Antique batik sarong is batik sarong with batik motif which has been scarce. Usually, this batik motif is made many years ago. And now, its batik motif has been so rare to be met. If it still exists, it is just some collectors.
The existence of this antique batik has its uniqueness. No wonder is many collectors always hunt the existence of this antique batik sarong. They even do not care the price given for every piece of that antique batik fabric.

The most important thing is that batik has been so rare and existed. This antique batik sarong is not usually worn for daily activities. But it is intended as the collection only. It is about the price is usually offered for every this rare batik product is various indeed. It starts from tens millions until hundred millions. Even the is antique or rare batik with the price can reach more than hundred millions.
Although, for price collector, that price is not the prime problem. The most important thing, they can get what they look for. And of course the collectors have understood well, which one of antique batik and which one of usual batik. This price given is influenced by that batik maker.
If that Batik is made by famous batik maestro, so the price can be higher. But, nowadays for hunting the existence of this antique batik is not really easy. This thing because many collectors from abroad that participate too to hunt the existence of that antique batik.
Antique batik sarong at Batikdlidir
But, for you that want to collect batik with rare motif, you can order it in our place (Batikdlidir). Antique batik sarong at Batikdlidir. We are Batik center in Solo, Indonesia.
Batikdlidir make available for various needs of batik. It includes if you want batik motif which is so rare to be met nowadays. We have experienced batik craftsmen.
With the skill of making batik, we can give service for your order to make rare batik motif. For order, you can contact me on number +6282265652222. We are always ready to give service for your order 24 hours.