appeared the character from pembatik family.

Now, we are pursuing this historical art. We are one of several centers of Batik handmade in Solo. We accepted an order from many countries in the world. The price of our Batik is very friendly. It is the cheapest price of Batik ever. We have Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and Batik Printing. So if you need Batik, you can buy at our store.

For more information and order contact +62 822 6565 2222.

Technique of making Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

Batikdlidir serves complete one. Complete means various batik motif suitable with the order or ready stock. For the order, you can make it as you want, like the motif and its size.

Technique of making Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

If it is classified into its technique of making, there are three ways. For the first with Tulis (drawn) technique. This technique still uses Canting and Malam as the main media.

For the second by the way of stamping. Stamp is usually made from the copper which is made suitable with the pattern or the motif wanted. The next is giving Malamon that stamp which is poured on the cotton fabric. A combination using stamp and tulis techniques produces the beauty of batik art.

For the third by handprint technique namely making screen. Then, giving the color suitable with wanted. All ways have the benefit itself.

1.0 Technique of making Batik fabric using screen or Handprint.

This making still includes into category handmade. The technique of Handprint uses screen for its motif. But its coloring is not emerged, only one side of fabric. For the price can be said as cheap, because it is for making easy only. It is usually used for the needs of school, office and company uniform.

Batik fabric using screen at Batikdlidir Tulis

For the material, we use special cotton. We use original cotton 100%. In Indonesia, there are two famous cottons. Namely, Prima and Primissima cotton. Here little knowledge about both of them.

Fabric construction is the part which arranges or yarn arrangement. Its contruction, there are vertical and horizontal. For Primissima usually uses construction 133 x 72, but Prima uses construction 90 x 70 for every fabric. You can choose suitable with the taste and the quality of wearing.

We make the bargain of two fabrics with two prices too. Not only can choose the fabric, but also the motif of Batik. Here the following price we offer:
1. Prima Batik fabric per meter with the motif suitable with the order US$ 1.50 per metre.
2. Primissima Batik fabric and the design pattern as you want. We give the price US$ 1.90 per metre. So both Batik above we send it to your location in the condition of the fabric which has be drawn motif batik. For the order or information can text or Whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We suggest using Whatsapp to make easy in coordination. Not only the picture of motif batik but also the sending/shipping to your location.

1.1 Technique of making Batik fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Warna”.

The technique of making Batik fabric using “PlangkanCabutWarna”. The way of making uses screen or the color maker (cabut). Cabut Warna uses synthetic color maker. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely synthetic and natural. Because using synthetic, so its making is relatively fast. There are many synthetic color which are available namely: indigosol, remasol and naptol.

Technique of making Batik fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Warna”

Cotton fabric which is used usually is Prima cotton 100%. For the better material such as Barkolin is very seldom. This is because for making the color clear and two surface sides are same (Tembus=emerged).

General motif on this technique is motif Pakem. Motif Pakem is dominated by the color of Sogan and Black. There are many motif Pakem in Middle Java area, especially in Solo and Jogja. This motif usually used in custom event such marriage.

The superiority of this way is two same sides. So, the color which adheres on the fabric is stronger. Not only superior on color, but also the price is cheap enough. And the time of making is fast relatively. For the price, we give the price tag the same as the handprint technique.

It is so simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Cabut. You can Whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

1.2 Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis”.

Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis” in Batikdlidir. The way of making uses screen, Malam, and Canting Tulis. This technique is the masterpiece of Solonese about tradition. Unite between economic and cultural value. The most of society is difficult to unite them.

Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis”

Tulis Kombinasi uses synthetic color. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely synthetic and natural. Because using synthetic, so it is fast relatively producing a Batik fabric product.

For the material, it is usually wears soft Prima cotton. In Solonese market is well – known as Prima Lampion. You can order the material such as Barkolin or Gamelan. Ready stock in our place mostly is soft Prima.

Because using Malam(the wax) on its process of making, fabric material is felt softer. Fabric construction which is touched / is not touched by Malam, it is sodifferent. Handling or handfeel takes sides on the fabric which is touched by Malam. The best invention from ancestor which is forgotten by us sometime.

We give the price US$ 17 / piece with size 240 cm x 115 cm.

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

1.3 The technique of making Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia uses Tulis Kombinasi.

The technique of making Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia uses Tulis Kombinasi at Batikdlidir. The way of making uses screen, malam, and canting tulis. This technique uses masterpiece of Solonese about tradition. Unite between economic value and culture. The most of society is difficult to unite them.

The technique of making Batik fabric uses Tulis Kombinasi

Tulis Kombinasi uses synthetic color. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely: synthetic and natura. Because of using synthetic, so it is relatively fast in producing a Batik fabric product.

For the material, it usually uses soft prima cotton. In solonese market, it is well known as Prima Lampion. You can order too the fabric such as barkolin or gamelan. Ready stock in our place is mostly soft prima.

Because using wax on its process of making, fabric material is felt softer. Fabric construction which is touched / is not touched by wax, it is so different. Handling or handfeel takes sides on the fabric which is touched by Malam. The best invention from ancestor which is forgotten by us sometime.

This method is stamp combination, screen, tolet and Tulis Canting. For the wax is same too, joining hot and cold wax. So all Batik handmade exists in this technique completely.

There are two prices in technique of this KombinasiTulis. We give the price US$ 18 / piece for ready stock. But for the motif as you order US$ 14,50 / piece (size L x W = 240 cm x 115 cm).

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

1.4 The technique of making fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Tolet”.

The technique of making Batik fabric “plangkan cabut tolet” in Batikdlidir. The process of its production uses plangkan(screen), cabut warna and tolet. This technique is the one of discovery of local batik craftman.

making fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Tolet” at Batikdlidir Indonesia

The result from this method is mostly Sogan color which is combined with light color. In Solo and Jogja market, the trader calls it Batik Wonogiren. For the color itself consistsof two same sides.

For the material, it is usually using soft prima cotton. Soft Prima consists of 100% original cotton. You can order the material not only Prima but also Primis. As the information only, ready stock in our place is mostly soft Prima.

There are two prices in technique of this CabutTolet. We give the price 2.50/meter for ready stock material. But for the motif as you want is US$ 1,80 per metre.

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

2.0 Technique of making Batik fabric using Cap or Stamp


Cap technique is giving Malam on GARAN then is stamped on the fabric. So, the fabric can emerge and can be gradation. Its price can be said still cheap by the society. This technique still includes in handmade and traditional.

Technique of making Batik fabric using Cap or Stamp pelangi

Unfortunately, the use of Cap technique is much be used for the needs of export. Whereas, if we see the history, Batik Cap (stamp) has good value of history. The history in struggling its existence. For that, we suggest and make effort to socialize cap technique. We do with the hope, it can be enjoyed by the society. Traditional art which is unfortunately to be left.

For the color, stamp technique has value itself. You can get solid color. The other, it can make gradation color. International people call it as tie dye technique.

3.0 The technique of making Batik fabric using Canting or Tulis


Canting technique is the masterpiece from Batik. An art, tradition and technique which must be preserved. This technique has rooted strongly in Indonesia, especially Solo city, Pekalongan, and Jogja. Batik Tulis is its making is special for drawing the wax on fabric. The tools which is used namely Canting, Malam (the wax), fabric and Malam heater (small stove).

The technique of making Batik fabric using Canting or Tulis traditional

It is usually for the direction of company or upper class community. This is not without the reason, because the price is expensive relatively. Why it can be expensive? The process of making needs two weeks until two months. That time produces only one piece of Batik Tulis. That’s what make it expensive.

Here the following steps and its price level:
1. Ukel technique. Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed.

2. Granite techniques. Granit is the technique of giving malam(the wax) with the method of the dot outside the pattern Ifyg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience.

3. Buh Technique. That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal. The process of its making we show to you in the form of video and picture.

2.1 Technique of making Batik fabric using Tie Dye stamp


Technique of making Batik fabric uses Tie Dye stamp in Batik Dlidir. Stamp technique is giving Malamon GARAN then is stamped on the fabric. Malam or the wax has function to cover and limit when the process of Tie Dye is working. So, the fabric can emerge and can be gradation. Its price can be said still cheap by the society. This technique still includes in handmade and Gradation.

making Batik fabric using Tie Dye stamp at Batikdlidir

For the price can be said as cheap price if it is compared with Tulis technique. Tie Dye stamp technique is for the most export needs. The combination of gradation with modern color is very wanted by American and European people. Although there is small scale of Indonesian people which wears this Tie Dye stamp. Whereas, the producer of this original technique is archipelago people.

For Tie Dye stamp technique, is still impressed traditionally and uniquely. Because not only using malam, its coloring can be more various. Its price can be said as cheap price for making batik quilting.

1. Prima Batik fabric per meter with the motif ordered US $ 1.80 per yard.
2. Every meter uses Primissima cotton we give the price US $ 2.50 per yard.

For the color, stamp technique has value itself. You can get solid color. The other, it can make gradation color. International people call it as tie dye technique.

For the detail, you can Whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir. 24 hours service nonstop for ordering batik tie dye. As our dedication in Batik.

We give the price US $ 2.90 per yard for ready stock. But for the motif as you want is US $ 2.20 per yard.

2.3 Technique of making Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia using stamp double

Technique of making Batik fabric Jambi Indonesia using stamp double ( Cuwiri ) At Batikdlidir. The cuwiri batik cloth in Batikdlidir is made using the stamp. Cuwiri batik is a batik motif that uses natural soga dyeing. Usually this batik is used for semekan and kemben.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double

The making of cuwiri motifs uses two stam that are paired ( stamped ). Stamp or garan cap is 2 copper which usually measures 20 cm x 20 cm, with the function of filling each other. Usually the Javanese call it the terms plus and minus.

Once upon a time, the coloring that filled this motif was identical to the color of natural soga. With increasing years, innovation continues to be developed by craftsmen. So that the sogan color is still maintained, combined with modern colors.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir

In batikdlidir using remasol synthetic coloring. While the basic color technique is identical to smoke or gradation. The following picture:

The cotton material used is premium quality primis. Primis fabric construction is generally 133 x 72 with a thickness of 50 s yarn. So as to produce special batik products. Plus laying the wax, making translucent colors or two sides of the same fabric. As a result the handling or hand feel is smooth and impressed when you see it.

Cuwiri is identical to the sogan color line, both dark brown and young. The color in the motif consists of 5 different colors. And this is most of what we meet, with the Soga line as its true identity.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir sogan

You can get cuwiri batik at a price of US$ 4.50 per meter. With minimum order is 10 pieces. Each piece has a size of 2 meters.

More details or just information about, whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir. Thank you.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir sogan ungu

Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia

Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia culture to worldwide. With prices starting at US $ 1.80 per yard, you can get original Handmade. We ( Batik Dlidir ) is a batik company located in solo city, indonesia. A city closely associated with culture. The city that witnessed the birth of a tradition that until now still sustainable, Batik.

Batik fabric is a pictorial fabric that is specially made by writing or putting ‘ malam ‘ ( wax ) on the fabric. Batik Indonesia, as a whole of technology, related motive and cultural development. This is a craft that has high artistic value. Besides that has been a part of Javanese culture for a long time.

Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia culture to worldwide tie dye
Batik cap ( stamp ) And Tie dye,

We provide original Batik fabric for all people of the world with the best quality. Complete, either with ” tulis ” ( Drawing ) technique or using ” cap ” ( Stamp ). In addition, the price is also affordable because we are Batik fabric manufacturers .

Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia culture to worldwide
Batik Tulis ( Drawing with canting )

for more information or order, you can whatsapp to:

+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

The service and information 24 hours nonstop. This we do as our dedication in this job.

Over time, kain batik has a very broad meaning. Today batik in everyday life is a work of art that manifests culture. Not stop there, but also can give benefits to the general public ( the meaning of “dlidir” ). Batik can be interpreted high-level art of a solo civilization and its surroundings.

For us, batik does not just draw on fabric. Then put on “malam”, give motif, sell it or UNESCO recognition. But this is a comprehensive series of all thoughts, manpower and long history synergized in producing the best and original works to be enjoyed together. Good for the solo community in particular and also the people of the World in general.

Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia at Batikdlidir

We name our certainly quality product as Batikdlidir. What is Dlidir? In Javanese dlidlir means mengalir (flowing). Therefore, from that name, dlidir, we hope that our product will be salable like the flow of the water. This name is also our prayer. So, it is not only name, but it has strong character in further advance.

Batik fabric at Batikdlidir sale

As time goes by, Batik has generous meaning for us. Nowadays batik in daily is an art which manifests culture. Batik also give a value to public (read: dlidir). Batik means the high-level of art in Solo and round.

Processing batik is not only draw in the fabric, but it also a comprehensive sequences. The sequences of mind, energy, and a long story. All of the synergized process while making an artistic work. So, all of the people enjoy it.

We sell Batik in three categories. This category based on Batik techniques making. Here the explanation:
1. Written Batik (batik tulis). It made by using canting or written (tulis) technique. It usually use for special affair.
2. Copper plate stamp Batik (batik cap). It made by using copper stamp (cap). This technique has solid color, or it is well-known as tie dye technique.
3. Handprint Batik. This is a technique that use screen media to make pattern in the fabric. The examples of this technique is in making clothing and sarong (sarung).

For further information and order. :
Mr Mudzakir.
+62 822 6565 2222
(Available on WhatsApp).

Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia for quilting at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method. You can get a Batik fabric price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin or barcolin. This materials is cotton 100 percent.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.
Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method

Batik fabric quilts for jelly rolls

By the existing of these boutiques, so it will easier Batik lovers while hunting Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia quilt. Surely it has many choices. As we know that it has more colors and patterns. Of course, the product is better. That is what the artisan expected. Producing beautiful Batik art. Because later, it is not only used for fashion needs but also to make accessories.

Processing making Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia at batik dlidir

Generally, it also uses for house internal decoration. Such as tablecloth decoration, living room, bedroom, the lounge, family room, and others. The manual way usually applied while creating a quilt Batik fabric. This is the best way to make a decoration. It also makes the price of this art higher.

We provide many types of Batik quilt. For each pack will have many kinds interesting patterns. A piece of Batik quilt can be recycled into an attractive art. Up to now, we often send Batik quilt to many countries in the world. One of them is the United Kingdom. In addition to Batik quilt, you can also order another Batik fabric.

You can get a Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia quilts price of US $ 2.50 per yard at Batikdlidir.

You can get a Batik fabric quilts price of US $ 2.50 per yard at Batikdlidir.

You can contact us via whatsapp for ordering : +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric sale with low price

Batik fabric sale with low price and original handmade. BatikDlidir selling batik from solo city to all over the world. It is easy for us to make low prices, because it is located in batik producers.

Batik fabric sale with low price Batikdlidir 1

The first, Cap technique ( Stamp ) with the original handmade from Indonesian. With a starting price of US $ 2.50 / yard, you can get quality and handmade Batik fabric. Indonesian Batik fabric at a cheap price with quality ” wong solo “. Solo batik history can not be separated from the influence of the palace. Cap technique covers tie dye, smoke or color gradation.

Batik fabric sale with low price canting tulis 1

Next technique ” canting ” ( Draw, art or tulis ). This is the real batik, a long achievement of wong solo culture. Not just cloth, but a long history of witnesses of world-renowned artwork. If some countries have a stunning relic, then the solo city (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property depicted or expressed in a cloth. We sell it with prices ranging from US $ 200 per piece to US $ 300 per piece. Or you can order it with your favorite patterns.

The process of making time and difficulty determine the price of a Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia. Here’s the price list.

1. Ukel technique, we sell it between US $ 100 per piece until US $ 300 per piece.
2. Granit technique, US $ 80 per piece – US $ 150 per piece.
3. Buh technique, US $ 60 per piece – US $ 80 per piece.

You can contact us via whatsapp for ordering : +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

100 cotton Batik fabric the best quality

We use 100 cotton Batik fabric quality choice. Maybe you ask, what is the real cotton ?. Before entering the problem of cotton, it would be better to know about cotton base material ie cotton.

Cotton is a fine fiber that envelops the seeds of several species of Gossypium (commonly called “trees” or cotton plants), ‘bush’ plants originating from the tropics and subtropics. Cotton fiber becomes an important material in the textile industry. The fiber can be spun into yarn and woven into cloth. Textile products of cotton fibers commonly referred to as cotton (yarn or cloth).

Why do we count on 100 percent cotton ?. In accordance with our experience, in addition to absorbing sweat is also not hot. So when you wear it so comfortably.

There are many types of 100 percent cotton in Indonesia. Construction of the yarn that distinguishes between types of one another. In addition, there is also seen from the thickness of the threads of cotton fabric.

For stamp technique, we use the construction of yarn 133 x 72, thickness 40 s. This type of cotton has a quality in the middle – middle. It has been export standard and proven to date.

100 cotton Batik fabric the best quality tie dye 1

As for canting or ‘tulis’ techniques we rely on cotton primissima gamelan construction 114 x 96, thickness 50 s. Cotton premium grade produced from our Country, Indonesia.

The choice of cotton This is just a habit of us, you can order the fabric as you wish. Batikdlidir serve quickly and appropriately for all your Batik fabric business.

For info or order 100 cotton Batik fabric can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric manufacturers from solo, Indonesia

Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia manufacturers from Indonesia for All around the world. Batikdlidir is a manufacturer of complete batik cloth start, stamp until handprint. We produce it all with human hands ( Handmade ), not machines. What distinguishes between stamp or tulis with handprint is the formation of patterns and the use of the malam. As for the same work that is using human power.

Batik fabric manufacturers from solo, Indonesia

The benefits you get from making Batik fabric in our place, among others:

1. The price of cotton fabric is cheaper with the best quality, because we are in the center location of cotton factory. So the price of batik cloth produced is also cheap ( low price ).

2. Motives are more maintained quality, It has been tested with the use of many years of our customers. In addition, you can choose the motif according to your taste.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo society and jogja have become daily struggling in the field of ‘Batik’.

4. Easy on payment. For reservations we charge Down payment 50% of total production financing. So as to create a relationship of trust between the two sides.

5. Many choices of batik pattern that we provide with the video, if you do not determine their own motives. There are two types of motifs and colors we provide. So you can specify your own directions that you want to order.

For info or reservations, You can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Batik sarong wholesale.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir

Maybe you ask, What is a handmade Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia ?. Handmade Batik is a batik made by human hands by passing through both time and energy process. For us, handmade is divided into 2 namely cap technique and tulis technique. However, for the solo society in particular consider handmade only refers to the technique canting (‘tulis’).

We produce original handmade products. When making it with canting, Batikdlidir always say “tulis”. Similarly, with the stamp, We will say the stamp ( cap ) technique. This is very important, because appreciating the process is the main goal for us.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir 22 smoke

For continental america, europe and australian used batik cap. This corresponds to the color of the skin that likes the color gradation, modern and colorful. You can order to us according to your desired motif. Here are the details:

1. Batik cap stamp, tie dye, or smoke: US $ 2.50 / yard.
2. Minimum order 500 yard.
3. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn.

Where to buy batik?, you can contact us via whatsapp +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir with tulis canting

As for our batik tulis take a price US$ 60 per piece to US$ 300 per piece. By using cotton rags. Duration of work 1 week to 2 months depending on the level of complexity. Every stage of the making process we overview for you.

Batik tulis is a traditional product from us, the people of Indonesia. Products formed by long process. Cultural results created from the Java community to be enjoyed by the entire world community.

Traditional Batik fabric the best quality

Traditional Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia is synonymous with ‘pakem’ writing technique. For traditional events such as weddings, ordinary people of Java use batik motif ‘pakem’. There are many motifs ‘grip’ ( Pakem ) that remain sustainable until the time of this writing is made. Here are just a few of the many traditional batik fabrics:

1. Sidomukti, used bride. Sido means continuous and mukti means to live well.

Traditional Batik fabric the best quality truntum

2. Truntum, guide. The meaning of parents led the bride into new life. Usually in the form of sarimbit or paired between both parents.

3. Satria Manah, worn by the groom’s guardian when wandering. With hope hopefully the man’s proposal can be received well by the woman. An intelligent meaning that became a habit of wong solo.

4. Cement Rante, used brides guardian when receiving applications.

5. Ceplok Kasatriyan, used as a cloth for ceremonial bridal ceremony. The wearer to look dashing and has a knight nature.

6. Grompol ornament, worn at a wedding ceremony. Grompol means gathering or united. The expectation of the gathering of all things as good as living in harmony.

7. Semen Gendong is worn by the bride and groom after the wedding ceremony in the hope that she can hold baby soon.

You can order to us various motifs above. Good with the easiest making techniques, to the most difficult. Similarly, the fabric, you can choose as needed.

To order whatsapp at +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Wax Batik fabric using canting technique

Wax Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia using canting techniques ( Tulis ) according to your order. The Wax has characteristics like candles. Could be so because “Malam” is a type of wax that is more specific. The specificity is commonly used by the people of Java to make batik.

Wax Batik fabric using canting technique at Batikdlidir indonesia

In addition to wax ( Malam ), the main media of batik is canting. It’s been everyday wong jawa from the past until now with canting. Canting is made of copper with a small hole for ‘malam’ out.

There are 3 canting techniques that are so familiar in solo society.

1. Technique ukel.

Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed. This technique is also included to create gringsing patterns and such as mosquito repellent. For this technique enter the hardest category price range US $ 200 per pcs, size 240 cm x 105 cm .

2. Granite techniques.

Granit is the technique of night casting with the method of the dot outside the pattern If yg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience. For this technique the price range US $ 100 per pcs.

3. Buh Technique.
That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal.

For information and ordering batik, You can whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.
The best Handmade batik.

BENEFITS OF MAKING Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia IN BATIKDLIDIR.

The benefits you get from making batik cloth in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton cloth is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory.

2. Motives are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of Batik fabric. For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.


For info or reservations can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric from indonesia with handprint technique for sarong

Batik fabricS WITH HANDPRINT TECHNIQUE. This technique usually for batik sarong wholesale. We use fabric from original cotton. In Indonesia, there are two famous cotton. Namely, prima cotton and primissima. Here’s a little science about this cotton.


The fabric construction is the part that composes or arranges the yarn. The construction is vertical and horizontal. For the usual primissima use 133 x 72 construction, while prima uses 90 x 70 construction in each fabric. You can choose according to taste and quality of usage.

We make a second offer of the fabric with two prices as well. In addition to the choice of fabric, batik motif you can choose. Here’s the price we offer.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.60 / yard.
2. Primisima Batik fabrics and design patterns of your wishes. We charge US $ 1.90 / yard.

So the two Batik fabric above, we send it to your locationin a state of fabric that already handprintedas ordered.

For reservations or information can text or whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We recommend using whatsapp to make it easier to communication forsending picture or video of motives batik or the processing the work of your order.

Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia with original stamp ( copper )

Batik fabric wholesale in shape are still fabric with traditional stamp technique. This technique also for batik bali.


Fortunately, the use of stamp technique is widely used for export purposes. And when looking back on history, stamp batik has a neat history. History in the fight for its existence. For that we suggest and try to socialize stamp techniquelocaly while we try to get vast. We do with the hope that the citizens can enjoy. The traditional work that is sad to be left behind.

For the stamp technique, it still seems traditional and unique. Because in addition to using the wax, coloring can be more varied. The price fairly affordable to be made batik cloth.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.99 / yard.
2. Each meter of cotton primisima ourtagprice is US $ 2.50 / yard.

For color, cap technique has its own value. You will get a solid color. In addition, it can also make your own the color gradation (colour ways/design). Foreign people call it with tie dye smoke technique.

For details can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir. 24 hours nonstop serving order batik uniform. As our dedication in the field of batik.

The technique in making Batik fabric by using Canting or Tulis

The technique of Canting is a masterpiece of Batik fabric. An art, tradition, and technique that must be kept. This technique already existed in Indonesia, especially in Solo, Pekalongan, and Jogja. The making process of Batik Tulis is different. It made by using canting to draw the pattern. The tools that used while making Batik are canting, malam (wax), fabric and malam (wax) heater (small stove).

The technique in making Batik fabric by using Canting or Tulis at Batikdlidir

It usually presented to the director of the company and the upper class. It is because the price is expensive. Why could it be? The making process of it takes time around 2 weeks until 2 months. On that time, the maker only can produce one piece of Batik Tulis. That is the reason why it is very expensive.
Those are the steps and the range of the price:.

1. Ukel.

That is the technique of drawing semicircle on the fabric. This technique also used to make gringsing and obatnyamuk pattern. This is the complex one.

2. Granit.

It is a technique by drawing dots outside of the pattern. While within the pattern named pasiran. This technique is also difficult because the different base is from the canting.

The smaller canting, it will need the higher tidiness and patient. The price depends on the fabric and the detail. It takes time 2 weeks.

3. Buh.

This is a technique by drawing Batik fully or equally. It includes on the inside also the tumpal. We showed you the process by the video and picture.

4. Galar.

5. Genes.

For further information and order, please contact the number below!.
The owner of Batik Dlidir.
Mr. Mudzakir

The developing of Batik fabric

The fabric of Batik is identified as Nusantara’s (Indonesia) fabric. Nowadays, those fabrics are developed into the modern industry. The effect of this choice is Batik must be up to date. The developing of Batik year by year finally will show their life in fashion industries.

The developing of Batik fabric owner Batikdlidir

The first appearance of Batik shaded by the symbols of Palace. In that day, Batik only wears by the people among the Palace. But as the time went by, Batik becomes a selling product widely. Now, Batik has been grown up. It wears in daily too. The appearance of apparels with Batik pattern has risen. The sellers of Batik are also increased.

In its advance, the effort to make Nusantara’s fabric to complete the present necessary takes various form. It is not only how to enrich the ornament or replace the cotton with silk, but also the condition of the fabric, especially when those fabrics made into the fashion. There are other considerations in order to keep the quality of the fabric.

Batik has become the new fashion in the society. Even so, Batik is not only a fashion, it can be used as other ornaments, like a pillow case, curtain, and bed cover. This is a good beginning to keep the culture of Batik. It begins with loving, having (andarbeni), and keeping.

The technique of Batik fabric in Solo

The meaning of making the process of Batik is the processes of creating Batik that begins from the preparation until it is done. It is included in the preparation of mori fabric until it is ready to draw. The steps are nggirah/ ngetel (washing), nganji (starch), and ngemplong(ironing).

The technique of Batik fabric in Solo at Batikdlidir

While the process of making Batik include the reality of creating Batik. It begins by sticking the lilin (paraffin) to create the pattern, the coloring process (celup (dye), colet, lukis (painting), and printing). The last step is removing the remaining wax from the fabric (SewanSoesanto, 1974).

To create the pattern of Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia, it can be done by using canting to draw. Another pattern that using copper stamp called Batik Cap (stamp). And the last is Batik Printing. It is done by making the pattern on the printing machine.

Batik fabric is the fabric that has Batik pattern by attaching the lilin (paraffin). While the fabric that has Batik pattern is the fabric which patterned with Batik. But, it usually made by using textile printing machine.

In general, technology in making Batik exist in Indonesia. In Solo, the principal of making Batik based on “Resist Dyes Technique” (Teknik celup rintang), where the process begins by simple looping – dyeing, then it colored by using zatperintang (block substance). For the first time buburketan (glutinous rice) use as zatperintang (block substance), then the people found malam (wax) and use until now.

The pattern of Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia

The pattern of Batik is the structure of the arrangement which creates Batik in a whole surface of the fabric. Batik pattern contains two parts that are the ornaments of Batik pattern and isenof Batik pattern. The ornaments of Batik pattern arranged by the main ornament and filler ornament.

The pattern of Batik fabric nyanting pola at Batikdlidir

While, isen of Batik pattern are dots, lines, and the combination of both. Its function is to fill the ornaments from the pattern or the filler between those ornaments. There are many kinds of isen pattern and it still growing up, like cecek, cecekpitu, sisikmelik, ceceksawut, ceceksawudaun, sisikgringsing, galaran, rambutan, sirapan, cacahgori, and others.

Classification of Batik pattern fabric

There are two groups of Batik pattern fabric. That is Geometry and nongeometry. Geometry pattern is Batik pattern which the ornaments are the arrangement of geometry. The character is those patterns are easy to cut into a piece. It usually called “report”. It usually uses to make Batik Solo, especially Batik cap (stamp).

Classification of Batik pattern fabric

The nongeometry pattern is the patterns that do not have geometry form. It is included in these patterns: semen, buketan, terangbulan. Non geometry patterns arranged by plants ornaments, besides it also arrange from meru, Hayat tree, candi (temple), binatang (animal), burung (bird), garuda (eagle), and naga (eagle). It usually applies to making Batik Tulis Solo.

For information, you can whatsapp +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Batik fabric online at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric online is Batik that sells online. Now, there are a lot of traders who promote their product online like Facebook, Instagram, or another online store. By online system, the marketing of Batik fabric is wider. Previously, it just conducted in certain place or location. But, after using the online system, the sales reached the overseas.

Batik fabric online at Batikdlidir

The sellers want to get these advantages. Besides, the online shop is quite cheap. Because it doesn’t need to spend more fund to rent a place. However, it just needs an internet and an online shop account to promote the product. The traders only send the picture included the price tag on that.

In addition, to give the advantage to the seller, the online shop is profitable for the buyer. Because they do not need to come to the store. The buyer can make a transaction anywhere and the ordered will send to the house.

Batik becomes one of the products that sell online. The development of Batik is rapid. It drives the seller to sell their product online. One of the online stores that sell Batik is Batik Dlidir. We are one of Batik Tulis centers in Solo. Batikdlidir offer all of the types of Batik like Batik for fashion and Batik for accessories. We sell Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and Batik Printing ( Sarong ).

For ordered contact +6282265652222. We prefer to WhatsApp than a phone call.

Batik fabric gradient, tie dye or smoke technique

Batik fabric gradient looks from the choice of the color. It usually has more than one color. But the colors that presented are similar. Color is being the characteristic of this Batik. Moreover, if it is combined with an awesome pattern. It clearly gives an amazing look.

Batik fabric gradient, tie dye or smoke technique

The pattern that usually presented on this Batik is butterfly, fish, plant, flower, leaf, branch, and others. This Batik is more emphasizes on the color and the pattern, not the philosophy. It is different to traditional Batik. Because the beauty of the colors and the patterns are able to attract every single eye. This is the attractiveness of Batik gradient.

If you want to have it, you can buy at Batik Dlidir. We have many collections of Batik. If you want to see our collections, you can come to our office or at our website.

We have the cheapest price of Batik ever yet the quality of our Batik is the best. You will get many advantages if you shop at our store like the cheapest price, the best quality of Batik, a good packaging, no delay order, and the down payment is flexible.

Batik fabric extra wide at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric Extra Wide Sometimes is wanted goods by the batik lovers. The common batik has a length around 115 cm to 150 cm. But, on some occasion, some people ordered extra wide batik. Even, some of them need 300 cm.

Batik fabric extra wide at Batikdlidir

Actually, extra wide batik is needed to design extra size wardrobe. The big person needs this batik. According to this reason, some seller provided the extra wide batik. We (Batik dlidir) also provide it. We are one of the batik centers in Solo. Dlidir’s provide many kinds of batik, not only the motifs but also the size.

We have a standard size and extra size. We have all you need. You can just choose what you need here. Batikdlidir have provided all size according to the customers’ want. The lengthiest batik we have is around 10.000 meter. We could still give the extra wide batik although it didn’t have many variations.

Besides providing the extra wide batik. Batikdlidir have also many kinds of batik. Such as written batik, stamp batik, and printing batik. These batik are very cheap, you could purchase in our gallery. The cotton are not only cheap but also have good quality. You could compare with the others to find the good one.

Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia origin special to you

Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia origin at Batikdlidir. The source of Batik is uncertain. It is included in the first country that creates the pattern of Batik. But Batik is very identic to Indonesia. Moreover, after UNESCO declared that Batik is the heritage of Indonesia. In Indonesia, Batik is a fabric that has a picture or pattern. Batik already exist and being Indonesian culture since a long time ago. Some people said it already existed since the 17th century or formerly.

Batik fabric origin special to you
Motif parang

In the past, the existence of Batik in Indonesia is only a few. But, as the development of Batik, it spreads to several areas in Indonesia. Each region has its own name and character for their Batik. The deployment of Batik has reached to the overseas.

For the first time, the art of Batik is only done by the Java women. They make Batik as their daily livelihood. The skill of making Batik then become a tradition. Because it is only dropped by the family to the grandchild. From that appeared the character from pembatik family.

Now, we are pursuing this historical art. We are one of several centers of Batik handmade in Solo. We accepted an order from many countries in the world. The price of our Batik is very friendly. It is the cheapest price of Batik ever. We have Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and Batik Printing. So if you need Batik, you can buy at our store.

For more information and order contact +62 822 6565 2222.

Technique of making Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

Batikdlidir serves complete one. Complete means various batik motif suitable with the order or ready stock. For the order, you can make it as you want, like the motif and its size.

Technique of making Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

If it is classified into its technique of making, there are three ways. For the first with Tulis (drawn) technique. This technique still uses Canting and Malam as the main media.

For the second by the way of stamping. Stamp is usually made from the copper which is made suitable with the pattern or the motif wanted. The next is giving Malamon that stamp which is poured on the cotton fabric. A combination using stamp and tulis techniques produces the beauty of batik art.

For the third by handprint technique namely making screen. Then, giving the color suitable with wanted. All ways have the benefit itself.

1.0 Technique of making Batik fabric using screen or Handprint.

This making still includes into category handmade. The technique of Handprint uses screen for its motif. But its coloring is not emerged, only one side of fabric. For the price can be said as cheap, because it is for making easy only. It is usually used for the needs of school, office and company uniform.

Batik fabric using screen at Batikdlidir Tulis

For the material, we use special cotton. We use original cotton 100%. In Indonesia, there are two famous cottons. Namely, Prima and Primissima cotton. Here little knowledge about both of them.

Fabric construction is the part which arranges or yarn arrangement. Its contruction, there are vertical and horizontal. For Primissima usually uses construction 133 x 72, but Prima uses construction 90 x 70 for every fabric. You can choose suitable with the taste and the quality of wearing.

We make the bargain of two fabrics with two prices too. Not only can choose the fabric, but also the motif of Batik. Here the following price we offer:
1. Prima Batik fabric per meter with the motif suitable with the order US$ 1.50 per metre.
2. Primissima Batik fabric and the design pattern as you want. We give the price US$ 1.90 per metre. So both Batik above we send it to your location in the condition of the fabric which has be drawn motif batik. For the order or information can text or Whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We suggest using Whatsapp to make easy in coordination. Not only the picture of motif batik but also the sending/shipping to your location.

1.1 Technique of making Batik fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Warna”.

The technique of making Batik fabric using “PlangkanCabutWarna”. The way of making uses screen or the color maker (cabut). Cabut Warna uses synthetic color maker. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely synthetic and natural. Because using synthetic, so its making is relatively fast. There are many synthetic color which are available namely: indigosol, remasol and naptol.

Technique of making Batik fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Warna”

Cotton fabric which is used usually is Prima cotton 100%. For the better material such as Barkolin is very seldom. This is because for making the color clear and two surface sides are same (Tembus=emerged).

General motif on this technique is motif Pakem. Motif Pakem is dominated by the color of Sogan and Black. There are many motif Pakem in Middle Java area, especially in Solo and Jogja. This motif usually used in custom event such marriage.

The superiority of this way is two same sides. So, the color which adheres on the fabric is stronger. Not only superior on color, but also the price is cheap enough. And the time of making is fast relatively. For the price, we give the price tag the same as the handprint technique.

It is so simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Cabut. You can Whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

1.2 Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis”.

Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis” in Batikdlidir. The way of making uses screen, Malam, and Canting Tulis. This technique is the masterpiece of Solonese about tradition. Unite between economic and cultural value. The most of society is difficult to unite them.

Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis”

Tulis Kombinasi uses synthetic color. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely synthetic and natural. Because using synthetic, so it is fast relatively producing a Batik fabric product.

For the material, it is usually wears soft Prima cotton. In Solonese market is well – known as Prima Lampion. You can order the material such as Barkolin or Gamelan. Ready stock in our place mostly is soft Prima.

Because using Malam(the wax) on its process of making, fabric material is felt softer. Fabric construction which is touched / is not touched by Malam, it is sodifferent. Handling or handfeel takes sides on the fabric which is touched by Malam. The best invention from ancestor which is forgotten by us sometime.

We give the price US$ 17 / piece with size 240 cm x 115 cm.

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

1.3 The technique of making Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia uses Tulis Kombinasi.

The technique of making Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia uses Tulis Kombinasi at Batikdlidir. The way of making uses screen, malam, and canting tulis. This technique uses masterpiece of Solonese about tradition. Unite between economic value and culture. The most of society is difficult to unite them.

The technique of making Batik fabric uses Tulis Kombinasi

Tulis Kombinasi uses synthetic color. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely: synthetic and natura. Because of using synthetic, so it is relatively fast in producing a Batik fabric product.

For the material, it usually uses soft prima cotton. In solonese market, it is well known as Prima Lampion. You can order too the fabric such as barkolin or gamelan. Ready stock in our place is mostly soft prima.

Because using wax on its process of making, fabric material is felt softer. Fabric construction which is touched / is not touched by wax, it is so different. Handling or handfeel takes sides on the fabric which is touched by Malam. The best invention from ancestor which is forgotten by us sometime.

This method is stamp combination, screen, tolet and Tulis Canting. For the wax is same too, joining hot and cold wax. So all Batik handmade exists in this technique completely.

There are two prices in technique of this KombinasiTulis. We give the price US$ 18 / piece for ready stock. But for the motif as you order US$ 14,50 / piece (size L x W = 240 cm x 115 cm).

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

1.4 The technique of making fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Tolet”.

The technique of making Batik fabric “plangkan cabut tolet” in Batikdlidir. The process of its production uses plangkan(screen), cabut warna and tolet. This technique is the one of discovery of local batik craftman.

making fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Tolet” at Batikdlidir Indonesia

The result from this method is mostly Sogan color which is combined with light color. In Solo and Jogja market, the trader calls it Batik Wonogiren. For the color itself consistsof two same sides.

For the material, it is usually using soft prima cotton. Soft Prima consists of 100% original cotton. You can order the material not only Prima but also Primis. As the information only, ready stock in our place is mostly soft Prima.

There are two prices in technique of this CabutTolet. We give the price 2.50/meter for ready stock material. But for the motif as you want is US$ 1,80 per metre.

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

2.0 Technique of making Batik fabric using Cap or Stamp


Cap technique is giving Malam on GARAN then is stamped on the fabric. So, the fabric can emerge and can be gradation. Its price can be said still cheap by the society. This technique still includes in handmade and traditional.

Technique of making Batik fabric using Cap or Stamp pelangi

Unfortunately, the use of Cap technique is much be used for the needs of export. Whereas, if we see the history, Batik Cap (stamp) has good value of history. The history in struggling its existence. For that, we suggest and make effort to socialize cap technique. We do with the hope, it can be enjoyed by the society. Traditional art which is unfortunately to be left.

For the color, stamp technique has value itself. You can get solid color. The other, it can make gradation color. International people call it as tie dye technique.

3.0 The technique of making Batik fabric using Canting or Tulis


Canting technique is the masterpiece from Batik. An art, tradition and technique which must be preserved. This technique has rooted strongly in Indonesia, especially Solo city, Pekalongan, and Jogja. Batik Tulis is its making is special for drawing the wax on fabric. The tools which is used namely Canting, Malam (the wax), fabric and Malam heater (small stove).

The technique of making Batik fabric using Canting or Tulis traditional

It is usually for the direction of company or upper class community. This is not without the reason, because the price is expensive relatively. Why it can be expensive? The process of making needs two weeks until two months. That time produces only one piece of Batik Tulis. That’s what make it expensive.

Here the following steps and its price level:
1. Ukel technique. Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed.

2. Granite techniques. Granit is the technique of giving malam(the wax) with the method of the dot outside the pattern Ifyg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience.

3. Buh Technique. That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal. The process of its making we show to you in the form of video and picture.

2.1 Technique of making Batik fabric using Tie Dye stamp


Technique of making Batik fabric uses Tie Dye stamp in Batik Dlidir. Stamp technique is giving Malamon GARAN then is stamped on the fabric. Malam or the wax has function to cover and limit when the process of Tie Dye is working. So, the fabric can emerge and can be gradation. Its price can be said still cheap by the society. This technique still includes in handmade and Gradation.

making Batik fabric using Tie Dye stamp at Batikdlidir

For the price can be said as cheap price if it is compared with Tulis technique. Tie Dye stamp technique is for the most export needs. The combination of gradation with modern color is very wanted by American and European people. Although there is small scale of Indonesian people which wears this Tie Dye stamp. Whereas, the producer of this original technique is archipelago people.

For Tie Dye stamp technique, is still impressed traditionally and uniquely. Because not only using malam, its coloring can be more various. Its price can be said as cheap price for making batik quilting.

1. Prima Batik fabric per meter with the motif ordered US $ 1.80 per yard.
2. Every meter uses Primissima cotton we give the price US $ 2.50 per yard.

For the color, stamp technique has value itself. You can get solid color. The other, it can make gradation color. International people call it as tie dye technique.

For the detail, you can Whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir. 24 hours service nonstop for ordering batik tie dye. As our dedication in Batik.

We give the price US $ 2.90 per yard for ready stock. But for the motif as you want is US $ 2.20 per yard.

2.3 Technique of making Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia using stamp double

Technique of making Batik fabric Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia using stamp double ( Cuwiri ) At Batikdlidir. The cuwiri batik cloth in Batikdlidir is made using the stamp. Cuwiri batik is a batik motif that uses natural soga dyeing. Usually this batik is used for semekan and kemben.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double

The making of cuwiri motifs uses two stam that are paired ( stamped ). Stamp or garan cap is 2 copper which usually measures 20 cm x 20 cm, with the function of filling each other. Usually the Javanese call it the terms plus and minus.

Once upon a time, the coloring that filled this motif was identical to the color of natural soga. With increasing years, innovation continues to be developed by craftsmen. So that the sogan color is still maintained, combined with modern colors.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir

In batikdlidir using remasol synthetic coloring. While the basic color technique is identical to smoke or gradation. The following picture:

The cotton material used is premium quality primis. Primis fabric construction is generally 133 x 72 with a thickness of 50 s yarn. So as to produce special batik products. Plus laying the wax, making translucent colors or two sides of the same fabric. As a result the handling or hand feel is smooth and impressed when you see it.

Cuwiri is identical to the sogan color line, both dark brown and young. The color in the motif consists of 5 different colors. And this is most of what we meet, with the Soga line as its true identity.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir sogan

You can get cuwiri batik at a price of US$ 4.50 per meter. With minimum order is 10 pieces. Each piece has a size of 2 meters.

More details or just information about, whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir. Thank you.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir sogan ungu

Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia

Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia culture to worldwide. With prices starting at US $ 1.80 per yard, you can get original Handmade. We ( Batik Dlidir ) is a batik company located in solo city, indonesia. A city closely associated with culture. The city that witnessed the birth of a tradition that until now still sustainable, Batik.

Batik fabric is a pictorial fabric that is specially made by writing or putting ‘ malam ‘ ( wax ) on the fabric. Batik Indonesia, as a whole of technology, related motive and cultural development. This is a craft that has high artistic value. Besides that has been a part of Javanese culture for a long time.

Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia culture to worldwide tie dye
Batik cap ( stamp ) And Tie dye,

We provide original Batik fabric for all people of the world with the best quality. Complete, either with ” tulis ” ( Drawing ) technique or using ” cap ” ( Stamp ). In addition, the price is also affordable because we are Batik fabric manufacturers .

Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia culture to worldwide
Batik Tulis ( Drawing with canting )

for more information or order, you can whatsapp to:

+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

The service and information 24 hours nonstop. This we do as our dedication in this job.

Over time, kain batik has a very broad meaning. Today batik in everyday life is a work of art that manifests culture. Not stop there, but also can give benefits to the general public ( the meaning of “dlidir” ). Batik can be interpreted high-level art of a solo civilization and its surroundings.

For us, batik does not just draw on fabric. Then put on “malam”, give motif, sell it or UNESCO recognition. But this is a comprehensive series of all thoughts, manpower and long history synergized in producing the best and original works to be enjoyed together. Good for the solo community in particular and also the people of the World in general.

Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia at Batikdlidir

We name our certainly quality product as Batikdlidir. What is Dlidir? In Javanese dlidlir means mengalir (flowing). Therefore, from that name, dlidir, we hope that our product will be salable like the flow of the water. This name is also our prayer. So, it is not only name, but it has strong character in further advance.

Batik fabric at Batikdlidir sale

As time goes by, Batik has generous meaning for us. Nowadays batik in daily is an art which manifests culture. Batik also give a value to public (read: dlidir). Batik means the high-level of art in Solo and round.

Processing batik is not only draw in the fabric, but it also a comprehensive sequences. The sequences of mind, energy, and a long story. All of the synergized process while making an artistic work. So, all of the people enjoy it.

We sell Batik in three categories. This category based on Batik techniques making. Here the explanation:
1. Written Batik (batik tulis). It made by using canting or written (tulis) technique. It usually use for special affair.
2. Copper plate stamp Batik (batik cap). It made by using copper stamp (cap). This technique has solid color, or it is well-known as tie dye technique.
3. Handprint Batik. This is a technique that use screen media to make pattern in the fabric. The examples of this technique is in making clothing and sarong (sarung).

For further information and order. :
Mr Mudzakir.
+62 822 6565 2222
(Available on WhatsApp).

Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia for quilting at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method. You can get a Batik fabric price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin or barcolin. This materials is cotton 100 percent.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.
Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method

Batik fabric quilts for jelly rolls

By the existing of these boutiques, so it will easier Batik lovers while hunting Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia quilt. Surely it has many choices. As we know that it has more colors and patterns. Of course, the product is better. That is what the artisan expected. Producing beautiful Batik art. Because later, it is not only used for fashion needs but also to make accessories.

Processing making Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia at batik dlidir

Generally, it also uses for house internal decoration. Such as tablecloth decoration, living room, bedroom, the lounge, family room, and others. The manual way usually applied while creating a quilt Batik fabric. This is the best way to make a decoration. It also makes the price of this art higher.

We provide many types of Batik quilt. For each pack will have many kinds interesting patterns. A piece of Batik quilt can be recycled into an attractive art. Up to now, we often send Batik quilt to many countries in the world. One of them is the United Kingdom. In addition to Batik quilt, you can also order another Batik fabric.

You can get a Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia quilts price of US $ 2.50 per yard at Batikdlidir.

You can get a Batik fabric quilts price of US $ 2.50 per yard at Batikdlidir.

You can contact us via whatsapp for ordering : +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric sale with low price

Batik fabric sale with low price and original handmade. BatikDlidir selling batik from solo city to all over the world. It is easy for us to make low prices, because it is located in batik producers.

Batik fabric sale with low price Batikdlidir 1

The first, Cap technique ( Stamp ) with the original handmade from Indonesian. With a starting price of US $ 2.50 / yard, you can get quality and handmade Batik fabric. Indonesian Batik fabric at a cheap price with quality ” wong solo “. Solo batik history can not be separated from the influence of the palace. Cap technique covers tie dye, smoke or color gradation.

Batik fabric sale with low price canting tulis 1

Next technique ” canting ” ( Draw, art or tulis ). This is the real batik, a long achievement of wong solo culture. Not just cloth, but a long history of witnesses of world-renowned artwork. If some countries have a stunning relic, then the solo city (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property depicted or expressed in a cloth. We sell it with prices ranging from US $ 200 per piece to US $ 300 per piece. Or you can order it with your favorite patterns.

The process of making time and difficulty determine the price of a Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia. Here’s the price list.

1. Ukel technique, we sell it between US $ 100 per piece until US $ 300 per piece.
2. Granit technique, US $ 80 per piece – US $ 150 per piece.
3. Buh technique, US $ 60 per piece – US $ 80 per piece.

You can contact us via whatsapp for ordering : +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

100 cotton Batik fabric the best quality

We use 100 cotton Batik fabric quality choice. Maybe you ask, what is the real cotton ?. Before entering the problem of cotton, it would be better to know about cotton base material ie cotton.

Cotton is a fine fiber that envelops the seeds of several species of Gossypium (commonly called “trees” or cotton plants), ‘bush’ plants originating from the tropics and subtropics. Cotton fiber becomes an important material in the textile industry. The fiber can be spun into yarn and woven into cloth. Textile products of cotton fibers commonly referred to as cotton (yarn or cloth).

Why do we count on 100 percent cotton ?. In accordance with our experience, in addition to absorbing sweat is also not hot. So when you wear it so comfortably.

There are many types of 100 percent cotton in Indonesia. Construction of the yarn that distinguishes between types of one another. In addition, there is also seen from the thickness of the threads of cotton fabric.

For stamp technique, we use the construction of yarn 133 x 72, thickness 40 s. This type of cotton has a quality in the middle – middle. It has been export standard and proven to date.

100 cotton Batik fabric the best quality tie dye 1

As for canting or ‘tulis’ techniques we rely on cotton primissima gamelan construction 114 x 96, thickness 50 s. Cotton premium grade produced from our Country, Indonesia.

The choice of cotton This is just a habit of us, you can order the fabric as you wish. Batikdlidir serve quickly and appropriately for all your Batik fabric business.

For info or order 100 cotton Batik fabric can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric manufacturers from solo, Indonesia

Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia manufacturers from Indonesia for All around the world. Batikdlidir is a manufacturer of complete batik cloth start, stamp until handprint. We produce it all with human hands ( Handmade ), not machines. What distinguishes between stamp or tulis with handprint is the formation of patterns and the use of the malam. As for the same work that is using human power.

Batik fabric manufacturers from solo, Indonesia

The benefits you get from making Batik fabric in our place, among others:

1. The price of cotton fabric is cheaper with the best quality, because we are in the center location of cotton factory. So the price of batik cloth produced is also cheap ( low price ).

2. Motives are more maintained quality, It has been tested with the use of many years of our customers. In addition, you can choose the motif according to your taste.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo society and jogja have become daily struggling in the field of ‘Batik’.

4. Easy on payment. For reservations we charge Down payment 50% of total production financing. So as to create a relationship of trust between the two sides.

5. Many choices of batik pattern that we provide with the video, if you do not determine their own motives. There are two types of motifs and colors we provide. So you can specify your own directions that you want to order.

For info or reservations, You can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Batik sarong wholesale.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir

Maybe you ask, What is a handmade Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia ?. Handmade Batik is a batik made by human hands by passing through both time and energy process. For us, handmade is divided into 2 namely cap technique and tulis technique. However, for the solo society in particular consider handmade only refers to the technique canting (‘tulis’).

We produce original handmade products. When making it with canting, Batikdlidir always say “tulis”. Similarly, with the stamp, We will say the stamp ( cap ) technique. This is very important, because appreciating the process is the main goal for us.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir 22 smoke

For continental america, europe and australian used batik cap. This corresponds to the color of the skin that likes the color gradation, modern and colorful. You can order to us according to your desired motif. Here are the details:

1. Batik cap stamp, tie dye, or smoke: US $ 2.50 / yard.
2. Minimum order 500 yard.
3. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn.

Where to buy batik?, you can contact us via whatsapp +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir with tulis canting

As for our batik tulis take a price US$ 60 per piece to US$ 300 per piece. By using cotton rags. Duration of work 1 week to 2 months depending on the level of complexity. Every stage of the making process we overview for you.

Batik tulis is a traditional product from us, the people of Indonesia. Products formed by long process. Cultural results created from the Java community to be enjoyed by the entire world community.

Traditional Batik fabric the best quality

Traditional Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia is synonymous with ‘pakem’ writing technique. For traditional events such as weddings, ordinary people of Java use batik motif ‘pakem’. There are many motifs ‘grip’ ( Pakem ) that remain sustainable until the time of this writing is made. Here are just a few of the many traditional batik fabrics:

1. Sidomukti, used bride. Sido means continuous and mukti means to live well.

Traditional Batik fabric the best quality truntum

2. Truntum, guide. The meaning of parents led the bride into new life. Usually in the form of sarimbit or paired between both parents.

3. Satria Manah, worn by the groom’s guardian when wandering. With hope hopefully the man’s proposal can be received well by the woman. An intelligent meaning that became a habit of wong solo.

4. Cement Rante, used brides guardian when receiving applications.

5. Ceplok Kasatriyan, used as a cloth for ceremonial bridal ceremony. The wearer to look dashing and has a knight nature.

6. Grompol ornament, worn at a wedding ceremony. Grompol means gathering or united. The expectation of the gathering of all things as good as living in harmony.

7. Semen Gendong is worn by the bride and groom after the wedding ceremony in the hope that she can hold baby soon.

You can order to us various motifs above. Good with the easiest making techniques, to the most difficult. Similarly, the fabric, you can choose as needed.

To order whatsapp at +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Wax Batik fabric using canting technique

Wax Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia using canting techniques ( Tulis ) according to your order. The Wax has characteristics like candles. Could be so because “Malam” is a type of wax that is more specific. The specificity is commonly used by the people of Java to make batik.

Wax Batik fabric using canting technique at Batikdlidir indonesia

In addition to wax ( Malam ), the main media of batik is canting. It’s been everyday wong jawa from the past until now with canting. Canting is made of copper with a small hole for ‘malam’ out.

There are 3 canting techniques that are so familiar in solo society.

1. Technique ukel.

Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed. This technique is also included to create gringsing patterns and such as mosquito repellent. For this technique enter the hardest category price range US $ 200 per pcs, size 240 cm x 105 cm .

2. Granite techniques.

Granit is the technique of night casting with the method of the dot outside the pattern If yg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience. For this technique the price range US $ 100 per pcs.

3. Buh Technique.
That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal.

For information and ordering batik, You can whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.
The best Handmade batik.

BENEFITS OF MAKING Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia IN BATIKDLIDIR.

The benefits you get from making batik cloth in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton cloth is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory.

2. Motives are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of Batik fabric. For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.


For info or reservations can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric from indonesia with handprint technique for sarong

Batik fabricS WITH HANDPRINT TECHNIQUE. This technique usually for batik sarong wholesale. We use fabric from original cotton. In Indonesia, there are two famous cotton. Namely, prima cotton and primissima. Here’s a little science about this cotton.


The fabric construction is the part that composes or arranges the yarn. The construction is vertical and horizontal. For the usual primissima use 133 x 72 construction, while prima uses 90 x 70 construction in each fabric. You can choose according to taste and quality of usage.

We make a second offer of the fabric with two prices as well. In addition to the choice of fabric, batik motif you can choose. Here’s the price we offer.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.60 / yard.
2. Primisima Batik fabrics and design patterns of your wishes. We charge US $ 1.90 / yard.

So the two Batik fabric above, we send it to your locationin a state of fabric that already handprintedas ordered.

For reservations or information can text or whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We recommend using whatsapp to make it easier to communication forsending picture or video of motives batik or the processing the work of your order.

Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia with original stamp ( copper )

Batik fabric wholesale in shape are still fabric with traditional stamp technique. This technique also for batik bali.


Fortunately, the use of stamp technique is widely used for export purposes. And when looking back on history, stamp batik has a neat history. History in the fight for its existence. For that we suggest and try to socialize stamp techniquelocaly while we try to get vast. We do with the hope that the citizens can enjoy. The traditional work that is sad to be left behind.

For the stamp technique, it still seems traditional and unique. Because in addition to using the wax, coloring can be more varied. The price fairly affordable to be made batik cloth.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.99 / yard.
2. Each meter of cotton primisima ourtagprice is US $ 2.50 / yard.

For color, cap technique has its own value. You will get a solid color. In addition, it can also make your own the color gradation (colour ways/design). Foreign people call it with tie dye smoke technique.

For details can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir. 24 hours nonstop serving order batik uniform. As our dedication in the field of batik.

The technique in making Batik fabric by using Canting or Tulis

The technique of Canting is a masterpiece of Batik fabric. An art, tradition, and technique that must be kept. This technique already existed in Indonesia, especially in Solo, Pekalongan, and Jogja. The making process of Batik Tulis is different. It made by using canting to draw the pattern. The tools that used while making Batik are canting, malam (wax), fabric and malam (wax) heater (small stove).

The technique in making Batik fabric by using Canting or Tulis at Batikdlidir

It usually presented to the director of the company and the upper class. It is because the price is expensive. Why could it be? The making process of it takes time around 2 weeks until 2 months. On that time, the maker only can produce one piece of Batik Tulis. That is the reason why it is very expensive.
Those are the steps and the range of the price:.

1. Ukel.

That is the technique of drawing semicircle on the fabric. This technique also used to make gringsing and obatnyamuk pattern. This is the complex one.

2. Granit.

It is a technique by drawing dots outside of the pattern. While within the pattern named pasiran. This technique is also difficult because the different base is from the canting.

The smaller canting, it will need the higher tidiness and patient. The price depends on the fabric and the detail. It takes time 2 weeks.

3. Buh.

This is a technique by drawing Batik fully or equally. It includes on the inside also the tumpal. We showed you the process by the video and picture.

4. Galar.

5. Genes.

For further information and order, please contact the number below!.
The owner of Batik Dlidir.
Mr. Mudzakir

The developing of Batik fabric

The fabric of Batik is identified as Nusantara’s (Indonesia) fabric. Nowadays, those fabrics are developed into the modern industry. The effect of this choice is Batik must be up to date. The developing of Batik year by year finally will show their life in fashion industries.

The developing of Batik fabric owner Batikdlidir

The first appearance of Batik shaded by the symbols of Palace. In that day, Batik only wears by the people among the Palace. But as the time went by, Batik becomes a selling product widely. Now, Batik has been grown up. It wears in daily too. The appearance of apparels with Batik pattern has risen. The sellers of Batik are also increased.

In its advance, the effort to make Nusantara’s fabric to complete the present necessary takes various form. It is not only how to enrich the ornament or replace the cotton with silk, but also the condition of the fabric, especially when those fabrics made into the fashion. There are other considerations in order to keep the quality of the fabric.

Batik has become the new fashion in the society. Even so, Batik is not only a fashion, it can be used as other ornaments, like a pillow case, curtain, and bed cover. This is a good beginning to keep the culture of Batik. It begins with loving, having (andarbeni), and keeping.

The technique of Batik fabric in Solo

The meaning of making the process of Batik is the processes of creating Batik that begins from the preparation until it is done. It is included in the preparation of mori fabric until it is ready to draw. The steps are nggirah/ ngetel (washing), nganji (starch), and ngemplong(ironing).

The technique of Batik fabric in Solo at Batikdlidir

While the process of making Batik include the reality of creating Batik. It begins by sticking the lilin (paraffin) to create the pattern, the coloring process (celup (dye), colet, lukis (painting), and printing). The last step is removing the remaining wax from the fabric (SewanSoesanto, 1974).

To create the pattern of Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia, it can be done by using canting to draw. Another pattern that using copper stamp called Batik Cap (stamp). And the last is Batik Printing. It is done by making the pattern on the printing machine.

Batik fabric is the fabric that has Batik pattern by attaching the lilin (paraffin). While the fabric that has Batik pattern is the fabric which patterned with Batik. But, it usually made by using textile printing machine.

In general, technology in making Batik exist in Indonesia. In Solo, the principal of making Batik based on “Resist Dyes Technique” (Teknik celup rintang), where the process begins by simple looping – dyeing, then it colored by using zatperintang (block substance). For the first time buburketan (glutinous rice) use as zatperintang (block substance), then the people found malam (wax) and use until now.

The pattern of Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia

The pattern of Batik is the structure of the arrangement which creates Batik in a whole surface of the fabric. Batik pattern contains two parts that are the ornaments of Batik pattern and isenof Batik pattern. The ornaments of Batik pattern arranged by the main ornament and filler ornament.

The pattern of Batik fabric nyanting pola at Batikdlidir

While, isen of Batik pattern are dots, lines, and the combination of both. Its function is to fill the ornaments from the pattern or the filler between those ornaments. There are many kinds of isen pattern and it still growing up, like cecek, cecekpitu, sisikmelik, ceceksawut, ceceksawudaun, sisikgringsing, galaran, rambutan, sirapan, cacahgori, and others.

Classification of Batik pattern fabric

There are two groups of Batik pattern fabric. That is Geometry and nongeometry. Geometry pattern is Batik pattern which the ornaments are the arrangement of geometry. The character is those patterns are easy to cut into a piece. It usually called “report”. It usually uses to make Batik Solo, especially Batik cap (stamp).

Classification of Batik pattern fabric

The nongeometry pattern is the patterns that do not have geometry form. It is included in these patterns: semen, buketan, terangbulan. Non geometry patterns arranged by plants ornaments, besides it also arrange from meru, Hayat tree, candi (temple), binatang (animal), burung (bird), garuda (eagle), and naga (eagle). It usually applies to making Batik Tulis Solo.

For information, you can whatsapp +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Batik fabric online at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric online is Batik that sells online. Now, there are a lot of traders who promote their product online like Facebook, Instagram, or another online store. By online system, the marketing of Batik fabric is wider. Previously, it just conducted in certain place or location. But, after using the online system, the sales reached the overseas.

Batik fabric online at Batikdlidir

The sellers want to get these advantages. Besides, the online shop is quite cheap. Because it doesn’t need to spend more fund to rent a place. However, it just needs an internet and an online shop account to promote the product. The traders only send the picture included the price tag on that.

In addition, to give the advantage to the seller, the online shop is profitable for the buyer. Because they do not need to come to the store. The buyer can make a transaction anywhere and the ordered will send to the house.

Batik becomes one of the products that sell online. The development of Batik is rapid. It drives the seller to sell their product online. One of the online stores that sell Batik is Batik Dlidir. We are one of Batik Tulis centers in Solo. Batikdlidir offer all of the types of Batik like Batik for fashion and Batik for accessories. We sell Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and Batik Printing ( Sarong ).

For ordered contact +6282265652222. We prefer to WhatsApp than a phone call.

Batik fabric gradient, tie dye or smoke technique

Batik fabric gradient looks from the choice of the color. It usually has more than one color. But the colors that presented are similar. Color is being the characteristic of this Batik. Moreover, if it is combined with an awesome pattern. It clearly gives an amazing look.

Batik fabric gradient, tie dye or smoke technique

The pattern that usually presented on this Batik is butterfly, fish, plant, flower, leaf, branch, and others. This Batik is more emphasizes on the color and the pattern, not the philosophy. It is different to traditional Batik. Because the beauty of the colors and the patterns are able to attract every single eye. This is the attractiveness of Batik gradient.

If you want to have it, you can buy at Batik Dlidir. We have many collections of Batik. If you want to see our collections, you can come to our office or at our website.

We have the cheapest price of Batik ever yet the quality of our Batik is the best. You will get many advantages if you shop at our store like the cheapest price, the best quality of Batik, a good packaging, no delay order, and the down payment is flexible.

Batik fabric extra wide at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric Extra Wide Sometimes is wanted goods by the batik lovers. The common batik has a length around 115 cm to 150 cm. But, on some occasion, some people ordered extra wide batik. Even, some of them need 300 cm.

Batik fabric extra wide at Batikdlidir

Actually, extra wide batik is needed to design extra size wardrobe. The big person needs this batik. According to this reason, some seller provided the extra wide batik. We (Batik dlidir) also provide it. We are one of the batik centers in Solo. Dlidir’s provide many kinds of batik, not only the motifs but also the size.

We have a standard size and extra size. We have all you need. You can just choose what you need here. Batikdlidir have provided all size according to the customers’ want. The lengthiest batik we have is around 10.000 meter. We could still give the extra wide batik although it didn’t have many variations.

Besides providing the extra wide batik. Batikdlidir have also many kinds of batik. Such as written batik, stamp batik, and printing batik. These batik are very cheap, you could purchase in our gallery. The cotton are not only cheap but also have good quality. You could compare with the others to find the good one.

Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia origin special to you

Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia origin at Batikdlidir. The source of Batik is uncertain. It is included in the first country that creates the pattern of Batik. But Batik is very identic to Indonesia. Moreover, after UNESCO declared that Batik is the heritage of Indonesia. In Indonesia, Batik is a fabric that has a picture or pattern. Batik already exist and being Indonesian culture since a long time ago. Some people said it already existed since the 17th century or formerly.

Batik fabric origin special to you
Motif parang

In the past, the existence of Batik in Indonesia is only a few. But, as the development of Batik, it spreads to several areas in Indonesia. Each region has its own name and character for their Batik. The deployment of Batik has reached to the overseas.

For the first time, the art of Batik is only done by the Java women. They make Batik as their daily livelihood. The skill of making Batik then become a tradition. Because it is only dropped by the family to the grandchild. From that appeared the character from pembatik family.

Now, we are pursuing this historical art. We are one of several centers of Batik handmade in Solo. We accepted an order from many countries in the world. The price of our Batik is very friendly. It is the cheapest price of Batik ever. We have Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and Batik Printing. So if you need Batik, you can buy at our store.

For more information and order contact +62 822 6565 2222.

Technique of making Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

Batikdlidir serves complete one. Complete means various batik motif suitable with the order or ready stock. For the order, you can make it as you want, like the motif and its size.

Technique of making Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

If it is classified into its technique of making, there are three ways. For the first with Tulis (drawn) technique. This technique still uses Canting and Malam as the main media.

For the second by the way of stamping. Stamp is usually made from the copper which is made suitable with the pattern or the motif wanted. The next is giving Malamon that stamp which is poured on the cotton fabric. A combination using stamp and tulis techniques produces the beauty of batik art.

For the third by handprint technique namely making screen. Then, giving the color suitable with wanted. All ways have the benefit itself.

1.0 Technique of making Batik fabric using screen or Handprint.

This making still includes into category handmade. The technique of Handprint uses screen for its motif. But its coloring is not emerged, only one side of fabric. For the price can be said as cheap, because it is for making easy only. It is usually used for the needs of school, office and company uniform.

Batik fabric using screen at Batikdlidir Tulis

For the material, we use special cotton. We use original cotton 100%. In Indonesia, there are two famous cottons. Namely, Prima and Primissima cotton. Here little knowledge about both of them.

Fabric construction is the part which arranges or yarn arrangement. Its contruction, there are vertical and horizontal. For Primissima usually uses construction 133 x 72, but Prima uses construction 90 x 70 for every fabric. You can choose suitable with the taste and the quality of wearing.

We make the bargain of two fabrics with two prices too. Not only can choose the fabric, but also the motif of Batik. Here the following price we offer:
1. Prima Batik fabric per meter with the motif suitable with the order US$ 1.50 per metre.
2. Primissima Batik fabric and the design pattern as you want. We give the price US$ 1.90 per metre. So both Batik above we send it to your location in the condition of the fabric which has be drawn motif batik. For the order or information can text or Whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We suggest using Whatsapp to make easy in coordination. Not only the picture of motif batik but also the sending/shipping to your location.

1.1 Technique of making Batik fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Warna”.

The technique of making Batik fabric using “PlangkanCabutWarna”. The way of making uses screen or the color maker (cabut). Cabut Warna uses synthetic color maker. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely synthetic and natural. Because using synthetic, so its making is relatively fast. There are many synthetic color which are available namely: indigosol, remasol and naptol.

Technique of making Batik fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Warna”

Cotton fabric which is used usually is Prima cotton 100%. For the better material such as Barkolin is very seldom. This is because for making the color clear and two surface sides are same (Tembus=emerged).

General motif on this technique is motif Pakem. Motif Pakem is dominated by the color of Sogan and Black. There are many motif Pakem in Middle Java area, especially in Solo and Jogja. This motif usually used in custom event such marriage.

The superiority of this way is two same sides. So, the color which adheres on the fabric is stronger. Not only superior on color, but also the price is cheap enough. And the time of making is fast relatively. For the price, we give the price tag the same as the handprint technique.

It is so simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Cabut. You can Whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

1.2 Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis”.

Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis” in Batikdlidir. The way of making uses screen, Malam, and Canting Tulis. This technique is the masterpiece of Solonese about tradition. Unite between economic and cultural value. The most of society is difficult to unite them.

Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis”

Tulis Kombinasi uses synthetic color. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely synthetic and natural. Because using synthetic, so it is fast relatively producing a Batik fabric product.

For the material, it is usually wears soft Prima cotton. In Solonese market is well – known as Prima Lampion. You can order the material such as Barkolin or Gamelan. Ready stock in our place mostly is soft Prima.

Because using Malam(the wax) on its process of making, fabric material is felt softer. Fabric construction which is touched / is not touched by Malam, it is sodifferent. Handling or handfeel takes sides on the fabric which is touched by Malam. The best invention from ancestor which is forgotten by us sometime.

We give the price US$ 17 / piece with size 240 cm x 115 cm.

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

1.3 The technique of making Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia uses Tulis Kombinasi.

The technique of making Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia uses Tulis Kombinasi at Batikdlidir. The way of making uses screen, malam, and canting tulis. This technique uses masterpiece of Solonese about tradition. Unite between economic value and culture. The most of society is difficult to unite them.

The technique of making Batik fabric uses Tulis Kombinasi

Tulis Kombinasi uses synthetic color. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely: synthetic and natura. Because of using synthetic, so it is relatively fast in producing a Batik fabric product.

For the material, it usually uses soft prima cotton. In solonese market, it is well known as Prima Lampion. You can order too the fabric such as barkolin or gamelan. Ready stock in our place is mostly soft prima.

Because using wax on its process of making, fabric material is felt softer. Fabric construction which is touched / is not touched by wax, it is so different. Handling or handfeel takes sides on the fabric which is touched by Malam. The best invention from ancestor which is forgotten by us sometime.

This method is stamp combination, screen, tolet and Tulis Canting. For the wax is same too, joining hot and cold wax. So all Batik handmade exists in this technique completely.

There are two prices in technique of this KombinasiTulis. We give the price US$ 18 / piece for ready stock. But for the motif as you order US$ 14,50 / piece (size L x W = 240 cm x 115 cm).

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

1.4 The technique of making fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Tolet”.

The technique of making Batik fabric “plangkan cabut tolet” in Batikdlidir. The process of its production uses plangkan(screen), cabut warna and tolet. This technique is the one of discovery of local batik craftman.

making fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Tolet” at Batikdlidir Indonesia

The result from this method is mostly Sogan color which is combined with light color. In Solo and Jogja market, the trader calls it Batik Wonogiren. For the color itself consistsof two same sides.

For the material, it is usually using soft prima cotton. Soft Prima consists of 100% original cotton. You can order the material not only Prima but also Primis. As the information only, ready stock in our place is mostly soft Prima.

There are two prices in technique of this CabutTolet. We give the price 2.50/meter for ready stock material. But for the motif as you want is US$ 1,80 per metre.

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

2.0 Technique of making Batik fabric using Cap or Stamp


Cap technique is giving Malam on GARAN then is stamped on the fabric. So, the fabric can emerge and can be gradation. Its price can be said still cheap by the society. This technique still includes in handmade and traditional.

Technique of making Batik fabric using Cap or Stamp pelangi

Unfortunately, the use of Cap technique is much be used for the needs of export. Whereas, if we see the history, Batik Cap (stamp) has good value of history. The history in struggling its existence. For that, we suggest and make effort to socialize cap technique. We do with the hope, it can be enjoyed by the society. Traditional art which is unfortunately to be left.

For the color, stamp technique has value itself. You can get solid color. The other, it can make gradation color. International people call it as tie dye technique.

3.0 The technique of making Batik fabric using Canting or Tulis


Canting technique is the masterpiece from Batik. An art, tradition and technique which must be preserved. This technique has rooted strongly in Indonesia, especially Solo city, Pekalongan, and Jogja. Batik Tulis is its making is special for drawing the wax on fabric. The tools which is used namely Canting, Malam (the wax), fabric and Malam heater (small stove).

The technique of making Batik fabric using Canting or Tulis traditional

It is usually for the direction of company or upper class community. This is not without the reason, because the price is expensive relatively. Why it can be expensive? The process of making needs two weeks until two months. That time produces only one piece of Batik Tulis. That’s what make it expensive.

Here the following steps and its price level:
1. Ukel technique. Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed.

2. Granite techniques. Granit is the technique of giving malam(the wax) with the method of the dot outside the pattern Ifyg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience.

3. Buh Technique. That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal. The process of its making we show to you in the form of video and picture.

2.1 Technique of making Batik fabric using Tie Dye stamp


Technique of making Batik fabric uses Tie Dye stamp in Batik Dlidir. Stamp technique is giving Malamon GARAN then is stamped on the fabric. Malam or the wax has function to cover and limit when the process of Tie Dye is working. So, the fabric can emerge and can be gradation. Its price can be said still cheap by the society. This technique still includes in handmade and Gradation.

making Batik fabric using Tie Dye stamp at Batikdlidir

For the price can be said as cheap price if it is compared with Tulis technique. Tie Dye stamp technique is for the most export needs. The combination of gradation with modern color is very wanted by American and European people. Although there is small scale of Indonesian people which wears this Tie Dye stamp. Whereas, the producer of this original technique is archipelago people.

For Tie Dye stamp technique, is still impressed traditionally and uniquely. Because not only using malam, its coloring can be more various. Its price can be said as cheap price for making batik quilting.

1. Prima Batik fabric per meter with the motif ordered US $ 1.80 per yard.
2. Every meter uses Primissima cotton we give the price US $ 2.50 per yard.

For the color, stamp technique has value itself. You can get solid color. The other, it can make gradation color. International people call it as tie dye technique.

For the detail, you can Whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir. 24 hours service nonstop for ordering batik tie dye. As our dedication in Batik.

We give the price US $ 2.90 per yard for ready stock. But for the motif as you want is US $ 2.20 per yard.

2.3 Technique of making Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia using stamp double

Technique of making Batik fabric Bengkulu Indonesia using stamp double ( Cuwiri ) At Batikdlidir. The cuwiri batik cloth in Batikdlidir is made using the stamp. Cuwiri batik is a batik motif that uses natural soga dyeing. Usually this batik is used for semekan and kemben.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double

The making of cuwiri motifs uses two stam that are paired ( stamped ). Stamp or garan cap is 2 copper which usually measures 20 cm x 20 cm, with the function of filling each other. Usually the Javanese call it the terms plus and minus.

Once upon a time, the coloring that filled this motif was identical to the color of natural soga. With increasing years, innovation continues to be developed by craftsmen. So that the sogan color is still maintained, combined with modern colors.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir

In batikdlidir using remasol synthetic coloring. While the basic color technique is identical to smoke or gradation. The following picture:

The cotton material used is premium quality primis. Primis fabric construction is generally 133 x 72 with a thickness of 50 s yarn. So as to produce special batik products. Plus laying the wax, making translucent colors or two sides of the same fabric. As a result the handling or hand feel is smooth and impressed when you see it.

Cuwiri is identical to the sogan color line, both dark brown and young. The color in the motif consists of 5 different colors. And this is most of what we meet, with the Soga line as its true identity.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir sogan

You can get cuwiri batik at a price of US$ 4.50 per meter. With minimum order is 10 pieces. Each piece has a size of 2 meters.

More details or just information about, whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir. Thank you.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir sogan ungu

Batik fabric Banten Indonesia culture to worldwide

Batik fabric Banten Indonesia culture to worldwide. With prices starting at US $ 1.80 per yard, you can get original Handmade. We ( Batik Dlidir ) is a batik company located in solo city, indonesia. A city closely associated with culture. The city that witnessed the birth of a tradition that until now still sustainable, Batik.

Batik fabric is a pictorial fabric that is specially made by writing or putting ‘ malam ‘ ( wax ) on the fabric. Batik Indonesia, as a whole of technology, related motive and cultural development. This is a craft that has high artistic value. Besides that has been a part of Javanese culture for a long time.

Batik fabric Banten Indonesia culture to worldwide tie dye
Batik cap ( stamp ) And Tie dye,

We provide original Batik fabric for all people of the world with the best quality. Complete, either with ” tulis ” ( Drawing ) technique or using ” cap ” ( Stamp ). In addition, the price is also affordable because we are Batik fabric manufacturers .

Batik fabric Banten Indonesia culture to worldwide
Batik Tulis ( Drawing with canting )

for more information or order, you can whatsapp to:

+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

The service and information 24 hours nonstop. This we do as our dedication in this job.

Over time, kain batik has a very broad meaning. Today batik in everyday life is a work of art that manifests culture. Not stop there, but also can give benefits to the general public ( the meaning of “dlidir” ). Batik can be interpreted high-level art of a solo civilization and its surroundings.

For us, batik does not just draw on fabric. Then put on “malam”, give motif, sell it or UNESCO recognition. But this is a comprehensive series of all thoughts, manpower and long history synergized in producing the best and original works to be enjoyed together. Good for the solo community in particular and also the people of the World in general.

Batik fabric Banten Indonesia at Batikdlidir

We name our certainly quality product as Batikdlidir. What is Dlidir? In Javanese dlidlir means mengalir (flowing). Therefore, from that name, dlidir, we hope that our product will be salable like the flow of the water. This name is also our prayer. So, it is not only name, but it has strong character in further advance.

Batik fabric at Batikdlidir sale

As time goes by, Batik has generous meaning for us. Nowadays batik in daily is an art which manifests culture. Batik also give a value to public (read: dlidir). Batik means the high-level of art in Solo and round.

Processing batik is not only draw in the fabric, but it also a comprehensive sequences. The sequences of mind, energy, and a long story. All of the synergized process while making an artistic work. So, all of the people enjoy it.

We sell Batik in three categories. This category based on Batik techniques making. Here the explanation:
1. Written Batik (batik tulis). It made by using canting or written (tulis) technique. It usually use for special affair.
2. Copper plate stamp Batik (batik cap). It made by using copper stamp (cap). This technique has solid color, or it is well-known as tie dye technique.
3. Handprint Batik. This is a technique that use screen media to make pattern in the fabric. The examples of this technique is in making clothing and sarong (sarung).

For further information and order. :
Mr Mudzakir.
+62 822 6565 2222
(Available on WhatsApp).

Batik fabric Banten Indonesia for quilting at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method. You can get a Batik fabric price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin or barcolin. This materials is cotton 100 percent.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.
Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method

Batik fabric quilts for jelly rolls

By the existing of these boutiques, so it will easier Batik lovers while hunting Batik fabric Banten Indonesia quilt. Surely it has many choices. As we know that it has more colors and patterns. Of course, the product is better. That is what the artisan expected. Producing beautiful Batik art. Because later, it is not only used for fashion needs but also to make accessories.

Processing making Batik fabric Banten Indonesia at batik dlidir

Generally, it also uses for house internal decoration. Such as tablecloth decoration, living room, bedroom, the lounge, family room, and others. The manual way usually applied while creating a quilt Batik fabric. This is the best way to make a decoration. It also makes the price of this art higher.

We provide many types of Batik quilt. For each pack will have many kinds interesting patterns. A piece of Batik quilt can be recycled into an attractive art. Up to now, we often send Batik quilt to many countries in the world. One of them is the United Kingdom. In addition to Batik quilt, you can also order another Batik fabric.

You can get a Batik fabric Banten Indonesia quilts price of US $ 2.50 per yard at Batikdlidir.

You can get a Batik fabric quilts price of US $ 2.50 per yard at Batikdlidir.

You can contact us via whatsapp for ordering : +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric sale with low price

Batik fabric sale with low price and original handmade. BatikDlidir selling batik from solo city to all over the world. It is easy for us to make low prices, because it is located in batik producers.

Batik fabric sale with low price Batikdlidir 1

The first, Cap technique ( Stamp ) with the original handmade from Indonesian. With a starting price of US $ 2.50 / yard, you can get quality and handmade Batik fabric. Indonesian Batik fabric at a cheap price with quality ” wong solo “. Solo batik history can not be separated from the influence of the palace. Cap technique covers tie dye, smoke or color gradation.

Batik fabric sale with low price canting tulis 1

Next technique ” canting ” ( Draw, art or tulis ). This is the real batik, a long achievement of wong solo culture. Not just cloth, but a long history of witnesses of world-renowned artwork. If some countries have a stunning relic, then the solo city (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property depicted or expressed in a cloth. We sell it with prices ranging from US $ 200 per piece to US $ 300 per piece. Or you can order it with your favorite patterns.

The process of making time and difficulty determine the price of a Batik fabric Banten Indonesia. Here’s the price list.

1. Ukel technique, we sell it between US $ 100 per piece until US $ 300 per piece.
2. Granit technique, US $ 80 per piece – US $ 150 per piece.
3. Buh technique, US $ 60 per piece – US $ 80 per piece.

You can contact us via whatsapp for ordering : +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

100 cotton Batik fabric the best quality

We use 100 cotton Batik fabric quality choice. Maybe you ask, what is the real cotton ?. Before entering the problem of cotton, it would be better to know about cotton base material ie cotton.

Cotton is a fine fiber that envelops the seeds of several species of Gossypium (commonly called “trees” or cotton plants), ‘bush’ plants originating from the tropics and subtropics. Cotton fiber becomes an important material in the textile industry. The fiber can be spun into yarn and woven into cloth. Textile products of cotton fibers commonly referred to as cotton (yarn or cloth).

Why do we count on 100 percent cotton ?. In accordance with our experience, in addition to absorbing sweat is also not hot. So when you wear it so comfortably.

There are many types of 100 percent cotton in Indonesia. Construction of the yarn that distinguishes between types of one another. In addition, there is also seen from the thickness of the threads of cotton fabric.

For stamp technique, we use the construction of yarn 133 x 72, thickness 40 s. This type of cotton has a quality in the middle – middle. It has been export standard and proven to date.

100 cotton Batik fabric the best quality tie dye 1

As for canting or ‘tulis’ techniques we rely on cotton primissima gamelan construction 114 x 96, thickness 50 s. Cotton premium grade produced from our Country, Indonesia.

The choice of cotton This is just a habit of us, you can order the fabric as you wish. Batikdlidir serve quickly and appropriately for all your Batik fabric business.

For info or order 100 cotton Batik fabric can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric manufacturers from solo, Indonesia

Batik fabric Banten Indonesia manufacturers from Indonesia for All around the world. Batikdlidir is a manufacturer of complete batik cloth start, stamp until handprint. We produce it all with human hands ( Handmade ), not machines. What distinguishes between stamp or tulis with handprint is the formation of patterns and the use of the malam. As for the same work that is using human power.

Batik fabric manufacturers from solo, Indonesia

The benefits you get from making Batik fabric in our place, among others:

1. The price of cotton fabric is cheaper with the best quality, because we are in the center location of cotton factory. So the price of batik cloth produced is also cheap ( low price ).

2. Motives are more maintained quality, It has been tested with the use of many years of our customers. In addition, you can choose the motif according to your taste.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo society and jogja have become daily struggling in the field of ‘Batik’.

4. Easy on payment. For reservations we charge Down payment 50% of total production financing. So as to create a relationship of trust between the two sides.

5. Many choices of batik pattern that we provide with the video, if you do not determine their own motives. There are two types of motifs and colors we provide. So you can specify your own directions that you want to order.

For info or reservations, You can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Batik sarong wholesale.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir

Maybe you ask, What is a handmade Batik fabric Banten Indonesia ?. Handmade Batik is a batik made by human hands by passing through both time and energy process. For us, handmade is divided into 2 namely cap technique and tulis technique. However, for the solo society in particular consider handmade only refers to the technique canting (‘tulis’).

We produce original handmade products. When making it with canting, Batikdlidir always say “tulis”. Similarly, with the stamp, We will say the stamp ( cap ) technique. This is very important, because appreciating the process is the main goal for us.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir 22 smoke

For continental america, europe and australian used batik cap. This corresponds to the color of the skin that likes the color gradation, modern and colorful. You can order to us according to your desired motif. Here are the details:

1. Batik cap stamp, tie dye, or smoke: US $ 2.50 / yard.
2. Minimum order 500 yard.
3. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn.

Where to buy batik?, you can contact us via whatsapp +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir with tulis canting

As for our batik tulis take a price US$ 60 per piece to US$ 300 per piece. By using cotton rags. Duration of work 1 week to 2 months depending on the level of complexity. Every stage of the making process we overview for you.

Batik tulis is a traditional product from us, the people of Indonesia. Products formed by long process. Cultural results created from the Java community to be enjoyed by the entire world community.

Traditional Batik fabric the best quality

Traditional Batik fabric Banten Indonesia is synonymous with ‘pakem’ writing technique. For traditional events such as weddings, ordinary people of Java use batik motif ‘pakem’. There are many motifs ‘grip’ ( Pakem ) that remain sustainable until the time of this writing is made. Here are just a few of the many traditional batik fabrics:

1. Sidomukti, used bride. Sido means continuous and mukti means to live well.

Traditional Batik fabric the best quality truntum

2. Truntum, guide. The meaning of parents led the bride into new life. Usually in the form of sarimbit or paired between both parents.

3. Satria Manah, worn by the groom’s guardian when wandering. With hope hopefully the man’s proposal can be received well by the woman. An intelligent meaning that became a habit of wong solo.

4. Cement Rante, used brides guardian when receiving applications.

5. Ceplok Kasatriyan, used as a cloth for ceremonial bridal ceremony. The wearer to look dashing and has a knight nature.

6. Grompol ornament, worn at a wedding ceremony. Grompol means gathering or united. The expectation of the gathering of all things as good as living in harmony.

7. Semen Gendong is worn by the bride and groom after the wedding ceremony in the hope that she can hold baby soon.

You can order to us various motifs above. Good with the easiest making techniques, to the most difficult. Similarly, the fabric, you can choose as needed.

To order whatsapp at +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Wax Batik fabric using canting technique

Wax Batik fabric Banten Indonesia using canting techniques ( Tulis ) according to your order. The Wax has characteristics like candles. Could be so because “Malam” is a type of wax that is more specific. The specificity is commonly used by the people of Java to make batik.

Wax Batik fabric using canting technique at Batikdlidir indonesia

In addition to wax ( Malam ), the main media of batik is canting. It’s been everyday wong jawa from the past until now with canting. Canting is made of copper with a small hole for ‘malam’ out.

There are 3 canting techniques that are so familiar in solo society.

1. Technique ukel.

Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed. This technique is also included to create gringsing patterns and such as mosquito repellent. For this technique enter the hardest category price range US $ 200 per pcs, size 240 cm x 105 cm .

2. Granite techniques.

Granit is the technique of night casting with the method of the dot outside the pattern If yg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience. For this technique the price range US $ 100 per pcs.

3. Buh Technique.
That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal.

For information and ordering batik, You can whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.
The best Handmade batik.

BENEFITS OF MAKING Batik fabric Banten Indonesia IN BATIKDLIDIR.

The benefits you get from making batik cloth in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton cloth is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory.

2. Motives are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of Batik fabric. For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.


For info or reservations can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric from indonesia with handprint technique for sarong

Batik fabricS WITH HANDPRINT TECHNIQUE. This technique usually for batik sarong wholesale. We use fabric from original cotton. In Indonesia, there are two famous cotton. Namely, prima cotton and primissima. Here’s a little science about this cotton.


The fabric construction is the part that composes or arranges the yarn. The construction is vertical and horizontal. For the usual primissima use 133 x 72 construction, while prima uses 90 x 70 construction in each fabric. You can choose according to taste and quality of usage.

We make a second offer of the fabric with two prices as well. In addition to the choice of fabric, batik motif you can choose. Here’s the price we offer.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.60 / yard.
2. Primisima Batik fabrics and design patterns of your wishes. We charge US $ 1.90 / yard.

So the two Batik fabric above, we send it to your locationin a state of fabric that already handprintedas ordered.

For reservations or information can text or whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We recommend using whatsapp to make it easier to communication forsending picture or video of motives batik or the processing the work of your order.

Batik fabric Banten Indonesia with original stamp ( copper )

Batik fabric wholesale in shape are still fabric with traditional stamp technique. This technique also for batik bali.


Fortunately, the use of stamp technique is widely used for export purposes. And when looking back on history, stamp batik has a neat history. History in the fight for its existence. For that we suggest and try to socialize stamp techniquelocaly while we try to get vast. We do with the hope that the citizens can enjoy. The traditional work that is sad to be left behind.

For the stamp technique, it still seems traditional and unique. Because in addition to using the wax, coloring can be more varied. The price fairly affordable to be made batik cloth.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.99 / yard.
2. Each meter of cotton primisima ourtagprice is US $ 2.50 / yard.

For color, cap technique has its own value. You will get a solid color. In addition, it can also make your own the color gradation (colour ways/design). Foreign people call it with tie dye smoke technique.

For details can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir. 24 hours nonstop serving order batik uniform. As our dedication in the field of batik.

The technique in making Batik fabric by using Canting or Tulis

The technique of Canting is a masterpiece of Batik fabric. An art, tradition, and technique that must be kept. This technique already existed in Indonesia, especially in Solo, Pekalongan, and Jogja. The making process of Batik Tulis is different. It made by using canting to draw the pattern. The tools that used while making Batik are canting, malam (wax), fabric and malam (wax) heater (small stove).

The technique in making Batik fabric by using Canting or Tulis at Batikdlidir

It usually presented to the director of the company and the upper class. It is because the price is expensive. Why could it be? The making process of it takes time around 2 weeks until 2 months. On that time, the maker only can produce one piece of Batik Tulis. That is the reason why it is very expensive.
Those are the steps and the range of the price:.

1. Ukel.

That is the technique of drawing semicircle on the fabric. This technique also used to make gringsing and obatnyamuk pattern. This is the complex one.

2. Granit.

It is a technique by drawing dots outside of the pattern. While within the pattern named pasiran. This technique is also difficult because the different base is from the canting.

The smaller canting, it will need the higher tidiness and patient. The price depends on the fabric and the detail. It takes time 2 weeks.

3. Buh.

This is a technique by drawing Batik fully or equally. It includes on the inside also the tumpal. We showed you the process by the video and picture.

4. Galar.

5. Genes.

For further information and order, please contact the number below!.
The owner of Batik Dlidir.
Mr. Mudzakir

The developing of Batik fabric

The fabric of Batik is identified as Nusantara’s (Indonesia) fabric. Nowadays, those fabrics are developed into the modern industry. The effect of this choice is Batik must be up to date. The developing of Batik year by year finally will show their life in fashion industries.

The developing of Batik fabric owner Batikdlidir

The first appearance of Batik shaded by the symbols of Palace. In that day, Batik only wears by the people among the Palace. But as the time went by, Batik becomes a selling product widely. Now, Batik has been grown up. It wears in daily too. The appearance of apparels with Batik pattern has risen. The sellers of Batik are also increased.

In its advance, the effort to make Nusantara’s fabric to complete the present necessary takes various form. It is not only how to enrich the ornament or replace the cotton with silk, but also the condition of the fabric, especially when those fabrics made into the fashion. There are other considerations in order to keep the quality of the fabric.

Batik has become the new fashion in the society. Even so, Batik is not only a fashion, it can be used as other ornaments, like a pillow case, curtain, and bed cover. This is a good beginning to keep the culture of Batik. It begins with loving, having (andarbeni), and keeping.

The technique of Batik fabric in Solo

The meaning of making the process of Batik is the processes of creating Batik that begins from the preparation until it is done. It is included in the preparation of mori fabric until it is ready to draw. The steps are nggirah/ ngetel (washing), nganji (starch), and ngemplong(ironing).

The technique of Batik fabric in Solo at Batikdlidir

While the process of making Batik include the reality of creating Batik. It begins by sticking the lilin (paraffin) to create the pattern, the coloring process (celup (dye), colet, lukis (painting), and printing). The last step is removing the remaining wax from the fabric (SewanSoesanto, 1974).

To create the pattern of Batik fabric Banten Indonesia, it can be done by using canting to draw. Another pattern that using copper stamp called Batik Cap (stamp). And the last is Batik Printing. It is done by making the pattern on the printing machine.

Batik fabric is the fabric that has Batik pattern by attaching the lilin (paraffin). While the fabric that has Batik pattern is the fabric which patterned with Batik. But, it usually made by using textile printing machine.

In general, technology in making Batik exist in Indonesia. In Solo, the principal of making Batik based on “Resist Dyes Technique” (Teknik celup rintang), where the process begins by simple looping – dyeing, then it colored by using zatperintang (block substance). For the first time buburketan (glutinous rice) use as zatperintang (block substance), then the people found malam (wax) and use until now.

The pattern of Batik fabric Banten Indonesia

The pattern of Batik is the structure of the arrangement which creates Batik in a whole surface of the fabric. Batik pattern contains two parts that are the ornaments of Batik pattern and isenof Batik pattern. The ornaments of Batik pattern arranged by the main ornament and filler ornament.

The pattern of Batik fabric nyanting pola at Batikdlidir

While, isen of Batik pattern are dots, lines, and the combination of both. Its function is to fill the ornaments from the pattern or the filler between those ornaments. There are many kinds of isen pattern and it still growing up, like cecek, cecekpitu, sisikmelik, ceceksawut, ceceksawudaun, sisikgringsing, galaran, rambutan, sirapan, cacahgori, and others.

Classification of Batik pattern fabric

There are two groups of Batik pattern fabric. That is Geometry and nongeometry. Geometry pattern is Batik pattern which the ornaments are the arrangement of geometry. The character is those patterns are easy to cut into a piece. It usually called “report”. It usually uses to make Batik Solo, especially Batik cap (stamp).

Classification of Batik pattern fabric

The nongeometry pattern is the patterns that do not have geometry form. It is included in these patterns: semen, buketan, terangbulan. Non geometry patterns arranged by plants ornaments, besides it also arrange from meru, Hayat tree, candi (temple), binatang (animal), burung (bird), garuda (eagle), and naga (eagle). It usually applies to making Batik Tulis Solo.

For information, you can whatsapp +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Batik fabric online at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric online is Batik that sells online. Now, there are a lot of traders who promote their product online like Facebook, Instagram, or another online store. By online system, the marketing of Batik fabric is wider. Previously, it just conducted in certain place or location. But, after using the online system, the sales reached the overseas.

Batik fabric online at Batikdlidir

The sellers want to get these advantages. Besides, the online shop is quite cheap. Because it doesn’t need to spend more fund to rent a place. However, it just needs an internet and an online shop account to promote the product. The traders only send the picture included the price tag on that.

In addition, to give the advantage to the seller, the online shop is profitable for the buyer. Because they do not need to come to the store. The buyer can make a transaction anywhere and the ordered will send to the house.

Batik becomes one of the products that sell online. The development of Batik is rapid. It drives the seller to sell their product online. One of the online stores that sell Batik is Batik Dlidir. We are one of Batik Tulis centers in Solo. Batikdlidir offer all of the types of Batik like Batik for fashion and Batik for accessories. We sell Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and Batik Printing ( Sarong ).

For ordered contact +6282265652222. We prefer to WhatsApp than a phone call.

Batik fabric gradient, tie dye or smoke technique

Batik fabric gradient looks from the choice of the color. It usually has more than one color. But the colors that presented are similar. Color is being the characteristic of this Batik. Moreover, if it is combined with an awesome pattern. It clearly gives an amazing look.

Batik fabric gradient, tie dye or smoke technique

The pattern that usually presented on this Batik is butterfly, fish, plant, flower, leaf, branch, and others. This Batik is more emphasizes on the color and the pattern, not the philosophy. It is different to traditional Batik. Because the beauty of the colors and the patterns are able to attract every single eye. This is the attractiveness of Batik gradient.

If you want to have it, you can buy at Batik Dlidir. We have many collections of Batik. If you want to see our collections, you can come to our office or at our website.

We have the cheapest price of Batik ever yet the quality of our Batik is the best. You will get many advantages if you shop at our store like the cheapest price, the best quality of Batik, a good packaging, no delay order, and the down payment is flexible.

Batik fabric extra wide at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric Extra Wide Sometimes is wanted goods by the batik lovers. The common batik has a length around 115 cm to 150 cm. But, on some occasion, some people ordered extra wide batik. Even, some of them need 300 cm.

Batik fabric extra wide at Batikdlidir

Actually, extra wide batik is needed to design extra size wardrobe. The big person needs this batik. According to this reason, some seller provided the extra wide batik. We (Batik dlidir) also provide it. We are one of the batik centers in Solo. Dlidir’s provide many kinds of batik, not only the motifs but also the size.

We have a standard size and extra size. We have all you need. You can just choose what you need here. Batikdlidir have provided all size according to the customers’ want. The lengthiest batik we have is around 10.000 meter. We could still give the extra wide batik although it didn’t have many variations.

Besides providing the extra wide batik. Batikdlidir have also many kinds of batik. Such as written batik, stamp batik, and printing batik. These batik are very cheap, you could purchase in our gallery. The cotton are not only cheap but also have good quality. You could compare with the others to find the good one.

Batik fabric Banten Indonesia origin special to you

Batik fabric Banten Indonesia origin at Batikdlidir. The source of Batik is uncertain. It is included in the first country that creates the pattern of Batik. But Batik is very identic to Indonesia. Moreover, after UNESCO declared that Batik is the heritage of Indonesia. In Indonesia, Batik is a fabric that has a picture or pattern. Batik already exist and being Indonesian culture since a long time ago. Some people said it already existed since the 17th century or formerly.

Batik fabric origin special to you
Motif parang

In the past, the existence of Batik in Indonesia is only a few. But, as the development of Batik, it spreads to several areas in Indonesia. Each region has its own name and character for their Batik. The deployment of Batik has reached to the overseas.

For the first time, the art of Batik is only done by the Java women. They make Batik as their daily livelihood. The skill of making Batik then become a tradition. Because it is only dropped by the family to the grandchild. From that appeared the character from pembatik family.

Now, we are pursuing this historical art. We are one of several centers of Batik handmade in Solo. We accepted an order from many countries in the world. The price of our Batik is very friendly. It is the cheapest price of Batik ever. We have Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and Batik Printing. So if you need Batik, you can buy at our store.

For more information and order contact +62 822 6565 2222.

Technique of making Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

Batikdlidir serves complete one. Complete means various batik motif suitable with the order or ready stock. For the order, you can make it as you want, like the motif and its size.

Technique of making Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

If it is classified into its technique of making, there are three ways. For the first with Tulis (drawn) technique. This technique still uses Canting and Malam as the main media.

For the second by the way of stamping. Stamp is usually made from the copper which is made suitable with the pattern or the motif wanted. The next is giving Malamon that stamp which is poured on the cotton fabric. A combination using stamp and tulis techniques produces the beauty of batik art.

For the third by handprint technique namely making screen. Then, giving the color suitable with wanted. All ways have the benefit itself.

1.0 Technique of making Batik fabric using screen or Handprint.

This making still includes into category handmade. The technique of Handprint uses screen for its motif. But its coloring is not emerged, only one side of fabric. For the price can be said as cheap, because it is for making easy only. It is usually used for the needs of school, office and company uniform.

Batik fabric using screen at Batikdlidir Tulis

For the material, we use special cotton. We use original cotton 100%. In Indonesia, there are two famous cottons. Namely, Prima and Primissima cotton. Here little knowledge about both of them.

Fabric construction is the part which arranges or yarn arrangement. Its contruction, there are vertical and horizontal. For Primissima usually uses construction 133 x 72, but Prima uses construction 90 x 70 for every fabric. You can choose suitable with the taste and the quality of wearing.

We make the bargain of two fabrics with two prices too. Not only can choose the fabric, but also the motif of Batik. Here the following price we offer:
1. Prima Batik fabric per meter with the motif suitable with the order US$ 1.50 per metre.
2. Primissima Batik fabric and the design pattern as you want. We give the price US$ 1.90 per metre. So both Batik above we send it to your location in the condition of the fabric which has be drawn motif batik. For the order or information can text or Whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We suggest using Whatsapp to make easy in coordination. Not only the picture of motif batik but also the sending/shipping to your location.

1.1 Technique of making Batik fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Warna”.

The technique of making Batik fabric using “PlangkanCabutWarna”. The way of making uses screen or the color maker (cabut). Cabut Warna uses synthetic color maker. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely synthetic and natural. Because using synthetic, so its making is relatively fast. There are many synthetic color which are available namely: indigosol, remasol and naptol.

Technique of making Batik fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Warna”

Cotton fabric which is used usually is Prima cotton 100%. For the better material such as Barkolin is very seldom. This is because for making the color clear and two surface sides are same (Tembus=emerged).

General motif on this technique is motif Pakem. Motif Pakem is dominated by the color of Sogan and Black. There are many motif Pakem in Middle Java area, especially in Solo and Jogja. This motif usually used in custom event such marriage.

The superiority of this way is two same sides. So, the color which adheres on the fabric is stronger. Not only superior on color, but also the price is cheap enough. And the time of making is fast relatively. For the price, we give the price tag the same as the handprint technique.

It is so simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Cabut. You can Whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

1.2 Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis”.

Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis” in Batikdlidir. The way of making uses screen, Malam, and Canting Tulis. This technique is the masterpiece of Solonese about tradition. Unite between economic and cultural value. The most of society is difficult to unite them.

Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis”

Tulis Kombinasi uses synthetic color. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely synthetic and natural. Because using synthetic, so it is fast relatively producing a Batik fabric product.

For the material, it is usually wears soft Prima cotton. In Solonese market is well – known as Prima Lampion. You can order the material such as Barkolin or Gamelan. Ready stock in our place mostly is soft Prima.

Because using Malam(the wax) on its process of making, fabric material is felt softer. Fabric construction which is touched / is not touched by Malam, it is sodifferent. Handling or handfeel takes sides on the fabric which is touched by Malam. The best invention from ancestor which is forgotten by us sometime.

We give the price US$ 17 / piece with size 240 cm x 115 cm.

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

1.3 The technique of making Batik fabric Banten Indonesia uses Tulis Kombinasi.

The technique of making Batik fabric Banten Indonesia uses Tulis Kombinasi at Batikdlidir. The way of making uses screen, malam, and canting tulis. This technique uses masterpiece of Solonese about tradition. Unite between economic value and culture. The most of society is difficult to unite them.

The technique of making Batik fabric uses Tulis Kombinasi

Tulis Kombinasi uses synthetic color. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely: synthetic and natura. Because of using synthetic, so it is relatively fast in producing a Batik fabric product.

For the material, it usually uses soft prima cotton. In solonese market, it is well known as Prima Lampion. You can order too the fabric such as barkolin or gamelan. Ready stock in our place is mostly soft prima.

Because using wax on its process of making, fabric material is felt softer. Fabric construction which is touched / is not touched by wax, it is so different. Handling or handfeel takes sides on the fabric which is touched by Malam. The best invention from ancestor which is forgotten by us sometime.

This method is stamp combination, screen, tolet and Tulis Canting. For the wax is same too, joining hot and cold wax. So all Batik handmade exists in this technique completely.

There are two prices in technique of this KombinasiTulis. We give the price US$ 18 / piece for ready stock. But for the motif as you order US$ 14,50 / piece (size L x W = 240 cm x 115 cm).

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

1.4 The technique of making fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Tolet”.

The technique of making Batik fabric “plangkan cabut tolet” in Batikdlidir. The process of its production uses plangkan(screen), cabut warna and tolet. This technique is the one of discovery of local batik craftman.

making fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Tolet” at Batikdlidir Indonesia

The result from this method is mostly Sogan color which is combined with light color. In Solo and Jogja market, the trader calls it Batik Wonogiren. For the color itself consistsof two same sides.

For the material, it is usually using soft prima cotton. Soft Prima consists of 100% original cotton. You can order the material not only Prima but also Primis. As the information only, ready stock in our place is mostly soft Prima.

There are two prices in technique of this CabutTolet. We give the price 2.50/meter for ready stock material. But for the motif as you want is US$ 1,80 per metre.

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

2.0 Technique of making Batik fabric using Cap or Stamp


Cap technique is giving Malam on GARAN then is stamped on the fabric. So, the fabric can emerge and can be gradation. Its price can be said still cheap by the society. This technique still includes in handmade and traditional.

Technique of making Batik fabric using Cap or Stamp pelangi

Unfortunately, the use of Cap technique is much be used for the needs of export. Whereas, if we see the history, Batik Cap (stamp) has good value of history. The history in struggling its existence. For that, we suggest and make effort to socialize cap technique. We do with the hope, it can be enjoyed by the society. Traditional art which is unfortunately to be left.

For the color, stamp technique has value itself. You can get solid color. The other, it can make gradation color. International people call it as tie dye technique.

3.0 The technique of making Batik fabric using Canting or Tulis


Canting technique is the masterpiece from Batik. An art, tradition and technique which must be preserved. This technique has rooted strongly in Indonesia, especially Solo city, Pekalongan, and Jogja. Batik Tulis is its making is special for drawing the wax on fabric. The tools which is used namely Canting, Malam (the wax), fabric and Malam heater (small stove).

The technique of making Batik fabric using Canting or Tulis traditional

It is usually for the direction of company or upper class community. This is not without the reason, because the price is expensive relatively. Why it can be expensive? The process of making needs two weeks until two months. That time produces only one piece of Batik Tulis. That’s what make it expensive.

Here the following steps and its price level:
1. Ukel technique. Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed.

2. Granite techniques. Granit is the technique of giving malam(the wax) with the method of the dot outside the pattern Ifyg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience.

3. Buh Technique. That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal. The process of its making we show to you in the form of video and picture.

2.1 Technique of making Batik fabric using Tie Dye stamp


Technique of making Batik fabric uses Tie Dye stamp in Batik Dlidir. Stamp technique is giving Malamon GARAN then is stamped on the fabric. Malam or the wax has function to cover and limit when the process of Tie Dye is working. So, the fabric can emerge and can be gradation. Its price can be said still cheap by the society. This technique still includes in handmade and Gradation.

making Batik fabric using Tie Dye stamp at Batikdlidir

For the price can be said as cheap price if it is compared with Tulis technique. Tie Dye stamp technique is for the most export needs. The combination of gradation with modern color is very wanted by American and European people. Although there is small scale of Indonesian people which wears this Tie Dye stamp. Whereas, the producer of this original technique is archipelago people.

For Tie Dye stamp technique, is still impressed traditionally and uniquely. Because not only using malam, its coloring can be more various. Its price can be said as cheap price for making batik quilting.

1. Prima Batik fabric per meter with the motif ordered US $ 1.80 per yard.
2. Every meter uses Primissima cotton we give the price US $ 2.50 per yard.

For the color, stamp technique has value itself. You can get solid color. The other, it can make gradation color. International people call it as tie dye technique.

For the detail, you can Whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir. 24 hours service nonstop for ordering batik tie dye. As our dedication in Batik.

We give the price US $ 2.90 per yard for ready stock. But for the motif as you want is US $ 2.20 per yard.

2.3 Technique of making Batik fabric Banten Indonesia using stamp double

Technique of making Batik fabric Banten Indonesia using stamp double ( Cuwiri ) At Batikdlidir. The cuwiri batik cloth in Batikdlidir is made using the stamp. Cuwiri batik is a batik motif that uses natural soga dyeing. Usually this batik is used for semekan and kemben.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double

The making of cuwiri motifs uses two stam that are paired ( stamped ). Stamp or garan cap is 2 copper which usually measures 20 cm x 20 cm, with the function of filling each other. Usually the Javanese call it the terms plus and minus.

Once upon a time, the coloring that filled this motif was identical to the color of natural soga. With increasing years, innovation continues to be developed by craftsmen. So that the sogan color is still maintained, combined with modern colors.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir

In batikdlidir using remasol synthetic coloring. While the basic color technique is identical to smoke or gradation. The following picture:

The cotton material used is premium quality primis. Primis fabric construction is generally 133 x 72 with a thickness of 50 s yarn. So as to produce special batik products. Plus laying the wax, making translucent colors or two sides of the same fabric. As a result the handling or hand feel is smooth and impressed when you see it.

Cuwiri is identical to the sogan color line, both dark brown and young. The color in the motif consists of 5 different colors. And this is most of what we meet, with the Soga line as its true identity.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir sogan

You can get cuwiri batik at a price of US$ 4.50 per meter. With minimum order is 10 pieces. Each piece has a size of 2 meters.

More details or just information about, whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir. Thank you.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir sogan ungu

Batik fabric Bali Indonesia

Batik fabric Bali Indonesia culture to worldwide. With prices starting at US $ 1.80 per yard, you can get original Handmade. We ( Batik Dlidir ) is a batik company located in solo city, indonesia. A city closely associated with culture. The city that witnessed the birth of a tradition that until now still sustainable, Batik.

Batik fabric is a pictorial fabric that is specially made by writing or putting ‘ malam ‘ ( wax ) on the fabric. Batik Indonesia, as a whole of technology, related motive and cultural development. This is a craft that has high artistic value. Besides that has been a part of Javanese culture for a long time.

Batik fabric Bali Indonesia culture to worldwide tie dye
Batik cap ( stamp ) And Tie dye,

We provide original Batik fabric for all people of the world with the best quality. Complete, either with ” tulis ” ( Drawing ) technique or using ” cap ” ( Stamp ). In addition, the price is also affordable because we are Batik fabric manufacturers .

Batik fabric Bali Indonesia culture to worldwide
Batik Tulis ( Drawing with canting )

for more information or order, you can whatsapp to:

+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

The service and information 24 hours nonstop. This we do as our dedication in this job.

Over time, kain batik has a very broad meaning. Today batik in everyday life is a work of art that manifests culture. Not stop there, but also can give benefits to the general public ( the meaning of “dlidir” ). Batik can be interpreted high-level art of a solo civilization and its surroundings.

For us, batik does not just draw on fabric. Then put on “malam”, give motif, sell it or UNESCO recognition. But this is a comprehensive series of all thoughts, manpower and long history synergized in producing the best and original works to be enjoyed together. Good for the solo community in particular and also the people of the World in general.

Batik fabric Bali Indonesia at Batikdlidir

We name our certainly quality product as Batikdlidir. What is Dlidir? In Javanese dlidlir means mengalir (flowing). Therefore, from that name, dlidir, we hope that our product will be salable like the flow of the water. This name is also our prayer. So, it is not only name, but it has strong character in further advance.

Batik fabric at Batikdlidir sale

As time goes by, Batik has generous meaning for us. Nowadays batik in daily is an art which manifests culture. Batik also give a value to public (read: dlidir). Batik means the high-level of art in Solo and round.

Processing batik is not only draw in the fabric, but it also a comprehensive sequences. The sequences of mind, energy, and a long story. All of the synergized process while making an artistic work. So, all of the people enjoy it.

We sell Batik in three categories. This category based on Batik techniques making. Here the explanation:
1. Written Batik (batik tulis). It made by using canting or written (tulis) technique. It usually use for special affair.
2. Copper plate stamp Batik (batik cap). It made by using copper stamp (cap). This technique has solid color, or it is well-known as tie dye technique.
3. Handprint Batik. This is a technique that use screen media to make pattern in the fabric. The examples of this technique is in making clothing and sarong (sarung).

For further information and order. :
Mr Mudzakir.
+62 822 6565 2222
(Available on WhatsApp).

Batik fabric Bali Indonesia for quilting at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method. You can get a Batik fabric price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin or barcolin. This materials is cotton 100 percent.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.
Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method

Batik fabric quilts for jelly rolls

By the existing of these boutiques, so it will easier Batik lovers while hunting Batik fabric Bali Indonesia quilt. Surely it has many choices. As we know that it has more colors and patterns. Of course, the product is better. That is what the artisan expected. Producing beautiful Batik art. Because later, it is not only used for fashion needs but also to make accessories.

Processing making Batik fabric Bali Indonesia at batik dlidir

Generally, it also uses for house internal decoration. Such as tablecloth decoration, living room, bedroom, the lounge, family room, and others. The manual way usually applied while creating a quilt Batik fabric. This is the best way to make a decoration. It also makes the price of this art higher.

We provide many types of Batik quilt. For each pack will have many kinds interesting patterns. A piece of Batik quilt can be recycled into an attractive art. Up to now, we often send Batik quilt to many countries in the world. One of them is the United Kingdom. In addition to Batik quilt, you can also order another Batik fabric.

You can get a Batik fabric Bali Indonesia quilts price of US $ 2.50 per yard at Batikdlidir.

You can get a Batik fabric quilts price of US $ 2.50 per yard at Batikdlidir.

You can contact us via whatsapp for ordering : +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric sale with low price

Batik fabric sale with low price and original handmade. BatikDlidir selling batik from solo city to all over the world. It is easy for us to make low prices, because it is located in batik producers.

Batik fabric sale with low price Batikdlidir 1

The first, Cap technique ( Stamp ) with the original handmade from Indonesian. With a starting price of US $ 2.50 / yard, you can get quality and handmade Batik fabric. Indonesian Batik fabric at a cheap price with quality ” wong solo “. Solo batik history can not be separated from the influence of the palace. Cap technique covers tie dye, smoke or color gradation.

Batik fabric sale with low price canting tulis 1

Next technique ” canting ” ( Draw, art or tulis ). This is the real batik, a long achievement of wong solo culture. Not just cloth, but a long history of witnesses of world-renowned artwork. If some countries have a stunning relic, then the solo city (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property depicted or expressed in a cloth. We sell it with prices ranging from US $ 200 per piece to US $ 300 per piece. Or you can order it with your favorite patterns.

The process of making time and difficulty determine the price of a Batik fabric Bali Indonesia. Here’s the price list.

1. Ukel technique, we sell it between US $ 100 per piece until US $ 300 per piece.
2. Granit technique, US $ 80 per piece – US $ 150 per piece.
3. Buh technique, US $ 60 per piece – US $ 80 per piece.

You can contact us via whatsapp for ordering : +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

100 cotton Batik fabric the best quality

We use 100 cotton Batik fabric quality choice. Maybe you ask, what is the real cotton ?. Before entering the problem of cotton, it would be better to know about cotton base material ie cotton.

Cotton is a fine fiber that envelops the seeds of several species of Gossypium (commonly called “trees” or cotton plants), ‘bush’ plants originating from the tropics and subtropics. Cotton fiber becomes an important material in the textile industry. The fiber can be spun into yarn and woven into cloth. Textile products of cotton fibers commonly referred to as cotton (yarn or cloth).

Why do we count on 100 percent cotton ?. In accordance with our experience, in addition to absorbing sweat is also not hot. So when you wear it so comfortably.

There are many types of 100 percent cotton in Indonesia. Construction of the yarn that distinguishes between types of one another. In addition, there is also seen from the thickness of the threads of cotton fabric.

For stamp technique, we use the construction of yarn 133 x 72, thickness 40 s. This type of cotton has a quality in the middle – middle. It has been export standard and proven to date.

100 cotton Batik fabric the best quality tie dye 1

As for canting or ‘tulis’ techniques we rely on cotton primissima gamelan construction 114 x 96, thickness 50 s. Cotton premium grade produced from our Country, Indonesia.

The choice of cotton This is just a habit of us, you can order the fabric as you wish. Batikdlidir serve quickly and appropriately for all your Batik fabric business.

For info or order 100 cotton Batik fabric can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric manufacturers from solo, Indonesia

Batik fabric Bali Indonesia manufacturers from Indonesia for All around the world. Batikdlidir is a manufacturer of complete batik cloth start, stamp until handprint. We produce it all with human hands ( Handmade ), not machines. What distinguishes between stamp or tulis with handprint is the formation of patterns and the use of the malam. As for the same work that is using human power.

Batik fabric manufacturers from solo, Indonesia

The benefits you get from making Batik fabric in our place, among others:

1. The price of cotton fabric is cheaper with the best quality, because we are in the center location of cotton factory. So the price of batik cloth produced is also cheap ( low price ).

2. Motives are more maintained quality, It has been tested with the use of many years of our customers. In addition, you can choose the motif according to your taste.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo society and jogja have become daily struggling in the field of ‘Batik’.

4. Easy on payment. For reservations we charge Down payment 50% of total production financing. So as to create a relationship of trust between the two sides.

5. Many choices of batik pattern that we provide with the video, if you do not determine their own motives. There are two types of motifs and colors we provide. So you can specify your own directions that you want to order.

For info or reservations, You can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Batik sarong wholesale.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir

Maybe you ask, What is a handmade Batik fabric Bali Indonesia ?. Handmade Batik is a batik made by human hands by passing through both time and energy process. For us, handmade is divided into 2 namely cap technique and tulis technique. However, for the solo society in particular consider handmade only refers to the technique canting (‘tulis’).

We produce original handmade products. When making it with canting, Batikdlidir always say “tulis”. Similarly, with the stamp, We will say the stamp ( cap ) technique. This is very important, because appreciating the process is the main goal for us.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir 22 smoke

For continental america, europe and australian used batik cap. This corresponds to the color of the skin that likes the color gradation, modern and colorful. You can order to us according to your desired motif. Here are the details:

1. Batik cap stamp, tie dye, or smoke: US $ 2.50 / yard.
2. Minimum order 500 yard.
3. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn.

Where to buy batik?, you can contact us via whatsapp +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir with tulis canting

As for our batik tulis take a price US$ 60 per piece to US$ 300 per piece. By using cotton rags. Duration of work 1 week to 2 months depending on the level of complexity. Every stage of the making process we overview for you.

Batik tulis is a traditional product from us, the people of Indonesia. Products formed by long process. Cultural results created from the Java community to be enjoyed by the entire world community.

Traditional Batik fabric the best quality

Traditional Batik fabric Bali Indonesia is synonymous with ‘pakem’ writing technique. For traditional events such as weddings, ordinary people of Java use batik motif ‘pakem’. There are many motifs ‘grip’ ( Pakem ) that remain sustainable until the time of this writing is made. Here are just a few of the many traditional batik fabrics:

1. Sidomukti, used bride. Sido means continuous and mukti means to live well.

Traditional Batik fabric the best quality truntum

2. Truntum, guide. The meaning of parents led the bride into new life. Usually in the form of sarimbit or paired between both parents.

3. Satria Manah, worn by the groom’s guardian when wandering. With hope hopefully the man’s proposal can be received well by the woman. An intelligent meaning that became a habit of wong solo.

4. Cement Rante, used brides guardian when receiving applications.

5. Ceplok Kasatriyan, used as a cloth for ceremonial bridal ceremony. The wearer to look dashing and has a knight nature.

6. Grompol ornament, worn at a wedding ceremony. Grompol means gathering or united. The expectation of the gathering of all things as good as living in harmony.

7. Semen Gendong is worn by the bride and groom after the wedding ceremony in the hope that she can hold baby soon.

You can order to us various motifs above. Good with the easiest making techniques, to the most difficult. Similarly, the fabric, you can choose as needed.

To order whatsapp at +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Wax Batik fabric using canting technique

Wax Batik fabric Bali Indonesia using canting techniques ( Tulis ) according to your order. The Wax has characteristics like candles. Could be so because “Malam” is a type of wax that is more specific. The specificity is commonly used by the people of Java to make batik.

Wax Batik fabric using canting technique at Batikdlidir indonesia

In addition to wax ( Malam ), the main media of batik is canting. It’s been everyday wong jawa from the past until now with canting. Canting is made of copper with a small hole for ‘malam’ out.

There are 3 canting techniques that are so familiar in solo society.

1. Technique ukel.

Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed. This technique is also included to create gringsing patterns and such as mosquito repellent. For this technique enter the hardest category price range US $ 200 per pcs, size 240 cm x 105 cm .

2. Granite techniques.

Granit is the technique of night casting with the method of the dot outside the pattern If yg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience. For this technique the price range US $ 100 per pcs.

3. Buh Technique.
That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal.

For information and ordering batik, You can whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.
The best Handmade batik.


The benefits you get from making batik cloth in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton cloth is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory.

2. Motives are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of Batik fabric. For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.


For info or reservations can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric from indonesia with handprint technique for sarong

Batik fabricS WITH HANDPRINT TECHNIQUE. This technique usually for batik sarong wholesale. We use fabric from original cotton. In Indonesia, there are two famous cotton. Namely, prima cotton and primissima. Here’s a little science about this cotton.


The fabric construction is the part that composes or arranges the yarn. The construction is vertical and horizontal. For the usual primissima use 133 x 72 construction, while prima uses 90 x 70 construction in each fabric. You can choose according to taste and quality of usage.

We make a second offer of the fabric with two prices as well. In addition to the choice of fabric, batik motif you can choose. Here’s the price we offer.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.60 / yard.
2. Primisima Batik fabrics and design patterns of your wishes. We charge US $ 1.90 / yard.

So the two Batik fabric above, we send it to your locationin a state of fabric that already handprintedas ordered.

For reservations or information can text or whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We recommend using whatsapp to make it easier to communication forsending picture or video of motives batik or the processing the work of your order.

Batik fabric Bali Indonesia with original stamp ( copper )

Batik fabric wholesale in shape are still fabric with traditional stamp technique. This technique also for batik bali.


Fortunately, the use of stamp technique is widely used for export purposes. And when looking back on history, stamp batik has a neat history. History in the fight for its existence. For that we suggest and try to socialize stamp techniquelocaly while we try to get vast. We do with the hope that the citizens can enjoy. The traditional work that is sad to be left behind.

For the stamp technique, it still seems traditional and unique. Because in addition to using the wax, coloring can be more varied. The price fairly affordable to be made batik cloth.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.99 / yard.
2. Each meter of cotton primisima ourtagprice is US $ 2.50 / yard.

For color, cap technique has its own value. You will get a solid color. In addition, it can also make your own the color gradation (colour ways/design). Foreign people call it with tie dye smoke technique.

For details can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir. 24 hours nonstop serving order batik uniform. As our dedication in the field of batik.

The technique in making Batik fabric by using Canting or Tulis

The technique of Canting is a masterpiece of Batik fabric. An art, tradition, and technique that must be kept. This technique already existed in Indonesia, especially in Solo, Pekalongan, and Jogja. The making process of Batik Tulis is different. It made by using canting to draw the pattern. The tools that used while making Batik are canting, malam (wax), fabric and malam (wax) heater (small stove).

The technique in making Batik fabric by using Canting or Tulis at Batikdlidir

It usually presented to the director of the company and the upper class. It is because the price is expensive. Why could it be? The making process of it takes time around 2 weeks until 2 months. On that time, the maker only can produce one piece of Batik Tulis. That is the reason why it is very expensive.
Those are the steps and the range of the price:.

1. Ukel.

That is the technique of drawing semicircle on the fabric. This technique also used to make gringsing and obatnyamuk pattern. This is the complex one.

2. Granit.

It is a technique by drawing dots outside of the pattern. While within the pattern named pasiran. This technique is also difficult because the different base is from the canting.

The smaller canting, it will need the higher tidiness and patient. The price depends on the fabric and the detail. It takes time 2 weeks.

3. Buh.

This is a technique by drawing Batik fully or equally. It includes on the inside also the tumpal. We showed you the process by the video and picture.

4. Galar.

5. Genes.

For further information and order, please contact the number below!.
The owner of Batik Dlidir.
Mr. Mudzakir

The developing of Batik fabric

The fabric of Batik is identified as Nusantara’s (Indonesia) fabric. Nowadays, those fabrics are developed into the modern industry. The effect of this choice is Batik must be up to date. The developing of Batik year by year finally will show their life in fashion industries.

The developing of Batik fabric owner Batikdlidir

The first appearance of Batik shaded by the symbols of Palace. In that day, Batik only wears by the people among the Palace. But as the time went by, Batik becomes a selling product widely. Now, Batik has been grown up. It wears in daily too. The appearance of apparels with Batik pattern has risen. The sellers of Batik are also increased.

In its advance, the effort to make Nusantara’s fabric to complete the present necessary takes various form. It is not only how to enrich the ornament or replace the cotton with silk, but also the condition of the fabric, especially when those fabrics made into the fashion. There are other considerations in order to keep the quality of the fabric.

Batik has become the new fashion in the society. Even so, Batik is not only a fashion, it can be used as other ornaments, like a pillow case, curtain, and bed cover. This is a good beginning to keep the culture of Batik. It begins with loving, having (andarbeni), and keeping.

The technique of Batik fabric in Solo

The meaning of making the process of Batik is the processes of creating Batik that begins from the preparation until it is done. It is included in the preparation of mori fabric until it is ready to draw. The steps are nggirah/ ngetel (washing), nganji (starch), and ngemplong(ironing).

The technique of Batik fabric in Solo at Batikdlidir

While the process of making Batik include the reality of creating Batik. It begins by sticking the lilin (paraffin) to create the pattern, the coloring process (celup (dye), colet, lukis (painting), and printing). The last step is removing the remaining wax from the fabric (SewanSoesanto, 1974).

To create the pattern of Batik fabric Bali Indonesia, it can be done by using canting to draw. Another pattern that using copper stamp called Batik Cap (stamp). And the last is Batik Printing. It is done by making the pattern on the printing machine.

Batik fabric is the fabric that has Batik pattern by attaching the lilin (paraffin). While the fabric that has Batik pattern is the fabric which patterned with Batik. But, it usually made by using textile printing machine.

In general, technology in making Batik exist in Indonesia. In Solo, the principal of making Batik based on “Resist Dyes Technique” (Teknik celup rintang), where the process begins by simple looping – dyeing, then it colored by using zatperintang (block substance). For the first time buburketan (glutinous rice) use as zatperintang (block substance), then the people found malam (wax) and use until now.

The pattern of Batik fabric Bali Indonesia

The pattern of Batik is the structure of the arrangement which creates Batik in a whole surface of the fabric. Batik pattern contains two parts that are the ornaments of Batik pattern and isenof Batik pattern. The ornaments of Batik pattern arranged by the main ornament and filler ornament.

The pattern of Batik fabric nyanting pola at Batikdlidir

While, isen of Batik pattern are dots, lines, and the combination of both. Its function is to fill the ornaments from the pattern or the filler between those ornaments. There are many kinds of isen pattern and it still growing up, like cecek, cecekpitu, sisikmelik, ceceksawut, ceceksawudaun, sisikgringsing, galaran, rambutan, sirapan, cacahgori, and others.

Classification of Batik pattern fabric

There are two groups of Batik pattern fabric. That is Geometry and nongeometry. Geometry pattern is Batik pattern which the ornaments are the arrangement of geometry. The character is those patterns are easy to cut into a piece. It usually called “report”. It usually uses to make Batik Solo, especially Batik cap (stamp).

Classification of Batik pattern fabric

The nongeometry pattern is the patterns that do not have geometry form. It is included in these patterns: semen, buketan, terangbulan. Non geometry patterns arranged by plants ornaments, besides it also arrange from meru, Hayat tree, candi (temple), binatang (animal), burung (bird), garuda (eagle), and naga (eagle). It usually applies to making Batik Tulis Solo.

For information, you can whatsapp +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Batik fabric online at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric online is Batik that sells online. Now, there are a lot of traders who promote their product online like Facebook, Instagram, or another online store. By online system, the marketing of Batik fabric is wider. Previously, it just conducted in certain place or location. But, after using the online system, the sales reached the overseas.

Batik fabric online at Batikdlidir

The sellers want to get these advantages. Besides, the online shop is quite cheap. Because it doesn’t need to spend more fund to rent a place. However, it just needs an internet and an online shop account to promote the product. The traders only send the picture included the price tag on that.

In addition, to give the advantage to the seller, the online shop is profitable for the buyer. Because they do not need to come to the store. The buyer can make a transaction anywhere and the ordered will send to the house.

Batik becomes one of the products that sell online. The development of Batik is rapid. It drives the seller to sell their product online. One of the online stores that sell Batik is Batik Dlidir. We are one of Batik Tulis centers in Solo. Batikdlidir offer all of the types of Batik like Batik for fashion and Batik for accessories. We sell Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and Batik Printing ( Sarong ).

For ordered contact +6282265652222. We prefer to WhatsApp than a phone call.

Batik fabric gradient, tie dye or smoke technique

Batik fabric gradient looks from the choice of the color. It usually has more than one color. But the colors that presented are similar. Color is being the characteristic of this Batik. Moreover, if it is combined with an awesome pattern. It clearly gives an amazing look.

Batik fabric gradient, tie dye or smoke technique

The pattern that usually presented on this Batik is butterfly, fish, plant, flower, leaf, branch, and others. This Batik is more emphasizes on the color and the pattern, not the philosophy. It is different to traditional Batik. Because the beauty of the colors and the patterns are able to attract every single eye. This is the attractiveness of Batik gradient.

If you want to have it, you can buy at Batik Dlidir. We have many collections of Batik. If you want to see our collections, you can come to our office or at our website.

We have the cheapest price of Batik ever yet the quality of our Batik is the best. You will get many advantages if you shop at our store like the cheapest price, the best quality of Batik, a good packaging, no delay order, and the down payment is flexible.

Batik fabric extra wide at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric Extra Wide Sometimes is wanted goods by the batik lovers. The common batik has a length around 115 cm to 150 cm. But, on some occasion, some people ordered extra wide batik. Even, some of them need 300 cm.

Batik fabric extra wide at Batikdlidir

Actually, extra wide batik is needed to design extra size wardrobe. The big person needs this batik. According to this reason, some seller provided the extra wide batik. We (Batik dlidir) also provide it. We are one of the batik centers in Solo. Dlidir’s provide many kinds of batik, not only the motifs but also the size.

We have a standard size and extra size. We have all you need. You can just choose what you need here. Batikdlidir have provided all size according to the customers’ want. The lengthiest batik we have is around 10.000 meter. We could still give the extra wide batik although it didn’t have many variations.

Besides providing the extra wide batik. Batikdlidir have also many kinds of batik. Such as written batik, stamp batik, and printing batik. These batik are very cheap, you could purchase in our gallery. The cotton are not only cheap but also have good quality. You could compare with the others to find the good one.

Batik fabric Bali Indonesia origin special to you

Batik fabric Bali Indonesia origin at Batikdlidir. The source of Batik is uncertain. It is included in the first country that creates the pattern of Batik. But Batik is very identic to Indonesia. Moreover, after UNESCO declared that Batik is the heritage of Indonesia. In Indonesia, Batik is a fabric that has a picture or pattern. Batik already exist and being Indonesian culture since a long time ago. Some people said it already existed since the 17th century or formerly.

Batik fabric origin special to you
Motif parang

In the past, the existence of Batik in Indonesia is only a few. But, as the development of Batik, it spreads to several areas in Indonesia. Each region has its own name and character for their Batik. The deployment of Batik has reached to the overseas.

For the first time, the art of Batik is only done by the Java women. They make Batik as their daily livelihood. The skill of making Batik then become a tradition. Because it is only dropped by the family to the grandchild. From that appeared the character from pembatik family.

Now, we are pursuing this historical art. We are one of several centers of Batik handmade in Solo. We accepted an order from many countries in the world. The price of our Batik is very friendly. It is the cheapest price of Batik ever. We have Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and Batik Printing. So if you need Batik, you can buy at our store.

For more information and order contact +62 822 6565 2222.

Technique of making Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

Batikdlidir serves complete one. Complete means various batik motif suitable with the order or ready stock. For the order, you can make it as you want, like the motif and its size.

Technique of making Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

If it is classified into its technique of making, there are three ways. For the first with Tulis (drawn) technique. This technique still uses Canting and Malam as the main media.

For the second by the way of stamping. Stamp is usually made from the copper which is made suitable with the pattern or the motif wanted. The next is giving Malamon that stamp which is poured on the cotton fabric. A combination using stamp and tulis techniques produces the beauty of batik art.

For the third by handprint technique namely making screen. Then, giving the color suitable with wanted. All ways have the benefit itself.

1.0 Technique of making Batik fabric using screen or Handprint.

This making still includes into category handmade. The technique of Handprint uses screen for its motif. But its coloring is not emerged, only one side of fabric. For the price can be said as cheap, because it is for making easy only. It is usually used for the needs of school, office and company uniform.

Batik fabric using screen at Batikdlidir Tulis

For the material, we use special cotton. We use original cotton 100%. In Indonesia, there are two famous cottons. Namely, Prima and Primissima cotton. Here little knowledge about both of them.

Fabric construction is the part which arranges or yarn arrangement. Its contruction, there are vertical and horizontal. For Primissima usually uses construction 133 x 72, but Prima uses construction 90 x 70 for every fabric. You can choose suitable with the taste and the quality of wearing.

We make the bargain of two fabrics with two prices too. Not only can choose the fabric, but also the motif of Batik. Here the following price we offer:
1. Prima Batik fabric per meter with the motif suitable with the order US$ 1.50 per metre.
2. Primissima Batik fabric and the design pattern as you want. We give the price US$ 1.90 per metre. So both Batik above we send it to your location in the condition of the fabric which has be drawn motif batik. For the order or information can text or Whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We suggest using Whatsapp to make easy in coordination. Not only the picture of motif batik but also the sending/shipping to your location.

1.1 Technique of making Batik fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Warna”.

The technique of making Batik fabric using “PlangkanCabutWarna”. The way of making uses screen or the color maker (cabut). Cabut Warna uses synthetic color maker. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely synthetic and natural. Because using synthetic, so its making is relatively fast. There are many synthetic color which are available namely: indigosol, remasol and naptol.

Technique of making Batik fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Warna”

Cotton fabric which is used usually is Prima cotton 100%. For the better material such as Barkolin is very seldom. This is because for making the color clear and two surface sides are same (Tembus=emerged).

General motif on this technique is motif Pakem. Motif Pakem is dominated by the color of Sogan and Black. There are many motif Pakem in Middle Java area, especially in Solo and Jogja. This motif usually used in custom event such marriage.

The superiority of this way is two same sides. So, the color which adheres on the fabric is stronger. Not only superior on color, but also the price is cheap enough. And the time of making is fast relatively. For the price, we give the price tag the same as the handprint technique.

It is so simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Cabut. You can Whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

1.2 Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis”.

Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis” in Batikdlidir. The way of making uses screen, Malam, and Canting Tulis. This technique is the masterpiece of Solonese about tradition. Unite between economic and cultural value. The most of society is difficult to unite them.

Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis”

Tulis Kombinasi uses synthetic color. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely synthetic and natural. Because using synthetic, so it is fast relatively producing a Batik fabric product.

For the material, it is usually wears soft Prima cotton. In Solonese market is well – known as Prima Lampion. You can order the material such as Barkolin or Gamelan. Ready stock in our place mostly is soft Prima.

Because using Malam(the wax) on its process of making, fabric material is felt softer. Fabric construction which is touched / is not touched by Malam, it is sodifferent. Handling or handfeel takes sides on the fabric which is touched by Malam. The best invention from ancestor which is forgotten by us sometime.

We give the price US$ 17 / piece with size 240 cm x 115 cm.

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

1.3 The technique of making Batik fabric Bali Indonesia uses Tulis Kombinasi.

The technique of making Batik fabric Bali Indonesia uses Tulis Kombinasi at Batikdlidir. The way of making uses screen, malam, and canting tulis. This technique uses masterpiece of Solonese about tradition. Unite between economic value and culture. The most of society is difficult to unite them.

The technique of making Batik fabric uses Tulis Kombinasi

Tulis Kombinasi uses synthetic color. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely: synthetic and natura. Because of using synthetic, so it is relatively fast in producing a Batik fabric product.

For the material, it usually uses soft prima cotton. In solonese market, it is well known as Prima Lampion. You can order too the fabric such as barkolin or gamelan. Ready stock in our place is mostly soft prima.

Because using wax on its process of making, fabric material is felt softer. Fabric construction which is touched / is not touched by wax, it is so different. Handling or handfeel takes sides on the fabric which is touched by Malam. The best invention from ancestor which is forgotten by us sometime.

This method is stamp combination, screen, tolet and Tulis Canting. For the wax is same too, joining hot and cold wax. So all Batik handmade exists in this technique completely.

There are two prices in technique of this KombinasiTulis. We give the price US$ 18 / piece for ready stock. But for the motif as you order US$ 14,50 / piece (size L x W = 240 cm x 115 cm).

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

1.4 The technique of making fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Tolet”.

The technique of making Batik fabric “plangkan cabut tolet” in Batikdlidir. The process of its production uses plangkan(screen), cabut warna and tolet. This technique is the one of discovery of local batik craftman.

making fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Tolet” at Batikdlidir Indonesia

The result from this method is mostly Sogan color which is combined with light color. In Solo and Jogja market, the trader calls it Batik Wonogiren. For the color itself consistsof two same sides.

For the material, it is usually using soft prima cotton. Soft Prima consists of 100% original cotton. You can order the material not only Prima but also Primis. As the information only, ready stock in our place is mostly soft Prima.

There are two prices in technique of this CabutTolet. We give the price 2.50/meter for ready stock material. But for the motif as you want is US$ 1,80 per metre.

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

2.0 Technique of making Batik fabric using Cap or Stamp


Cap technique is giving Malam on GARAN then is stamped on the fabric. So, the fabric can emerge and can be gradation. Its price can be said still cheap by the society. This technique still includes in handmade and traditional.

Technique of making Batik fabric using Cap or Stamp pelangi

Unfortunately, the use of Cap technique is much be used for the needs of export. Whereas, if we see the history, Batik Cap (stamp) has good value of history. The history in struggling its existence. For that, we suggest and make effort to socialize cap technique. We do with the hope, it can be enjoyed by the society. Traditional art which is unfortunately to be left.

For the color, stamp technique has value itself. You can get solid color. The other, it can make gradation color. International people call it as tie dye technique.

3.0 The technique of making Batik fabric using Canting or Tulis


Canting technique is the masterpiece from Batik. An art, tradition and technique which must be preserved. This technique has rooted strongly in Indonesia, especially Solo city, Pekalongan, and Jogja. Batik Tulis is its making is special for drawing the wax on fabric. The tools which is used namely Canting, Malam (the wax), fabric and Malam heater (small stove).

The technique of making Batik fabric using Canting or Tulis traditional

It is usually for the direction of company or upper class community. This is not without the reason, because the price is expensive relatively. Why it can be expensive? The process of making needs two weeks until two months. That time produces only one piece of Batik Tulis. That’s what make it expensive.

Here the following steps and its price level:
1. Ukel technique. Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed.

2. Granite techniques. Granit is the technique of giving malam(the wax) with the method of the dot outside the pattern Ifyg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience.

3. Buh Technique. That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal. The process of its making we show to you in the form of video and picture.

2.1 Technique of making Batik fabric using Tie Dye stamp


Technique of making Batik fabric uses Tie Dye stamp in Batik Dlidir. Stamp technique is giving Malamon GARAN then is stamped on the fabric. Malam or the wax has function to cover and limit when the process of Tie Dye is working. So, the fabric can emerge and can be gradation. Its price can be said still cheap by the society. This technique still includes in handmade and Gradation.

making Batik fabric using Tie Dye stamp at Batikdlidir

For the price can be said as cheap price if it is compared with Tulis technique. Tie Dye stamp technique is for the most export needs. The combination of gradation with modern color is very wanted by American and European people. Although there is small scale of Indonesian people which wears this Tie Dye stamp. Whereas, the producer of this original technique is archipelago people.

For Tie Dye stamp technique, is still impressed traditionally and uniquely. Because not only using malam, its coloring can be more various. Its price can be said as cheap price for making batik quilting.

1. Prima Batik fabric per meter with the motif ordered US $ 1.80 per yard.
2. Every meter uses Primissima cotton we give the price US $ 2.50 per yard.

For the color, stamp technique has value itself. You can get solid color. The other, it can make gradation color. International people call it as tie dye technique.

For the detail, you can Whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir. 24 hours service nonstop for ordering batik tie dye. As our dedication in Batik.

We give the price US $ 2.90 per yard for ready stock. But for the motif as you want is US $ 2.20 per yard.

2.3 Technique of making Batik fabric Bali Indonesia using stamp double

Technique of making Batik fabric Bali Indonesia using stamp double ( Cuwiri ) At Batikdlidir. The cuwiri batik cloth in Batikdlidir is made using the stamp. Cuwiri batik is a batik motif that uses natural soga dyeing. Usually this batik is used for semekan and kemben.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double

The making of cuwiri motifs uses two stam that are paired ( stamped ). Stamp or garan cap is 2 copper which usually measures 20 cm x 20 cm, with the function of filling each other. Usually the Javanese call it the terms plus and minus.

Once upon a time, the coloring that filled this motif was identical to the color of natural soga. With increasing years, innovation continues to be developed by craftsmen. So that the sogan color is still maintained, combined with modern colors.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir

In batikdlidir using remasol synthetic coloring. While the basic color technique is identical to smoke or gradation. The following picture:

The cotton material used is premium quality primis. Primis fabric construction is generally 133 x 72 with a thickness of 50 s yarn. So as to produce special batik products. Plus laying the wax, making translucent colors or two sides of the same fabric. As a result the handling or hand feel is smooth and impressed when you see it.

Cuwiri is identical to the sogan color line, both dark brown and young. The color in the motif consists of 5 different colors. And this is most of what we meet, with the Soga line as its true identity.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir sogan

You can get cuwiri batik at a price of US$ 4.50 per meter. With minimum order is 10 pieces. Each piece has a size of 2 meters.

More details or just information about, whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir. Thank you.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir sogan ungu

Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia

Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia culture to worldwide. With prices starting at US $ 1.40 per yard, you can get original Handmade. We ( Batik Dlidir ) is a batik company located in solo city, indonesia. A city closely associated with culture. The city that witnessed the birth of a tradition that until now still sustainable, Batik.

Batik fabric is a pictorial fabric that is specially made by writing or putting ‘ malam ‘ ( wax ) on the fabric. Batik Indonesia, as a whole of technology, related motive and cultural development. This is a craft that has high artistic value. Besides that has been a part of Javanese culture for a long time.

Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia culture to worldwide tie dye
Batik cap ( stamp ) And Tie dye,

We provide original Batik fabric for all people of the world with the best quality. Complete, either with ” tulis ” ( Drawing ) technique or using ” cap ” ( Stamp ). In addition, the price is also affordable because we are Batik fabric manufacturers .

Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia culture to worldwide
Batik Tulis ( Drawing with canting )

for more information or order, you can whatsapp to:

+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

The service and information 24 hours nonstop. This we do as our dedication in this job.

Over time, kain batik has a very broad meaning. Today batik in everyday life is a work of art that manifests culture. Not stop there, but also can give benefits to the general public ( the meaning of “dlidir” ). Batik can be interpreted high-level art of a solo civilization and its surroundings.

For us, batik does not just draw on fabric. Then put on “malam”, give motif, sell it or UNESCO recognition. But this is a comprehensive series of all thoughts, manpower and long history synergized in producing the best and original works to be enjoyed together. Good for the solo community in particular and also the people of the World in general.

Aceh batik isn’t your typical Indonesian batik! Here’s the cool stuff about it:

Designs: Forget flowers and birds, Aceh batik is all about geometry. Think circles, squares, and fancy lines that twist and turn. These designs often have special meanings and can even tell stories about religion and life lessons. Pretty deep for some fabric!
Colors: Aceh keeps things chill with muted colors. Browns, blacks, and deep reds are the usual suspects. It reflects their cultural vibe, which is more on the conservative side.
Making it: They use two main techniques: hand-drawn (called tulis) and block printing (known as cap). Hand-drawn takes forever and is more expensive, but you get a totally unique piece!

Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia at Batikdlidir

We name our certainly quality product as Batikdlidir. What is Dlidir? In Javanese dlidlir means mengalir (flowing). Therefore, from that name, dlidir, we hope that our product will be salable like the flow of the water. This name is also our prayer. So, it is not only name, but it has strong character in further advance.

Batik fabric at Batikdlidir sale

As time goes by, Batik has generous meaning for us. Nowadays batik in daily is an art which manifests culture. Batik also give a value to public (read: dlidir). Batik means the high-level of art in Solo and round.

Processing batik is not only draw in the fabric, but it also a comprehensive sequences. The sequences of mind, energy, and a long story. All of the synergized process while making an artistic work. So, all of the people enjoy it.

We sell Batik in three categories. This category based on Batik techniques making. Here the explanation:
1. Written Batik (batik tulis). It made by using canting or written (tulis) technique. It usually use for special affair.
2. Copper plate stamp Batik (batik cap). It made by using copper stamp (cap). This technique has solid color, or it is well-known as tie dye technique.
3. Handprint Batik. This is a technique that use screen media to make pattern in the fabric. The examples of this technique is in making clothing and sarong (sarung).

For further information and order. :
Mr Mudzakir.
+62 822 6565 2222
(Available on WhatsApp).

Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia for quilting at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method. You can get a Batik fabric price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin or barcolin. This materials is cotton 100 percent.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.
Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method

Batik fabric quilts for jelly rolls

By the existing of these boutiques, so it will easier Batik lovers while hunting Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia quilt. Surely it has many choices. As we know that it has more colors and patterns. Of course, the product is better. That is what the artisan expected. Producing beautiful Batik art. Because later, it is not only used for fashion needs but also to make accessories.

Processing making Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia at batik dlidir

Generally, it also uses for house internal decoration. Such as tablecloth decoration, living room, bedroom, the lounge, family room, and others. The manual way usually applied while creating a quilt Batik fabric. This is the best way to make a decoration. It also makes the price of this art higher.

We provide many types of Batik quilt. For each pack will have many kinds interesting patterns. A piece of Batik quilt can be recycled into an attractive art. Up to now, we often send Batik quilt to many countries in the world. One of them is the United Kingdom. In addition to Batik quilt, you can also order another Batik fabric.

You can get a Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia quilts price of US $ 2.50 per yard at Batikdlidir.

You can get a Batik fabric quilts price of US $ 2.50 per yard at Batikdlidir.

You can contact us via whatsapp for ordering : +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric sale with low price

Batik fabric sale with low price and original handmade. BatikDlidir selling batik from solo city to all over the world. It is easy for us to make low prices, because it is located in batik producers.

Batik fabric sale with low price Batikdlidir 1

The first, Cap technique ( Stamp ) with the original handmade from Indonesian. With a starting price of US $ 2.50 / yard, you can get quality and handmade Batik fabric. Indonesian Batik fabric at a cheap price with quality ” wong solo “. Solo batik history can not be separated from the influence of the palace. Cap technique covers tie dye, smoke or color gradation.

Batik fabric sale with low price canting tulis 1

Next technique ” canting ” ( Draw, art or tulis ). This is the real batik, a long achievement of wong solo culture. Not just cloth, but a long history of witnesses of world-renowned artwork. If some countries have a stunning relic, then the solo city (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property depicted or expressed in a cloth. We sell it with prices ranging from US $ 200 per piece to US $ 300 per piece. Or you can order it with your favorite patterns.

The process of making time and difficulty determine the price of a Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia. Here’s the price list.

1. Ukel technique, we sell it between US $ 100 per piece until US $ 300 per piece.
2. Granit technique, US $ 80 per piece – US $ 150 per piece.
3. Buh technique, US $ 60 per piece – US $ 80 per piece.

You can contact us via whatsapp for ordering : +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

100 cotton Batik fabric the best quality

We use 100 cotton Batik fabric quality choice. Maybe you ask, what is the real cotton ?. Before entering the problem of cotton, it would be better to know about cotton base material ie cotton.

Cotton is a fine fiber that envelops the seeds of several species of Gossypium (commonly called “trees” or cotton plants), ‘bush’ plants originating from the tropics and subtropics. Cotton fiber becomes an important material in the textile industry. The fiber can be spun into yarn and woven into cloth. Textile products of cotton fibers commonly referred to as cotton (yarn or cloth).

Why do we count on 100 percent cotton ?. In accordance with our experience, in addition to absorbing sweat is also not hot. So when you wear it so comfortably.

There are many types of 100 percent cotton in Indonesia. Construction of the yarn that distinguishes between types of one another. In addition, there is also seen from the thickness of the threads of cotton fabric.

For stamp technique, we use the construction of yarn 133 x 72, thickness 40 s. This type of cotton has a quality in the middle – middle. It has been export standard and proven to date.

100 cotton Batik fabric the best quality tie dye 1

As for canting or ‘tulis’ techniques we rely on cotton primissima gamelan construction 114 x 96, thickness 50 s. Cotton premium grade produced from our Country, Indonesia.

The choice of cotton This is just a habit of us, you can order the fabric as you wish. Batikdlidir serve quickly and appropriately for all your Batik fabric business.

For info or order 100 cotton Batik fabric can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric manufacturers from solo, Indonesia

Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia manufacturers from Indonesia for All around the world. Batikdlidir is a manufacturer of complete batik cloth start, stamp until handprint. We produce it all with human hands ( Handmade ), not machines. What distinguishes between stamp or tulis with handprint is the formation of patterns and the use of the malam. As for the same work that is using human power.

Batik fabric manufacturers from solo, Indonesia

The benefits you get from making Batik fabric in our place, among others:

1. The price of cotton fabric is cheaper with the best quality, because we are in the center location of cotton factory. So the price of batik cloth produced is also cheap ( low price ).

2. Motives are more maintained quality, It has been tested with the use of many years of our customers. In addition, you can choose the motif according to your taste.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo society and jogja have become daily struggling in the field of ‘Batik’.

4. Easy on payment. For reservations we charge Down payment 50% of total production financing. So as to create a relationship of trust between the two sides.

5. Many choices of batik pattern that we provide with the video, if you do not determine their own motives. There are two types of motifs and colors we provide. So you can specify your own directions that you want to order.

For info or reservations, You can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Batik sarong wholesale.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir

Maybe you ask, What is a handmade Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia ?. Handmade Batik is a batik made by human hands by passing through both time and energy process. For us, handmade is divided into 2 namely cap technique and tulis technique. However, for the solo society in particular consider handmade only refers to the technique canting (‘tulis’).

We produce original handmade products. When making it with canting, Batikdlidir always say “tulis”. Similarly, with the stamp, We will say the stamp ( cap ) technique. This is very important, because appreciating the process is the main goal for us.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir 22 smoke

For continental america, europe and australian used batik cap. This corresponds to the color of the skin that likes the color gradation, modern and colorful. You can order to us according to your desired motif. Here are the details:

1. Batik cap stamp, tie dye, or smoke: US $ 2.50 / yard.
2. Minimum order 500 yard.
3. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn.

Where to buy batik?, you can contact us via whatsapp +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir with tulis canting

As for our batik tulis take a price US$ 60 per piece to US$ 300 per piece. By using cotton rags. Duration of work 1 week to 2 months depending on the level of complexity. Every stage of the making process we overview for you.

Batik tulis is a traditional product from us, the people of Indonesia. Products formed by long process. Cultural results created from the Java community to be enjoyed by the entire world community.

Traditional Batik fabric the best quality

Traditional Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia is synonymous with ‘pakem’ writing technique. For traditional events such as weddings, ordinary people of Java use batik motif ‘pakem’. There are many motifs ‘grip’ ( Pakem ) that remain sustainable until the time of this writing is made. Here are just a few of the many traditional batik fabrics:

1. Sidomukti, used bride. Sido means continuous and mukti means to live well.

Traditional Batik fabric the best quality truntum

2. Truntum, guide. The meaning of parents led the bride into new life. Usually in the form of sarimbit or paired between both parents.

3. Satria Manah, worn by the groom’s guardian when wandering. With hope hopefully the man’s proposal can be received well by the woman. An intelligent meaning that became a habit of wong solo.

4. Cement Rante, used brides guardian when receiving applications.

5. Ceplok Kasatriyan, used as a cloth for ceremonial bridal ceremony. The wearer to look dashing and has a knight nature.

6. Grompol ornament, worn at a wedding ceremony. Grompol means gathering or united. The expectation of the gathering of all things as good as living in harmony.

7. Semen Gendong is worn by the bride and groom after the wedding ceremony in the hope that she can hold baby soon.

You can order to us various motifs above. Good with the easiest making techniques, to the most difficult. Similarly, the fabric, you can choose as needed.

To order whatsapp at +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Wax Batik fabric using canting technique

Wax Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia using canting techniques ( Tulis ) according to your order. The Wax has characteristics like candles. Could be so because “Malam” is a type of wax that is more specific. The specificity is commonly used by the people of Java to make batik.

Wax Batik fabric using canting technique at Batikdlidir indonesia

In addition to wax ( Malam ), the main media of batik is canting. It’s been everyday wong jawa from the past until now with canting. Canting is made of copper with a small hole for ‘malam’ out.

There are 3 canting techniques that are so familiar in solo society.

1. Technique ukel.

Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed. This technique is also included to create gringsing patterns and such as mosquito repellent. For this technique enter the hardest category price range US $ 200 per pcs, size 240 cm x 105 cm .

2. Granite techniques.

Granit is the technique of night casting with the method of the dot outside the pattern If yg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience. For this technique the price range US $ 100 per pcs.

3. Buh Technique.
That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal.

For information and ordering batik, You can whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.
The best Handmade batik.


The benefits you get from making batik cloth in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton cloth is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory.

2. Motives are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of Batik fabric. For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.


For info or reservations can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric from indonesia with handprint technique for sarong

Batik fabricS WITH HANDPRINT TECHNIQUE. This technique usually for batik sarong wholesale. We use fabric from original cotton. In Indonesia, there are two famous cotton. Namely, prima cotton and primissima. Here’s a little science about this cotton.


The fabric construction is the part that composes or arranges the yarn. The construction is vertical and horizontal. For the usual primissima use 133 x 72 construction, while prima uses 90 x 70 construction in each fabric. You can choose according to taste and quality of usage.

We make a second offer of the fabric with two prices as well. In addition to the choice of fabric, batik motif you can choose. Here’s the price we offer.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.60 / yard.
2. Primisima Batik fabrics and design patterns of your wishes. We charge US $ 1.90 / yard.

So the two Batik fabric above, we send it to your locationin a state of fabric that already handprintedas ordered.

For reservations or information can text or whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We recommend using whatsapp to make it easier to communication forsending picture or video of motives batik or the processing the work of your order.

Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia with original stamp ( copper )

Batik fabric wholesale in shape are still fabric with traditional stamp technique. This technique also for batik bali.


Fortunately, the use of stamp technique is widely used for export purposes. And when looking back on history, stamp batik has a neat history. History in the fight for its existence. For that we suggest and try to socialize stamp techniquelocaly while we try to get vast. We do with the hope that the citizens can enjoy. The traditional work that is sad to be left behind.

For the stamp technique, it still seems traditional and unique. Because in addition to using the wax, coloring can be more varied. The price fairly affordable to be made batik cloth.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.99 / yard.
2. Each meter of cotton primisima ourtagprice is US $ 2.50 / yard.

For color, cap technique has its own value. You will get a solid color. In addition, it can also make your own the color gradation (colour ways/design). Foreign people call it with tie dye smoke technique.

For details can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir. 24 hours nonstop serving order batik uniform. As our dedication in the field of batik.

The technique in making Batik fabric by using Canting or Tulis

The technique of Canting is a masterpiece of Batik fabric. An art, tradition, and technique that must be kept. This technique already existed in Indonesia, especially in Solo, Pekalongan, and Jogja. The making process of Batik Tulis is different. It made by using canting to draw the pattern. The tools that used while making Batik are canting, malam (wax), fabric and malam (wax) heater (small stove).

The technique in making Batik fabric by using Canting or Tulis at Batikdlidir

It usually presented to the director of the company and the upper class. It is because the price is expensive. Why could it be? The making process of it takes time around 2 weeks until 2 months. On that time, the maker only can produce one piece of Batik Tulis. That is the reason why it is very expensive.
Those are the steps and the range of the price:.

1. Ukel.

That is the technique of drawing semicircle on the fabric. This technique also used to make gringsing and obatnyamuk pattern. This is the complex one.

2. Granit.

It is a technique by drawing dots outside of the pattern. While within the pattern named pasiran. This technique is also difficult because the different base is from the canting.

The smaller canting, it will need the higher tidiness and patient. The price depends on the fabric and the detail. It takes time 2 weeks.

3. Buh.

This is a technique by drawing Batik fully or equally. It includes on the inside also the tumpal. We showed you the process by the video and picture.

4. Galar.

5. Genes.

For further information and order, please contact the number below!.
The owner of Batik Dlidir.
Mr. Mudzakir

The developing of Batik fabric

The fabric of Batik is identified as Nusantara’s (Indonesia) fabric. Nowadays, those fabrics are developed into the modern industry. The effect of this choice is Batik must be up to date. The developing of Batik year by year finally will show their life in fashion industries.

The developing of Batik fabric owner Batikdlidir

The first appearance of Batik shaded by the symbols of Palace. In that day, Batik only wears by the people among the Palace. But as the time went by, Batik becomes a selling product widely. Now, Batik has been grown up. It wears in daily too. The appearance of apparels with Batik pattern has risen. The sellers of Batik are also increased.

In its advance, the effort to make Nusantara’s fabric to complete the present necessary takes various form. It is not only how to enrich the ornament or replace the cotton with silk, but also the condition of the fabric, especially when those fabrics made into the fashion. There are other considerations in order to keep the quality of the fabric.

Batik has become the new fashion in the society. Even so, Batik is not only a fashion, it can be used as other ornaments, like a pillow case, curtain, and bed cover. This is a good beginning to keep the culture of Batik. It begins with loving, having (andarbeni), and keeping.

The technique of Batik fabric in Solo

The meaning of making the process of Batik is the processes of creating Batik that begins from the preparation until it is done. It is included in the preparation of mori fabric until it is ready to draw. The steps are nggirah/ ngetel (washing), nganji (starch), and ngemplong(ironing).

The technique of Batik fabric in Solo at Batikdlidir

While the process of making Batik include the reality of creating Batik. It begins by sticking the lilin (paraffin) to create the pattern, the coloring process (celup (dye), colet, lukis (painting), and printing). The last step is removing the remaining wax from the fabric (SewanSoesanto, 1974).

To create the pattern of Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia, it can be done by using canting to draw. Another pattern that using copper stamp called Batik Cap (stamp). And the last is Batik Printing. It is done by making the pattern on the printing machine.

Batik fabric is the fabric that has Batik pattern by attaching the lilin (paraffin). While the fabric that has Batik pattern is the fabric which patterned with Batik. But, it usually made by using textile printing machine.

In general, technology in making Batik exist in Indonesia. In Solo, the principal of making Batik based on “Resist Dyes Technique” (Teknik celup rintang), where the process begins by simple looping – dyeing, then it colored by using zatperintang (block substance). For the first time buburketan (glutinous rice) use as zatperintang (block substance), then the people found malam (wax) and use until now.

The pattern of Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia

The pattern of Batik is the structure of the arrangement which creates Batik in a whole surface of the fabric. Batik pattern contains two parts that are the ornaments of Batik pattern and isenof Batik pattern. The ornaments of Batik pattern arranged by the main ornament and filler ornament.

The pattern of Batik fabric nyanting pola at Batikdlidir

While, isen of Batik pattern are dots, lines, and the combination of both. Its function is to fill the ornaments from the pattern or the filler between those ornaments. There are many kinds of isen pattern and it still growing up, like cecek, cecekpitu, sisikmelik, ceceksawut, ceceksawudaun, sisikgringsing, galaran, rambutan, sirapan, cacahgori, and others.

Classification of Batik pattern fabric

There are two groups of Batik pattern fabric. That is Geometry and nongeometry. Geometry pattern is Batik pattern which the ornaments are the arrangement of geometry. The character is those patterns are easy to cut into a piece. It usually called “report”. It usually uses to make Batik Solo, especially Batik cap (stamp).

Classification of Batik pattern fabric

The nongeometry pattern is the patterns that do not have geometry form. It is included in these patterns: semen, buketan, terangbulan. Non geometry patterns arranged by plants ornaments, besides it also arrange from meru, Hayat tree, candi (temple), binatang (animal), burung (bird), garuda (eagle), and naga (eagle). It usually applies to making Batik Tulis Solo.

For information, you can whatsapp +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Batik fabric online at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric online is Batik that sells online. Now, there are a lot of traders who promote their product online like Facebook, Instagram, or another online store. By online system, the marketing of Batik fabric is wider. Previously, it just conducted in certain place or location. But, after using the online system, the sales reached the overseas.

Batik fabric online at Batikdlidir

The sellers want to get these advantages. Besides, the online shop is quite cheap. Because it doesn’t need to spend more fund to rent a place. However, it just needs an internet and an online shop account to promote the product. The traders only send the picture included the price tag on that.

In addition, to give the advantage to the seller, the online shop is profitable for the buyer. Because they do not need to come to the store. The buyer can make a transaction anywhere and the ordered will send to the house.

Batik becomes one of the products that sell online. The development of Batik is rapid. It drives the seller to sell their product online. One of the online stores that sell Batik is Batik Dlidir. We are one of Batik Tulis centers in Solo. Batikdlidir offer all of the types of Batik like Batik for fashion and Batik for accessories. We sell Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and Batik Printing ( Sarong ).

For ordered contact +6282265652222. We prefer to WhatsApp than a phone call.

Batik fabric gradient, tie dye or smoke technique

Batik fabric gradient looks from the choice of the color. It usually has more than one color. But the colors that presented are similar. Color is being the characteristic of this Batik. Moreover, if it is combined with an awesome pattern. It clearly gives an amazing look.

Batik fabric gradient, tie dye or smoke technique

The pattern that usually presented on this Batik is butterfly, fish, plant, flower, leaf, branch, and others. This Batik is more emphasizes on the color and the pattern, not the philosophy. It is different to traditional Batik. Because the beauty of the colors and the patterns are able to attract every single eye. This is the attractiveness of Batik gradient.

If you want to have it, you can buy at Batik Dlidir. We have many collections of Batik. If you want to see our collections, you can come to our office or at our website.

We have the cheapest price of Batik ever yet the quality of our Batik is the best. You will get many advantages if you shop at our store like the cheapest price, the best quality of Batik, a good packaging, no delay order, and the down payment is flexible.

Batik fabric extra wide at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric Extra Wide Sometimes is wanted goods by the batik lovers. The common batik has a length around 115 cm to 150 cm. But, on some occasion, some people ordered extra wide batik. Even, some of them need 300 cm.

Batik fabric extra wide at Batikdlidir

Actually, extra wide batik is needed to design extra size wardrobe. The big person needs this batik. According to this reason, some seller provided the extra wide batik. We (Batik dlidir) also provide it. We are one of the batik centers in Solo. Dlidir’s provide many kinds of batik, not only the motifs but also the size.

We have a standard size and extra size. We have all you need. You can just choose what you need here. Batikdlidir have provided all size according to the customers’ want. The lengthiest batik we have is around 10.000 meter. We could still give the extra wide batik although it didn’t have many variations.

Besides providing the extra wide batik. Batikdlidir have also many kinds of batik. Such as written batik, stamp batik, and printing batik. These batik are very cheap, you could purchase in our gallery. The cotton are not only cheap but also have good quality. You could compare with the others to find the good one.

Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia origin special to you

Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia origin at Batikdlidir. The source of Batik is uncertain. It is included in the first country that creates the pattern of Batik. But Batik is very identic to Indonesia. Moreover, after UNESCO declared that Batik is the heritage of Indonesia. In Indonesia, Batik is a fabric that has a picture or pattern. Batik already exist and being Indonesian culture since a long time ago. Some people said it already existed since the 17th century or formerly.

Batik fabric origin special to you
Motif parang

In the past, the existence of Batik in Indonesia is only a few. But, as the development of Batik, it spreads to several areas in Indonesia. Each region has its own name and character for their Batik. The deployment of Batik has reached to the overseas.

For the first time, the art of Batik is only done by the Java women. They make Batik as their daily livelihood. The skill of making Batik then become a tradition. Because it is only dropped by the family to the grandchild. From that appeared the character from pembatik family.

Now, we are pursuing this historical art. We are one of several centers of Batik handmade in Solo. We accepted an order from many countries in the world. The price of our Batik is very friendly. It is the cheapest price of Batik ever. We have Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and Batik Printing. So if you need Batik, you can buy at our store.

For more information and order contact +62 822 6565 2222.

Technique of making Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

Batikdlidir serves complete one. Complete means various batik motif suitable with the order or ready stock. For the order, you can make it as you want, like the motif and its size.

Technique of making Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

If it is classified into its technique of making, there are three ways. For the first with Tulis (drawn) technique. This technique still uses Canting and Malam as the main media.

For the second by the way of stamping. Stamp is usually made from the copper which is made suitable with the pattern or the motif wanted. The next is giving Malamon that stamp which is poured on the cotton fabric. A combination using stamp and tulis techniques produces the beauty of batik art.

For the third by handprint technique namely making screen. Then, giving the color suitable with wanted. All ways have the benefit itself.

1.0 Technique of making Batik fabric using screen or Handprint.

This making still includes into category handmade. The technique of Handprint uses screen for its motif. But its coloring is not emerged, only one side of fabric. For the price can be said as cheap, because it is for making easy only. It is usually used for the needs of school, office and company uniform.

Batik fabric using screen at Batikdlidir Tulis

For the material, we use special cotton. We use original cotton 100%. In Indonesia, there are two famous cottons. Namely, Prima and Primissima cotton. Here little knowledge about both of them.

Fabric construction is the part which arranges or yarn arrangement. Its contruction, there are vertical and horizontal. For Primissima usually uses construction 133 x 72, but Prima uses construction 90 x 70 for every fabric. You can choose suitable with the taste and the quality of wearing.

We make the bargain of two fabrics with two prices too. Not only can choose the fabric, but also the motif of Batik. Here the following price we offer:
1. Prima Batik fabric per meter with the motif suitable with the order US$ 1.50 per metre.
2. Primissima Batik fabric and the design pattern as you want. We give the price US$ 1.90 per metre. So both Batik above we send it to your location in the condition of the fabric which has be drawn motif batik. For the order or information can text or Whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We suggest using Whatsapp to make easy in coordination. Not only the picture of motif batik but also the sending/shipping to your location.

1.1 Technique of making Batik fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Warna”.

The technique of making Batik fabric using “PlangkanCabutWarna”. The way of making uses screen or the color maker (cabut). Cabut Warna uses synthetic color maker. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely synthetic and natural. Because using synthetic, so its making is relatively fast. There are many synthetic color which are available namely: indigosol, remasol and naptol.

Technique of making Batik fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Warna”

Cotton fabric which is used usually is Prima cotton 100%. For the better material such as Barkolin is very seldom. This is because for making the color clear and two surface sides are same (Tembus=emerged).

General motif on this technique is motif Pakem. Motif Pakem is dominated by the color of Sogan and Black. There are many motif Pakem in Middle Java area, especially in Solo and Jogja. This motif usually used in custom event such marriage.

The superiority of this way is two same sides. So, the color which adheres on the fabric is stronger. Not only superior on color, but also the price is cheap enough. And the time of making is fast relatively. For the price, we give the price tag the same as the handprint technique.

It is so simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Cabut. You can Whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

1.2 Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis”.

Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis” in Batikdlidir. The way of making uses screen, Malam, and Canting Tulis. This technique is the masterpiece of Solonese about tradition. Unite between economic and cultural value. The most of society is difficult to unite them.

Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis”

Tulis Kombinasi uses synthetic color. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely synthetic and natural. Because using synthetic, so it is fast relatively producing a Batik fabric product.

For the material, it is usually wears soft Prima cotton. In Solonese market is well – known as Prima Lampion. You can order the material such as Barkolin or Gamelan. Ready stock in our place mostly is soft Prima.

Because using Malam(the wax) on its process of making, fabric material is felt softer. Fabric construction which is touched / is not touched by Malam, it is sodifferent. Handling or handfeel takes sides on the fabric which is touched by Malam. The best invention from ancestor which is forgotten by us sometime.

We give the price US$ 17 / piece with size 240 cm x 115 cm.

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

1.3 The technique of making Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia uses Tulis Kombinasi.

The technique of making Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia uses Tulis Kombinasi at Batikdlidir. The way of making uses screen, malam, and canting tulis. This technique uses masterpiece of Solonese about tradition. Unite between economic value and culture. The most of society is difficult to unite them.

The technique of making Batik fabric uses Tulis Kombinasi

Tulis Kombinasi uses synthetic color. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely: synthetic and natura. Because of using synthetic, so it is relatively fast in producing a Batik fabric product.

For the material, it usually uses soft prima cotton. In solonese market, it is well known as Prima Lampion. You can order too the fabric such as barkolin or gamelan. Ready stock in our place is mostly soft prima.

Because using wax on its process of making, fabric material is felt softer. Fabric construction which is touched / is not touched by wax, it is so different. Handling or handfeel takes sides on the fabric which is touched by Malam. The best invention from ancestor which is forgotten by us sometime.

This method is stamp combination, screen, tolet and Tulis Canting. For the wax is same too, joining hot and cold wax. So all Batik handmade exists in this technique completely.

There are two prices in technique of this KombinasiTulis. We give the price US$ 18 / piece for ready stock. But for the motif as you order US$ 14,50 / piece (size L x W = 240 cm x 115 cm).

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

1.4 The technique of making fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Tolet”.

The technique of making Batik fabric “plangkan cabut tolet” in Batikdlidir. The process of its production uses plangkan(screen), cabut warna and tolet. This technique is the one of discovery of local batik craftman.

making fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Tolet” at Batikdlidir Indonesia

The result from this method is mostly Sogan color which is combined with light color. In Solo and Jogja market, the trader calls it Batik Wonogiren. For the color itself consistsof two same sides.

For the material, it is usually using soft prima cotton. Soft Prima consists of 100% original cotton. You can order the material not only Prima but also Primis. As the information only, ready stock in our place is mostly soft Prima.

There are two prices in technique of this CabutTolet. We give the price 2.50/meter for ready stock material. But for the motif as you want is US$ 1,80 per metre.

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

2.0 Technique of making Batik fabric using Cap or Stamp


Cap technique is giving Malam on GARAN then is stamped on the fabric. So, the fabric can emerge and can be gradation. Its price can be said still cheap by the society. This technique still includes in handmade and traditional.

Technique of making Batik fabric using Cap or Stamp pelangi

Unfortunately, the use of Cap technique is much be used for the needs of export. Whereas, if we see the history, Batik Cap (stamp) has good value of history. The history in struggling its existence. For that, we suggest and make effort to socialize cap technique. We do with the hope, it can be enjoyed by the society. Traditional art which is unfortunately to be left.

For the color, stamp technique has value itself. You can get solid color. The other, it can make gradation color. International people call it as tie dye technique.

3.0 The technique of making Batik fabric using Canting or Tulis


Canting technique is the masterpiece from Batik. An art, tradition and technique which must be preserved. This technique has rooted strongly in Indonesia, especially Solo city, Pekalongan, and Jogja. Batik Tulis is its making is special for drawing the wax on fabric. The tools which is used namely Canting, Malam (the wax), fabric and Malam heater (small stove).

The technique of making Batik fabric using Canting or Tulis traditional

It is usually for the direction of company or upper class community. This is not without the reason, because the price is expensive relatively. Why it can be expensive? The process of making needs two weeks until two months. That time produces only one piece of Batik Tulis. That’s what make it expensive.

Here the following steps and its price level:
1. Ukel technique. Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed.

2. Granite techniques. Granit is the technique of giving malam(the wax) with the method of the dot outside the pattern Ifyg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience.

3. Buh Technique. That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal. The process of its making we show to you in the form of video and picture.

2.1 Technique of making Batik fabric using Tie Dye stamp


Technique of making Batik fabric uses Tie Dye stamp in Batik Dlidir. Stamp technique is giving Malamon GARAN then is stamped on the fabric. Malam or the wax has function to cover and limit when the process of Tie Dye is working. So, the fabric can emerge and can be gradation. Its price can be said still cheap by the society. This technique still includes in handmade and Gradation.

making Batik fabric using Tie Dye stamp at Batikdlidir

For the price can be said as cheap price if it is compared with Tulis technique. Tie Dye stamp technique is for the most export needs. The combination of gradation with modern color is very wanted by American and European people. Although there is small scale of Indonesian people which wears this Tie Dye stamp. Whereas, the producer of this original technique is archipelago people.

For Tie Dye stamp technique, is still impressed traditionally and uniquely. Because not only using malam, its coloring can be more various. Its price can be said as cheap price for making batik quilting.

1. Prima Batik fabric per meter with the motif ordered US $ 1.80 per yard.
2. Every meter uses Primissima cotton we give the price US $ 2.50 per yard.

For the color, stamp technique has value itself. You can get solid color. The other, it can make gradation color. International people call it as tie dye technique.

For the detail, you can Whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir. 24 hours service nonstop for ordering batik tie dye. As our dedication in Batik.

We give the price US $ 2.90 per yard for ready stock. But for the motif as you want is US $ 2.20 per yard.

2.3 Technique of making Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia using stamp double

Technique of making Batik fabric Aceh Indonesia using stamp double ( Cuwiri ) At Batikdlidir. The cuwiri batik cloth in Batikdlidir is made using the stamp. Cuwiri batik is a batik motif that uses natural soga dyeing. Usually this batik is used for semekan and kemben.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double

The making of cuwiri motifs uses two stam that are paired ( stamped ). Stamp or garan cap is 2 copper which usually measures 20 cm x 20 cm, with the function of filling each other. Usually the Javanese call it the terms plus and minus.

Once upon a time, the coloring that filled this motif was identical to the color of natural soga. With increasing years, innovation continues to be developed by craftsmen. So that the sogan color is still maintained, combined with modern colors.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir

In batikdlidir using remasol synthetic coloring. While the basic color technique is identical to smoke or gradation. The following picture:

The cotton material used is premium quality primis. Primis fabric construction is generally 133 x 72 with a thickness of 50 s yarn. So as to produce special batik products. Plus laying the wax, making translucent colors or two sides of the same fabric. As a result the handling or hand feel is smooth and impressed when you see it.

Cuwiri is identical to the sogan color line, both dark brown and young. The color in the motif consists of 5 different colors. And this is most of what we meet, with the Soga line as its true identity.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir sogan

You can get cuwiri batik at a price of US$ 4.50 per meter. With minimum order is 10 pieces. Each piece has a size of 2 meters.

More details or just information about, whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir. Thank you.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir sogan ungu

Batik fabric Solo Indonesia

Batik fabric Solo Indonesia culture to worldwide. With prices starting at US $ 1.40 per yard, you can get original Handmade. We ( Batik Dlidir ) is a batik company located in solo city, indonesia. A city closely associated with culture. The city that witnessed the birth of a tradition that until now still sustainable, Batik.

Batik fabric is a pictorial fabric that is specially made by writing or putting ‘ malam ‘ ( wax ) on the fabric. Batik Indonesia, as a whole of technology, related motive and cultural development. This is a craft that has high artistic value. Besides that has been a part of Javanese culture for a long time.

Batik fabric Solo Indonesia culture to worldwide tie dye
Batik cap ( stamp ) And Tie dye,

We provide original Batik fabric for all people of the world with the best quality. Complete, either with ” tulis ” ( Drawing ) technique or using ” cap ” ( Stamp ). In addition, the price is also affordable because we are Batik fabric manufacturers .

Batik fabric Solo Indonesia culture to worldwide
Batik Tulis ( Drawing with canting )

for more information or order, you can whatsapp to:

+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

The service and information 24 hours nonstop. This we do as our dedication in this job.

Over time, kain batik has a very broad meaning. Today batik in everyday life is a work of art that manifests culture. Not stop there, but also can give benefits to the general public ( the meaning of “dlidir” ). Batik can be interpreted high-level art of a solo civilization and its surroundings.

For us, batik does not just draw on fabric. Then put on “malam”, give motif, sell it or UNESCO recognition. But this is a comprehensive series of all thoughts, manpower and long history synergized in producing the best and original works to be enjoyed together. Good for the solo community in particular and also the people of the World in general.

Batik fabric Solo Indonesia at Batikdlidir

We name our certainly quality product as Batikdlidir. What is Dlidir? In Javanese dlidlir means mengalir (flowing). Therefore, from that name, dlidir, we hope that our product will be salable like the flow of the water. This name is also our prayer. So, it is not only name, but it has strong character in further advance.

Batik fabric at Batikdlidir sale

As time goes by, Batik has generous meaning for us. Nowadays batik in daily is an art which manifests culture. Batik also give a value to public (read: dlidir). Batik means the high-level of art in Solo and round.

Processing batik is not only draw in the fabric, but it also a comprehensive sequences. The sequences of mind, energy, and a long story. All of the synergized process while making an artistic work. So, all of the people enjoy it.

We sell Batik in three categories. This category based on Batik techniques making. Here the explanation:
1. Written Batik (batik tulis). It made by using canting or written (tulis) technique. It usually use for special affair.
2. Copper plate stamp Batik (batik cap). It made by using copper stamp (cap). This technique has solid color, or it is well-known as tie dye technique.
3. Handprint Batik. This is a technique that use screen media to make pattern in the fabric. The examples of this technique is in making clothing and sarong (sarung).

For further information and order. :
Mr Mudzakir.
+62 822 6565 2222
(Available on WhatsApp).

Batik fabric Solo Indonesia for quilting at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method. You can get a Batik fabric price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin or barcolin. This materials is cotton 100 percent.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.
Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method

Batik fabric quilts for jelly rolls

By the existing of these boutiques, so it will easier Batik lovers while hunting Batik fabric Solo Indonesia quilt. Surely it has many choices. As we know that it has more colors and patterns. Of course, the product is better. That is what the artisan expected. Producing beautiful Batik art. Because later, it is not only used for fashion needs but also to make accessories.

Processing making Batik fabric Solo Indonesia at batik dlidir

Generally, it also uses for house internal decoration. Such as tablecloth decoration, living room, bedroom, the lounge, family room, and others. The manual way usually applied while creating a quilt Batik fabric. This is the best way to make a decoration. It also makes the price of this art higher.

We provide many types of Batik quilt. For each pack will have many kinds interesting patterns. A piece of Batik quilt can be recycled into an attractive art. Up to now, we often send Batik quilt to many countries in the world. One of them is the United Kingdom. In addition to Batik quilt, you can also order another Batik fabric.

You can get a Batik fabric Solo Indonesia quilts price of US $ 2.50 per yard at Batikdlidir.

You can get a Batik fabric quilts price of US $ 2.50 per yard at Batikdlidir.

You can contact us via whatsapp for ordering : +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric sale with low price

Batik fabric sale with low price and original handmade. BatikDlidir selling batik from solo city to all over the world. It is easy for us to make low prices, because it is located in batik producers.

Batik fabric sale with low price Batikdlidir 1

The first, Cap technique ( Stamp ) with the original handmade from Indonesian. With a starting price of US $ 2.50 / yard, you can get quality and handmade Batik fabric. Indonesian Batik fabric at a cheap price with quality ” wong solo “. Solo batik history can not be separated from the influence of the palace. Cap technique covers tie dye, smoke or color gradation.

Batik fabric sale with low price canting tulis 1

Next technique ” canting ” ( Draw, art or tulis ). This is the real batik, a long achievement of wong solo culture. Not just cloth, but a long history of witnesses of world-renowned artwork. If some countries have a stunning relic, then the solo city (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property depicted or expressed in a cloth. We sell it with prices ranging from US $ 200 per piece to US $ 300 per piece. Or you can order it with your favorite patterns.

The process of making time and difficulty determine the price of a Batik fabric Solo Indonesia. Here’s the price list.

1. Ukel technique, we sell it between US $ 100 per piece until US $ 300 per piece.
2. Granit technique, US $ 80 per piece – US $ 150 per piece.
3. Buh technique, US $ 60 per piece – US $ 80 per piece.

You can contact us via whatsapp for ordering : +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

100 cotton Batik fabric the best quality

We use 100 cotton Batik fabric quality choice. Maybe you ask, what is the real cotton ?. Before entering the problem of cotton, it would be better to know about cotton base material ie cotton.

Cotton is a fine fiber that envelops the seeds of several species of Gossypium (commonly called “trees” or cotton plants), ‘bush’ plants originating from the tropics and subtropics. Cotton fiber becomes an important material in the textile industry. The fiber can be spun into yarn and woven into cloth. Textile products of cotton fibers commonly referred to as cotton (yarn or cloth).

Why do we count on 100 percent cotton ?. In accordance with our experience, in addition to absorbing sweat is also not hot. So when you wear it so comfortably.

There are many types of 100 percent cotton in Indonesia. Construction of the yarn that distinguishes between types of one another. In addition, there is also seen from the thickness of the threads of cotton fabric.

For stamp technique, we use the construction of yarn 133 x 72, thickness 40 s. This type of cotton has a quality in the middle – middle. It has been export standard and proven to date.

100 cotton Batik fabric the best quality tie dye 1

As for canting or ‘tulis’ techniques we rely on cotton primissima gamelan construction 114 x 96, thickness 50 s. Cotton premium grade produced from our Country, Indonesia.

The choice of cotton This is just a habit of us, you can order the fabric as you wish. Batikdlidir serve quickly and appropriately for all your Batik fabric business.

For info or order 100 cotton Batik fabric can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric manufacturers from solo, Indonesia

Batik fabric Solo Indonesia manufacturers from Indonesia for All around the world. Batikdlidir is a manufacturer of complete batik cloth start, stamp until handprint. We produce it all with human hands ( Handmade ), not machines. What distinguishes between stamp or tulis with handprint is the formation of patterns and the use of the malam. As for the same work that is using human power.

Batik fabric manufacturers from solo, Indonesia

The benefits you get from making Batik fabric in our place, among others:

1. The price of cotton fabric is cheaper with the best quality, because we are in the center location of cotton factory. So the price of batik cloth produced is also cheap ( low price ).

2. Motives are more maintained quality, It has been tested with the use of many years of our customers. In addition, you can choose the motif according to your taste.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo society and jogja have become daily struggling in the field of ‘Batik’.

4. Easy on payment. For reservations we charge Down payment 50% of total production financing. So as to create a relationship of trust between the two sides.

5. Many choices of batik pattern that we provide with the video, if you do not determine their own motives. There are two types of motifs and colors we provide. So you can specify your own directions that you want to order.

For info or reservations, You can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Batik sarong wholesale.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir

Maybe you ask, What is a handmade Batik fabric Solo Indonesia ?. Handmade Batik is a batik made by human hands by passing through both time and energy process. For us, handmade is divided into 2 namely cap technique and tulis technique. However, for the solo society in particular consider handmade only refers to the technique canting (‘tulis’).

We produce original handmade products. When making it with canting, Batikdlidir always say “tulis”. Similarly, with the stamp, We will say the stamp ( cap ) technique. This is very important, because appreciating the process is the main goal for us.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir 22 smoke

For continental america, europe and australian used batik cap. This corresponds to the color of the skin that likes the color gradation, modern and colorful. You can order to us according to your desired motif. Here are the details:

1. Batik cap stamp, tie dye, or smoke: US $ 2.50 / yard.
2. Minimum order 500 yard.
3. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn.

Where to buy batik?, you can contact us via whatsapp +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Handmade Batik fabric in Batikdlidir with tulis canting

As for our batik tulis take a price US$ 60 per piece to US$ 300 per piece. By using cotton rags. Duration of work 1 week to 2 months depending on the level of complexity. Every stage of the making process we overview for you.

Batik tulis is a traditional product from us, the people of Indonesia. Products formed by long process. Cultural results created from the Java community to be enjoyed by the entire world community.

Traditional Batik fabric the best quality

Traditional Batik fabric Solo Indonesia is synonymous with ‘pakem’ writing technique. For traditional events such as weddings, ordinary people of Java use batik motif ‘pakem’. There are many motifs ‘grip’ ( Pakem ) that remain sustainable until the time of this writing is made. Here are just a few of the many traditional batik fabrics:

1. Sidomukti, used bride. Sido means continuous and mukti means to live well.

Traditional Batik fabric the best quality truntum

2. Truntum, guide. The meaning of parents led the bride into new life. Usually in the form of sarimbit or paired between both parents.

3. Satria Manah, worn by the groom’s guardian when wandering. With hope hopefully the man’s proposal can be received well by the woman. An intelligent meaning that became a habit of wong solo.

4. Cement Rante, used brides guardian when receiving applications.

5. Ceplok Kasatriyan, used as a cloth for ceremonial bridal ceremony. The wearer to look dashing and has a knight nature.

6. Grompol ornament, worn at a wedding ceremony. Grompol means gathering or united. The expectation of the gathering of all things as good as living in harmony.

7. Semen Gendong is worn by the bride and groom after the wedding ceremony in the hope that she can hold baby soon.

You can order to us various motifs above. Good with the easiest making techniques, to the most difficult. Similarly, the fabric, you can choose as needed.

To order whatsapp at +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Wax Batik fabric using canting technique

Wax Batik fabric Solo Indonesia using canting techniques ( Tulis ) according to your order. The Wax has characteristics like candles. Could be so because “Malam” is a type of wax that is more specific. The specificity is commonly used by the people of Java to make batik.

Wax Batik fabric using canting technique at Batikdlidir indonesia

In addition to wax ( Malam ), the main media of batik is canting. It’s been everyday wong jawa from the past until now with canting. Canting is made of copper with a small hole for ‘malam’ out.

There are 3 canting techniques that are so familiar in solo society.

1. Technique ukel.

Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed. This technique is also included to create gringsing patterns and such as mosquito repellent. For this technique enter the hardest category price range US $ 200 per pcs, size 240 cm x 105 cm .

2. Granite techniques.

Granit is the technique of night casting with the method of the dot outside the pattern If yg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience. For this technique the price range US $ 100 per pcs.

3. Buh Technique.
That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal.

For information and ordering batik, You can whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.
The best Handmade batik.


The benefits you get from making batik cloth in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton cloth is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory.

2. Motives are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of Batik fabric. For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.


For info or reservations can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric from indonesia with handprint technique for sarong

Batik fabricS WITH HANDPRINT TECHNIQUE. This technique usually for batik sarong wholesale. We use fabric from original cotton. In Indonesia, there are two famous cotton. Namely, prima cotton and primissima. Here’s a little science about this cotton.


The fabric construction is the part that composes or arranges the yarn. The construction is vertical and horizontal. For the usual primissima use 133 x 72 construction, while prima uses 90 x 70 construction in each fabric. You can choose according to taste and quality of usage.

We make a second offer of the fabric with two prices as well. In addition to the choice of fabric, batik motif you can choose. Here’s the price we offer.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.60 / yard.
2. Primisima Batik fabrics and design patterns of your wishes. We charge US $ 1.90 / yard.

So the two Batik fabric above, we send it to your locationin a state of fabric that already handprintedas ordered.

For reservations or information can text or whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We recommend using whatsapp to make it easier to communication forsending picture or video of motives batik or the processing the work of your order.

Batik fabric Solo Indonesia with original stamp ( copper )

Batik fabric wholesale in shape are still fabric with traditional stamp technique. This technique also for batik bali.


Fortunately, the use of stamp technique is widely used for export purposes. And when looking back on history, stamp batik has a neat history. History in the fight for its existence. For that we suggest and try to socialize stamp techniquelocaly while we try to get vast. We do with the hope that the citizens can enjoy. The traditional work that is sad to be left behind.

For the stamp technique, it still seems traditional and unique. Because in addition to using the wax, coloring can be more varied. The price fairly affordable to be made batik cloth.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.99 / yard.
2. Each meter of cotton primisima ourtagprice is US $ 2.50 / yard.

For color, cap technique has its own value. You will get a solid color. In addition, it can also make your own the color gradation (colour ways/design). Foreign people call it with tie dye smoke technique.

For details can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir. 24 hours nonstop serving order batik uniform. As our dedication in the field of batik.

The technique in making Batik fabric by using Canting or Tulis

The technique of Canting is a masterpiece of Batik fabric. An art, tradition, and technique that must be kept. This technique already existed in Indonesia, especially in Solo, Pekalongan, and Jogja. The making process of Batik Tulis is different. It made by using canting to draw the pattern. The tools that used while making Batik are canting, malam (wax), fabric and malam (wax) heater (small stove).

The technique in making Batik fabric by using Canting or Tulis at Batikdlidir

It usually presented to the director of the company and the upper class. It is because the price is expensive. Why could it be? The making process of it takes time around 2 weeks until 2 months. On that time, the maker only can produce one piece of Batik Tulis. That is the reason why it is very expensive.
Those are the steps and the range of the price:.

1. Ukel.

That is the technique of drawing semicircle on the fabric. This technique also used to make gringsing and obatnyamuk pattern. This is the complex one.

2. Granit.

It is a technique by drawing dots outside of the pattern. While within the pattern named pasiran. This technique is also difficult because the different base is from the canting.

The smaller canting, it will need the higher tidiness and patient. The price depends on the fabric and the detail. It takes time 2 weeks.

3. Buh.

This is a technique by drawing Batik fully or equally. It includes on the inside also the tumpal. We showed you the process by the video and picture.

4. Galar.

5. Genes.

For further information and order, please contact the number below!.
The owner of Batik Dlidir.
Mr. Mudzakir

The developing of Batik fabric

The fabric of Batik is identified as Nusantara’s (Indonesia) fabric. Nowadays, those fabrics are developed into the modern industry. The effect of this choice is Batik must be up to date. The developing of Batik year by year finally will show their life in fashion industries.

The developing of Batik fabric owner Batikdlidir

The first appearance of Batik shaded by the symbols of Palace. In that day, Batik only wears by the people among the Palace. But as the time went by, Batik becomes a selling product widely. Now, Batik has been grown up. It wears in daily too. The appearance of apparels with Batik pattern has risen. The sellers of Batik are also increased.

In its advance, the effort to make Nusantara’s fabric to complete the present necessary takes various form. It is not only how to enrich the ornament or replace the cotton with silk, but also the condition of the fabric, especially when those fabrics made into the fashion. There are other considerations in order to keep the quality of the fabric.

Batik has become the new fashion in the society. Even so, Batik is not only a fashion, it can be used as other ornaments, like a pillow case, curtain, and bed cover. This is a good beginning to keep the culture of Batik. It begins with loving, having (andarbeni), and keeping.

The technique of Batik fabric in Solo

The meaning of making the process of Batik is the processes of creating Batik that begins from the preparation until it is done. It is included in the preparation of mori fabric until it is ready to draw. The steps are nggirah/ ngetel (washing), nganji (starch), and ngemplong(ironing).

The technique of Batik fabric in Solo at Batikdlidir

While the process of making Batik include the reality of creating Batik. It begins by sticking the lilin (paraffin) to create the pattern, the coloring process (celup (dye), colet, lukis (painting), and printing). The last step is removing the remaining wax from the fabric (SewanSoesanto, 1974).

To create the pattern of Batik fabric Solo Indonesia, it can be done by using canting to draw. Another pattern that using copper stamp called Batik Cap (stamp). And the last is Batik Printing. It is done by making the pattern on the printing machine.

Batik fabric is the fabric that has Batik pattern by attaching the lilin (paraffin). While the fabric that has Batik pattern is the fabric which patterned with Batik. But, it usually made by using textile printing machine.

In general, technology in making Batik exist in Indonesia. In Solo, the principal of making Batik based on “Resist Dyes Technique” (Teknik celup rintang), where the process begins by simple looping – dyeing, then it colored by using zatperintang (block substance). For the first time buburketan (glutinous rice) use as zatperintang (block substance), then the people found malam (wax) and use until now.

The pattern of Batik fabric Solo Indonesia

The pattern of Batik is the structure of the arrangement which creates Batik in a whole surface of the fabric. Batik pattern contains two parts that are the ornaments of Batik pattern and isenof Batik pattern. The ornaments of Batik pattern arranged by the main ornament and filler ornament.

The pattern of Batik fabric nyanting pola at Batikdlidir

While, isen of Batik pattern are dots, lines, and the combination of both. Its function is to fill the ornaments from the pattern or the filler between those ornaments. There are many kinds of isen pattern and it still growing up, like cecek, cecekpitu, sisikmelik, ceceksawut, ceceksawudaun, sisikgringsing, galaran, rambutan, sirapan, cacahgori, and others.

Classification of Batik pattern fabric

There are two groups of Batik pattern fabric. That is Geometry and nongeometry. Geometry pattern is Batik pattern which the ornaments are the arrangement of geometry. The character is those patterns are easy to cut into a piece. It usually called “report”. It usually uses to make Batik Solo, especially Batik cap (stamp).

Classification of Batik pattern fabric

The nongeometry pattern is the patterns that do not have geometry form. It is included in these patterns: semen, buketan, terangbulan. Non geometry patterns arranged by plants ornaments, besides it also arrange from meru, Hayat tree, candi (temple), binatang (animal), burung (bird), garuda (eagle), and naga (eagle). It usually applies to making Batik Tulis Solo.

For information, you can whatsapp +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.

Batik fabric online at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric online is Batik that sells online. Now, there are a lot of traders who promote their product online like Facebook, Instagram, or another online store. By online system, the marketing of Batik fabric is wider. Previously, it just conducted in certain place or location. But, after using the online system, the sales reached the overseas.

Batik fabric online at Batikdlidir

The sellers want to get these advantages. Besides, the online shop is quite cheap. Because it doesn’t need to spend more fund to rent a place. However, it just needs an internet and an online shop account to promote the product. The traders only send the picture included the price tag on that.

In addition, to give the advantage to the seller, the online shop is profitable for the buyer. Because they do not need to come to the store. The buyer can make a transaction anywhere and the ordered will send to the house.

Batik becomes one of the products that sell online. The development of Batik is rapid. It drives the seller to sell their product online. One of the online stores that sell Batik is Batik Dlidir. We are one of Batik Tulis centers in Solo. Batikdlidir offer all of the types of Batik like Batik for fashion and Batik for accessories. We sell Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and Batik Printing ( Sarong ).

For ordered contact +6282265652222. We prefer to WhatsApp than a phone call.

Batik fabric gradient, tie dye or smoke technique

Batik fabric gradient looks from the choice of the color. It usually has more than one color. But the colors that presented are similar. Color is being the characteristic of this Batik. Moreover, if it is combined with an awesome pattern. It clearly gives an amazing look.

Batik fabric gradient, tie dye or smoke technique

The pattern that usually presented on this Batik is butterfly, fish, plant, flower, leaf, branch, and others. This Batik is more emphasizes on the color and the pattern, not the philosophy. It is different to traditional Batik. Because the beauty of the colors and the patterns are able to attract every single eye. This is the attractiveness of Batik gradient.

If you want to have it, you can buy at Batik Dlidir. We have many collections of Batik. If you want to see our collections, you can come to our office or at our website.

We have the cheapest price of Batik ever yet the quality of our Batik is the best. You will get many advantages if you shop at our store like the cheapest price, the best quality of Batik, a good packaging, no delay order, and the down payment is flexible.

Batik fabric extra wide at Batikdlidir

Batik fabric Extra Wide Sometimes is wanted goods by the batik lovers. The common batik has a length around 115 cm to 150 cm. But, on some occasion, some people ordered extra wide batik. Even, some of them need 300 cm.

Batik fabric extra wide at Batikdlidir

Actually, extra wide batik is needed to design extra size wardrobe. The big person needs this batik. According to this reason, some seller provided the extra wide batik. We (Batik dlidir) also provide it. We are one of the batik centers in Solo. Dlidir’s provide many kinds of batik, not only the motifs but also the size.

We have a standard size and extra size. We have all you need. You can just choose what you need here. Batikdlidir have provided all size according to the customers’ want. The lengthiest batik we have is around 10.000 meter. We could still give the extra wide batik although it didn’t have many variations.

Besides providing the extra wide batik. Batikdlidir have also many kinds of batik. Such as written batik, stamp batik, and printing batik. These batik are very cheap, you could purchase in our gallery. The cotton are not only cheap but also have good quality. You could compare with the others to find the good one.

Batik fabric Solo Indonesia origin special to you

Batik fabric Solo Indonesia origin at Batikdlidir. The source of Batik is uncertain. It is included in the first country that creates the pattern of Batik. But Batik is very identic to Indonesia. Moreover, after UNESCO declared that Batik is the heritage of Indonesia. In Indonesia, Batik is a fabric that has a picture or pattern. Batik already exist and being Indonesian culture since a long time ago. Some people said it already existed since the 17th century or formerly.

Batik fabric origin special to you
Motif parang

In the past, the existence of Batik in Indonesia is only a few. But, as the development of Batik, it spreads to several areas in Indonesia. Each region has its own name and character for their Batik. The deployment of Batik has reached to the overseas.

For the first time, the art of Batik is only done by the Java women. They make Batik as their daily livelihood. The skill of making Batik then become a tradition. Because it is only dropped by the family to the grandchild. From that appeared the character from pembatik family.

Now, we are pursuing this historical art. We are one of several centers of Batik handmade in Solo. We accepted an order from many countries in the world. The price of our Batik is very friendly. It is the cheapest price of Batik ever. We have Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and Batik Printing. So if you need Batik, you can buy at our store.

For more information and order contact +62 822 6565 2222.

Technique of making Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

Batikdlidir serves complete one. Complete means various batik motif suitable with the order or ready stock. For the order, you can make it as you want, like the motif and its size.

Technique of making Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

If it is classified into its technique of making, there are three ways. For the first with Tulis (drawn) technique. This technique still uses Canting and Malam as the main media.

For the second by the way of stamping. Stamp is usually made from the copper which is made suitable with the pattern or the motif wanted. The next is giving Malamon that stamp which is poured on the cotton fabric. A combination using stamp and tulis techniques produces the beauty of batik art.

For the third by handprint technique namely making screen. Then, giving the color suitable with wanted. All ways have the benefit itself.

1.0 Technique of making Batik fabric using screen or Handprint.

This making still includes into category handmade. The technique of Handprint uses screen for its motif. But its coloring is not emerged, only one side of fabric. For the price can be said as cheap, because it is for making easy only. It is usually used for the needs of school, office and company uniform.

Batik fabric using screen at Batikdlidir Tulis

For the material, we use special cotton. We use original cotton 100%. In Indonesia, there are two famous cottons. Namely, Prima and Primissima cotton. Here little knowledge about both of them.

Fabric construction is the part which arranges or yarn arrangement. Its contruction, there are vertical and horizontal. For Primissima usually uses construction 133 x 72, but Prima uses construction 90 x 70 for every fabric. You can choose suitable with the taste and the quality of wearing.

We make the bargain of two fabrics with two prices too. Not only can choose the fabric, but also the motif of Batik. Here the following price we offer:
1. Prima Batik fabric per meter with the motif suitable with the order US$ 1.50 per metre.
2. Primissima Batik fabric and the design pattern as you want. We give the price US$ 1.90 per metre. So both Batik above we send it to your location in the condition of the fabric which has be drawn motif batik. For the order or information can text or Whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We suggest using Whatsapp to make easy in coordination. Not only the picture of motif batik but also the sending/shipping to your location.

1.1 Technique of making Batik fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Warna”.

The technique of making Batik fabric using “PlangkanCabutWarna”. The way of making uses screen or the color maker (cabut). Cabut Warna uses synthetic color maker. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely synthetic and natural. Because using synthetic, so its making is relatively fast. There are many synthetic color which are available namely: indigosol, remasol and naptol.

Technique of making Batik fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Warna”

Cotton fabric which is used usually is Prima cotton 100%. For the better material such as Barkolin is very seldom. This is because for making the color clear and two surface sides are same (Tembus=emerged).

General motif on this technique is motif Pakem. Motif Pakem is dominated by the color of Sogan and Black. There are many motif Pakem in Middle Java area, especially in Solo and Jogja. This motif usually used in custom event such marriage.

The superiority of this way is two same sides. So, the color which adheres on the fabric is stronger. Not only superior on color, but also the price is cheap enough. And the time of making is fast relatively. For the price, we give the price tag the same as the handprint technique.

It is so simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Cabut. You can Whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

1.2 Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis”.

Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis” in Batikdlidir. The way of making uses screen, Malam, and Canting Tulis. This technique is the masterpiece of Solonese about tradition. Unite between economic and cultural value. The most of society is difficult to unite them.

Technique of making Batik fabric with “Cabut Kombinasi Tulis”

Tulis Kombinasi uses synthetic color. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely synthetic and natural. Because using synthetic, so it is fast relatively producing a Batik fabric product.

For the material, it is usually wears soft Prima cotton. In Solonese market is well – known as Prima Lampion. You can order the material such as Barkolin or Gamelan. Ready stock in our place mostly is soft Prima.

Because using Malam(the wax) on its process of making, fabric material is felt softer. Fabric construction which is touched / is not touched by Malam, it is sodifferent. Handling or handfeel takes sides on the fabric which is touched by Malam. The best invention from ancestor which is forgotten by us sometime.

We give the price US$ 17 / piece with size 240 cm x 115 cm.

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

1.3 The technique of making Batik fabric Solo Indonesia uses Tulis Kombinasi.

The technique of making Batik fabric Solo Indonesia uses Tulis Kombinasi at Batikdlidir. The way of making uses screen, malam, and canting tulis. This technique uses masterpiece of Solonese about tradition. Unite between economic value and culture. The most of society is difficult to unite them.

The technique of making Batik fabric uses Tulis Kombinasi

Tulis Kombinasi uses synthetic color. The coloring in making Batik, there are two namely: synthetic and natura. Because of using synthetic, so it is relatively fast in producing a Batik fabric product.

For the material, it usually uses soft prima cotton. In solonese market, it is well known as Prima Lampion. You can order too the fabric such as barkolin or gamelan. Ready stock in our place is mostly soft prima.

Because using wax on its process of making, fabric material is felt softer. Fabric construction which is touched / is not touched by wax, it is so different. Handling or handfeel takes sides on the fabric which is touched by Malam. The best invention from ancestor which is forgotten by us sometime.

This method is stamp combination, screen, tolet and Tulis Canting. For the wax is same too, joining hot and cold wax. So all Batik handmade exists in this technique completely.

There are two prices in technique of this KombinasiTulis. We give the price US$ 18 / piece for ready stock. But for the motif as you order US$ 14,50 / piece (size L x W = 240 cm x 115 cm).

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

1.4 The technique of making fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Tolet”.

The technique of making Batik fabric “plangkan cabut tolet” in Batikdlidir. The process of its production uses plangkan(screen), cabut warna and tolet. This technique is the one of discovery of local batik craftman.

making fabric using “Plangkan Cabut Tolet” at Batikdlidir Indonesia

The result from this method is mostly Sogan color which is combined with light color. In Solo and Jogja market, the trader calls it Batik Wonogiren. For the color itself consistsof two same sides.

For the material, it is usually using soft prima cotton. Soft Prima consists of 100% original cotton. You can order the material not only Prima but also Primis. As the information only, ready stock in our place is mostly soft Prima.

There are two prices in technique of this CabutTolet. We give the price 2.50/meter for ready stock material. But for the motif as you want is US$ 1,80 per metre.

This is very simple for buying ready stock or order Batik Kombinasi (combination). You can Whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 MrMudzakir.

2.0 Technique of making Batik fabric using Cap or Stamp


Cap technique is giving Malam on GARAN then is stamped on the fabric. So, the fabric can emerge and can be gradation. Its price can be said still cheap by the society. This technique still includes in handmade and traditional.

Technique of making Batik fabric using Cap or Stamp pelangi

Unfortunately, the use of Cap technique is much be used for the needs of export. Whereas, if we see the history, Batik Cap (stamp) has good value of history. The history in struggling its existence. For that, we suggest and make effort to socialize cap technique. We do with the hope, it can be enjoyed by the society. Traditional art which is unfortunately to be left.

For the color, stamp technique has value itself. You can get solid color. The other, it can make gradation color. International people call it as tie dye technique.

3.0 The technique of making Batik fabric using Canting or Tulis


Canting technique is the masterpiece from Batik. An art, tradition and technique which must be preserved. This technique has rooted strongly in Indonesia, especially Solo city, Pekalongan, and Jogja. Batik Tulis is its making is special for drawing the wax on fabric. The tools which is used namely Canting, Malam (the wax), fabric and Malam heater (small stove).

The technique of making Batik fabric using Canting or Tulis traditional

It is usually for the direction of company or upper class community. This is not without the reason, because the price is expensive relatively. Why it can be expensive? The process of making needs two weeks until two months. That time produces only one piece of Batik Tulis. That’s what make it expensive.

Here the following steps and its price level:
1. Ukel technique. Namely canting night semicircle technique. Or like a semi-circular worm with the base giving a wall to cause the above color. This is done repeatedly so that the color is clear and evenly distributed.

2. Granite techniques. Granit is the technique of giving malam(the wax) with the method of the dot outside the pattern Ifyg in the pattern named pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because of the basis of diffusion from the side of the small canting. The smaller the canting will require a high level of tidiness and patience.

3. Buh Technique. That is the technique of wax casting evenly in the main pattern and in the tumpal. The process of its making we show to you in the form of video and picture.

2.1 Technique of making Batik fabric using Tie Dye stamp


Technique of making Batik fabric uses Tie Dye stamp in Batik Dlidir. Stamp technique is giving Malamon GARAN then is stamped on the fabric. Malam or the wax has function to cover and limit when the process of Tie Dye is working. So, the fabric can emerge and can be gradation. Its price can be said still cheap by the society. This technique still includes in handmade and Gradation.

making Batik fabric using Tie Dye stamp at Batikdlidir

For the price can be said as cheap price if it is compared with Tulis technique. Tie Dye stamp technique is for the most export needs. The combination of gradation with modern color is very wanted by American and European people. Although there is small scale of Indonesian people which wears this Tie Dye stamp. Whereas, the producer of this original technique is archipelago people.

For Tie Dye stamp technique, is still impressed traditionally and uniquely. Because not only using malam, its coloring can be more various. Its price can be said as cheap price for making batik quilting.

1. Prima Batik fabric per meter with the motif ordered US $ 1.80 per yard.
2. Every meter uses Primissima cotton we give the price US $ 2.50 per yard.

For the color, stamp technique has value itself. You can get solid color. The other, it can make gradation color. International people call it as tie dye technique.

For the detail, you can Whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir. 24 hours service nonstop for ordering batik tie dye. As our dedication in Batik.

We give the price US $ 2.90 per yard for ready stock. But for the motif as you want is US $ 2.20 per yard.

2.3 Technique of making Batik fabric Solo Indonesia using stamp double

Technique of making Batik fabric Solo Indonesia using stamp double ( Cuwiri ) At Batikdlidir. The cuwiri batik cloth in Batikdlidir is made using the stamp. Cuwiri batik is a batik motif that uses natural soga dyeing. Usually this batik is used for semekan and kemben.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double

The making of cuwiri motifs uses two stam that are paired ( stamped ). Stamp or garan cap is 2 copper which usually measures 20 cm x 20 cm, with the function of filling each other. Usually the Javanese call it the terms plus and minus.

Once upon a time, the coloring that filled this motif was identical to the color of natural soga. With increasing years, innovation continues to be developed by craftsmen. So that the sogan color is still maintained, combined with modern colors.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir

In batikdlidir using remasol synthetic coloring. While the basic color technique is identical to smoke or gradation. The following picture:

The cotton material used is premium quality primis. Primis fabric construction is generally 133 x 72 with a thickness of 50 s yarn. So as to produce special batik products. Plus laying the wax, making translucent colors or two sides of the same fabric. As a result the handling or hand feel is smooth and impressed when you see it.

Cuwiri is identical to the sogan color line, both dark brown and young. The color in the motif consists of 5 different colors. And this is most of what we meet, with the Soga line as its true identity.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir sogan

You can get cuwiri batik at a price of US$ 4.50 per meter. With minimum order is 10 pieces. Each piece has a size of 2 meters.

More details or just information about, whatsapp to: +62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir. Thank you.

Technique of making Batik fabric using stamp double at batikdlidir sogan ungu

Batik fabric companies Dlidir

Batik fabric companies Dlidir the original Handmade. Batik Fabric wholesale with low price and 100% cotton original. We give you a price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Besides, the convenience and security of transacting become our priority. Hope can be established business relationships that benefit both sides.

Batik fabric companies Dlidir

Batik Fabric wholesale with low price and 100% cotton poplin

Batikdlidir is a manufacturers of batik stamp. We’ve had decades of experience. The experience includes everything about cap, tie dye or gradation techniques. As a solo townspeople, batik has become our daily life.

Batik fabric companies Dlidir US $ 2.50 per yard

You can get a batik fabric cap price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 50 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin.

Batik fabric wholesale US $ 2.50 per yard the best cotton 100 %

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.

Technical stamp has a design of cheap batik fabric. Why is that ?, this is due to the discovery of solo citizens. Bridging between the length of the canting technique and the speed of the print technique.

This is the real batik, a long cultural achievement WongSolo. Not just fabric, but a long history of high-level witnesses artwork that is recognized worldwide. If some countries have an amazing heritage, then solo (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property portrayed or expressed in a fabric.

For reservations or information, You can whatsapp to:

+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

As a reminder only, that the quality of Batik fabric companies Dlidir. So with all the power batik dlidir provide the best for you. Because we believe, good cooperation is established with ‘sincerity’ between both parties.



Benefits of making Batik fabric companies Dlidir at Batikdlidir.

The benefits you get from making batik cloth in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton cloth is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory.

2. Motives are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of batik fabric. For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.

Benefits of making Batik fabric wholesale at Batikdlidir

For info or reservations Batik fabric companies Dlidir can whatsapp to 0822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.


Batik fabric companies Dlidir FABRICS WITH HANDPRINT TECHNIQUE. This technique usually for batik sarong wholesale. We use fabric from original cotton. In Indonesia, there are two famous cotton. Namely, prima cotton and primissima. Here’s a little science about this cotton.


The fabric construction is the part that composes or arranges the yarn. The construction is vertical and horizontal. For the usual primissima use 133 x 72 construction, while prima uses 90 x 70 construction in each fabric. You can choose according to taste and quality of usage.

We make a second offer of the fabric with two prices as well. In addition to the choice of fabric, batik motif you can choose. Here’s the price we offer.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.60 / yard.
2. Primissima batik fabrics and design patterns of your wishes. We charge US $ 1.90 / yard.

So the two batik fabric above, we send it to your locationin a state of fabric that already handprintedas ordered.

For reservations or information can text or whatsapp to:

+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

We recommend using whatsapp to make it easier to communication forsending picture or video of motives batik or the processing the work of your order.


Batik fabric wholesale in shape are still fabric with traditional stamp technique.

Fortunately, the use of stamp technique is widely used for export purposes. And when looking back on history, stamp batik has a neat history. History in the fight for its existence. For that we suggest and try to socialize stamp techniquelocaly while we try to get vast. We do with the hope that the citizens can enjoy. The traditional work that is sad to be left behind.


For the stamp technique, it still seems traditional and unique. Because in addition to using the wax, coloring can be more varied. The price fairly affordable to be made batik uniform.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.99 / yard.
2. Each meter of cotton primisima ourtagprice is US $ 2.50 / yard.

For color, cap technique has its own value. You will get a solid color. In addition, it can also make your own the color gradation (colour ways/design). Foreign people call it with tie dye smoke technique.

For details can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir. 24 hours nonstop serving order batik uniform. As our dedication in the field of batik.

Batik fabric wholesale WITH ORIGINAL COTTON

Batik fabric companies Dlidir WITH ORIGINAL COTTON from pure cotton. Cotton is a fine fiber that envelops the seeds. Some types of plants come from the tropics and subtropics. Cotton fiber becomes an important material in the textile industry. The fiber can be spun into yarn and woven into cloth. Textile products of cotton fibers commonly called cotton (yarn or cloth).

Prima cotton fabric made from cotton yarn thickness of 40s. And has a construction of 94 × 70 fabric. For the width of 105cm to 115 cm. This type of prima cotton is commonly used among batik craftsmen. Good for material stamp batik and handprint. We gave tagprice US $ 1.60 / yard. With batik printing motive to order. As for the stamp technique, US $ 1.99 / yard. You can order at least 500 meters for minimum order (customized motif).

The second with a poplin primisima cotton, building 133 × 72. The term poplin may be familiar to your ears. The type of poplin cloth most often sought and used for the needs of fabric shirts.
The price of batik cloth using our poplin banderol US $ 2.50 / yard. To print or handprint we gave you price US $ 1.90 / yard. That’s is cheap!.

The name of the poplin fabric itself is another name or trade language for fabrics with 133 x 72 construction. Both using plait woven and twill plait techniques. The definition of 133 × 72 construction is in 1 inch fabric with 133 strands of warp yarn and 72 strands of feed yarn. The types of threads that are often used for poplin fabrics are 40s and 50s threads. Viewed from raw materials, Type of poplin cloth is divided into 2. That is the basic material of cotton and from TC materials. For batikdlidir products using full cotton and yarn size 40s.

Information all about Batik fabric companies Dlidir please whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

So little explanation from us. May be useful …
Nuwun (thank you).

Kain batik modern.

Lurik ganjar pranowo viral istimewa

Lurik ganjar pranowo viral istimewa dengan kualitas terbaik. Anda bisa mendapatkannya dengan kualitas pilihan. Urusan harga, kami menjamin harga termurah. Motif lurik memiliki kekuatan desain yang unik. Sederhana namun mempunyai daya tarik tersendiri. Lurik ganjar pranowo berkualitas dengan harga terjangkau. Urusan harga, Anda mendapat harga kain batik mulai dari Rp 26.000,- permeter.

Lurik ganjar pranowo skala besar murah

Lurik ganjar pranowo skala besar

Kami produsen batik yang selalu bersedia membantu Anda. Mulai dari bahan kain dan metode pembuatan batik lengkap hingga menjadi baju siap pakai. Selain itu, Motif dan logo bisa sesuai permintaan Anda.

Untuk informasi atau pemesanan Lurik ganjar pranowo sekolah, kantor ataupun organisasi bisa whatsapp ke 0822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

Keuntungan yang anda dapatkan dari pembuatan Lurik ganjar pranowo di tempat kami, antara lain :

1. Harga kain katun lebih murah dengan kualitas terbaik, karena kami berada di lokasi pusatnya pabrik katun.

2. Motif yang lebih terjaga mutunya, Sudah teruji dengan pemakaian bertahun – tahun dari pelanggan kami. Selain itu, Anda bisa memilih motifnya sesuai selera yang dikehendaki.

3. Unik, karena Anda bisa mengkombinasikan motif sendiri. Masyarakat solo sudah menjadi kesehariannya berkutat dibidang perbatikan.

4. Mudah dalam pembayaran Lurik ganjar pranowo. Anda bisa meminta sampel gratis atau proving motif batik. Untuk pemesanan kami mengenakan DP ( Uang muka ) 50% dari total pembiayaan produksi. Sehingga tercipta hubungan saling percaya antara keduabelah fihak.

5. Banyak pilihan motif batik dan produksi yang kami sediakan dengan video youtube Batikdlidir, Anda bisa memilihnya di channel kami ( Batikdlidir ). Ada dua jenis motif dan pewarnaan yang kami sediakan. Dengan teknik cap dan yang kedua handprint, keduanya memiliki keunikan tersendiri. Sehingga Anda bisa menentukan sendiri arahan yang ingin Anda order/pesan.

Diatas merupakan sedikit video Batik handprint di Batikdlidir. Detail untuk tehnik cap dan video motif, bisa Anda lihat di chanel youtube Batikdlidir.

Dalam pembuatan batik seragam, ada tiga kategori utama. Kategori tersebut meliputi bahan yang digunakan, tehnik pembuatan dan yang terakhir jahitan desain baju. Secara lengkap kami ulas untuk Anda. Ulasan ini sebagai refrensi atau informasi Anda dalam menentukan pilihan.

Untuk info bisa juga hubungi atau whatsapp kami di +62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

Lurik ganjar pranowo dalam wujud masih kain ( Pabrik batik )

Pabrik batik memproduksi kain mentahan atau putihan ( katun ) menjadi kain batik. Kemudian kain tersebut dibawa ke konsumen langsung. Atau, Bisa Juga Konveksi Batikdlidir menjahit sesuai desain dari Anda. Dua kemungkinan tersebut tergantung dari permintaan Anda, Mau kain saja atau sudah berupa baju batik.

Sebelum masuk pada batiknya, terlebih dahulu tentang kainnya yang ada di Pabrik kami. Ada dua jenis kain yang biasa jadi patokan masyarakat Indonesia. Namanya kain primissima dan prima, yang keduanya merupakan berbahan kain katun. Melihat dan belajar dari pengalaman, sesungguhnya kedua model kain tersebut hanya beda dari konstruksinya.

Lurik ganjar pranowo dalam wujud masih kain untuk seragam sekolah, kantor atau

Konstruksi kain ialah bagian yang menyusun atau susunan benang vertikal dan horisontal. Untuk primissima biasa menggunakan konstruksi 133 x 72. Sedangkan prima menggunakan konstruksi 60 x 70 dan 90 x 70 disetiap kainnya. Anda bisa memilih sesuai dengan selera dan kualitas pemakaian.

Lurik ganjar pranowo kantor bahan katun harga murah tehnik handprint

Kami membuat penawaran kelima diatas, ditambah harga termurah yakni Rp 20.000,- permeternya konstruksi 54 x 70 . Selain kain sesuai pilihan, motif batik pun Anda bisa memilihnya. Berikut harga yang kami tawarkan.

1. Kain batik prima permeter dengan motif sesuai pesanan Rp 26.000,- konstruksi 60 x 70.
2. Kain prima plus motif keinginan Anda Rp 28.000,- permeter konstruksi 70 x 90.
3. Lampion tersusun dari lusi dan pakan 72 x 96, berbanderol Rp 35.000,- /meter.
4. Primis poplin atau barkolin Rp 39.000,- per meter.
5. Primis ketebalan 50 ‘s kualitas terbaik, tipis, kuat dan sangat nyaman Rp 47.000,- permeternya.

Jadi keenam batik diatas dikirim kelokasi atau rumah Anda dalam keadaan kain yang sudah ada motif batik. Untuk seragam, minimal pemesanan 100 meter. Sedangkan pemesanan diatas 200 meter ada diskon menarik untuk Anda.

Untuk pemesanan atau informasi bisa sms atau whatsapp ke :

0822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

Kami menyarankan menggunakan whatsapp untuk mempermudah dalam koordinasi. Baik gambar motif batik maupun pengiriman kelokasi Anda.

Konveksi Lurik ganjar pranowo siap pakai

Konveksi Lurik ganjar pranowo siap pakai kualitas terbaik. Untuk pembuatan baju seragam kami menggunakan kedua bahan katun. Selain menghasilkan baju berkelasdan nyaman, motif batik pun bisa lebih tahan lama.

Bisa melayani pembuatan baju seragam sekolah, kantor ataupun instansi. Sehingga dikirim kerumah atau tempat Anda berupa baju siap pakai. Dan dengan motif batik sesuai orderan Anda tentunya.

Lurik ganjar pranowo sekolah sd, sekolah smp, sekolah sma, kerja dan kantor

Berikut rincian yang kami tawarkan kepada Anda.

1. Bahan kain primissima dan prima.
2. Pembuatan batik dengan handprint.
3. Harga total perbaju untuk seragam bervariasi mulai Rp 40.000,- hingga Rp 95.000,- per baju.
4. Lama pengerjaan untuk 100 hingga 1000 baju memakan waktu 1 bulan.
5. Untuk menjalin kerjasama yang bagus, kami mengenakan DP 50% dari total biaya keseluruhan. Selain itu, Anda bisa meminta kami sampel proving gratis dari kami.

Sebagai pengingat saja, bahwa kualitas baju harga dari perusahaan kami. Sehingga dengan sekuat tenaga batik dlidir memberikan yang terbaik untuk Anda. Karena kami yakin, kerjasama yang baik terjalin dengan ‘kesungguhan’ antara kedua belah pihak.

Anda bisa mendapat informasi konveksi jahitan lebih lanjut dengan whatsapp di : 082265652222 Pak Mudzakir.

Lurik ganjar pranowo printing

Lurik ganjar pranowo kantor ekslusif siap pakai

Lurik ganjar pranowo kantor murah 12345

Memilih batik sebagai seragam kantor tentunya bukan tanpa alasan. Tetapi, pemilik perusahaan ingin menanamkan rasa cinta budaya terhadap para karyawannya.

Dan hal ini dilakukan melalui mengenakan seragam. Memang terlihat sangat sederhana. Tetapi, perlahan namun pasti, yang mengenakan seragam akan mulai tertarik dengan batik. Hal ini karena, dirinya sudah mulai terbiasa dengan motif batik yang dikenakannya. Dengan begitu, karyawan akan tertarik untuk mengoleksi batik dengan motif yang lainnya.

Selain menanamkan cinta budaya, mengenakan batik seragam kantor juga untuk menunjukkan kekompakan. Dalam sebuah perusahaan yang dibutuhkan adalah kekompakan. Jika sebuah perusahaan memiliki karyawan yang kompak, yakinlah perusahaan akan bisa maju dan berkembang. Dan untuk menjalin kekompakan tersebut salah satunya bisa dilakukan dengan mengenakan Lurik ganjar pranowo.

Anda bisa memilih jenis bahan seperti apa yang akan digunakan untuk keperluan pembuatan kain batik. Atau kalau tidak, anda juga bisa memesan Lurik ganjar pranowo dengan motif sesuai dengan yang anda desain dan kami membantu mendesainkannya, Gratis !!.

Dengan para pembatik yang profesional, kami siap untuk melayani setiap pesanan anda. Untuk pemesanan atau sekedar informasi, anda bisa menghubungi nomor telepon kami di nomor 082265652222. Dan kami selalu siap 24 jam untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik untuk anda.

Kain Lurik ganjar pranowo asli canting premium

Batikdlidir berusaha menjaga kelestarian budaya membatik. Lurik ganjar pranowo asli merupakan wujud dari usaha kami mempertahankan eksistensi keaslian tradisi ini. Perpaduan yang apik antara nilai budaya dan ekonomi.

Lurik ganjar pranowo asli canting premium

Persembahan mahakarya dari para pengrajin yang tersaji melalui sebuah karya kain batik asli. Spesial kami tawarkan kepada Anda yang peduli terhadap keaslian budaya. Karya tradisional dari pakar batik untuk seluruh lapisan masyarakat.

Batik asli kami banderol dengan harga Rp 60.000,- permeter. Biasanya dalam satu potong kain seragam membutuhkan 250 cm x 115 cm. Sehingga dalam bingkisan ekslusif kain batik asli seharga Rp 150.000,- perpotong. Anda sudah mendapatkan keaslian batik dan ikut melestarikannya.

Proses pembuatan keaslian batik, bisa juga Anda pantau. Selain itu, Anda juga berhak menikmati wisata produksi di Batikdlidir. Ini kami lakukan sebagai bentuk apresiasi kebersamaan menjaga dan melestarikan budaya Indonesia.

Berikut kumpulan motif batik di Batikdlidir :

Untuk jelasnya Anda bisa menghubungi kami di +62822 6565 2222. Atau lewat whatsapp lebih kami sarankan, karena lebih lengkap dengan gambar dan video.

Jual kain Lurik ganjar pranowo murah dengan tehnik cap asli kelengan ( Dua warna )

Lurik ganjar pranowo murah dalam wujud masih kain dengan tehnik cap yang tradisional. Kalau diklasifikasikan dalam tehnik pembuatannya, ada tiga cara. Yang pertama dengan tulis, masih menggunakan canting dan malam sebagai media utamanya.

Yang Kedua dengan cara stempel atau cap. Biasanya cap dibuat dari tembaga yang dibentuk sesuai pola atau motif yang diinginkan. Selanjutnya memberikan malam pada cap tersebut yang dituangkan pada kain katun. Yang ketiga dengan tehnik hendprint yakni membuat plangkan atau screen, kemudian menaruhkan pewarna sesuai yang diinginkan.

Jual kain Lurik ganjar pranowo murah dengan tehnik cap asli kelengan

Sangat disayangkan, penggunaan tehnik cap banyak digunakan untuk keperluan ekspor. Padahal bila melihat kembali sejarahnya, batik cap memiliki nilai sejarah memperjuangkan eksistensinya. Untuk itu kami menyarankan dan berusaha mensosialisasikan tehnik cap, dengan harapan bisa dinikmati berbagai kalangan.

Semua cara memiliki keunggulan keunggulan tersendiri. Untuk tehnik cap, masih terkesan tradisional dan unik. Karena selain menggunakan malam, pewarnaannya bisa lebih bervariatif. Harganyapun terbilang terjangkau untuk dibuat Lurik ganjar pranowo.

Setiap meternya berbahan katun prima lampion kami banderol Rp 25.000,- per meter dalam wujud kain seragam. Untuk contoh motifnya bisa lihat di kain batik murah cap. Sedangkan bahan katun primis kami memberi harga Rp 35.000,- per meternya. Harga ini berlaku untuk cap jenis kelengan, atau dua warna seperti gambar diatas.

Yang sudah berwujud baju atau pakaian biasanya kami minta ongkos jahit antara Rp 30.000,- hingga Rp 90.000,- perpotong siap pakai. Tergantung tingkat kerumitan jahitan atau modenya. Anda bisa memesan sesuai model jahitan sesuai permintaan.

Untuk detailnya bisa whatsapp ke 0822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.
24 jam nonstop melayani pemesanan Lurik ganjar pranowo cap.

Jual kain batik seragam murah dengan tehnik cap cuwiri modern

Jual kain Lurik ganjar pranowo murah dengan tehnik cap cuwiri modern kualitas terbaik. Kain Batik cuwiri di Batikdlidir dibuat dengan mengunakan cap drig. Batik Cuwiri meruapakan motif batik yang menggunakan zat pewarna soga alam. Biasanya batik ini digunakan untuk semekan dan kemben.

Jual kain Lurik ganjar pranowo murah dengan tehnik cap cuwiri modern

Pembuatan motif cuwiri memakai dua cap yang saling berpasangan ( cap drig ). Stamp atau garan cap drig ialah 2 tembaga yang biasanya berukuran 20 cm x 20 cm, dengan fungsi saling mengisi satu sama lainnya. Biasanya orang jawa menyebutnya dengan istilah plus dan minus.

Dahulu kala, pewarnaan yang mengisi motif ini identik dengan warna soga alam. Dengan bertambahnya tahun, inovasi terus dikembangkan oleh pengrajin. Sehingga warna sogan masih dipertahankan, dikombinasikan warna modern. Di batikdlidir memakai pewarnaan sintetik remasol. Sedangkan tehnik warna dasar identik smoke atau gradasi. Berikut gambarnya :

Jual kain Lurik ganjar pranowo murah dengan tehnik cap cuwiri modern di Batikdlidir

Bahan katun yang dipakai adalah primis kualitas premium. Konstruksi kain primis pada umumnya 133 x 72 dengan ketebalan benang 50 s. Sehingga menghasilkan produk batik yang istimewa. Ditambah peletakkan malam, membuat warna tembus atau dua sisi kain yang sama. Alhasil handling atau hand feel yang halus dan terkesan hidup saat Anda melihatnya.

Cuwiri identik dengan garis warna sogan, baik warna coklat tua maupun muda. Warna dalam motif terdiri dari 5 warna yang berbeda. Dan ini merupakan kebanyakan yang kami jumpai, dengan garis soga sebagai identitas aslinya.

Harga permeter di Batikdlidir untuk cuwiri ialah Rp 60.000,- minimal order 5 potong. Setiap potongnya ada yang memiliki ukuran 2 meter dan ada pula 3 meter, sehingga minimal order 10 meter.

Lebih jelasnya atau sekedar informasi bisa whatsapp ke : 0822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir. Nuwun.

Batik seragam dengan bahan kain katun asli

Lurik ganjar pranowo murah dengan bahan kain katun asli dari kapas murni. Kapas adalah serat halus yang menyelubungi biji beberapa jenis Gossypium (biasa disebut “pohon”/tanaman kapas), tumbuhan ‘semak’ yang berasal dari daerah tropika dan subtropika. Serat kapas menjadi bahan penting dalam industri tekstil. Serat itu dapat dipintal menjadi benang dan ditenun menjadi kain. Produk tekstil dari serat kapas biasa disebut sebagai katun (benang maupun kainnya).

Kain katun Prima dibuat dari benang katun ketebalan 40 s dengan kontruksi kain 94×70 dan lebar 115 cm. Jenis primis katun sanforis ini dikalangan pengrajin batik biasa digunakan untuk bahan printing dan cap. Kami banderol Rp 23.000,- permeternya dengan motif batik printing sesuai pesanan. Sedangkan untuk tehnik cap, Rp 25.000,- permeter minimum pemesanan 10 meter.

Yang kedua dengan katun primisima poplin, konstruksi 133 x 72. Jika anda sedang mencari bahan untuk kemeja. Jenis kain poplin paling sering dicari dan digunakan untuk kebutuhan bahan kain kemeja. Harga kain batik cap dengan poplin kami banderol Rp 35.000,-/meter. Untuk printing kami Rp 32.000,-/meter, terbilang murahkan?.

Nama kain poplin sendiri merupakan nama lain atau bahasa dagang untuk kain dengan kontruksi 133 x 72. Baik menggunakan teknik anyaman plat maupun anyaman twill. Yang dimaksud dengan kontruksi 133×72 adalah dalam 1 inch kain terdapat 133 helai benang lusi dan 72 helai benang pakan.

Jenis benang yang sering digunakan untuk kain poplin adalah benang 40s dan 50s. Dilihat dari bahan baku, Jenis kain poplin dibedakan menjadi 2 yaitu berbahan dasar full cotton dan dari bahan TC. Untuk keluaran produk batikdlidir menggunakan full cotton dan ukuran benang 40 s.

Berikut beberapa tehnik pembuatan bahan kain batik untuk seragam di Batikdlidir.

1.0 Tehnik pembuatan Pabrik batik printing handmade

Pembuatan ini masih masuk dalam kategori handmade. Tehnik handprint menggunakan screen untuk motifnya. Sedangkan pewarnaanya tidak tembus, hanya satu sisi kain. Urusan harga bisa dibilang merakyat, karena memang diperuntukkan memudahkan saja. Biasanya digunakan untuk keperluan seragam sekolah, kantor dan perusahaan.

Tehnik pembuatan Lurik ganjar pranowo menggunakan plangkan handmade di batikdlidir

Untuk bahan, kami menggunakan keistimewaan katun. Kami menggunakan katun 100 % asli. Di Indonesia, Ada dua katun yang terkenal. Yakni, katun prima dan primissima. Berikut sedikit ilmu tentang keduannya.

Konstruksi kain ialah bagian yang menyusun atau susunan benang. Konstruksinya ada yang vertikal dan horisontal.

Konstruksi kain Lurik ganjar pranowo bahan katun poplin 130 x 72

Kami membuat penawaran dalam 2 kategori yang terperinci dalam 6 subkategori diatas. Selain kain sesuai pilihan, motif batik pun Anda bisa memilihnya. Berikut harga yang kami tawarkan.

1. Batik prima permeter dengan motif sesuai pesanan Rp 23.000,- .
2. Bahan primissima dan pola desain keinginan Anda. Kami memberi harga Rp 27.000,- permeter .
Jadi kedua batik diatas kami mengirimnya ke lokasi Anda dalam keadaan kain yang sudah ada motif batik. Untuk pemesanan atau informasi bisa sms atau whatsapp ke :

0822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

Kami menyarankan menggunakan whatsapp untuk mempermudah dalam koordinasi. Baik gambar motif batik maupun pengiriman ke lokasi Anda.

1.1 Tehnik pembuatan Lurik ganjar pranowo menggunakan Plangkan Cabut Warna

Tehnik pembuatan Lurik ganjar pranowo menggunakan Plangkan Cabut Warna. Cara pembuatan menggunakan plangkan dan pewarna ( cabut ). Cabut warna menggunakan pewarna sintetik. Pewarnaan dalam membatik ada dua yakni sintetik dan alami. Karena memakai sintetik, Sehingga relatif cepat dalam pembuatannya. Ada banyak warna sintetik yang tersedia antara lain : indigosol, remasol dan naptol.

Tehnik pembuatan Lurik ganjar pranowo menggunakan Plangkan Cabut Warna. Ca

Bahan katun yang digunakan biasanya prima 100 % katun. Untuk bahan yang diatasnya semisal barkolin, sangatlah jarang. Ini dikarenakan untuk mempertajam warna dan dua sisi permukaan sama ( Tembus ).

Motif yang umum pada tehinik ini ialah motif pakem. Motif pakem didominasi warna sogan dan hitam. Ada banyak motif pakem di wilayah jawa tengah, terkhusus solo dan jogja. Motif ini biasanya digunakan dalam acara adat seperti pernikahan.

Keunggulan cara ini adalah dua sisi yang sama. Sehingga warna yang melekat pada kain lebih kuat. Selain unggul dalam warna, harganya pun cukup terjangkau. Dan juga durasi pengerjaannya relatif cepat.

Sama halnya dengan handprint, harga cabut warna juga merakyat. Untuk bahan prima Rp 23.000,- permeternya. Dengan minimal order 50 meter, Anda bisa memesannya kepada kami.

Amatlah sederhana membeli ready stock maupun order batik cabut. Anda bisa whatsapp ke :
+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

1.2 Tehnik pembuatan Lurik ganjar pranowo dengan cabut kombinasi tulis canting

Tehnik pembuatan Lurik ganjar pranowo dengan cabut kombinasi tulis di Batikdlidir. Cara pembuatan menggunakan plangkan, cabut warna dan canting tulis. Menggabungkan antara nilai ekonomi dan budaya. Yang kebanyakan masyarakat sulit untuk menggabungkannya.

Tehnik pembuatan Lurik ganjar pranowo dengan cabut kombinasi tulis canting

Cabut kombinasi tulis memakai pewarna sintetik. Sedangkan pengerjaannya melibatkan canting. Tehnik cabut tulis biasa di kalangan pengrajin disebut print kesik ( handmade plus tulis ).

Untuk bahan, Biasanya memakai katun prima yang halus. Dipasaran warga solo terkenal dengan sebutan prima lampion. Anda bisa pula memesan bahan selainnya seperti barkolin atau poplin. Namun, Ready stock di tempat kami kebanyakan prima halus.

Dikarena memakai lilin malam pada proses pembuatannya, bahan kain lebih terasa lembut. Konstruksi kain yang terkena malam dan tidak terkena malam, sangat berbeda. Handling atau handfeel berpihak pada yang memakai malam. Penemuan terbaik dari nenek moyang yang kadang terlupakan oleh kita.

Karena ada unsur cantingnya, tehnik ini memiliki harga ekslusif. Batikdlidir membanderol sama dengan tehnik plangkan plus Rp 10.000,- permeternya. Terbilang terjangkau dan istimewa disebabkan tingkat kesulitan menyanting.

Untuk info bisa whatsapp ke 0822 6565 2222.

1.3 Tehnik pembuatan Lurik ganjar pranowo menggunakan Tulis Kombinasi ( PM )

Tehnik pembuatan Lurik ganjar pranowo menggunakan Tulis Kombinasi di Batikdlidir. Cara pembuatan menggunakan plangkan, malam dan canting tulis. Tehnik ini merupakan mahakarya warga solo tentang tradisi. Menyatukan antara nilai ekonomi dan budaya. Yang kebanyakan masyarakat sulit untuk menggabungkannya.

Tehnik pembuatan Lurik ganjar pranowo menggunakan Tulis Kombinasi ( PM ) kualitas premium

Tulis kombinasi memakai pewarna sintetik dan alami. Perpaduan harmonis antara modern bercampur tradisional. Saat Anda mengenakannya, warna begitu terlihat jelas atau muncul dalam istilah jawanya.

Untuk bahan, Biasanya memakai katun prima yang halus. Dipasaran warga solo terkenal dengan sebutan prima lampion. Anda bisa pula memesan bahan selainnya seperti barkolin atau gamelan. Ready stock di tempat kami kebanyakan prima halus.

Karena memakai lilin malam pada proses pembuatannya, bahan kain lebih terasa lembut. Konstruksi kain yang terkena malam dan tidak terkena malam, sangat berbeda. Handling atau handfeel berpihak pada yang memakai malam. Penemuan terbaik dari nenek moyang yang kadang terlupakan oleh kita.

Metode ini adalah perpaduan cap, plangkan, tolet dan tulis canting. Untuk lilinnya juga sama, menggabungkan lilin panas dan lilin dingin. Sehingga secara lengkap keseluruhan handmade batik ada di tehnik ini.

Harga permeternya Rp 65.000,- berbahan katun prima halus. Kepuasan saat Anda menyentuh kainnya, berbanding lurus dengan kerumitan tehniknya. Tercipta dari tangan ahlinya di perbatikan Indonesia.

1.4 Tehnik pembuatan kain batik menggunakan Plangkan cabut tolet

Tehnik pembuatan Lurik ganjar pranowo menggunakan Plangkan cabut tolet di Batikdlidir. Proses produksinya menggunakan plangkan, warna cabut dan tolet. Tehnik ini merupakan Salah satu penemuan pengrajin batik lokal.

Hasil dari metode ini kebanyakan warna sogan yang dikombinasikan dengan warna cerah. Dipasaran solo dan jogja, para pedagang menyebutnya batik wonogiren. Untuk warnanya sendiri terdiri dari dua sisi yang sama.

Tehnik pembuatan Lurik ganjar pranowo menggunakan Plangkan cabut tolet gurdo manah

Untuk bahan, Biasanya memakai katun prima yang halus. Prima halus terdiri dari 100 % katu asli. Anda bisa pula memesan bahan selain prima seperti primis. Sebagai informasi saja, Ready stock di tempat kami kebanyakan prima halus.

Ada dua harga dalam tehnik cabut tolet ini. Kami membanderol Rp 35.000 / meter untuk barang ready stock. Sedangkan motif sesuai pesanan Anda Rp 25.000 / meter, minimal 100 meter.

Amatlah sederhana membeli ready stock maupun order batik plangkan cabut tolet. Anda bisa whatsapp ke :
082265652222 Pak Mudzakir.

2.0 Tehnik pembuatan Lurik ganjar pranowo menggunakan cap atau stamp

Tehnik cap adalah memberikan malam pada GARAN kemudian dicapkan ( distamp ) pada kain. Sehingga warna bisa tembus dan bisa pula gradasi. Harganya pun terbilang masih bisa dijangkau masyarakat. Tehnik ini masih masuk dalam handmade dan tradisional.

Tehnik pembuatan Lurik ganjar pranowo menggunakan cap atau stamp kelengan

Dan inilah fungsi tehnik cap, menjembatani antara mahalnya tulis dan kurang tradisionalnya handprint. Ditahun 90 an masyarakat solo dan sekitarnya masih mempertahankan cap. Yang disaat itu, gempuran batik mesin printing mendominasi pasaran. Difihak lain, pengrajin batik tulis mulai berguguran. Sehingga sangat pas bila tehnik cap merupakan solusi jawaban yang terbaik.

Berikut Proses pembuatan Pabrik batik cap ASLI untuk seragam

Untuk tehnik cap, masih terkesan tradisional dan unik. Karena selain menggunakan malam, pewarnaannya bisa lebih bervariatif. Harganyapun terbilang terjangkau untuk dibuat batik.

1. Kain batik prima permeter dengan motif sesuai pesanan Rp 25.000,- .
2. Setiap meternya berbahan katun primisima kami banderol Rp 35.000,- .

Untuk warna, tehnik cap memiliki nilai tersendiri. Anda akan mendapatkan warna solid. Selain itu, bisa pula membuat warna indigo.

Untuk detailnya bisa whatsapp ke 0822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir. 24 jam nonstop melayani pemesanan bahan batik. Bentuk dedikasi kami di bidang perbatikan.

Tehnik ini, Ada dua harga yakni selain pesanan atau dibawah minimum order dan ready stock. Kami membanderol Rp 40.000 /meter untuk barang ready stock. Sedangkan motif sesuai pesanan Anda Rp 25.000 / meter, minimal 100 meter.

2.2 Tehnik pembuatan Lurik ganjar pranowo menggunakan double cap dan tulis ( Cuwiri )

Tehnik pembuatan Lurik ganjar pranowo menggunakan double cap dan tulis ( Cuwiri ) di Batikdlidir. Kain Batik cuwiri di Batikdlidir dibuat dengan mengunakan cap drig. Batik Cuwiri meruapakan motif batik yang menggunakan zat pewarna soga alam. Biasanya batik ini digunakan untuk semekan dan kemben.

Pembuatan motif cuwiri memakai dua cap yang saling berpasangan ( cap drig ). Stamp atau garan cap drig ialah 2 tembaga yang biasanya berukuran 20 cm x 20 cm, dengan fungsi saling mengisi satu sama lainnya. Biasanya orang jawa menyebutnya dengan istilah plus dan minus.

Dahulu kala, pewarnaan yang mengisi motif ini identik dengan warna soga alam. Dengan bertambahnya tahun, inovasi terus dikembangkan oleh pengrajin. Sehingga warna sogan masih dipertahankan, dikombinasikan warna modern. Di batikdlidir memakai pewarnaan sintetik remasol. Sedangkan tehnik warna dasar identik smoke atau gradasi. Berikut penampakannya :

Tehnik pembuatan kain batik menggunakan double cap dan tulis ( Cuwiri )

Bahan katun yang dipakai adalah primis kualitas premium. Konstruksi kain primis pada umumnya 133 x 72 dengan ketebalan benang 50 s. Sehingga menghasilkan produk batik yang istimewa. Ditambah peletakkan malam, membuat warna tembus atau dua sisi kain yang sama. Alhasil handling atau hand feel yang halus dan terkesan hidup saat Anda melihatnya.

Cuwiri identik dengan garis warna sogan, baik warna coklat tua maupun muda. Warna dalam motif terdiri dari 5 warna yang berbeda. Dan ini merupakan kebanyakan yang kami jumpai, dengan garis soga sebagai identitas aslinya.

Harga permeter di Batikdlidir untuk cuwiri ialah Rp 60.000,- minimal order 50 potong. Setiap potongnya ada yang memiliki ukuran 2 meter dan ada pula 3 meter.
Lebih jelasnya atau sekedar informasi bisa whatsapp ke : 0822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

2.1 Tehnik pembuatan Kain batik menggunakan cap tie dye

Tehnik pembuatan seragam menggunakan cap tie dye di Batikdlidir. Tehnik cap adalah memberikan malam pada garan kemudian dicapkan ( distamp ) pada kain. Malam atau lilin ini berfungsi untuk menutupi dan membatasi saat proses penyelupan warna. Sehingga warna bisa tembus karena melalui tahapan pencelupan ( tie dye dalam bahasa inggris ).

Untuk harga terbilang terjangkau dibandingkan tehnik tulis. Tehnik cap tie dye diperuntukkan kebanyakan keperluan ekspor. Perpaduan gradasi dengan warna modern sangat diminati masyarakat Amerika dan Eropa. Walaupun ada, sebagian kecil masyarakat Indonesia yang memakai batik cap tie dye ini. Padahal produsen asli tehnik ini adalah warga Nusantara.

pembuatan Lurik ganjar pranowo menggunakan cap tie dye

Sangat disayangkan, penggunaan tehnik cap banyak digunakan untuk keperluan ekspor. Bila melihat kembali sejarahnya, batik cap memiliki nilai sejarah yang apik. Sejarah dalam memperjuangkan eksistensinya. Untuk itu kami menyarankan dan berusaha mensosialisasikan tehnik cap. Kami lakukan dengan harapan bisa dinikmati masyarakat. Karya tradisional yang sayang bila ditinggalkan.

Untuk tehnik cap tie dye, terkesan tradisional, modern dan unik. Karena selain menggunakan malam, pewarnaannya bisa lebih bervariatif. Harganyapun terbilang terjangkau untuk dibuat bahan batik.

1. Bahan batik prima permeter dengan motif sesuai pesanan Rp 25.000,- .
2. Setiap meternya berbahan katun primisima kami banderol Rp 30.000,- dalam wujud kain batik.

Untuk warna, tehnik cap memiliki nilai tersendiri. Anda akan mendapatkan warna solid. Selain itu, bisa pula membuat warna gradasi. Orang mancanegara menyebutnya dengan tehnik tie dye.

Untuk detailnya bisa whatsapp ke 0822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir. 24 jam nonstop melayani Anda. Bentuk dedikasi kami di bidang perbatikan.

Tehnik ini, Ada dua harga yakni selain pesanan atau dibawah minimum order dan ready stock. Kami membanderol Rp 35.000 /meter untuk barang ready stock. Sedangkan motif sesuai pesanan Anda Rp 25.000 / meter, minimum pemesanan 100 meter.

Model Batik seragam untuk kantor, karyawan, sekolah dan acara pernikahan

Seragam di sini bisa berarti batik untuk sekolah, instansi pemerintahan maupun untuk karyawan perusahaan. Untuk setiap jenis seragam tersebut tentunya menggunakan ragam atau jenis batik yang berbeda. Ada yang lebih bagus dan ada juga yang kualitasnya standar atau biasa.

Penggunaan Lurik ganjar pranowo ini memang sudah jamak dilakukan. Baik di sekolah, instansi pemerintahan atau pun di perusahaan. Selain sebagai cara untuk menjaga dan melestarikan budaya yang ada, menggunakan batik untuk seragam juga sebagai salah satu identitas dari tempat tersebut. Identitas ini biasanya terlihat dari motif yang diterapkannya. Dengan kata lain, setiap tempat, baik itu sekolah, instansi pemerintahan maupun perusahaan akan memilih motif yang berbeda untuk seragamnya.

Biasanya batik yang dipilih untuk keperluan seragam adalah jenis batik hand printing dan cap. Ini mengapa, karena jenis batik ini merupakan jenis yang paling modern dan terjangkau. Tidak hanya itu, proses pembuatan batik ini juga sangat singkat.

Sehingga, jika harus memenuhi kebutuhan pembuatan seragam yang biasanya berjumlah hingga ratusan atau bahkan ribuan batik hand printing dan cap ini masih bisa diandalkan.

Jika anda sedang mencari batik handprint untuk kebutuhan anda, bisa mengandalkan kami. Batikdlidir akan memberikan kualitas yang terbaik untuk Anda. Mengenai harganya, anda tidak perlu khawatir karena kami memberikan jaminan harga yang paling murah. Untuk satu meter batik hand printing dan cap dengan kain primisima atau primis harga yang kami tawarkan Rp 25.000/meter saja.

Dan jika anda membeli dalam jumlah besar, harga masih bisa digoyang lagi.
Jika berminat atau sekedar informasi, anda bisa hubungi atau whatsapp kami di :

08226565222 Pak Mudzakir.



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