Batik Tulis forsale of technical products canting

Batik Tulis forsale is Batik that made for sale. Because, there are some people that make Batik for their own collection or just for the sample. Now Batik is growing up. Although there are several techniques in making Batik modern, but it still has a fans.

Batik Tulis forsale of technical products canting

Batik Tulis usually bought by the middle upper class. It is because the price is quite expensive. Especially if it compares to Batik Cap (stamp) and also printing. The price of the cheapest one is around hundreds of thousands. And the most expensive is around tens of millions. The prices are depend on the pattern and the color. The more color, the higher prices of it. So does the pattern. The more complex of the pattern, the higher prices too.

Even so, the sales graphic of Batik Tulis is never decrease. The buyers of Batik Tulis is not only from Indonesia, but also from foreign.

It also happened in our store, Batik Dlidir. Our customers are so varied. They come from Solo but some of them come from foreign too.

We are one of several centers of Batik in Solo. We concern in making Batik Tulis, but we also serve other kinds of Batik, like Batik Cap (stamp) and Batik Printing. Those kinds of Batik usually use in making uniform. So, our customers of those Batik usually come from company employee or government.
While Batik Tulis usually ordered individually. But sometimes, there is someone that order in large amount. You will get many benefits if you shop in our store.

Batik fabric sale

Batik Tulis forsale at Batikdlidir

Batik Tulis forsale at Batikdlidir. Batikdlidir provides complete batik. Both manufacturing techniques and also cotton base material. So, you feel safe and comfortable in transacting with us.

On this occasion we sell ready stock of technical products canting. For the stamp technique you can see on the page cheap batik fabric. Ready stock is a product that is in our booth. You can buy even though only one piece.

we are ready to provide warranty for this authenticity. We can send you a video of the making process. This is to assure you if the batik we sell is original batik. If we proved that our batik is not original, we are ready to return your money 100 percent.

You can buy our batik by whatsapp me at +62 822 6565 2222.

This is the real batik, a long cultural achievement wong solo. Not just fabric, but a long history of high-level witnesses artwork that is recognized worldwide. If some countries have an amazing heritage, then solo (Indonesia) has BATIK. An intellectual property portrayed or expressed in a cloth.
Batik premium.

One thought on “Batik Tulis forsale of technical products canting

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