Batik fabric manufacturers now is very much. The return of Batik makes the producer of it increases. This condition affected the existing of the producer or manufacturer. In Solo, there are some popular Batik manufactures. Even it is being an icon of Solo. It is like Batik Dlidir that is located in Sragen and Sukoharjo, Central Java.
Besides, there is also Batik Danar Hadi in Slamet Riyadi Street, Solo, Central Java. Then, there is Kampung Batik Kauman, Kampung Batik Laweyan, and many more. The producers have been operated since a long time ago. They already made a hundreds of Batik and Batik pattern. Such as Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and also Batik Printing.
The marketplace of Batik fabric now is wider. Even the distribution has spread into the whole world. Moreover in Indonesia. Once the UNESCO declared that Batik is the heritage of Indonesia, Batik is really back in fashion. There are a lot of people being amazed to the beauty of Batik. That is why the Batik manufactures in Indonesia has developed.
One of Batik manufactures in Solo that you should know is Batik Dlidir. It is similar to the others, we also offer the needs of Batik. The special product from us is handmade Batik. Handmade Batik usually called traditional Batik or Batik Tulis. It is because we want to introduce Batik but also keep the tradition inside it.
In addition to Batik Tulis, we also provide Batik Cap and Batik Printing. You can choose one of your favorite.
If you want to know more about us contact +6282265652222. You can also order by that number. We prefer WhatsApp than a phone call.
Batik fabric manufacturers at Batikdlidir
Batik fabric manufacturers at Batikdlidir for all around the world. We make a second offer of the fabric with two prices as well. In addition to the choice of fabric, batik motif you can choose. Here’s the price we offer.
1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.60 / yard.
2. Primissima batik fabrics and design patterns of your wishes. We charge US $ 2.40 / yard.
So the two batik fabric above. We send it to your location in a state of fabric that already handprinted as ordered.
For reservations or information can text or whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.
We recommend using whatsapp. This is make it easier to communication. Either, forsending picture or video of motives batik. Besides, the processing the work of your order.
Tentang situs kami lainnya bisa lihat di layanan aqiqah solo, aqiqah jogja, aqiqah semarang, perlengkapan haji dan seragam batik.
Masker kain dapat membantu mencegah paparan virus corona dengan tiga syarat, yakni :
1. Makser digunakan saat harus keluar rumah
2. Tetap wajib menjaga jarak minimal 1 meter
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Untuk informasi maupun pemesanan masker kain hijab bisa whatsapp ke :
0822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.