Batik fabric Guangzhou China with 100 % Cotton

Batik fabric Guangzhou China with 100 % Cotton, Starting US $ 1.99 / yard. Guangzhou is the capital and most populous city of the province of Guangdong in southern China. Located on the Pearl River about 120 km (75 mi) north-northwest of Hong Kong and 145 km (90 mi) north of Macau, Guangzhou has a history of over 2,200 years and was a major terminus of the maritime Silk Road and continues to serve as a major port and transportation hub today.

Batik fabric Guangzhou China

Batik fabric is a pictorial fabric that is specially made by writing or putting ‘ malam ‘ ( wax ) on the fabric. Batik Indonesia, as a whole of technology, related motive and cultural development. This is a craft that has high artistic value. Besides that has been a part of Javanese culture for a long time.

We name our certainly quality product or manufacture as Batikdlidir. What is Dlidir? In Javanese dlidlir means mengalir (flowing). Therefore, from that name, dlidir, we hope that our product will be salable like the flow of the water. This name is also our prayer. So, it is not only name, but it has strong character in further advance.

For us, batik does not just draw on fabric. Then put on “malam”, give motif, sell it or UNESCO recognition. But this is a comprehensive series of all thoughts, manpower and long history synergized in producing the best and original works to be enjoyed together. Good for the solo community in particular and also the people of the World in general.

Benefit of Batik fabric Guangzhou China at Batidlidir

The benefits you get from making batik cloth in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton cloth is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory.

2. Motives are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of batik fabric. For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.

Batik fabric Guangzhou China WITH HANDPRINT TECHNIQUE 123

For info or reservations can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Batik fabric Guangzhou China WITH HANDPRINT TECHNIQUE

Batik fabric Guangzhou China WITH HANDPRINT TECHNIQUE. This technique usually for uniform cloth (seragam batik). We use fabric from original cotton. In Indonesia, there are two famous cotton. Namely, prima cotton and primissima. Here’s a little science about this cotton.

The fabric construction is the part that composes or arranges the yarn. The construction is vertical and horizontal. For the usual primissima use 133 x 72 construction, while prima uses 90 x 70 construction in each fabric. You can choose according to taste and quality of usage.

We make a second offer of the fabric with two prices as well. In addition to the choice of fabric, batik motif you can choose. Here’s the price we offer.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.60 / yard.
2. Primissima batik fabrics and design patterns of your wishes. We charge US $ 1.90 / yard.

So the two batik fabric above, we send it to your locationin a state of fabric that already handprintedas ordered.

For reservations or information can text or whatsapp to:
+62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

We recommend using whatsapp to make it easier to communication forsending picture or video of motives batik or the processing the work of your order.

Handmade batik fabric.

Batik fabric Guangzhou China WITH ORIGINAL STAMP TECHNIQUE

Fortunately in Indonesia, the use of stamp technique is widely used for export purposes ( International ). And when looking back on history, stamp batik has a neat history. History in the fight for its existence. For that we suggest and try to socialize stamp techniquelocaly while we try to get vast. We do with the hope that the citizens can enjoy. The traditional work that is sad to be left behind.

For the stamp technique, it still seems traditional and unique. Because in addition to using the wax, coloring can be more varied. The price fairly affordable to be made batik cloth.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.99 / yard.
2. Each meter of cotton primisima ourtagprice is US $ 2.50 / yard.

For color, cap technique has its own value. You will get a solid color. In addition, it can also make your own the color gradation (colour ways/design). Foreign people call it with tie dye smoke technique.

For details can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir. 24 hours nonstop serving order batik fabric. As our dedication in the field of batik.

One thought on “Batik fabric Guangzhou China with 100 % Cotton

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